Even Though She Is a Girl of Love Level 0, She’s Stuck Being Asked To Kiss Him

Chapter 3: 1.2

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A week later, on the day of the engagement party. In a four-horse carriage traveling down the main road leading from the city center to the royal palace, Doris was cowering with a pale face.

(So, I've left. ...... I've left the mansion.)

It takes about two hours by carriage to the royal palace. In order not to accidentally explode her magic, Doris took a few deep breaths to maintain her composure.

She wrote to her parents, who lived in the main house in her hometown, to tell them how things were going, and they sent her a dress, shoes, and accessories for the day in the blink of an eye.

Doris's mother had tailored a lilac-colored dress that seemed to be a mixture of elegance and cuteness. The design is full of wavy drapes and has a black lace floral ornament on the waist. The chest is edged with ruffles that are too glamorous and adorable, and harmonize with the silver necklace.

Her mother was so pleased that Doris would be attending a royal party that she had written to her to send her a magic crystal of her in formal attire. Only the text concerning this was spelled out in unusually bold and large letters.

Doris was glad she had decided to go if only to show a little filial piety.

The maid, who always takes care of her, was even more enthusiastic today and had been trying for days to find a hairstyle that would go with the outfit. In the end, she settled on a safe hairstyle that was as unobtrusive as possible, but not too plain, with the hair braided above the ears and the rest of the hair swept down the back.

Euphemia said she wanted to have a chance to talk with Doris the day after the party, so she was planning to stay at the palace for two nights. Celeste also arranged for us to visit the court magician's office.

The carriage slowly climbs a small hill. Opening a small window and looking out, the stone ramparts surrounded by an outer moat come into view. Further on, the milky-white outer walls and the blue roof of the spire are revealed against the clear blue sky.

The sensation of the back of her chest tightening tightened involuntarily made Doris squeeze her chest.

It's a complicated feeling as if she is nostalgic and does not want to go back there.

Doris's heart pounds as if resonating with the carriage's shaking.

It's been a long time since she's met anyone outside the mansion, let alone at a social event, and she's nervous.

(Please, may it end without incident)

The carriage carrying Doris praying with her hands crossed the drawbridge and passed through the castle gates.
The carriages stopped in turn in front of the royal castle, and the invited guests disembarked gracefully.

Eventually, Doris's turn came.

(First of all, don't fall.)

She had spent the past week practicing her manners to the death with the help of the servants of the house, so as not to step on the hem of the ball gown she was wearing for the first time in her life. She struggled because she knew she couldn't look so bad on her way to the royal palace.

A man's hand wrapped in white gloves reached out in front of Doris, who was on her toes on the steps and flinching on her feet.

"Oh, excuse me... Huh!?"

Doris reflexively tried to take the hand, but almost screamed when she saw the other man's face.

At the same time, the nobles around him also roared in surprise.

"Don't look stupid. Get your shit together."

"So..., Your Highness?"

There was Celeste in formal attire, including a sumptuous dark green jacket, a black blouse, and black pants.

Celeste took Doris's trembling hand in his and, with his other hand on her hip, set her down on the stone tatami mat. For a moment, her body felt as if it were floating softly like cotton wool.

"Why does His Highness… greet in person......?"

"I'm taking Percy's place, he forgot he was the star of the day and said he was going to pick up Doris. There was no time for that."

"But your Highness doesn't have to bother to come out..."

As we whispered to each other as we ascended the stone steps leading to the entrance hall, the nobles around us looked at us curiously.

"Oh my, which lady is it?"

"I can't believe His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, himself is here to greet her."

(It's noticeable... It stands out very much...! )

My goal for the day was to end the day quietly and unnoticed, but this was no longer possible as soon as I arrived at the royal palace.

The conditions for attending the ball, which Doris fearfully presented to Percival. That is, "I must secretly watch over the couple from the shadows, out of sight."

It is hard to imagine what the future holds for them if they are so conspicuous right from the start.

