Even Though I Loved You First

Chapter 9: Chapter 7 – ‘Different’ ❶

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~A Year and a Half Ago

"I apologize if my idiotic sisters have been causing trouble." (Kei)

"Please rest assure. It's the opposite, thanks to them, I'm enjoy my highschool life." (Arisa)

"Fumu. I see..." (Kei)

Walking side by side, under the rain while sharing an umbrella, where two people. 

One of them was a young and good-looking boy, whose black hair and purple eyes, gave him a look of dignity. Which was complemented with his gentle and kind demeanor.

The other one was a young lady with long brown hair and rose beige-colored eyes, which had a gentle aura, resembling that of an older sister's.

Kei Ichinose & Arisa Kamihate, respectively.

Individuals who had nothing to do with each other, walked side by side talking, as they headed towards the former's house.

"I heard from Kotone. You plan on enrolling in our highschool next year right?" (Arisa)

"That's the plan. Me, my childhood friend and both of my best friends, are all planning on going to highschool together. Although my childhood friend is having problems with her studies, haha. That's why I'm helping her study until my last breath..." (Kei)

Said the young boy, with a wry smile.

"You have a childhood friend?" (Arisa)

"Ah, yes! Her name is Shizuka Sakurajima. We've known each other since elementary school." (Kei)

"Hee~" (Arisa)

Arisa gave a kind smile as she stared at the boy by her side.

"You must like her a lot, for you to go to such lengths, huh?" (Arisa)

"E-eeeh!? N-n-no I-I wouldn't say that..." (Kei)

Oh... he's blushing, fufu.

Arisa, who seemed to have hit 'bullseye', due to Kei's reaction thought.

"A-anyway. We are already here and my sisters must be waiting for you, so let's head inside, shall we?" (Kei)

"Sure." (Arisa)

Both of them didn't know at the time. That in the near future the 'them,' that they would eventually become, will change drastically—

—all because of a single interaction.

Which triggered some sort of domino effect.


~Present Time

~Afterschool (1:50 P.M.)

School Gate

Kei's POV~

Once I got out of the classroom, I headed towards the school gate, where Arisa was waiting for me.

"I thought you will be hanging out with my sisters– Areh...? Arisa, what's the matter?" (Kei)

"A-ah... K-Kei, it's nothing!" (Arisa)

Arisa, who seemed to be fidgeting, with her cheeks red, said to me in a shaky voice.

"You look red though." (Kei)

"I told you, I'm fine! Anyway. *ahem* Let's go!" (Arisa)

"Sure...?" (Kei)

Is it just my imagination, or she's looking really embarrassed? 

Wait... it possibly couldn't be...?

A probably-accurate-thought popped on my mind. 

So I asked her something, which was probably the cause of her behavior.

Arisa's POV~

Is this some sort of hell!? How am I supposed to face him after what I told him yesterday!? 

Why did I even messaged him in the first place!? Also... 'your's truly'!? 

Why did I even wrote that part in the first place!? Aaauuu...

My mind was a mess. Because, even though I invited Kei on a so called 'afterschool adventure', I still couldn't get, what I said to him yesterday night, out of my head.

"Say... Arisa..." (Kei)

Suddenly, Kei spoke.

"W-what is it!?" (Arisa)

"Are you... perhaps feeling embarrassed because of yesterday...?" (Kei)

"Eeehhh!?" (Arisa)

Suddenly I felt my face heat up. Could you not mention that now!?

"Eeh~ So you really were, huh~?" (Kei)

"Geh—!?" (Arisa)

At Kei's sudden teasing, I found myself almost on the verge of tears...

Kei's POV~

After I asked Arisa, who was walking beside me, about the reason as to why she was embarrased. 

It actually seemed that I teased her too much... as she looked like she was about to cry.

"Sorry, sorry~ I couldn't help it." (Kei)

"Kei, you are kind of a sadist... huh." (Arisa)

"Wait what!? I'm not! S-say let me treat you this time, as a token of how sorry I feel..." (Kei)

At my words, Arisa's mood improved greatly.

