Even Though I Loved You First

Chapter 3: Chapter 2 – Arisa Kamihate

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~Shizuka & Kei (1st Year Middle School)

"We will be taking our leave then. See you guys tomorrow!" (Shizuka)

"Take care everyone." (Kei)

After the duo closed the door, they headed towards the school gate. 

Walking side by side, at hair's length, stood a young boy with raven hair and sparkling purple eyes. He was a bit taller than the average middleschooler.

At his left, stood a little girl who could be described as an 'angel' due to her baby-like face, slightly long black-colored hair with cerulean eyes as blue and clear as the ocean.

Kei Ichinose & Shizuka Sakurajima, were two childhood friends, that after parting ways with their classmates, went home together.

"Haa~ The day is finally over~" Said the girl, Shizuka, as she stretched her body, which looked small and fragile.

"Though I have to say, P.E. class today was kind of fun... It's scary..." (Shizuka)

"I kind of get what you mean. Even though once the warm-ups are done and we exercised a little, once that's done, everyone does their own thing..." (Kei)

"Guess so... Oh! Since tomorrow's a weekend, let's play games 'till morning!" (Shizuka)

Said Shizuka in a energetic voice.

"Won't your parents get mad at you if you stay late, Shizu?" (Kei)

"Nope~ Mom and dad gave me their permission this morning~"

"That so?" Said the young boy, Kei Ichinose, as he faced torwards the road, trying to stop his lips from grinning.

"Then lets grab some snacks after I contact mom to ask her for permission." At Kei's words, Shizuka's expression seemed to brighten a lot.


Two childhood friends side by side, walking down the street in the setting sun, as the scenery grew a vermillion color. For them it was a scene they took for granted. Sadly one of them realized it until it was too late.

~Present Time 

(On the way home.)

Kei's Pov~

"..." (Kei)

I found myself walking in complete silence, staring at nowhere in particular. Normally I would pay attention to my surroundings and interact accordingly. However, my mind was in turmoil.

The situation with Shizu this morning caused great confusion and nothing that was directed to me woke me up... I was in a daze.

The class' lessons entered from one ear and left through the other. I couldn't focus. There was no way I could focus.


~At a nearby park

After walking for a while, I found myself in a park. The amount of autumn leaves that were scattered in the grass, and the setting sun that dyed the place in a vermillion color. Made the scenery feel oddly nostalgic for some reason.

"This feels odd... I don't get it... I don't get it at all.... Why?" (Kei)

After walking around the park for a while, I sat on a nearby bench. As my head felt hazy, and as my heart ached.

"Come to think of it... winter is near isn't it...?" (Kei)

Winter was right around the corner, the wind got colder, the scenery started to change and little by little... so did the people.

I don't know... why is it that Shizu never told me about it? We all have our secrets sure... but, just for how long have they been seeing each other...?

I don't know... whose fault is it? Was it her fault for not noticing my feelings...? Or was I to blame for being patient thinking we were bound to get together, making me hold back on my confession...?

"Haa... I don't know anymore..." I sighed as I stared right at the few clouds that could be seen at this time of the afternoon.

Then a disturbing thought came to mind.

Said person couldn't be getting blackmailed... right?

Nono... that would be a no-go. Sure Shizu was kind of an airhead and everything, but she knew better than anyone that such things need to be reported right away...



Since when?


I-I... didn't know anything about this...


"Hm? Is that you Kei?" Suddenly I heard someone call my name. As I turned towards the source of said voice.

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"...Arisa...?" (Kei)

The person that was infront of me staring curiously at me... was none other than my older sisters' friend and also a 'friend' of mine, Arisa Kamihate.



I met Arisa about a year and a half ago, during the summer of my 2nd year of middleschool. She was part of both my older sisters Karane & Kotone Ichinose's circle. 

After a simple introduction we didn't get involved too much. However one day we started talking and after knowing we had surprisingly many things in common, we exchanged our contact information and rapidly became friends.

Someone one year older than me. Who had long brown-colored hair, which was shiny and silky smooth, along with two beautiful rose beige-colored eyes. She wore our dark turquoise in a carefree style. That was the being named, Arisa Kamihate.

I was confused as to why she was here. However, as if reading my mind she said.

"Fufu~ Im out of club activities for the day. What about you?" (Arisa)

"I-I... I'm waiting for someone..." I said as I raised my hand up to the back of my neck. However...

"I know it might be rude for me to ask but..." (Arisa)

Arisa's next words made me freeze in place as my eyes dropped, looking down.

"Who are you waiting for that gives you that really sad and melancholic look...?" (Arisa)

As expected... she was really perceptive. 

After hearing her words I couldn't hold it anymore, and before I knew it. The tears I desperately tried to stop from streaming, started flowing down my cheeks nonstop.

"Wait, why are you crying...!? ...Kei...!?" (Arisa)

"I'm... *hic*...sorry... it's just that...*hic*... I couldn't hold them..." (Kei)

"N-now now... there... take your time..." (Arisa)

Arisa hurriedly sat down beside me and started rubbing my head, with great gentleness and care.

~5 minutes later

After five or so minutes, my tears finally stopped. Then...

"Have you calmed down?" (Arisa)

"Hmm..." (Kei)

"Here. Let me do it for you." (Arisa)

Said Arisa, as she took a blue and white handkerchief from her pocket and wiped away my tears.

"..." (Kei)

"Feel better...?" She asked and smiled softly.

"I'm sorry... for showing you something so shameful..." (Kei)

"Don't worry~ At least I know you aren't a robot sent by the government~" (Arisa)

"Was that how you thought of me...?" (Kei)

"No doubt." She immediately answered, with a serious look on her face.

"..." (Arisa)

"..." (Kei)

""Pfffttt... Hahahaha!"" (Arisa & Kei)

We both couldn't help but burst out in laughter. This girl... she's really something else...

"Haha... Haa~ You recovered your smile... Now then... if you don't mind... could you tell me what happened...?" (Arisa)

She asked, while staring at me. She was someone who I knew I could turn to, someone who I could comfortably vent my troubles to.

"Well... the thing is..." (Kei)

I knew it would better to tell her, and get her opinion on the matter.

And so... I started talking. About myself and Shizuka... and about how I was rejected before confessing.... even though I loved her first.




Next chapter will be the continuation of the conversation between Kei and Arisa. As well as some advice from the latter.

Something to note:

  • As stated by Kei. Shizuka's character is that of an airhead's. However, she knows how to act accordingly in scenarios as stalking (and/or) blackmailing, as she was taught by her parents along Kei's. So even if she were to be blackmailed. Everything will eventually be resolved smoothly, and she wouldn't just oblige with any request to protect her so called 'dignity'.

~Coming Next: Chapter 3 - 'I'm Fine'

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