Everlasting Suffering: Heroes Awakening

Chapter 13: Sorrow

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Kait gave us a quick tutorial and left me to clean a table as the customers just left. Honestly, the noise ringing from the customers is obnoxious. It’s as if they want to be known. Shaking my head, ugh, I better just focus on cleaning. Wandering closer to a table with empty trays, the sundaes have their lives sucked out of them. I quickly scooped them up like serving ice cream and placed the empty glasses on the dirty tray. Heading to the back of the kitchen to insert filth into the sink, awaiting to be cleaned.
As I head out of the kitchen, picking up a blue cloth on the way out. I couldn’t resist the urge to hum a melody about my cleaning.

“HMMMMM Cleaning the tables yeah~~” I wipe the table with a cloth, up and down until the light shines like the sun offering light to all. I wipe my forehead. I didn’t think cleaning would be that hard. Guess I underestimated the God of cleanliness. Kait temporarily interrupted my hard work.

“Otonashi, don’t hum…” Kait glared at me from the counter before switching to place four sundaes on a tray, then targeted Yui, who is hiding behind the counter.

“Yui, can you deliver this tray to table 6 please?” Kait instructed, waving at her.

Yui wobbles over to Kait, her hands swing profusely. Before lunging at Kait’s shoes.

“I can’t do it!” Yui directs her finger in my direction.

“Let Otonashi do it!” she whined, kicking the floor.

“Hey?!” Gritting my teeth. Don’t drag me into this. I know she’s pulling all the strings just to escape from this situation.

Kait seized Yui’s hands, causing the tension to ease as if pouring cold water into a roaring fire.

“You can do it! I’ll watch over you.” Kait’s gentle smile convinced Yui to grasp the tray. She bumps into nearby boxes, giving the tray a heart attack.

I detect Kait staring at me; she held a thumbs up with stars gently floating around her.

I crack a smile, nice before altering my attention to Yui. She is currently at table 6, yes?! She didn’t back down.

“Enjoy!” Yui smiled, proceeding to head back to behind the counter. Each step mimicking a robot… I sigh.

Well, I’d say it was a decent attempt at a smile. Right then, time to clean a different table. I approach another dirt filled table, landing my blue cloth to combat the dirt God.

~yaba daba~ scrubbing the surface of another table. What has my life become? Shutting myself off from my noisy surrounding to focus on my task.

“HEY!” a customer yelled, tucking Yui’s maid uniform, causing her to stumble a little.

“EXCUSE ME?!” the customer continued to roar, her long green hair sprung up, challenging Yui as if wanting the attention of the entire establishment.

“WHY IS THERE A HAIR IN MY SUNDAE?!” She continuously beat the table, so furiously it could snap imminently.

Yui twists around, bowing repeatedly.

“I’m sorry.” Yui’s cheeks shift to red.

“Aha, look!” Another customer with long dark blue hair pointed at Yui.

“Your face is bright red.” She added, pouring salt onto a fresh open wound.

Yui covers her face, her bunny ears flopped over her hands. Her anxiety is at a boiling point.

“Here, go make me a new one!” She cackled, throwing the strawberry sundae all over Yui.

I hear a crackle, like something colliding with the floor. Drawing my attention to Yui. No, everyone’s attention to Yui. Some gasped, some chuckled, and some completely neglected the situation.

W-what?! My hands twitch as those freaks covered Yui’s maid uniform in ice cream, from chest to skirt. T-this is my fault?! I feel my eyes vibrate. I jumped the gun… Maybe this wasn’t a good idea?! Yui sprints into the kitchen as she slammed the door open, tears streaming down her face.

No?! I hesitate to approach Yui. I tried to encourage her, but in the end… I’m just adding sprinkles onto melted ice cream. Perhaps I shouldn’t have cleaned, instead just watch Yui like a guardian angel. I sense a dark, intense presence. Gazing at Kait, a mysterious dark aura forms around her, walking to table 6.

I step closer…

“Finally… Is my sundae here yet?” She said, flicking her hair.

Kait lifts her leg into the air as her shoe lands right in front of the woman’s face.

“Only if you lick my shoe.” Kait threatened, her eyes balls on the verge of popping.

The woman’s eyes widen, terrified and trembling at the overall sight of Kait’s presence.

“Otonashi, check on Yui.”

“I am.”

I dash past the counter. Dammit, I thought this part-time job would be beneficial for Yui in the long term, however a tragic event struck during her first serving. I can’t argue, saying to her, you had more positive customers than negative ones since her first was a negative one. Crap, this’ll be living rent free in her head for a while and because of me.

I bash into the kitchen, a Yui speedily approaches me, staring at me, deadlock in the eyes, tearing up.

“This is all your fault!”

“All your fault!” Yui hits my shoulders over and over again.

Clenching my fists… I jumped the gun. I should have started Yui off by saying hello to people while walking outside, not scooping to a level far beyond her grasp.