"Then what are we waiting for!? Let's get going! I have a place in mind! C'mon~" (Arisa)

What's with the sudden attitude change!?

Honestly. Even as someone who has two older sisters, I still don't get women's mood shifts...

Well, anyway. As Arisa grabbed my hand and forcefully dragged me, I kept wondering as to where she would take me.

'I have a place in mind!' Huh... Why do I have a bad feeling about this.


"Here is the premium dessert you ordered, please enjoy." 

"It looks so fluffy... Hmm!? It's really delicious! Hey Kei! Try it!" (Arisa)

"..." (Kei)

"What's up with that dissapointed face!?" (Arisa)

What's up with that absurdly small cake for such a high prize!?

"Haa~" (Kei)

"Why are you sighing!? Hey, Kei!?" (Arisa)

"Nothing at all..." (Kei)

"It's definitely something!" (Arisa)

It seems that my worries were wrong, as I was currently in a coffee shop which according to Arisa, was popular with sweets-loving people. The only downside is it's ridiculous prize their items had...

I mean, I'm good with money... Since I don't have any expensive hobbies or anything, and most of it comes from my allowance, which I rarely use.

However, that doesn't change the fact that such items where to expensive for regular highschool students.

"Kei~ Try it!" (Arisa)

"Haa~ Sure... give it here..." (Kei)

As Arisa urged me to try the cake 'I' bought, I took Arisa's spoon and tucked it into the cake, then I sent the spoon to my mouth.

"!?" (Kei)

"So? How is it?" (Arisa)

Arisa asked, while tilting her head in curiosity. To be honest I've never been fond of sweets. Back then, whenever Shizuka craved for sweets, I'll only buy enough for her, sometimes I'll buy for myself.

Even so, I rarely ate sweets. Still, when I tried this cake—

"...I'ts... unexpectedly good..." (Kei)

—I was surprised.

"W-well... 'good' wouldn't cut it... It's delicious..." (Kei)

"Right!?" (Arisa)

The texture was really fluffy, just as it's appereance, and the flavor was otherwordly... the way the sweetness made me crave for more surprised me...

I need to talk to Shizu and bring he— ah...

I uncounsciously started thinking about bringing Shizu to such a place. Forgetting about the fact that she already had a boyfriend.

"Kei?" (Arisa)

"Ah... no it's nothig... Rather, maybe I should order one for me too... this is no good..." (Kei)

"Pfftt—" (Arisa)

"What's up with that laugh!?" (Kei)

"Sorry, sorry~" (Arisa)


Needless to say that after that, I ordered one for myself, and even though I rarely bought things, it still dealt quite the emotional damage...


We were still on the coffee shop, and in front of us, there where many empty plates of different sweets we tried. Of course, Arisa went for the cheaps ones this time around, in consideration that I was paying.

"It still hurts..." (Kei)

"Oh come on~ I held myself back though~" (Arisa)

"You call that 'holding back'?" (Kei)

"Fufu~" (Arisa)

As always, we were doing our usual back and forth, however I decided to turn the mood a little serious and spoke.

"Hey, Arisa." (Kei)

Arisa, maybe sensing a change in my tone of voice, stopped playing around and responded.

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"What's up?" (Arisa)

Well... she half stopped...

"Can I ask you a question?" (Kei)

"Go ahead." (Arisa)

"Say Arisa—" (Kei)






—What should I do from now on?

"What... should... you do?" (Arisa)

Arisa who was tilting her head, confused due to my question, asked back.

So, I told her about the conversation I had with Riku and Sachi.




~Earlier (During Lunch)

As I was eating with the both of them, I finally remembered my purpose and spoke.

"Riku, Sachi. Can I ask you two something?" (Kei)

"Go ahead." (Sachi)

"Ask away~" (Riku)

After they gave the go-ahead, I spoke.

