Everlasting Suffering: Heroes Awakening

Chapter 16: A Vault Exposed

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Yui waved cheerfully as she slowly transformed into an ant and left my vision. The droplets of snow gently embraced the road. I turn to face the academy walls.

Pff, the dome is a barrier for magic only... Not the weather.

“Heh.” The once-painted academy walls are now covered in a blanket, ready for a perfect night’s sleep.

“You’re only helping Yui to satisfy your failure on Earth...“

Where is that voice coming from? Behind?! I twirl around to catch a ball of snowflakes develop into a silhouette of a wolf piercing’s glare that freely installs fear within me.

“You know who I’m talking about? Shira!” The snow growled ferociously as I witness a glimpse of a girl in a dark blue school uniform as well as long dark purple hair.

I cover my mouth and collapse as the snow crawls to knee-length.

“I know exactly why you helped Yui. She reminded you of Shira. AM I RIGHT?!”

“N-no! Yui was in trouble and I helpe---“

“You’re only assisting Yui cause of your failure.”



A secure lock unwinds itself and exposes the world to the truth.

~ahh~ finally lunch time at Bur Academy. This is my favourite time of the day as everyone... Well, most people leave the classroom and move elsewhere. If it gets too crowded, I’d walk to the roof or sit on a bench outside. Yeah, typical loner stuff.

Almost no-one communicates with me, which is most of the time cool, though it feels lonely now and then.

My ears whisker as three school girls wearing white masks and smiling surround a girl with dark purple hair. Shortly after stretching the girl’s hair and spitting gum.

I don’t wanna be involved; I don’t wanna be involved; I don’t wanna be involved!

My body is urgently informing me to leave the classroom. Avoid the situation. I collect my bag and sap it over my shoulder as I begin to walk past some desks and nearly out of the classroom.


“Y-y-y-y-yes?!” I awkwardly smile as my hands have a seizure.

One of the girls approach me.

“This is Shira. Do you think she’s pretty?”

I know who she is. Shira is the sweetest girl—

Of course, she’s pretty--—


I stare at Shira’s bloody, bruised face as tears materialise in her eyelids as if begging me to reach my wings out to her. Her face is full of despair. JUST GET OUT! I notice angelic wings reflecting from Shira’s eyes.

“Aha, no,” I said with a shaky voice as they laughed directed at Shira. The wings in her eyes dematerialise.


The three girls continued to bully her as my hands sway. I slide the classroom door open and shut it behind me. My hands won’t stop trembling. I listen to Shira’s cries for help muffled by the door.

It’s as if they knew that I wasn’t heading to inform the teacher. I mean, I don’t want to cause a disturbance. Perhaps Shira offended them? It has to be justified, right?! A red string tightens around my neck like a scarf and leads back into the classroom. I slowly shift away with fate snapping.

I return home and headed straight into my bedroom. I fall to my knees with tears building up and flowing down my cheeks.

“W-w-w-what do I d-o-do?!” I sniffle, falling on all fours and clenching my fists.

I never ask questions in class. The teacher has to question me directly and I never raise my hand to answer them. Let someone who has brains do it, not a loser like me. Sure, I had my own bullies in the past, but only nitpicks, not full on physical abuse.

Shira... I’m so pathetic. You were the one who offered me a few books to read during lunch and supported me with my studies, as only a handful would talk to me. Yet... I betrayed your trust.

I appreciated your company as I grip my heart. Every time I was around you, my heart skipped a beat. I don’t know what it meant. The demon in my head says just to focus on my own life and ignore others, but the beat won’t halt.

But... Why does my body feel so cold? Am I in the snow?

“SHIRA!” I crawl to my bed and face the ceiling, covering my drained shell with my hand.

The only thing I accomplished was sleeping and dreaming about saving her.

The next day, I entered the classroom, and Shira was nowhere in sight. Sweat consumes my face as I gathered my bag and left the room just before class began.

Shit! Where would Shira be? The rooftops! I bolt up the stairs and force the roof door open, resulting in a weird clank sound. She is not up here. I retrace my steps and smash into both boy’s and girl’s restrooms, checking each toilet. Resulting in me being called a pervert, but I don’t care. Locating Shira is my number one objective. WHERE IS SHE?! Did she take a day or two off--- DON’T BE STUPID! After what happened yesterday, do I believe such bullshit?

