Even Though I Loved You First

Chapter 4: Chapter 3 – ‘I’m Fine’

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~1 Year Earlier

"Even though I told them I would be arriving soon..." (Arisa)

Outside, in the front of a mini-market. Stood a girl with long brown hair and rose beige-colored eyes. 

Extending the palm of her right hand as she gazed at the pouring rain that blocked her way towards her friends' house.

"Maybe I should call them real quick." (Arisa)

As she thought about that, someone else went outside the mini-market.

A young boy whose looks were charming and gave the impression of a mature person. Black hair and purple eyes, holding grocery bags in both arms, while trying to open the umbrella he had in hand. However, as he did so, he looked around and–

"Arisa, right? Got caught up on the rain?" The boy called out.

The girl who's name was 'Arisa' turned around and looked straight at the boy, who was grinning for some reason.

"You were... Kei... right? Karane and Kotone's younger brother?" (Arisa)

At that time, they just happened to be at the same place at the same time. However, ever since that day, the paths that they will eventually walk were already set in stone. Changing the courses of their futures for better or for worse, which one day —

— the two of them will eventually remember such meeting as a 'chanced encounter'.

~Present Time

Arisa's POV~

After Kei finished talking, explaining the reason for his sudden crying, I was left speechless.

"S-she got a boyfriend...!?" (Arisa)

It seems that the reason as to why he was feeling down and as to why he burst into tears earlier, was because of his childhood friend who he has been in love with for some time, Shizuka Sakurajima, was it?

"I-it seems so... honestly, I was speechless when she told me that. I felt dizzy, and I just wanted to run away at the time. So, I made an excuse and left the classroom. After that, I haven't seen her for the whole day..." (Kei)

"I see..." (Arisa)

In this kind of situation, I can't simply come out and say 'I know how you feel' nor 'Everything is going to be okay'. Because they would've been evident lies, and from Kei's point of view, it would be... to put it bluntly 'rude'.

So I just decided to be honest, and voice my thoughts on the matter.

"I can't exactly say I get how you feel, nor can I say that only time will heal your broken heart..." (Arisa)

"..." (Kei)

Yes, such phrases and cliché thoughts don't help at all. Telling someone you know how they feel will only bother them more, and eventually, they will find you utterly rude.

'Time' can't really heal such scars either. Sure, people may give themselves some time to think things over, and come back refreshed and better than before. However, such method doesn't apply to everyone. Especially Kei, whose personality stops him from voicing his troubles to others.

At least, that's the idea I have on him, ever since our first meeting. Also on how Kotone and Karane talk about him.

"However..." (Arisa)

I continued.

"I know it might sound a bit insensitive from my part... but why not take advantage of it?" (Arisa)

Before I knew it. My selfishness made such words came out of my mouth.

Kei's POV~

"...but why not take advantage of it?" (Arisa)

"'Take advantage'? What do you mean by that...?" (Kei)

I asked, not registering at all the meaning of her words. 'Take advantage'? Take advantage of what...?

"What I mean is. Use this opportunity to meet new people, to look for things that interests you. From what I get about you, you seem to think too much about others, and rarely think about yourself, am I right? Little Kei?" (Arisa)

"T-that's not tr-" (Kei)

"Don't you tend to complain every time we hang out? Even though we don't see each other like everyday, you usually just vent, with the excuse: 'I just don't want to worry them, you know?'. Sometimes I wonder if I'm your friend or just your personal psychologist." (Arisa)

"..." (Kei)

"..." (Arisa)

Crap... she totally got me there.

It's true that even though me usually hangout like once or twice a week, I tend to vent my troubles to her, maybe she found it annoying...?

"...sorry..." (Kei)

"Nah~ It's okay~ That just comes to show how much you trust me, right~?" (Arisa)

She had a teasing grin as she said that. Then she said.

"And also–" (Arisa)

She continued.

"It's kind of funny seeing your continuous shift of expressions." (Arisa)

Arisa said that as she gave a blank stare. Areh? Was I really like that? 

For some reason I seemed to calmed down more that I thought I would. Which meant I could propably go home and act the part.

"I-I s-see..." (Kei)

"Oh? You blushing?" (Arisa)

Arisa said teasingly.

