Even Though She Is a Girl of Love Level 0, She’s Stuck Being Asked To Kiss Him

Chapter 2: 1.1

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With a kiss from the prince, the princess was released from the spell of sleep. They were married and lived happily ever after. And so it was, happily ever after.

(If this could break the curse, I wouldn't have any trouble)

Closing the book with a snap, Doris sighed softly.

The light from the candelabra reveals a slender, pale face and long, dark hair.

A ray of sunlight shone through a gap in the closed curtains, like a silver thread.

Doris picked up a beautifully bound book with a pattern of vines and roses and walked over to a bookshelf by the wall. The books are neatly arranged, most of them related to witchcraft.

A book of children's fairy tales is inserted into the gap between the books of witchcraft and magic as if to hide it.

(Yes, I know. I should say my morning greetings. I must greet you in the morning.)

She adjusted the hem of her black and white one-piece dress with lace and frills and stood in front of the portrait paintings on the wall. 

"Good morning, Her Royal Highness Princess Euphemia." 

Ahead of Doris's gaze, with her hands folded in front of her chest, a beautiful girl with richly wavy golden hair and bright sky-blue eyes is smiling beautifully. 

Euphemia, the first princess of the Kingdom of Crecia. She is 16 years old, the same age as Doris, and is praised by the people as the 'true pearl of Crecia' for her beauty and good looks.

When I first saw her in the royal palace, I thought she was a moving, talking doll. 

She has perfect beauty, a charming smile that captivates all who see her, and sophisticated behavior despite her young age. 

For the first time in her life, Doris was able to "guess" in the blink of an eye. 

It has been ten years since she last met Princess Euphemia. Instead of seeing her in person, she has been healed by gazing at this portrait. 

(Oh, you're so pretty and lovely today.)

She prays that Princess Euphemia may spend another day in good health. 

Next, Doris took a step to the left and gazed up entranced at the portrait on display next to her. 

(One year ago… fifteen-year-old Euphemia. Her slightly innocent look is irresistibly lovely.) 

Next to her is a fourteen-year-old portrait, and next to that is a thirteen-year-old portrait of Princess Euphemia, and portraits of the ten years since Doris first met her at the age of six are displayed in a horizontal row. Doris's morning routine is to look at all the portraits, from the present to the past, to moisten her heart. 

"Ugh ......, six-year-old Euphemia-sama ......, how sinfully pretty she is. These white, smooth cheeks are as fine as the living earth of this kind of bread… I want to touch them." 

Doris's cheeks turned red and her breathing became a little rough when a bright red rose appeared from nowhere behind her and the petals fluttered down.

(Oh, no, I shouldn't have done that. I just got excited.) 

As she was cleaning up the flowers on the floor, there was a knock at the door and the door was opened. 

"Good morning, Miss Doris!"

The maid came into the room, her cheerful voice echoing, and her eyebrows furrowed as she found Doris crawling on the floor, gathering up roses. 

"Oh, good…. morning, good morning." 

"Miss, are you at it again?" 

The younger, small-patterned maid, saying in dismay, moved to the window sill and opened the purple-murasaki-colored light-blocking curtains.


The glorious sunlight shone brightly in the room, revealing the dark interior and the slightly poisonous embroidered tapestry of spiders and scorpions. 

"D… Dazzling…" 

"Miss. It's about time you took down this creepy tapestry. I know it's a masterpiece, but it's a bit of a mismatch with the portrait of the princess."


Doris looked at the wall and folded her hands in front of her chest. 

"Can't you feel it? The gap between the purity of Euphemia-sama and the darkness of the poisonous spiders that infest the night is irresistible. Of course, Euphemia-sama looks best in pure white like snow. But if she were to wear a crown of black roses, a dark-colored dress, a veil, and blood-colored rouge, she'd be perfect…! Do you understand this immorality…" 

Beside Doris, who continues to tell the story with an eerie smile, the maid sighs in hindsight, whispering, "I shouldn't have asked." 

"Ha, yes." 

Doris drew back the curtains on the wall to cover and conceal the decade-old portrait of Princess Euphemia. It was a valuable item, obtained through a certain route'. They would not survive if the sunlight degraded the painting material. 

After putting the portrait out of harm's way, Doris turned up the cloth on the round table where she had been reading and crawled under it.

(Calm down…) 

Doris breathed a sigh of relief under the table, but the maid pushed open the window of the room. 

The maid pushed open the window and said, "If you don't let the air in and out properly, your clothes and books will get moldy." 

The spring breeze, filled with the smell of green, blew in. 

(A… scent of daffodils)


The clear, sweet, and gentle scent tickled Doris's nose in the wind. 

The faces of her parents in her home village of Lancaster and the early spring daffodil fields that adorned the gardens of the mansion flashed through her mind. 

(I hope father and mother are well.)

