Even Though I Loved You First

Chapter 13: Chapter 11 – Mirage

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~School Gate

Monday (1:55 P.M.)

"Haah~ Everyone's busy..." (Kei)

Leaving the school, was a boy with black hair and purple eyes, whose name was Kei Ichinose.

He was heading home, due to the people who he was close with, having their own stuff to deal with.

"Even so... what will I do when I get home? Maybe I should take a deto—" (Kei)

"Kei! Wait up!" (Shizuka)

"—!? S-Shizu!?" (Kei)

Short black hair and blue cerulean eyes as clear as the ocean, the one who was running up to Kei, was none other than Shizuka Sakurajima, Kei's childhood friend.

"I-is something t-the matter?" (Kei)

"Hm? Nothing much. I just wanted to go home with you?" (Shizuka)

"Eh...?" (Kei)

Even though the request was something Kei and Shizuka use to considered normal.

Kei couldn't help but feel surprised, because it would be the first time ever, since his childhood friend and first love got a boyfriend—

—that the two of them will have a proper conversation after a long time.


~2½ Hours Earlier

Monday (11:30)

~Lunch Break

Kei's POV~

"—and that's what this is." (Kei)

"Heh~ Though I have to say, it's such a pretty necklace~" (Arisa)

"Right?" (Kei)

I was currently eating lunch in the school's rooftop with Arisa, who randomly suggested we had lunch together, leaving me no room to deny.

I was telling her about the souvenirs my father brought from his bussiness trip.

He brought a bouquet of aster flowers for my mother, two larkspur flower accesories for my sisters and finally, a violet flower necklace for me.

"According to my dad, violet flowers mean 'modesty' and 'humility'. Or something along those lines~" (Kei)

"Is that so?" (Arisa)

Arisa, who was intently listening to me while eating her lunch, asked me.

"Yup. He also said that it was some sort of 'birth flower' for me. Although I have no idea~ Maybe he just found it on a internet article or something, haha." (Kei)

"Pff... what's with that?" (Arisa)

Arisa, who caught my joke, laughed.

"By the way, Arisa." (Kei)

I called out to her. Then, Arisa, who was finishing her lunch and putting everything away, turned to me.

"What's up?" (Arisa)

"Do you have plans today?" (Kei)

"Aren't you a bold one? Inviting this bea—" (Arisa)

"Just answer already." (Kei)

"—tch." (Arisa)

Did she just click her tongue!?

As I was pondering, bewildered, Arisa spoke up again.

"Surprisingly, yes. My club's president decided to have activities for some odd reason... Though I can't complain, it's really fun hanging out with them you know?" (Arisa)

"I see. Wait... in which club are you?" (Kei)

"Astrology Club." (Arisa)

"Heh~ Wait... Astrology... Club" (Kei)

I answered, with a surprised tone of voice.

"Hm? Yes, is something the matter?" (Arisa)

"Oh, no. It's just that I didn't expect Arisa to be in that kind of club." (Kei)

"Are you mocking me?" (Arisa)

Arisa retorted, looking quite displeased. However, that wasn't the reason I told her that.

"Nono, I think that people who are able to enjoy things, that will usually never suit the. Appearance-wise, are quite respectable. Simply because, there would be many people who will just push you around and say things like 'this suits you better' or 'is to not destroy your image'." (Kei)

I continued.

"So for Arisa, who once possessed a fake persona, it's... how do I put it—" (Kei)

—It... suits you.

"!?" (Arisa)

Arisa, who for some reason refused to face me, said.

"You're a natural huh, Kei." (Arisa)

"This days I feel everyone is saying the same thing... but I don't get it. A natural at what?"  (Kei)

"Hah..." (Arisa)

"Why are you sighing?" (Kei)

"It's nothing." (Arisa)




After Arisa's mood calmed down, we continued chatting.

"Hah~ tests are around the corner huh?" (Arisa)

"Are you good with studies, Arisa?" (Kei)

"I'm good~ I'm exploiting Karane and Kotone after all~ I also have Kokoro on my side!" (Arisa)

"Don't just casually say your exploiting someone's older sisters infront of them..." (Kei)

"Ouch!?" (Arisa)

Arisa, proudly declare, with a smug look on her face. Then I decided to knock some common sense into her.

Oi could you stop that?

"You are a bold aren't you? Laying your hands on a girl!" (Arisa)

"I'm a loyal believer of gender equality." (Kei)

"What's up with that...? Anyway, what about you, Kei?" (Arisa)

"I'm doing good. I ranked 1st last time, so." (Kei)

What I said wasn't a lie, ever since enrolling, I've maintain my position as first on my grade.