“You said about helping me, how everything was going to be alright?! BUT NO!”

“How can I trust someone who is so clueless about common magic?! A pathetic man…”

“A stupid, clueless moron! A senseless wandering star! THATS WHAT YOU ARE!”




I halt both of her arms.

“You’re right—- I’m clueless…” I toughen my grasp on Yui’s arms.

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“YOU’RE LYING,” Yui slipped and landed on the kitchen tiles.

“DOES IT SEEM LIKE I'M LAUGHING?!” My voice pierces the walls as I lift one of my hands to cover my left eye.

Yui adopted her hands as legs, crawling further away from me as if refusing to believe what I say.


“It’s my fault for sending you to the frontline. I’m sorry Yui, but…” I slam the locker, turning my back on her. 

“YOU DON’T WANT TO BE LEFT ALONE?!” I hit my chest.


A fragment of my memory materialises in front of me, my 18-year-old self glued to a monitor screen. Consuming media.

“Friends, they’ll betrayal you one day… I’LL KILL THEM ALL!!” I giggle, covering my eyes.

I gaze at the ceiling as another memory transformed my surroundings.

Beach Norm Castle? In the midst of the beach lives a demonic castle. Actually, it’s under construction. Inside, lots of stairs leading to the top. A single chair lives, patiently waiting for its owner.


That voice… I face in the direction o— me?

A seagull swoops past me to reveal my younger self, displaying a full dark green tailcoat with a light green belt wrapped around his trousers. Adding the finishing touch with a dark green tricorne. Wielding a more curvy blade like a pirate.

“You were always alone in class.” Diana said, gazing at the sand. Shortly looking up, raising her long blade at my younger self.

My younger self shakes his head.

“I’d rather be alone than deal with deception!” Raising his curvy blade up, facing the ominous clouds.

I notice a ghost form of Yui materialising behind my younger self, with an eye patch covering her left eye, pointing and laughing at Diana. A few seconds later Yui vanishes. If I don’t help Yui, she’ll end up like my younger self?

“I don’t want your pity!” My younger self grinned. Thrusting his blade toward Diana, a loud thud as Takashi jumped in with his shield.

“You’re not an evil person, Otonashi! I’ve watched you help others!” Felix added, reaching toward my younger self.

“And besides, they’re limits to how far being solo can boost you.” Felix flipped a smile.

“I’m glad we located you before your demon phase truly surfaced.” Felix stated as if it was a typical phase.

“SHUT UP!” Positioning his hands toward Diana.

“Hex: Fire Ball!” my younger self chanted, resulting in a red pentagram forming in front of his hands. Fire materialises in to a ball then thrown towards all three.

Diana’s eyes sparkled. “YOU HAVE TO TEACH ME THAT?!” She jumped up and down, her lengthy pink hair wiggling in the wind like snakes. Armour crackling with each jump.

“Eh?” My younger self stumbled a little, confused at Diana’s sudden burst of energy.

Eh? Did I just repeat what my younger self said? I chuckle, watching onward.

“What? What nonsense!” My younger self bolted toward them, jumping in the air. A clash of lightning struck.

The memory fragment disappeared as I stood in the kitchen smiling. Yep, I was defeated. The first thing they stated after the fight was, “Let’s change your clothing,” handing me a butler uniform.

I punch my heart, snapping myself back to the present. Changing course to face Yui as if I'm sailing a boat to find lost treasure.

“We have both been running away, afraid of change. We speculate on the worst outcome, being looked down upon by others. It’s what we dread.”

“I-” Yui stares at the ground again.

“You’ve suffered because of me. I drove you to do this. All your suffering was my fault.” I descend at the floor, landing on my knees in front of Yui..

“I’m below human…” I grit my teeth.

“Even so, you’ll never grasp difference without penetrating shark infested waters.” I offer my hand to Yui.

“I-i know you were only tr-ying to assist me… an-and i'm s-s-sorry” Yui wiping her tears using her sleeves, accepting my offer.

It seems Yui has regained composure. I stand up, reaching for Yui, helping her regain balance as her legs continue to quiver.

I cling to Yui’s shoulders.

“TOGETHER! WE’LL BREAK THE CHAINS OF CAPITIVTY! THAT’S BINDING YOUR HEART!” I yell into her eardrum, her eyes sparkling. Heh, just like Diana’s. 

Kait enters the kitchen as Yui jumps into her arms. 

Kait smiled stroking Yui's ears.

As I watch them, HOLD ON?! If Yui witnesses Sakura show positivity to her, This'll boost Yui's confidence! Like your favourite idol complimenting you. Gosh, I hope Sakura is all for this and I'm begging Yui doesn't quit. 

"Otonashi, you'll be with Yui for awhile now." Kait still patting Yui.

"That's fine." I smile. 

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