Even Though I Loved You First

Chapter 2: Chapter 1 – Kei Ichinose

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Since when?

I-I... didn't know anything about this...

"Hm? Is that you Kei?" Suddenly I heard someone call my name. As I turned towards the source of said voice.



~8 hours earlier

"Hair, done. Materials... are also ready... Where's my watch...? Ah!"

In a bedroom which had a minimalist style in both decoration and color, stood a sixteen-year old young boy with black hair and glittering purple eyes, Kei Ichinose.

Kei was getting ready to head off to school. Giving everything a double check and properly fixing his uniform.

He headed down to the kitchen, deciding to cook breakfast.

However, as he entered the room, a single woman wearing an apron could be seen.

"Fufu~ Looks like I'm first."

"Morning mom... looks like it. Haa~ and here I thought I would be able to cook for you this tine around..." (Kei)

"Fufu, don't sweat it. Slept well?" Asked the woman who was currently standing in the kitchen.

"Yup." (Kei)

"That's great. Anyway, breakfast's ready." She said in a calm yet cheerful voice.

"Thanks for the food." (Kei)

Kei Ichinose, a surprisingly good-looking guy who's known for his intelligence, maintaining 1st place in the 1st year's school ranking ever since enrollment. He's trusted by students and teachers alike, due to his gentle demeanor and personality, which allows him to lend a hand whenever he sees someone in a bind.

Of course, as all human beings, he has his weaknesses and was far from what you called "perfect". However, many people still hold him in high regard.

"Areh? Are Karane and Kotone in school already? Also, where's dad?" (Kei) 

Asked Kei, while munching his breakfast.

"They had some things to take care of so they left about 30 minutes ago. As for your father, he's in a trip." (Kaho)

Replied the long raven-haired woman, who was Kei's mother, Kaho Ichinose.

"Fumu, I see. Well then, I'm off!" Said Kei in a energetic voice, as he opened the door and started walking. 

Little did he know, his mood will eventually plummet.

~At the classroom

Kei's POV~

"Morning everyone~" (Kei)

As I entered the classroom, which was as noisy as usual, I greeted my classmates while walking towards my desk.

"Yo Kei! Mornin'! Guess what, today am feeling energetic!" Said a boy in a high voice.

"As long as you don't sleep in class as usual then congrats... I guess?" (Kei)

"Kei, Good morning." Said a girl, with both hands on her chest, in a gentle voice.

These two are my friends, Riku Ryouzaki and Sachi Sadataka, we have been friends since our 2nd year of middle school.

Riku is a normal boy with brown hair and blue eyes, who for some reason, uses a black sweater beneath his school blazer.

As for Sachi, she is the spitting image of a prim and proper lady, long black hair, and deep and shiny black eyes. Even if she resembles a 'young lady' you would still find some gaps on her personality if you dig deep enough.

After exchanging greetings with the two of them, I was approached by the rest of my classmates. Each of them exchanging greetings with me and doing some light chit-chat until the teacher came.


After I finished talking to my classmates, I turned to both Riku and Sachi who were both conversing as usual. Then I asked them.

"By the way, Riku, Sachi. Have you seen Shizu?" (Kei)

"Shizu? She didn't come to school with you?" (Sachi)

"No. Surprisingly, she wasn't at our usual meeting spot." (Kei)

"Maybe try looking for her in her classroom during lunch break?" (Riku)

"I guess I could do that... then, I will. Well then thanks a lot." (Kei)

""Sure."" (Riku & Sachi)

Both of them headed to their seats as the teacher entered and homeroom started.

~Lunch break

Morning classes ended in a flash, none of them were either hard nor uninteresting. Yet, a certain someone slept through one-third of said classes. Yes, I'm looking at you... Riku.

"What are you staring at me for!? It's scary you know!" (Riku)

"Riku... you do realize you slept through most of morning classes... right? Rather, didn't you tell me this morning you were 'brimming' with energy?" (Kei)

I said as I stared at Riku, who was currently scratching his cheek in embarrassment.

What a hypocrite...

