Even Though I Loved You First

Chapter 14: Chapter 12 – Going Home With A Childhood Friend (Kei’s Side)

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Why was it?

When was it?

How did it happened?

To be honest... Until this day I don't know. I only understood that, before I knew it, I've already fallen in love with you.

Maybe it was fear of being alone.

Maybe it was your bright smile.

But even though I had an idea of the outcome...

I couldn't help it you know?

I couldn't help but, like something... no... someone

—I couldn't have.

~On The Way Home

Kei's POV~

"..." (Kei)

"..." (Shizuka)


It's been about 5 minutes since we left the school, however, the atmosphere was not only awkward, but also suffocating.

I still haven't organize my thoughts properly, and I was just beginning to move on. However, I still knew that eventually, I would have to face her.

As I was pondering about it, Shizu, who was walking next to me, spoke.

"Say, Kei..." (Shizuka)

"Yes!?" (Kei)

"What's with that reaction?" (Shizuka)

Shizu got startled by my response, she also looked stunned at my sudden raise of voice.

"N-no it's nothing. Anyway, w-what's up?" (Kei)

"No I just thought... It's been a while since we went home together, huh?" (Shizuka)

Ah... thinking about it, yup. Ever since then, we stopped going home together.

"By the way... Is your boyfriend okay with this? Going home with me, I mean..." (Kei)

"Hayato said he didn't mind, he also had club activities." (Shizuka)

"I see..." (Kei)

"..." (Shizuka)

"..." (Kei)

After that exchange, we both dropped silent again. I wonder why, even though it wasn't too long ago when I was able to talk to her normally, I now felt a sense of distance between us.

Still, I decided to speak up, and ask her what was on my mind.

"Say, Shizu... No... Shizuka, can I ask you a question?" (Kei)

"Eh...?" (Shizuka)

Shizuka's eyes widen for some reason, however I decided to ignore it and continued.

"How did you two meet? I never heard of this 'Hayato' guy before..." (Kei)

"Ah... well—" (Shizuka)

According to Shizuka, they met at the library the day of the entrance ceremony. Since I was chosen to represent the first years, I had to part ways with Shizuka and the others at the lockers.

She said that she kind of got lost on the way and ended up on the library, she entered hoping to find someone who could guide her, and that's where she met him.

He also seemed like a first year, just like us, according to her.

According to her, she didn't tell us, due to 'Hayato's' request.

"I see... So, is everything going well?" (Kei)

"Hm? Of course!" (Shizuka)

Shizuka's smile was enough to tell me. Still, I dared to ask.

"You must really love him, huh?" (Kei)

"Eeehhh!? W-w-well... I mean... I-I do..." (Shizuka)

Shizuka said, as her face turned beet red.

"...I envy him a little..." (Kei)

I couldn't help but voice my inner thoughts. 

Contrary to what I would like, it seemed that Shizuka heard I was muttering something, and asked me.

"Kei?" (Shizuka)

"It's nothing..." (Kei)

"Anyway. What about you, Kei?" (Shizuka)

"Hm?" (Kei)

What about me...?

"I mean, how are you doing?" (Shizuka)

"Ah that. Well as always, though I've been pretty busy with my class representative tasks." (Kei)

"Heh~ I see." (Shizuka)

"What about you, Shizuka? Are you enjoying school life now?" (Kei)

"Of course I am!" (Shizuka)

Her dazzling smile, along with her energetic response, was enough to make my heart ache.

"What about you, Kei?" (Shizuka)

"Eh? Me?" (Kei)

What about me, huh?

Am I... enjoying school life?

I'm definetly enjoying it sure, but there's still something that's missing, someone... that's missing.

"I'm enjoying it, of course." (Kei)

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"Good to hear! Let's both do our best, tomorrow once again!" (Shizuka)

"Study properly." (Kei)

"I'm studying properly, okay!?" (Shizuka)

"Sure..." (Kei)

"Why are you giving me that look for!?" (Shizuka)

Shizuka retorted, as she seemed astonished at my sudden nagging.