Doris, the only daughter of a Norman count and baroness, who rules the northern part of the Kingdom of Crecia, has been living in seclusion for some reason in a separate villa on the outskirts of the royal capital. 

Her parents write to her frequently and visit her once a year, but it pains her to feel lonely. 

"Miss. It's time to get ready." 

"Get ready for what?" 

Doris crawled out from under the table and tilted her head. The girl maid shrugged her shoulders in dismay. 

"I knew you forgot. We have a guest coming in this afternoon!" 

"Oh, is it today?" 

"I guess you lose all sense of dates when you live a life with nothing to get up and down about."

Doris had nothing to say in reply to the depressing look in his eyes. 


Doris avoids human contact as much as possible, so the number of people who come to see her is limited.

"Let's have it this way today," says Doris. "We're entertaining His Royal Highness, so we'll wear bright colors that will make the place look festive!" 


Despite the color of the prepared garments, Doris's heart suddenly felt very heavy. 

The room, which should have been filled with morning sunlight, was now shrouded in a black, smoky haze. 

"What is it?"


In the blink of an eye, a haze of such a murky color covered the entire room. 

Doris put her hand on her chest and took a deep breath to lift her sinking heart.

(Think of something…fun. For example, about Lady Euphemia.) 

Meanwhile, a passing crow flew in from outside the window. 


Startled by a raven that swooped overhead in the haze, Doris screamed. 

The next moment, the black pearl ornament in her hair popped off with a bang. 

"Miss, are you all right?" 

"I'm okay…" 

The black haze cleared away. 

A crow circled three times over Doris, who was sitting on the floor in a daze, and then cawed and flew away out the window. 

"Oh, young miss…" 

"I'm always sorry…" 

Doris could only speak helplessly to the maid who was holding her dress with tearful eyes.

Due to a curse placed on her as a child by a passing witch, Doris has a constitution that causes physical effects on those around her when her emotions get too much. 

The royal princes and noblemen of the Kingdom of Crecia are born with high magical power, but this power is also sealed away. Perhaps the curse was imperfect, or perhaps Doris's magic power is too high, but when her emotions are greatly shaken, the sealed magic power bursts out like a paper balloon bursting. The spell was not complete, or perhaps her magic power was too high.

While suppressing her emotions and avoiding contact with others, Doris has come to prefer the quiet hours of the night when people sleep. 

Dressed in a black costume that melts into the night, she loves the creatures in the shadows of the sun. 

Nevertheless, the person who moistens Doris's heart the most is still Princess Euphemia, who is more dazzling than the sun. Although the direction of her thrust is a little oblique. 


Doris, wearing a pale yellow dress and having her long black hair cutely braided, was waiting in the drawing room with an expression of emptiness on her face. 

The interior of the mansion is decorated with ordinary light-colored wallpaper and furnishings, except for Doris's private room. Doris's mother had instructed her to do this. 

"I wonder if I could still use a temporary illness to refuse ......?" 

"It's not a good time. It happens every month, get used to it."

The maid whispered back, and Doris's shoulders slumped. 

Soon after, she heard a voice announcing the butler's arrival. 

Doris stood up with her back straight and walked awkwardly to the door. 

The heavy door was opened and Doris felt tired before she even greeted her guest. 

(Oh, you're in a very bad mood today too.) 

The beautiful face is ruined. I can't say it out loud, but... 

"You still look as bad as ever, Doris." 

The owner of the cold, sharp voice, reminiscent of an icy blade or a sharp haversack, said without smiling.

The man's honey-colored hair that shines through the light, his sky-blue eyes framed by long eyelashes and double lids, his smooth milk-colored cheeks and pale red lips, his well-proportioned and supple body, he has the appearance of an artist. The man's impeccable good looks, which make him look like a work of art, give him an intimidating sense of pressure. 

"Welcome… His Royal Highness Crown Prince Celeste."

The first time I saw him, he was a little too shy for my liking, and I was surprised when he gave me a "hmph" when I picked up the hem of my dress and bowed to him. 

"You look well enough to give a mindless welcome speech." 

(I don't feel good… Even though they have the same face, it's a world of difference from Lady Euphemia's.) 

The portrait of Euphemia was a heavenly sight to behold, but her brother Celeste was so hateful that it was depressing to see him face to face. 

"I'm glad to see you looking so well, Your Highness." 

She looks up and tries to smile as much as she can, but she can't do it properly and her mouth goes tight. 

"You are a countess, too, after all.  Shall not we be entertained so as not to be ashamed of the name of the house?" 

(No matter what I do, you won't be pleased!) 

After Doris moved to the count's villa to avoid the outburst of magic power caused by the curse, the royal court sent an envoy to regularly monitor her progress. After about two years, when it was determined that little harm had been done, Celeste, the crown prince, began to visit every month, saying, "From this time on, I will be the one to observe the progress."

