Everlasting Suffering: Heroes Awakening

Chapter 17: Hero Felix

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“Man, we’ve been in the boy’s bathroom for far too long.” I sigh as I re-adjusted my dark blue blazer.

“Well, you’re always messing with your blonde ass hair, Felix,” Takashi complained, wrapping his red tie over his collar.

“You didn’t have to stay with me, though.”

“Hey! I can’t let you face that demon teacher alone!” Takashi snickered as I gaze at the floor below.

“I want girls to worship me.” Droplets of tears descend to the wooden floorboards and seep into the cracks. Never to witness the light of day again.

Takashi jumped back a little. “A-are you into cults?—-”

“HELL NAH!” I raise my fluttering finger toward him.

“I’m kidding.. I get where you’re coming from.” Takashi disappointedly moaned, placing his hands inside his trouser pockets.

Multiple of petrifying scream chanted throughout the corridor, as students fill the once-empty hallways in less than a split second. Before I knew it, I’m drifting away from Takashi as if I’m being swept out to sea.


What is Takashi saying? I can’t hear him.

“WHAT?!” I yell back, but the screams of the students render my yell meaningless. Takashi then removes his phone from his pocket and points to the phone.

Is he saying to equip my phone? I blink for a second and he disappeared like a phantom. Man, these students are annoying. I slide open the closest classroom door and close it. Not a single person is inside. Shortly after, a buzz invades my pocket. 

I tap on my phone to answer. On the other end of the phone, all my ears detect is heavy breathing. Is he running?



What on Earth is happening?!

“GET TO CLASSROOM 4-F NOW?!” Takashi screamed at the top of his lungs. “LISTEN--- SMASH 4F WINDOW!” A thud devours the call as a breeze cuts Takashi’s phone. Did he drop his phone?



Nothing but silence on the other end. Is he outside? His concerned voice and the screams from the other students. This is... genuine. I never believe anything since those online pranksters nowadays, you know, a fake scare and over-the-top pranks. All for clout to dance around their fingertips.

Without any hesitation, I bolt out of the classroom and up the stairs leading to 4F. I slide open the classroom door and located a nearby chair. I throw the chair causing it to collide with the window, shattering it into tiny fragments and falling back to the Earth.

I gaze out the window. Observing the long way down causes my heart to race a little. Damn, am I going to pay for the damage?

“H-h-hey buddy.”

Takashi’s voice?! I twist my head to witness Takashi holding onto Otonashi’s blood-covered hand. What is that psycho doing?! Shortly switching to look at Takashi. His hair? It’s flickering green?

“E-e--eh, good thing I’m athletic.” Takashi’s smiled more optimistically than a lighthouse guiding lost ships.

I laugh awkwardly, but now’s not the time to joke around.

“I should’ve known you hero wannabes would try to stop me.” Otonashi’s dead voice expressed the complete opposite of Takashi’s lighthouse.

“What should I do?”

“U-Use the classroom curtains o-or something.” Takashi’s face shows signs of sweat. He’s losing strength every second.

I don’t have time to hesitate. It’s my time to be a hero, right? Like I always dreamed of. I step backwards and sprint to the closest curtain, but before I could collect the curtain, I hear the sounds of Takashi screaming as I bolt and wrap my hand around Takashi’s arm. Are his muscles drained?! I slam my knee into the glass shard.

~Tch~ It hurts but power through! A slow and steady leak exposes my knee. Crap! The glass must’ve sliced through me like butter.

S-So Takashi wanted me to travel to floor 4-F to capture both of them with ease than if I was stationed on floor 3 or 2, as the velocity would be beyond swift. The weight of these two caused strain in both of my hands. COME ON! PULL UP!

“Have I got chubbier?” Takashi continued to joke.

Joking at a time like this... Seriously, I smile. What a moron. 

The sound of the classroom door opening sparked hope in me. I can’t turn around, otherwise they’ll fall to their demise.

“H-Hey, please help.” I begin to feel the sweat materialise over my face as fighting gravity with not one but two humans offers me nothing but a disadvantage. 

Without a word, a thud hits my back as Takashi’s eyes widened.

“For Diana!” She frowned with one of her hands covered in blood as if she was stabbed in the arm.

I reach my hand toward the window that is slowly leaving me behind. W-why?

Time felt like it slowed down.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know I’d yank you two with me.” Otonashi’s tears developed wings and flew across the skies.

Guilt? All I could do was offer a smile.