WAIT?! There is one under maintenance on the top floor. How did I miss that? I skip to the top floor and open the toilet door. A disgusting smell infected my nose as I approach the toilet stall. Slowly opening the first one. Nothing as I drive to the next one... Nothing. I open the last stall to my bewilderment...

A knife is standing up against Shira’s chest as blood seeps from her open throat. I stumble backwards. NO! NO! THIS ISN’T REAL?! THIS IS SOME MESSED UP FANTASY?!

A suicide note?! I pick it up and read. “To the one who finds this, I’m so sorry for what you have to witness... I just can’t stand it anymore. I hate it! My last angel turned on me… And mum, I’m so sorry.”

I ram my head against the toilet stall’s door.


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*BUZZ BUZZ* My phone vibrates. My shaky hands answer the call.

“Heyo Otonashi, It’s me Shira’s mothe----“

My eyes widen as I hit the ground.

“She said to me that she’s round yours. Aha, you know, being the paranoid parent that I am, aha.”


Dark clouds materialise over me.

“Y-Yes, she’s with me. We’re stayed up too late, aha.”

“Oh dear, so unlike her. Stop influencing my daughter aha.” Her mother’s charming voice reminds me of Shira.

“Shira’s preparing for valentines day, she’s got a surp-- Oh dear?! I said a little too much. Aha“

An ocean consumes me and slides down my face.

“Right, I- We’re entering class now. Goodbye.”

“Goodbye and Shira, if you can hear me, I love you.” The call ends as I feel my heart burst with rage. 

It’s those three, wasn’t it? I couldn’t help her then since my anxiety was beyond the roof---No I’m making excuses! but with this flame. I select the knife from Shira’s lifeless body and sprinted out of the bathroom wielding the knife. Darting to my classroom, and located the three girls sitting in a row. How convenient all three are at the back and closest to me. I wield my knife thrusting the nearest in the neck as the mask breaks whilst the other two let out a blood-curdling scream as the entire class observed in terror.

“That’s for Shira!” Blood splattered over my face as I twist the knife into the other bully’s arm. Her arm wouldn’t stop vibrating as blood spewed over the desk.

I drop the knife amongst the chaos and sprinted to the rooftops and climbed over the safety barrier. My feet land on loose bricks as I gaze at the sky.

*BUZZ BUZZ My phone vibrates as I answer.

“...” I heard a gasp from the other end of the phone.

“Is that you on the roof?!” Her once sweet voice was now a distressed beacon.


“H-how do you know that?”

“... I ---“

“SHIRA IS DEAD?!” I yell, intimidating the birds as they scatter away.

I gaze at the long path down. A silhouette of a woman collapses to the ground.


The howls of her mother on the other end.

“-P-please say t-this is a joke.” She grieved with despair.


Police sirens echo the streets.


“I- did what needed to be done.”

Birds surround me as they try to prevent me from falling. 

The air intrudes into my ear at lightning speed as I reach for the sky.

“Heh, If I’m reborn or whatever, I don’t want friends or my memories.” A loud thud collides with my back.

A void consumes my eyesight. Nothing, not a racket or whisper, can be heard.


I’m in a dimly lit room with long blonde hair woman who is shining in front of me.

“An unforeseeable outcome.” She disappointedly sighed.

I stare at the ground.

“I---I’m a failure. A stupid nobody that couldn’t even help a single girl who offered everything to m---“

The goddess wannabe clapped her hands across mine. Her charming voice wouldn’t allow for any sorrow. I felt a key lock attached to my vault.

My vault closes as I return to the present. My body is so numb. I was a wannabe hero. I committed murder on Earth. Shira...Shira...Shira! 

When this happened, I was 16. I feel my head. I thought I was 18 when I arrived here. Was the vault protecting my head but also messing up my memories? I don’t know! How were the other Heroes Of Time here? How did they die?!

That explains why I was burning with rage toward the bullies that hurt Yui. My numb hands feel little drops of rain. I’m crying? I wish I could restart. My actions are what drove Shira to her death. If I only offered my hand that day, then maybe, just maybe, her charm will brighten the horizon. But now my vault is exposed, I will no longer class myself as one of the heroes of time and will leave the hero academy. 

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