(I wish His Highness didn't have to come every month... I wonder if his highness has more time on his hands than I thought?) 

After a few seconds of silently glancing at each other, another guest peeks out from behind Celeste. 

"Celeste, you shouldn't look so scary and threatening." 

He is a tall, well-built young man with shoulder-length chocolate-colored hair tied up with a sky-blue cord and silver-rimmed glasses. His young grass-colored eyes, reminiscent of smoldering fresh greenery, smiled gently at me. 

"I'm sorry, Doris, Celeste means, 'You don't look well, are you not feeling well? Are you eating properly?' That's what he means. Also, he said, 'Today's dress looks great.' Your physiognomy and attitude are too bad to get the message across." 

"Hey, don't say unnecessary things." 

Celeste looked up at the young man next to him.

"Good day, Mr. Percival. Please don't worry. Your Highness's physiognomy, demeanor, and meanness are the usual thing." 

Doris bowed and smiled back, spilling a little venom. 

Percival is the eldest son of Marquise Ambler, a relative of the queen. He is Celeste's chaperone and best friend, and he has known him since he was a child. 

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"Is everything all right, Doris?" 

"Yes, thanks to you. I'm glad to see you're doing well, too, Mr. Percival."

For Doris, who has very few people to talk to, Percival is like an older brother who knows her well and visits her once a month from the palace to see how she is doing. 

(His Highness is always with him, though.) 

Doris glanced at Celeste…and was met with a gaze so piercing that she felt as if it would shoot through her heart at any moment.

 "If you have something to say, say it out loud." 

"If you keep wrinkling your brow, you'll get old in one fell swoop." 

With a smirk, Doris reflexively retorted. 

Celeste and I used to play together when we were young, but ever since the curse incident, we are both like this.

I don't mean to ingratiate myself, but I don't think it's right to be one-sided and hateful without a single "thank you for helping me". 

"Today, I have a gift for Doris and a report to give." 

Percival opened his mouth as he settled down on the sofa, which was upholstered in an elegant flower-patterned fabric.

 "Report ......?" 

Percival always brings Doris souvenirs that he thinks she will enjoy. Last month he brought her a seedling of an exotic herb, and the month before he brought her antique embroidery thread. 

"This time it's a little different," 

Percival said. Percival put the package under his arm on the table and carefully unwrapped the blue cloth. 

The contents of the wrapper were water crystal cut into a plate oval shape. It was just large enough to fit in Doris's hands.

When Percival held his hand over the surface of the crystal, the image of a girl appeared. 

"This ......, this one ...... eh? Um, Percival-sama?"

Her soft, honey-colored hair was wavy in rich waves, her clear, sky-blue, dull eyes, her pouty lips pouting like rosebuds. Dressed in a snow-white dress and elegant figure, she is one of the noblest women in the country. She is the person Doris admires the most. 

"Her Royal Highness Princess Euphemia ......!" 

Doris held her mouth with both hands and shook her whole body. 

(Cute ...... ridiculously cute ....... Amazing, precious ......!) 

She sees the portrait that hangs in her room every day, but this is the first time in ten years that she has seen it reflected in crystal clear light. 

Doris was tense, not knowing how to react to the sudden and unexpected reward. 

"Um...... Mr. Percy. Is this on the screen? Can I speak to you now?" 

"Oh my God, it's moving! She's talking!"

Princess Euphemia's voice heard for the first time in ten years, had a tone as clear as a flowing spring. 

"Good day, Doris. It's been ten years...?" 

"Y, Yes!"

Percival laughed at Doris, who replied without thinking, "This is the magic of recorded images, so she can't hear you." 

"I am looking forward to the day when you come to the palace and we can talk in person. Please be careful on your way." 

Princess, as pretty as a pure white lily, waved her hand toward us with a beautiful smile. So precious. 

Soon, Princess Euphemia's figure disappeared from the crystal, leaving only a flat crystal in its place. 

"Did you like it?" 

Percival asked smilingly as he hurriedly wrapped the crystal in a cloth. Celeste wrinkled his brow and sipped his tea in silence. 

She said, "Thank you… I never thought I would be able to see Euphemia-sama in motion again while she was alive… I have not a single regret in my life."

Before she knew it, colorful petals were dancing around Doris, who sighed with her hand on her chest. It was an outburst of magical power caused by a curse. 

(...... hmm?) 

Suddenly, Doris noticed a certain sense of difference.

"Um, Mr. Percival… I can't see the meaning behind the story, am I going to the royal palace or something ......?" 

"Oh yes, I have to tell you about the report I just mentioned." 

Percival smiles gently at Doris, who blinks repeatedly. 

"I'm engaged to be married to Princess Euphemia." 


Doris involuntarily lifted her hips off the couch. 


Percival smiled and nodded, and new rose petals appeared around Doris. 