“Nah, we choose to be wannabe heroes.” Takashi smiled, his hair being assaulted by the rapid current.

“NO! IT’S MY FAULT! I'M SO SORRY!” Otonashi reached his blood-soaked hand toward the atmosphere.

I continue to smile. “It’s fine. If we get a new life, you better become a HERO or we will haunt you!” Both Takashi and I snickered, also reaching our hands toward the sky before transforming into a thumbs-up.

“I have to admit, Otonashi, I’m jealous of you and Shira.”---

Otonashi halted Takashi’s comment.

“Shira is dead,” he said as his hair rattled.

Wh-what! Then Otonashi gave us a short summary of what transpired.

“That’s why...” I grit my teeth.

“My god—” Takashi clenches his fists. “Right under our noses, this entire time.”

Otonashi killed Diana out of revenge for Shira. But... Does that justify his actions? I mean, in the eyes of the law it's still murder right? Heh, not like it matters anymore since we're gonna die anyway. 

A few seconds of silence elapses with Takashi, breaking the void with his jokes.

“I better not be isekaied into a piece of poop.” Takashi continued his joke streak as his bright smile carved hope that at least one of us would live on. However, as soon as we pass the trees. I felt as if my red string of fate had snapped.

“Someone loves anime…” Otonashi chuckled.

We’re almost at the bottom.

“This isn’t me... Not myself at all.” Otonashi said, as I feel a tender grip on my arm.

“You two really are the nicest guys I’ve ever met, trying to help a freak like m—“



Nothing but silence...


Until a monitor beeps louder than any plane thruster.

I didn’t realise at the time… My actions are what generated my family to establish bonds of regret.

“onii-chan!” A tight grip entered the top of my shoulders.


Ahh! I see... I neglected my own family to help Otonashi.

Mother, father and my adorable little sister. I’m so sorry.

A small crystal materialises in front of me. This crystal fragment mirrors between me and Otonashi. 

T-That’s what happened. I fall to my knees. They really are superheroes. Not only did I consume Shira, but I also devoured freedom from Takashi and Felix. I grit my teeth, I’m below human.

A dark vacuum surrounds me... I’m in space? Who knows... I feel my sense of emotion slowly draining away from me.

A sprinkle of a star comes crashing past me as if in a hurry for work.

Is that a shooting star? I wondered as its brightness converted into a rain of blood. Causing my hands to be consumed in red. The path of a hero, huh? A strand of purple hair glued my attention to face a girl--- no...

Shira is in her standard school uniform, composed of a dark blue blazer, a red tie and a white T-shirt. Average-size breasts and as for the lower half, it’s just a short dark blue skirt and black shoes with black over-the-knee socks. Her spectacular dark purple messy bun faced me. Not a speck of her face in my sight.

“SHIRA?!” Suddenly my drained emotions reversed as I reach my hand out to her. With each step, Shira gradually shrunk until nothing but emptiness.

My vision slowly fills with a bright light, as if my brain is waking itself up.

“...” I’m wrong?! It’s Bur Academy.

Another school day... I rest my palm, gazing at the plain outside. A hasty hand startled me as I jerk back in my seat. Shortly after, I rest my hand on my school desk.

“Come on... Hmph!” Shira folded her arms disapproving of my stance about being alone.

“I’m not saying that being alone isn’t a bad thing, just not all the time.”

Shira then leaned forward, placing her hands behind her back.


“Don’t hmm me! Come on already!” Shira seizes my left arm and yanks me with her.

“Wa--” I didn’t have any time to comprehend what was transpiring.

“No buts! No pleases! YOU’RE COMING WITH ME!” Shira yelled while smiling.

Is my heart working normally? Did I just skip a beat from that adorable smile? What is this tender feeling? Is it a cheap emotion awaiting betrayal?!

They postponed my happiness as I glance at three girls at the back of the classroom. Two with masks and one with long pink hair.

“Look at her,” One spat.

“Thinks she’s beautiful, doesn’t she...” Another smirked.

“What a bitch.”

“Pst!” Shira whispered into my ear.

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“Don’t glue to negativity.” She added whilst sliding the front classroom door open and down the stairs. We go.

We’re technically holding hands, right? Well... indirectly, but an arm still counts right?--- I’m just rambling on again, aren’t I---

“Wait, a minute. Where are you taking me?” I pondered as Shira’s eyes sparkled as if tasting the most luxurious meal in the entire galaxy.

“The super-duper pooper scooper Paradise Girls JRPG comes out today.” Shira chuckled, using her free arm to cover her mouth.

