Everlasting Suffering: Heroes Awakening

Chapter 10: Yui’s Rage!

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I stand up, the palm of my hand facing away from me.
I jump back, Hex: Dual Blades Of Fire


Eh? I blink twice... What? I don't require a chant right? Oh silly me, perhaps I don't need the Hex part.


Dual Blades Of Fire



Nothing emerged, I thought I don't have to speak out loud anymore.


A semi-transparent blue screen arises.

<---Revert Changes? Y/N---->

"YES!" I scream. I notice my body glowing light blue.


The screen breaks and fades away.

I don't have any ill intent toward the new magic system, I just prefer the old. I'm used to it already. You know what they say An oldey is a goldey!

"Hex: Dual Blades Of Fire" I smile, A flash of a red pentagram materialises in front of both of my palms. Two long blades designed by fire emerge. I feel the warmth from the fire. The first time I cast this, I was so frightened of it burning my own hands aha. Takashi reassured me it doesn't affect the caster.

I smile, closing my eyes. Shortly the fire blades vanish.



"DIDN'T YOU JUST VANISH?!" I yell, holding my fist toward the sky.


I chuckle, I didn't even have a chance to reply. Sorry Crimson, also what is Fuka implying? I'll die? Or perhaps Fuka doesn't know that I'm 19 forever.


Well, I better return, storm clouds are approaching like crows circling prey.

I wipe the grass that attached itself to me, perhaps it loves me. I giggle, I'm a moron.

Stepping beside the road and continue to stroll. I arrive back on the red carpet shortly and enter the academy.

As soon as I enter, I notice some odd behaviour... Three women, They're wearing long dresses red, black and white. Hold on, It's the three women that laughed at me when that guy barged past me. Huh? I notice flopped bunny ears.

"Yeah, hurry up and clean the mess you caused us, bitch." The woman in red cackled, moving the victim's head back and forth.

What's happening over there? I sprint over.

"I-I-I'-- They pull her bunny ears causing her to scream.

"Why don't you go back to the forest where you breed all night long!" The woman in a lengthy white dress yelled.

"HEY! BACK OFF!" I jump in front of--- IT'S YUI?! I notice her face streaming with tears and a little blood. I glance at my hands as an ember slowly grows within me.

"I'll ki-kill th-them." Yui mumbled, her skirt covered in dirt.

"Eh, what was that?" I offer my hand to Yui.

Yui balled her eyes out, barging past me

"Hold on." I catch her hand.

"Pl-PLEASE LET GO!" Yui cried, I lost my grip on Yui as she sprinted outside.

I followed a little then paused...

I face the three women who bullied her with dark shadows over my eyes.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Look at her, pathetic, perhaps she did go into the forest after all." The woman in white cackled, her hands on her hips.

"AND YOU! SHOULD KNOW YOUR PLACE!" The woman in red pointed at me, forming a silver aura over her body.

I sense tiny crystals sticking together around me.

Shortly swords emerge and surround me. Hm, Ain't that Hex: Hall Of Swords... So I can still detect magic before it's complete, that's cool. Should I cast Hex: Dual Blades Of Fire? How about Hex: Twirling Earth? or even Hex: Hands Of Death? No, keep it low.

"GO ON! BEG LIKE A DOG!" a Woman wearing a black long dress smiled, pointing to the floor in front of me.

I can't even see their faces properly, that's how disgusted I am. I equip my long sword. Right, time to test my hex magic on these losers. No offense Crimson although if I had your magic still, I'd be in trouble now. 

"DIE!" They all were in perfect sync.

With my sword in front of my chest. I close my eyes.

"Hex: Ring Of Destruction!" I chant as a bright red pentagram form around my sword, resulting in my sword shining orange. Fireballs materialise and spread from all angles. The swords that were surrounding me slowly melt away like ice. The walls remained perfectly intact, magic resistance? Well, I mean, it's the number one academy right? So I'd expect some enchantments or rest in peace.

"H-He melted my enchanted swords with ease?!" One gasped, covering her mouth as the hands of the other two exposing fear.

Huh? They were enchanted? Didn't seem like it. If they panic after one spell being disarmed then why even come to the academy?

Like a lightning flash, causing my butler uniform to flutter. I'm close to the woman in white.

"IT'S OVER YOU THREE BASTARDS!" I yell. My long sword steadily approaching the chest of the woman.

"STOP! OTONASHI! YOU'LL KILL HER!" A voice from above? Takashi's?!

I halt in my tracks, it's like water pouring onto my raging heart, dissolving the flame of hatred. What? my hands shake, I thought she'd cast a defensive spell. Undoubtedly, all three of them are trash.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Ray holding the tip of his fedora approached the three women.

"Tch..." One grunted as they all sprinted off together like sheep.

Pff pathetic, those are the types of people on floor 3? Makes floor 3 an embarrassment. Perhaps the future generation has become foolish?

"I heard the situation from bystanders, go locate Yui, Otonashi." Ray smiled, leaning against the bronze-coloured wall.

I nod as I return my sword and sprint outside the academy.

Dammit, where is Yui? Crap, it'll rain soon. I better haste. Where? I scan the area of the Academy. At the back maybe? Nope. I pull my hair Where... WHERE?!