"S-shut it!" (Kei)

"Haha... sorry sorry... hm?" (Arisa)

Suddenly her eyes fell on her phone, which she took out of her pocket just now.

"Geh!? Its already 4:30!?" (Arisa)

Said Arisa, as she froze in place while staring at her phone. After that she stood up from the bench and turned towards me.

You are reading story Even Though I Loved You First at novel35.com

"I should be going now... I don't want my family to worry... Especially since I'm usually home at 4:00... do you feel better now?" (Arisa)

"Yes... I'm fine now..." (Kei)

After that we parted ways, not before Arisa said to me: "I'll call you sometime over the weekend to check up on you. Also! Let's hang out next week, okay?" 

I nodded at her words. It was fun to be with Arisa, even though she can be random at times. 

Then I bought some snacks at the mini market nearby, which was close to my park. After that, I went home.

Usually Shizu would come over and force me to pull an all-nighter with her. However, seems like such days came to an end...

~Ichinose Residence - 4:45 P.M

"I'm home~" (Kei) 

I said as I closed the main entrance, the doorframe leading to the living room indicated that the room's light was on. Signaling that someone was there. As I entered, I heard a voice.

"Welcome back~ Ooh~? What's that?"

Dark violet-colored hair, and sparkling purple eyes. The one who greeted me was one of my older sisters, Karane Ichinose.

"These are snacks I bought." (Kei)

"Ooh~ Then–" (Karane)

"I'm not giving you any." (Kei)

"Oh come on! Isn't that cruel!?" (Karane)

"Shut it." (Kei)

She expected me to give her some of the snacks I bought so easily. Oi, what's the deal with you?

"Oh come on~ Hey~ Kei... don't you hate seeing your lovely sister in such a cruel state~?" (Karane)

Said Karane as she clung to me. Seriously could you stop it? You're a pain...

"It feels fun to watch... so no." (Kei)

"Hah!?" (Karane)

"Also don't call yourself 'lovely' so nonchalantly... doesn't suit you... at all." (Kei)

""..."" (Karane & Kei)

An awkward silence dominated the room... Then a few seconds later...

"Listen hear you piece of– hmm? Say... Kei... did something happened? You look with even less energy than usual." (Karane)

Crap. She's sharp only in the worst timings possible...

"Nothing at all. I'm fine." (Kei)

I answered with my hand on the back of my neck.

After that I tried to separate her from me again. However...

"That so? By the way... Is Shizuka coming today?" (Karane)

"Ahh..." (Kei)

Crap. Think of something... quick...

I put my hand which was trying to separate my sister from clingling to me on the back of my neck again and said:

"Shizu can't come today... she had things to do... Rather, it looks like she won't come around for a while." (Kei)

"Why's that?" (Karane)

She asked looking at me, while tilting her head.

"I wonder... by the way... are you the only one home sis?" (Kei)

"As you know, dad is in a trip. About mom and Kotone, they are out, buying groceries." (Karane)

"Even though they could just contact me?" (Kei)

"Seems so *munch* well then... *munch* I'll be going to my room until dinner's ready. See ya!" (Karane)

She said while she ate what appeared to be... wait... isn't that...? I quickly opened the plastic bag wich contained my snacks and...


I called out to my sister who was already holed up in her room... damn it... she ran away.

Little after that, mom and Kotone came back and we ate dinner. Thus, the day came to an end.




However, that night, the scene from this morning played in my head over and over again.



And yet another long chapter huh? I hope that with this one, you can get a grasp of both Kei's and Arisa's characters. And if you by any chance are confused:

  • Arisa states that Kei's personality stops him from voicing his thoughts to others, and a little further she says that Kei tends to complain and vent during the little amount of times they've hung out. It may seem like a contradiction. However, this was written to portray the trust that exists between Kei & Arisa. Of course, said trust doesn't exactly meant that they were in love. 
  • In the future, a whole mini-arc will be available explaining their first meeting and how they came to trust each other so much.

I hope that could clear things up.

Next chapter will be mostly about both of Kei's best friends, Riku & Sachi.

Drop a follow if you are enjoying~ See you!

~Coming Next: Chapter 4 - Riku & Sachi's Concerns


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