"What am I suppose to do now?" (Kei)

"What do you mean by that?" (Sachi)

Sachi, who probably didn't know about the meaning behind my question, asked.

"I mean. I know I have to move on, about Shizu, I mean. However, what do I have to do to move on?" (Kei)

Both Riku and Sachi, who realized the meaning behind the question, thought for a second, and then Riku asked.

"Say Kei, are you in any clubs?" (Riku)

"Clubs? No I'm not." (Kei)

"That so? Then—" (Riku) 

"Stop trying to make him join your club." (Sachi)

"You knew!?" (Riku)

"Dude..." (Kei)

"I swear is not like that, Kei! I just—" (Riku)

"Still. Riku, has a point." (Sachi)

Sachi interrupted the flustered Riku, then she procceeded to clean her throat and spoke.

"If I remembered correctly. You never joined any neither on middleschool nor right now on highschool. All because you wanted to go home with Shizu. Right?" (Sachi)

"..." (Kei)

"I'll take that as confirmation~" (Sachi)

Certainly, Shizu never joined any clubs. Simple because she used to find them as a pain.

Of course, back then, I also never thought of joining any clubs.

Because I didn't found them amusing.

And because I wanted to spend time with Shizu.

However, now that Shizu had a boyfriend, it meant that it might become the norm for me to be alone afterschool.

"I never asked but... Riku, Sachi, in which clubs are you on?" (Kei)

"Cooking Club." (Sachi)

"Art Club." (Riku)

""...eh...?"" (Kei & Sachi)

"What's with that reaction!?" (Riku)

"No it's just that... I never thought you will be in 'that' type of club." (Kei)

"Kei... what exactly do you mean by 'that' type of club...?" (Riku)

"...nothing much..." (Kei)

"Then stop looking away!" (Riku)

Astonished. I suddenly learned something about my best friend. I mean, Riku looks like someone who would probably sleep while painting.... and have his whole face covered in paint by the time he wokes up...

"I feel like you are making fun of me in your thoughts..." (Riku)

"...no I'm not..." (Kei)

"Then as i said! Stop looking away! OI!?" (Riku)

"I mean... I can't blame him. Riku doesn't look like the type to paint." (Sachi)

"Just what image do you have of me...?" (Riku)

"But still... a club huh..." I pondered for a while, as i had no idea what being on a club meant.

"Well, there's also the option of looking for something outside of the school." (Sachi)

"Outside? Like what?" (Kei)

"Dunno, maybe like the gym? I heard many people, who have been rejected or broke up with their partners, go there. To 'improve themselves'." (Riku)

Riku continued.

"Well i say that but, the main reason is because the gym can help get things out of your head. Not only you won't have time to think about your problems, but by improving your body, it will also boost your self-confidence." (Riku)

"I see..." (Kei)

"At least. That's what I've heard."

After that, I thought about it for a while, then I continued chatting with both of them until Lunch was over.


~Present Time

Arisa's POV~

After Kei finished talking, he asked me.

"So, what do you think?" (Kei)

Once he asked, I pondered for a while.

Certainly, school clubs where something that depending on the purpose and it's members, it could turn into something fun.

And about outside school stuff... it also wasn't a bad idea... 

As highschoolers, and considering Kei's position, he has quite the free time now.

After thinking for a while, I spoke up—

"In that case, why don't you—" (Arisa)

—and gave my opinion.



Riku Ryouzaki

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Affiliations: Art Club


Sachi Sadataka

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Affiliations: Cooking Club


Arisa Kamihate

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Affiliations: Astrology Club


Due to the chapter being longer than planned, I will be dividing it into two parts.

Next will be Arisa's opinion on both options. And the end of their 'afterschool adventure'. 

After that, a slow and heartwarming chapter, staring both Karane & Kotone! Kei's older sisters. (Contrary to other chapters, Shizuka's name won't appear much, and I won't make his sisters ask him if he's fine. Again.)

~Coming Next: 

Chapter 8 - 'Different' ❷

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