"Congratulations...! Percival and Euphemia... I'm so happy that the two of you who are my dearest are engaged...!" 

"Thank you, Doris."

In the fluttering and dancing petals, Doris's indigo-blue eyes became moist.

One of the petals Doris made danced softly down into Celeste's hair as he sipped his tea in silence. 

"Doris is like a sister to me. I'd love you to attend my engagement party." 

"No…I don't think that's possible. You know that, don't you, Mr. Percival?" 

Doris has not stepped out of her mansion's paved area for the past ten years. In case of a magical outburst in the city or at the royal palace, it would be irreversible.

"Do you think Princess Euphemia let us record these images for no reason at all?" 

At Percival's meaningful tone, Doris nodded her head slightly. 

"You know, Doris…" 

As Percival was about to continue, there was a clang and a clash of teacups. 

Celeste, who had set down his teacup, glared at me.

Celeste stopped the maid from pouring another cup of tea with his hand. 

"No thanks. Thank you."

After bowing and looking sideways at the maid as she stepped back, Celeste turned to Doris. 

"Do you think you have the right to refuse?" 


Celeste gracefully recrosses his long legs and points his supple fingertips at me.

"It's not an 'invitation', it's a 'summon.' You should not think about anything else, but silently obey the summons of the royal family." 


Doris was speechless at the insolence of his words. 

"We're not going to call a bombshell like you without a second thought. His Majesty the King and the Magicians are not idiots. They have countermeasures." 


When Doris turned her head and stared back at him, Celeste looked away in a huff. 

"You know, Doris. Even if Doris's magic is about to go out of control like it is now, we are planning to put up a ward that can nullify the power of the curse. So, I want you to come to the royal palace with peace of mind, says Celeste."

"I didn't say that!" 

Celeste shouted at Percival, who was interpreting on his own.

"Just between you and me, Celeste worked very hard to invite Doris. Celeste says that it was the 'magician's group', but it was Celeste who initiated and directed the warding. And there are others in development and progress…" 

"Percy, stop talking nonsense!" 

"Your Highness is...?" 

Doris' voice was like a gentle breeze, and Percival clasped her hands in front of her face. 

"Would you please think about it?" 

Having been told that much, Doris had no choice but to shake her head. 

"Mr. Percival, I would like to make one condition…" 

Evening. In the carriage on the way home, Celeste gazes out the window with a look of emptiness on his face. He is despairing over his actions today.

"If you're so upset, why don't you just be nice to her from the beginning?" 

"If I could do that, I wouldn't have any trouble…" 

Celeste nodded like a slug being pelted with salt at Percival's bitter words. 

He thought he was being as attentive as possible, but instead of being pleased, Doris seemed to dislike it. 

"What's wrong...?" 

"It's okay as usual, I can have a normal and enjoyable conversation with the ladies of the royal palace." 

"I don't remember." 

Socializing at the palace is part of his job as a prince. He's had etiquette drilled into him from an early age, so he can behave unconsciously towards people he's not interested in. 

"That's the thing, I feel sorry for those girls."

Percival chuckled and shrugged. 

"...Doris looks better than she used to." 

Percival's reference to the old days was to the early days of Doris's curse. 


He recalls the day when he had hurt Doris unilaterally by speaking out of his mind. 

She had defended me, but I shouted at her, telling her to mind her own business.

Ten years later, I still haven't apologized. 

I still haven't thanked her for saving my life. 

Then there is… 

"Celeste has a lot to say to Doris, doesn't he?" 

"Don't read people's minds." 

"I can't read minds. You're just easy to understand. If Celeste is so easy to understand, why can't you express your feelings to the people you care about?" 

"…don't know." 

Celeste's sigh was carried away by the cold evening breeze.

Doris, who had been moving the embroidery needle back and forth across the cross, suddenly stopped. 

"The Royal Palace..." 

The events of that day come vividly to the forefront of her mind. 

Roses blooming in the garden, a strange witch in black, Celeste as a child, a crushed bouquet. 

I feel like my time has stopped since that moment. 

It will be a week before I am invited to the royal palace. If I could find a way to break the curse of the magical freezing spell by then, I would gladly attend Percival and his family's engagement party, but there was no way that such a convenient arrangement would be possible. 

"I wonder if it's safe for me to go...?"

I can't help but simulate in my head a temporary illness on the day of the party.

(...That's a waste of time. It's disrespectful to both Percival and Euphemia.) 

Besides, if she disobeyed the order of Celeste, Euphemia's real brother, there was no telling what he might do.

(You have to be prepared, Doris.) 

Doris looked at the portrait of Euphemia on the wall and clenched her fists. 

"…wait a minute." 

I've just noticed something very important. 

I wondered if I would ever make it back alive to see Euphemia in the flesh, moving and talking…? 

The crystal image that I saw during the day alone made me feel like I was going to faint.

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