Even Though I Loved You First

Chapter 8: Chapter 6 – ‘New’

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Story Arc 2: Daily Life Without You By My Side


In a dimly lit room; there were a grand amount of bookshelves and a seating arrangement, which resembled that of a meeting room. 

At the very end of the room, opposite of the door, there was also settled a desk with documents; which a tall and gentle-looking man was currently revising.

The name of the man was Touya Ichinose. He possessed well-groomed dark-violet-colored hair and charming purple eyes.

He also had a calm and gentle expression on his face, while he was looking through the documents.

A few minutes passed and suddenly, the door leading to the room, opened.

"Dad, can I talk to you for a second?" (Kei)

"Hm? Kei? Sure, is something the matter son?" (Touya)

His son, Kei Ichinose, entered the room. Wearing a complicated expression on his face. Soon after he spoke.

"Actually... Can I ask for a favor?" (Kei)

"As long as it is something within my reach, sure. Go ahead." (Touya)

"Great. Actually, what I wanted to ask you was—" (Kei)

After getting the confirmation, the boy spoke. He then procceeded to pause and took a deep breath, after that—

"—Can you organize a family meeting? There is something all of you have to know." (Kei)

—he voiced his request.

Kaho Ichinose

Touya Ichinose

Karane & Kotone Ichinose

All of them knew something about Kei, in which they've given their support a long time ago.

However, even though it took him a lot of courage to say, it was finally time for the result of such support—

"Sure. I can do that." (Touya)

—to be announced.


~2 Weeks Earlier

Ichinose Residence

Monday (6:30 A.M.)

Kei's POV~

Shizuka: Sorry, I can't go to school with you!

Me: I see... okay. Don't worry.

Shizuka: I am sorry.

Me: Don't. Worry.

That was the exchange that me and Shizuka had this morning.

It appears that she will be going to and from school with her now boyfriend. Of course, such thing made me feel depressed, that's why I tried not thinking about it too much.

I have my friend's support, so I can do this! Right?

I remebered the conversation I had with both Riku and Sachi yesterday. They both said that they will do their best to support me.

Not only that, but I also remembered the phone call I had with Arisa yesterday.

...will you let me, Arisa Kamihate, be your miracle?

What did she mean by that exactly? I wondered, as I finished getting ready.


"Good morning." (Kei)

"Mornin' sleepy head." (Karane)

"Good morning, Kei~" (Kotone)

Once I entered the living room, which was connected to the kitchen, I saw both of my older sisters, finishing there breakfast.

"Where's mom?" (Kei)

"No idea. When I came down, she wasn't here. She only left our breakfasts. Ah! Your's is in the microwave!" (Karane)

"Fumu. I see, thanks by the way." (Kei)

I thanked Karane, as I headed to the kitchen.

"Maybe she had something to do? That could explain why she isn't in the house." (Kotone)

"Something to do? So early in the morning?" (Karane)

"Who knows?" (Kotone)

Karane asked Kotone. To which the latter, replied back. Mom probably had her own bussiness.

As I sat in the table about to eat my breakfast—

"Well then, we'll be off~" (Kotone)

"See you at school, Kei." (Karane)

"What!? At least wait for me!" (Kei)

—They were getting ready to leave.

"Unn? But, aren't you going to school with Shizu?" (Kotone)

"She had something to do. So, not possible~" (Kei)

"I see." (Karane)

Both of them looked at each other, and then back at me, with faces of concern.

"W-what now?" (Kei)

"Everything okay, Kei?" (Kotone)

"Everything. Is. Fine. Geez~" (Kei)

"If you say so...?" (Karane)

I lied again to both of them, hiding the whole incident with Shizu, from both twins.

Of course, I knew that if I told them, they will understand and they wouldn't just laugh.

However, I was still confused. I also wanted to take some time for myself and think about it carefully, and get opinions of people who already knew about it.

I also wanted to wait after a 'certain someone' came back home...

"Ah! Wait for me! H-hey, why are you two sprinting!? OI!?" (Kei)


"Well then. See you two later." (Kei)

"See you, Kei." (Kotone)

"Bye~" (Karane)

I waved at them, while heading to my class.

Our school building was designed with three floors, which holded their respective years. Something like this:

1st Floor – 1st Years

2nd Floor – 2nd Years

3rd Floor – 3rd Years

Because of that, I heard some 3rd Years complain about them having to go up the stairs to much. However, it isn't that bad, right?

As I was walking. I reached the door to my classroom. I took a deepbreath, and then slowly turned the knob.

"Morning everyone~" (Kei)


"Geh!?" (Kei)

For some reason, once I entered the classroom, all eyes were on me.  

Could it be...?

"G-good morning, Kei. U-uhm... how are you feeling?" (Classmate A)


I took a deep breath and continued.

"...honestly I would be lying if I told you guys I'm fine, however, please treat me as you always did... with this sudden change I don't think I could take it..." (Kei)

It was of no use lying to them. After all, it was thanks to them I could have Friday to think calmy.

"S-sure..." (Classmate A)

After that many of my classmates came to me, asked me how am feeling and did some light chit-chat before returning to their seats.

To be honest. I'm still not over Shizu.