Also, due to me being the highest on the entrance exam, I was appointed as the first-year representative, during the entrance ceremony.

"Heh~ as expected of a hardworker~" (Arisa)

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"Hahaha..." (Kei)


After about 15 minutes, the bell rang, which meant the end of our lunch time.

"I don't want to go to class..." (Arisa)

"Oi, you totally unreliable senior, get up." (Kei)

"Who are you calling a 'totally unreliable senior'!?" (Arisa)

As far as I was concerned, she was. 

Surprisingly enough, the Arisa Kamihate that I know today, completely differs from that Arisa, which visited the Ichinose household, back then when I was on middle school.

"Geez~ Anyway, I'll be going now, you should also go now, since your class is in the bottom floor it will take more time right?" (Arisa)

"Unn." (Kei)

I nodded and got up from where I was sitting. Then, she called me out.

"And, Kei." (Arisa)

"What now?" (Kei)

Arisa, turned around to face me, and with a blooming smile, said.

"Let's do our best on the tests, shall we?" (Arisa)

"!?" (Kei)

Lets do our best on the entrance exams, Kei!

My whole body froze, and before I knew it, Arisa's and Shizu's images overlapped, reminding me of the latter before we entered highschool.

Like a mirage...

"Kei?" (Arisa)

Arisa, who looked at me with a face of concern, called out to me.

Thanks to that, I snapped back to reality and eased Arisa's worries.

"Nothing at all, I'm just feeling tired is all. Once I get home I will take one long nap it seems, haha." (Kei)

"That so? Good it seems. Anyway, I'll be going now, bye!" (Arisa)

"Bye." (Kei)

Third Person POV~

"That so? Good it seems. Anyway, I'll be going now, bye!" (Arisa)

"Bye." (Kei)

As Kei waved back at Arisa, who already left the rooftop where they we having lunch, Kei was the only one that remained. 

Due to that, a heavy silenced followed.

"..." (Kei)

Kei didn't moved an inch, he was motionless, and firmly in place as if he was just a statue.

Then, after 3 minutes, the silence broke.

"Shizu... is it not worth hanging around me anymore...?" (Kei)

Yes, roughly two weeks after the events, he still isn't over his childhood friend.

Because of this, such thoughts invaded his mind.

After taking a deep breath and looking at the sky, Kei finally left the rooftop, closing the door behind him.

~After School

Kei's POV~

"Are you to free today?" (Kei)

I called out to Sachi and Riku, who were packing up their things.

"Some family members came to visit, so I have to go home right now and greet them, sorry man." (Riku)

"I have club activities so I can't. I apologize, Kei." (Sachi)

Riku and Sachi answered me, with apologetic expressions on their faces. Still, I didn't mind it.

"It's okay, what about tomorrow then?" (Kei)

"I'm available, so sure!" (Sachi)

"My family will be over for a week, but tomorrow they might go around with my parents so, I'm completely free. Let's do it!" (Riku)

"Then it's settled, see you tomorrow then!" (Kei)

"See ya', Kei!" (Riku)

"Take care, Kei." (Sachi)

After that, I bid farewell to my classmates and left.

~School Gate

11:55 P.M.

"Haah~ Everyone's busy..." (Kei)

As I was leaving the school, I got lost in thought.

Everyone was busy apparently.

They all had their after school activities and stuff, of course, I could also look to join one but, I still wasn't sure what i wanted to do.

I was thinking while walking, surely there must be something, right? 

"Even so... what will I do when I get home? Maybe I should take a deto—" (Kei)

"Kei! Wait up!" (Shizuka)

As I was pondering, someone called me from behind, and when I turned around.

"—!? S-Shizu!?" (Kei)

Short black hair and blue cerulean eyes as clear as the ocean, the one who was running up to me, was none other than Shizu, my childhood friend.

"I-is something t-the matter?" (Kei)

Without knowing how to respond to her, I rapidly asked.

"Hm? Nothing much. I just wanted to go home with you?" (Shizuka)

"Eh...?" (Kei)

She then procceeded to say something unexpected.

Ever since Shizu got a boyfriend, our distance rapidly increased, and I could no longer call her for whatever reason.

Even so, as if no such distance existed, she came to talk to me, and acted completely normal.




If you feel curious then don't worry, the reason as to why Shizuka wants to go home with Kei, is not what you might be thinking.

Anyway Chapter 12 & Chapter 13 are focused on their way home, from two different perspectives.

A few chapters after that, a new character will be introduced. 

So meanwhile, see you!

~Coming Next: Chapter 12 - Going Home With A Childhood Friend (Kei’s Side)

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