(Your Highness is really beautiful just by looking, so everyone's gaze will inevitably be gathered, but it is troublesome for me to stand out even when I am with you...)

Noticing Doris's resentful gaze, Celeste frowns suspiciously.

"Do you have something to complain… about?"

"No, no...! I just think you look very nice in your outfit today."


"I thought it was a wonderful design that highlighted your good looks…"

Doris said exactly what she thought, but Celeste didn't like it, so he clenched his back teeth and turned away.



When he looked up, Celeste's cheeks were slightly reddened. Maybe he had been exposed to too much sunlight while waiting for Doris to arrive.

"That... your clothes are also at a level where it can be seen just fine."

If Percival had been here, he would have admonished him, saying, "That's rude to say that," but Doris didn't bother at all and her face broke into a smile. She was prepared for a complaint that "the clothes don't match the person wearing them," so for Doris, it was tantamount to "I've been praised!"

"My mother sent this to me from Lancaster Village. If I received a passing grade from His Highness, I am not ashamed to show it to Lady Euphemia. I'm glad."

Anyway, I have to be careful not to fall... As Doris stared at her feet, Celeste loosened his lips slightly.

"I'll take you to see your sister right away. Follow me."

"What?! I'm not ready for that…"

"Let's go without talking."

With Celeste by her arm, Doris began to ascend the stone spiral staircase with trepidation.

Stopping several times to catch her breath, Doris came to the front of Euphemia's room.

"Euphemia-sama is here.... even the door is divine."

The lady in front of the door is smiling with eyes that look like they're looking at a rare animal.

"I'm sorry, don't mind if I open it."

Celeste nodded, and the officer reverently pushed the door open.

"Euphie, I'm going in."

At Celeste's call, the figure standing by the window turned around.

Her richly wavy golden hair danced like wings, scattering golden light particles in the sunlight.

"My dear brother."

An angel was there.

Her dress, with its layers of pure white ruffles, was as fluffy as an angel's wings, swaying lightly with each step she took.

"How are you?"

"Don't worry about it, I'm feeling so good today."

Doris's chest trembled as the clear, lovely sound of her voice shook the air.

(Raw... Raw Euphemia...! Cu... Cute......! )

You are reading story Even Though She Is a Girl of Love Level 0, She’s Stuck Being Asked To Kiss Him at novel35.com

As I was shaking my shoulders in excitement, Euphemia called out to me.

"It's been a while, Doris. Thank you for coming today."

"Ha, yes, I've been away for a long time!"

She bit her lip, but Euphemia didn't bother and gently squeezed Doris's hands.

(Soft... Warm...... It's smooth...! )

Besides, it smells sweet and good, like the honey of a flower.

How pleasant it would be to touch her honey-colored hair and milk-colored cheeks. I was awe-struck by such a thought.

I thought about it.

(I envy Percival-sama...)

Doris sighed, holding Euphemia's warm hands to her chest.

"Euphie, where's Percy?"

"To greet all the guests. He wants to do it now because he knows that once the party starts, he will be busy."

Doris watched dreamily as Celeste and Euphemia engaged in casual conversation.

(You two look so picturesque together… They are brother and sister, so it's only natural that they look alike, but the more I look at them, the more beautiful they are…)

Just as she was about to let her consciousness fly away, Euphemia smiled at Doris.

"It's so nice to see you today, I know it must have taken an immense amount of courage for you to leave the mansion."

"No, no. not at all...!"

"Please enjoy yourself to your heart's content."

Euphemia, who is slightly shorter than Doris, looked up and tilted her head slightly.

(The best angle... I'm glad I'm alive!)

As she was shaking with emotion, she heard a maid of honor call out to Euphemia.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I have to go now. We'll chat later."

Euphemia squeezed Doris's hand once more before swaying the hem of her pure white dress and leaving the room with graceful steps.

In the room, alone with Celeste, Doris closes her eyes and looks up at the ceiling.

"Your Highness..."


"I can die here and now."