I just, couldn't believe it...

However, maybe it was just like Arisa said... I should take this opportunity, to learn more about myself.


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After greeting most of my classmates, I headed towards my seat, where Sachi was waiting for me.

"Good morning, Kei." (Sachi)

"Morning, Sachi." (Kei)

"Everything okay?" (Sachi)

"Yes. Thanks a lot for your concern. Yesterday helped me calm down a little. By the way... where's Riku?" (Kei)

I asked Sachi, ever since I entered the classroom, Riku was nowhere to be seen.

"Fufu, don't mention it. As for Riku... he isn't here yet." (Sachi)

Sachi answered to my query after not too long.

"Wanna bet he overslept?" (Kei)

"Why would I bet on things I wouldn't win at?" (Sachi)

"Pffftt... good point." (Kei)

Back and forths like this help me distract my mind, and make me feel at ease.

"Ah right. Do you mind if I ask you two something at lunch?" (Kei)

"Hm? Sure, I guess?" (Sachi)

"Everyone take your seats, HR is starting!" (Teacher)

"Well then, I'll take my leave." (Sachi)

"Unn." (Kei)

And so, I sat down on my desk, lazily listening to my teacher's boring speech.


~At The Rooftop (11:30)


Me: Want to eat lunch with us? I also want to know this 'boyfriend' of yours...

After I sent that message to Shizu, I turned my attention to the boy infront of me.

"So, what's the excuse this time?" (Kei)

I asked, while staring at Riku, who was awkwardly ruffling his hair.

"...cha game..." Said Riku in a small voice.

"What was that?" (Sachi)

Sachi, who probably knew what he said, asked again.

"... I was playing a new gacha game late at night... So, I kinda overslept today..." (Riku)

"Haa~ You were right, Kei..." (Sachi)

"I'm always right!" (Kei)

"H-hey Sachi... why are you sighing!? Also. Why is Kei looking so smug!?" (Riku)

Riku, who probably had no idea what was happening, asked Sachi in a desperate voice.

"Shall we eat then?" (Sachi)

"Hey, don't ignore me!" (Riku)

"Pffftt..." (Kei)

"Stop laughing!" (Riku)

"My bad— *beep* —Unn?" (Kei)

As i heard the sound of a text message, I took out my phone and opened the message app, then my expression changed.

"Is something wrong Kei?" (Sachi)

"You good man?" (Riku)

"...so his name is 'Hayato' huh..." (Kei)

I showed both Sachi & Riku, who were curious about my shift of expression, the message that i got on my phone.

It read:

Shizuka: I'm really sorry! But I promised Hayato I'll eat alone with him today, since last time we ate with some friends. Maybe some other day!

Shizuka: Ah! Just in case, enjoy your meal!

""Ahh..."" (Sachi & Riku)

Both of them froze, once they read the message.

"Hey! What's up with those sour expressions? Let's eat~" (Kei)

I said, as i opened my lunch box and started eating.

"Y-yes..." (Sachi)

"Sure..." (Riku)

I tried to appear as calm as possible, as if I was fine. However, truth was—

—I wasn't.

Because she wasn't here...

She used to come to our classroom and join us.

However, today—

—she never came.




~Afterschool (1:45 P.M.)

At the Classroom


General Science.


And so on...

Before I knew it, afternoon classes went by as fast as a bullet train. It was finally after school.

"Yo, Kei!" (Classmate C)

"Something the matter?" (Kei)

"Wanna hang out afterschool right now?" (Classmate C)

"Eh? Well then— *beep* —Hmm?" (Kei)

As my classmate, who walked towards me, invited me to hang out after school. A message came from my phone, and as i checked, the sender was someone who I didn't expect. At least, taking into account, what they said yesterday.

Yes, the sender, was Arisa.

Arisa: Kei! 

Arisa: Want to go on an afterschool adventure with your's truly~?

How is she acting so natural after the outrageous thing she said yesterday!? Rather, isn't she acting more carefree than usual!?

"Kei?" (Classmate C)

"Ah, sorry. Actually, it looks like there is someone waiting for me right now. So, I apologize, but I can't join you." (Kei)

"I see... that's a shame..." (Classmate C)

"Sorry, once again." I said, as I grabbed my stuff and headed towards the door.

However, when I reached the door, turned back again and said.

"However, if you want to invite me again, send me a message! I'll try and keep my schedule open! Now then bye! Riku, Sachi, you too! Take care." (Kei)

"Will do!" (Classmate)

"Take care, Kei." (Sachi)

"See ya, man!" (Riku)

After that, I parted ways with my best friends and classmates, and headed towards the school gate, where a certain brown–haired girl, was already waiting for me.




Even though this will be a slice of life arc. The writing style won't change. I will continue using Povs and flashbacks and flashforwards.

At least, the drama won't be too big.

I will mostly convey Kei's emotions through the text. Anyway, next chapter will be the 'afterschool adventure' with Arisa. (Just think about it as an afterschool date.)

I will also include a flashback on Kei's question towards both Sachi & Riku.

Maybe this Sunday I can get a double chapter up? Who knows.

~Coming Next: Chapter 7 - 'Different'

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