"T-that's... Also, I only said 'am feeling energetic'. I didn't say I was 'brimming' with energy'!" (Riku)

"It's the same, you know?" (Kei)

"No it's not." (Riku)

"Yes it is." (Sachi)

"No it's not! Rather, Sachi. Whose side are you on!?" (Riku) 

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"In this case, Kei's." (Sachi)

Sachi, who got a grasp of the situation. Walked towards us and joined in the conversation.

"I'm telling you! It's no-" (Riku)


Interrupting the protesting Riku, the door to the classroom opened.

Short black hair, cerulean eyes, which look as blue as the ocean, and a neatly worn turquoise school uniform. A girl walked towards us. My childhood friend and someone I have been in love with for some time now, Shizuka Sakurajima.

We knew each other since elementary school. However, it wasn't until we entered middle school that I realized my feelings for her. After that, I slowly tried to make an approach. This lasted all the way to highschool. After gazing at her for a while, I asked her.

"Look who showed up... Where were you? You weren't at our meeting spot... Hm? Rather... you look in a awfully good mood today. Something happened?" (Kei)

I asked as she steadily approached us.

"Hehe~ Sorry about that, I forgot to call you. As for my good mood, well you see~." (Shizuka)

I was listening with a smile on my face the whole time, as I was also in a good mood.

However, Shizu's next words — not only did they caught me by surprise, but also made me feel dizzy and sick. As if the world around me was crumbling, and at the same time, confusion.

"Yesterday, I got myself a boyfriend, hehe~." (Shizuka)

"...eh...?" (Kei)

When she said those words the classroom felt silent. The former which was full of idle chatter was now dead silent as if there was no soul in sight. 

Normally this would cause an uproar. However, no one raised their voice. Rather, all eyes where on me.

Did I heard her wrong? 

Yes! It has to be that! S-surely...

"I said that 'I got myself a boyfriend'." (Shizuka)

"Wait... what do you mean by that!?" (Kei)

"S-Shizu, is that true?" (Sachi)

I wanted her to say it was fake, that it was a lie, however... what I feared the most came true.

"It's true. We've been friends for a while now, and yesterday he confessed to me, so now we are going out! Rather, is something the matter Kei? You look kind of pale..." (Shizuka)

No... no... NO... NO!

"...I'm... fine... don't worry about it..." I answered to her, and then under my breath I mutter. "So I actually lost... huh?"

Seems like Sachi heard my mutter, as her eyes widen slightly.

"You said something?" (Shizuka)

Asked Shizu, while tilting her head. Still, I answered while ruffling her hair.

"I said 'Congrats!'. Our little Shizu is finally growing huh?" (Kei)

"...Kei...?" (Sachi)

"O-oi! Where are you...?" (Riku)

I walked past Shizu while doing that.

"H-hey! S-stop treating me like a child!" (Shizuka)

Shizu pouted while protesting. Still, I loved ruffling her head...

"Haha, sorry... I'm going to go get something to drink. See you~." (Kei)

I said as I left the classroom, closing the door behind me. Of course, I made an excuse to escape the situation.

"Seems like it's true... 'The childhood friend is bound to loose'..." (Kei) 

I said as I headed towards nowhere in particular... 


After the incident at lunch break. I didn't remember anything more... I spent the whole time trying to figure out how I didn't know about this 'friend now lover' person...

"...Today I'm on evening duty... huh..." (Kei)

"Actually... Kei..." (Classmate A)

One of my classmates slowly walked up to me and then said.

"Sachi and Riku had volunteered to do your part of the work for today... after what happened at lunch break. The class thought it would be better for you to rest and collect your thoughts." (Classmate A)

After that another classmate continued...

"We know how much you loved your childhood friend. Also, you have been a great help to us, the whole class is united thanks to you, so take this as a token of our appreciation. Think things through. Tomorrow's a weekend, after all." (Classmate B)

"You guys... Thanks... I will be going then... See you on Monday..." (Kei)

I waved slightly at them, albeit... with less energy than usual. However, I'm grateful for having such kind classmates... 

After that I left the classroom and headed somewhere where I could organize my thoughts.




Quite a long first chapter huh?
Next chapter will be Kei's thoughts on the matter, and the appearance of the female lead, Arisa Kamihate, now then.

I hope to see you soon again!

~Coming Next: Chapter 2 - Arisa Kamihate

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