"Stop it."

The feel of Euphemia's small, soft hands, her adorable voice that makes your eardrums tremble sweetly, her clear eyes that seemed to confine the glow of the whole world. Everything is precious.

Doris held her throbbing chest with both hands and turned to Celeste.

"I met Euphemia-sama, and my emotions are so garbled that I can't express them in… words, but there was no outburst of magical power."

"That's what warding is for."

"Thank you, Your Highness and the Wizarding Corps for your valuable magic for me and others..."

"You, stop belittling yourself like that."

Celeste's eyes looked more troubled than angry.

"What happened ten years ago is responsible for the looseness of the royal palace's protective barriers that allowed witches to enter. Don't blame yourself. Besides, everyone in the Wizarding Division and His Majesty the King... I'm worried about you, too. For today at least, be honest."

"Your Highness..."

"Well, don't worry about that ...... outburst of magic, but don't get carried away when you're approached by those guys today because you're dressed pretty... or better."

Saying this, Celeste averted his gaze.

"Don't worry, I'll sit in the corner so I don't get out of sight. I'm just a lookout."

"You stand out because you're cute..."

Celeste's murmur didn't reach Doris's ears.

After sunset, Percival and Euphemia's engagement party began in the hall of the royal castle.

The magnificent chandelier glittered and a court orchestra played a graceful performance. The invited guests are chatting with glasses in their hands, eagerly awaiting the appearance of the star of the show.

(Euphemia's dress earlier was wonderfully tailored... I wonder if she's going to appear in that outfit. I can't wait to see her hair and accessories…)

Doris watched Euphemia from her balcony seat in the hall. Percival had specially prepared a space for her to watch. Here, she could enjoy Euphemia's splendid appearance without being seen.

Among the royal nobles chatting in the hall, there was a familiar face.

Surrounded by beautiful ladies dressed in gorgeous dresses was Celeste.

He holds up a glass of fruit wine, smiles brightly, and politely responds to each and every one of the ladies who speak to him.

What surprised Doris more than anything was the sun-like smile that attracted people with its twinkle and dazzle.

(His Highness is... the one who laughed like that.)

One after another, the ladies who had exchanged words with Celeste stained their cheeks red and left the place embarrassedly. Although the content of the conversation was completely inaudible, it is believed that the words Celeste spoke had captured the hearts of the girls.

(I didn't know that... Your Highness is extremely popular. I thought he was a brusque, foul-mouthed man and that they didn't like him.)

It was a new sight for Doris, who had heard so many hateful things about him.

The sight of Celeste looking down from the balcony was like that of a stranger, giving her a strange, indescribable feeling.

(If only I hadn't been cursed... withdrawn, I wonder if he would have smiled at me normally like those ladies?)

Comparing herself to the glamorous and elegant ladies and the gloomy hikikomori, I felt like I understood why Celeste was always unfriendly.

(You don't want to deal with a lady like me who isn't gorgeous or pretty...)

After a while, the atmosphere in the hall changed. Guests pay attention to where the door to the hall is.

Percival and Euphemia had entered.

Stepping out into the center of the hall, the two snuggled up close and bowed in all directions.

Percival wore a white robe framed with a golden braid, Euphemia was dressed in the white fluffy dress she had just worn, her hair was finely braided and up, and she wore a goldsmith tiara.

Percival was dressed in a white ceremonial dress trimmed with gold braid, and Euphemia in the white fluffy dress she had just worn, with her hair in a fine braid and up, and a gold-work tiara on top.

(Lovely...! You both look great......!!)

Doris clapped the fingertips of her hands together silently and secretly applauded without a sound.

It is an eye-opener. I'm so glad I've been alive. Tonight is the happiest night of my life.

Completely forgetting that she was cursed, Doris chewed on her happiness.

That was then.

"…Hey, are you sure you want to do this?"

"Oh, you're freaking out? You were all over it."

"Yes, but..."

I heard a voice talking from the balcony next door.

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