I grip my chest, I remember what Felix said to me, he's one of the four heroes of time.

"Our past is what carves the path of our future." He said in a deep calm voice.

Now I don't know how long this bullying has been transpiring, but if this continues the path for Yui may be a dark one. I have to help her.

A drop of rain? I hold my hand out. As soon as I blink the rain came down hard like a waterfall.

Ah, screw it! I bolt outside the dome. My uniform absorbing the rain.

After running down the road, I notice a woman kicking a tree stump repeatedly.

"DIE! DIE! DIE?!" Yui screamed in agony.

"I'M SICK OF EVERYONE! I'LL CRUSH THOSE THREE SKULLS!" Yui cackled, as rain soaked her entire black tank top and mini skirt.

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"H-hey..." I stumble with my words, witnessing Yui in despair, I approach gradually.

"I BET YOU CAME TO LAUGH AT ME AS WELL!" Yui glared with her eyeballs on the verge of popping out.

Before I could even say no, a glowing green sword hastily approaches me. Oh crap! Why a green aura?! I reach for my sword and halt the incoming assault.

A clash of metal echoes throughout the field.

Eh? Yui predicted my actions and used her blade to fling both our blades into the air.

As I descend my gaze, Yui's leg lifted high in the sky. I barely dodge by a hair strand.

"GUH!" I feel my stomach throbbing with pain. I'm sent a little backwards.

Yui punched me?


"Ahaha! dreams? ARE YOU STUPID?!" Yui stumbles back and forth, then hastily charges toward me wielding a green dagger.


That caught me off guard, as the dagger inserted itself into my lower mid of my torso.

Blood drains from my wound and soaks into the soil below. It's painful. I should have used an endurance spe---


I detect a bizarre object on the ground behind me, it began to shine.

"THAT'S?!" I gasp, flinching into the air with my arms positioned as an X.

A zap of an orange ray consumed my surroundings. A howl of an explosion reproduced throughout the land.

I land tossing and tumbling, finally halting, and smashing my head against a tree stump.

"ACK!" I cough blood. My vision is blurry.

I black out.

"Wh-What have I done?" Yui stumbles backwards as her eyes return to normal.

Gazing at her fingers, shaking as rain falls from her hands and onto the soil.

Yui closes her eyes.

"NO!" Yui let out a scream.



Am I the foolish one? Modern magic... Am I underestimating its power?


Ugh... I gradually open my eyes, rain still pouring on my face. I hear Yui crying. I gaze at my body. I'm healed? Ugh--- heh, I guess the gamble worked although that ending was unexpected. The worst scenario is to knock Yui out with force, and then use my power to heal myself. but I guess it never came to that, and frankly, I'm pleased. I only fight when I have no choice.

Have to say, didn't expect a magic grenade, they were little crystals back in my day, well prototypes. Pleased to see that they'll be a lot more deadly now.

"I'm alive, don't worry." I chuckle.


Yui hopped and wrapped her arms around me.

"I'-I-I'M SO SORRY!" Yui hugged me even tighter, her ears rubbing against my face.

It felt as if my face altered blue.

"It--'s fi-n-e" I puff, stroking her ear. It twitched as if to say stop!

Yui jumps back, her face bright as strawberry

"I'M SO SORRY!" Shaking her hands profusely.

"Aha" Scratching my head.

"It's fine," I added.

Yui proceeds to plant her ass on the tree stump, crossing her legs.

"Otonashi... I don't understand." Yui looked at me with tears in her eyes, mixing with the rain.

"Understand what?" I wondered, standing up.

I feel the rain drip from my hair.

"Do you ever have that tight feeling in your stomach, overthinking the worst outcome of everything?" Yui gazed at the ground.

Anxiety is such a terrifying emotion. In the past, it was useful for a fight-or-flight response against wild beasts such as bears. Nowadays It's a hindrance.

"Yes, I do although probably not as worse as yours. After all, everyone's anxiety level is different." I straighten my uniform a little.

"Can I remove that emotion? I despise it." Yui started wiping her teary eyes.

"I'm afraid not." I turn away from Yui.

Yui sighs

"I wish I could remove anxiety, I hate having to always have a friend beside me. I want to be able to do things on my own." Yui tapped the tree stump.

Wait... Do things on my own... A light bulb lit up in my head. I remember Kait talking about work on floor 3. 

"How about we transform your inexperience into an experience?" I offer my hand to Yui.

"Eh?" She stared dumbfounded.

"What I'm saying is... A PART-TIME JOB!" I jump into the air.

"WHAAAAAAAAATTTTTTT!" Yui screamed as the crows fly away. 

Yui falls to the ground head first, colliding her face with the soaked dirt.

"YOU OKAY?!" My hands twitch.

Yui's head digging into the dirt.

"W-w-w-w-ww--w-work" Yui stumbled with her words. Yui's body twitching violently.

I rub the back of my neck. Jeez, I'ma have to rotate her, she's literally eating dirt right now.

"EH! STOP!" I grab her shoulders and toss her into the air.

"AHH!" she screamed as I watch Yui fly beyond the clouds.

I turn pale. D-d-did I use to much power?

"YOU DUMMY!" Yui complained, floating back down.

Oh yeah, we can fly. 

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