"I mean, don't get me wrong. I just don't want you to neglect all that hard effort you did for us to go to school together... You must be excited to have a partner, but... please don't neglect others too..." (Kei)

"You suddenly sound like dad... Anyway, the point is! I'm not neglecting neither my studies nor my friends!" (Shizuka)

"...what about me though...?" (Kei)

I quietly muttered.

"What did you say?" (Shizuka)

"I said you are a child." (Kei)

"We're the same age!" (Shizuka)

After that we both laughed, I knew that I couldn't talk to her like how I did back then. Still, I was happy we could still laugh like these.

After some more chatting, we reached a house that had a nameplate which read 'Sakurajima', on it.

We're here, huh...

"This is were we part ways then~" (Shizuka)

"It is, then... see you around, goodbye~!" (Kei)

"Unn! Bye Kei~" (Shizuka)

I waved at Shizuka, while she was walking towards the front door of her house, however before she entered I called her out.

"Shizuka." (Kei)

"Hm? Kei?" (Shizuka)

"Do your best tomorrow too and please... be happy, okay?" (Kei)

"I don't get what you are getting at but... okay, I guess?" (Shizuka)

After my parting words, she opened the front door and entered, I stood there for a while and then, took my leave.

~Ichinose Residence

Kei's Room (6:45 P.M.)

"I'm bored~" (Kei)

Currently, I was sitting on the sofa in my room, with a light novel I finished reading in hand.

Reading time to time is nice... though I have to say... I didn't expect Karane to have this kinds of novels.

Anyone would see it as common sense. However for me, Karane didn't seem lady like, due to her attitude towards me.

So I was surprise when she suddenly lent me a romance novel.

"What a gem... she said they get together 3 volumes later didn't she? I should borrow the rest. She also mentioned a anime for next year, right?" (Kei)

Just when I decided to ask Karane for another volume, my phone vibrated, and I saw an incoming message, from Arisa respetively.


Arisa Kamihate

Arisa: Kei! Got a minute?

Me: Sure, what's up?

Arisa: Actually, today during club activities, we were browsing through the internet for any equipment we could get for the club.

Arisa: While we were at it, we found an ad that said that the main plaza was having a huge Christmas tree for display starting the 18th!

Me: I see. That's all?

Arisa: You blockhead! I told you I wanted to hangout more with you, didn't I?

Me: 'Let me be your miracle!' Was it?

Arisa: Don't bring that up! A-anyway... Want to go take a look one day before Christmas? Of course, I assumed that the 24th will be spent with your family, so what about it?

Me: So the 23rd, right? I'll keep my schedule opened then.

Arisa: Great! I'll tell you the details later, so why don't we exchange gifts then?

Me: Hm... Fine by me. I can't promise anything expensive though, I also have to buy a gift for my family, so~

Arisa: It's okay. The Christmas spirit is what counts! Anyways, good night, Kei.

Me: Hm. Good night, Arisa


After that exchange, we stopped chatting.

However how do I put it? Ah yes.

I feel like I'm being healed little by little.

I went home with Shizuka and had a conversation with her after roughly two weeks, not too long after that, me and Arisa organized a get together with just the two of us a day before Christmas.

Unn. I should start preparing a present for her. As a thanks for all the help she has given me.




Christmas date, huh?

I'm sorry if their conversation sounded boring, but I just wanted to recreate the awkwardness they both felt at the time.

Well, I also just started writing, so I'm still not good at dialogues. Still I hope you can understand, as I will try and do my best.

Yesterday I had a pretty sh*tty day, so you could say that distracted me on how I was going to do this interaction.

Anyways, the next chapter will be the same conversation between Shizuka & Kei, but this time from the former's point of view.

I also plan to end this arc on 4-5 chapters? Could be more idk.

Anyways, bye~!

~Coming Next: Chapter 13 - Going Home With A Childhood Friend (Shizuka's Side)

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