“What’s it about?”

“You don’t know?!” Shira halted. Zooming her face extremely close to mine with her hands on her hips.

“IT’S ABOUT THIS SILVER HAIR GIRL WHO HAS TROUBLE UNDERSTANDING LOVE! ~GAHH!~” Shira opened her mouth as love hearts replace the back of her throat before Shira turns around.

I catch a glimpse of a scratch mark behind her neck. Should I ask about it? Nah, I’m sure it was a cat or something. ~GAHHH!~ Her beautiful smile as if casting a love spell on me. 

My memory of Shira breaks apart as I hear a disgusting voice from behind me.


A voice from behind echoes, rendering my spine to throb with pain. As I witness Diana in the Bur Academy uniform, bowing.

It’s all her fault!

Her fault!


I cover my left eye.

“Hex: Ring Of Destruction “I raise my right hand to face Diana.

Shortly, A red pentagram materialises in front of my hands as hundreds of asteroids consumed by fire, enrage above Diana.

“WAIT OTONASHI I’VE CHANGED!” She reaches her hand toward me."I MEAN IT---“

Diana's shocked expression, Ah, a Great Hero Of Time. Who knew she is actually a bully and a sick person to be around. If only I had my memories restored whilst we adventured together. I'd kill her without hesitation. 

“I DON’T CARE” I cackle. "Do you really think I'd care about someone as shit as you." 


Nothing but silence.


Diana felt her own heart. Grasping it as if in love.

"As I adventured with you and the other heroes, Takashi and Felix. A new light formed within me."

"HA! You think I'd believe someone as useless as you?! Who hid behind Felix when things got tough." I couldn't stop laughing at her as Shira flooded my mind.

"The way you sound right now, you talk like a villain!" Diana moaned. 

"And the way you treated my friend, Shira, I CAN'T FORGIVE!" 

“That's becau---" Diana turned away before tears flow down her cheeks.

"I WAS JEALOUS! I LOVE YOU OTONAS---“ Diana cried, her tears altered to love hearts.

Those words... Aren’t they supposed to ignite a happy ending? All I receive is a heart full of void, as I stand up and walk over to Diana.

“The only thing you’re good for---“

I seize her collar.

“-- Is shredding hearts.“ Diana’s eyes express a split heart.

To think the only reason why I wasn’t bullied was because Diana had feelings for me. This makes me beyond sick as she targeted her rival, Shira. I shake my head. No, Diana was never a rival.

Even if what Diana is stating is true and she has transformed. The fire within me never dwells.

I release Diana as she falls to the ground shortly before twisting my back to her. “Please become a villain, so I can kill you a second time.“ I chuckle, waving.


"Hilarious coming from you." I cover my mouth as I giggled. 

I’ve heard enough of her trash. I lift my hand and commanded my asteroid soldiers who were on standby mode to assault until nothing but bone remain.

A crack, then a crunch as my soldiers smashed into Diana as if playing ping-pong.

Oh right, Diana is already dead. Still, it didn’t halt her screaming, which was music to my ears. After all, I cover my face, cackling. This is all her fault! Should just apologise to Shira rather than me.

A moment of silence until someone tapped my right shoulder as if pouring water onto a raging sun. 

“In a bizarre way, I’m glad you're back.” I gaze at his blonde quiff. Yep, that’s the hero Felix, but why is he in his dark blue school uniform?

“Since when did you change hairstyles? My memory is messed up.”

“Oh!” He alters his stance to a typical hand on hips hero pose. “I asked my goddess to cut my hair LOL!”

I stare dumbfounded, then chuckle. “Of course...”

Felix is an idiot, but a friend anyone would crave for.

“EY! DON’T FORGET ABOUT ME!” Takashi waved a little in the background before he scooted over to us. Also in his dark blue uniform.

“Well, if it isn’t the three morons.” Takashi chuckled, covering his mouth as Felix pointed at him.

“You realise you said three, right?”

“Eh? I did?” his eyes widened as we all facepalmed. This takes me back. I remember this transpiring in the classroom. Although they didn’t sit nearby, I still heard the commotion.

“What a moron.” Felix wiped his forehead.

“Look at you now, Otonashi, no longer the mute person you once were.” Takashi stepped closer to me and struck a high-five, but our hands faded past one another as if he were a shadow.

“WHA!” Takashi screamed before jumping over to Felix. “HIGH-FIVE FELIX?!” He yelled as they swipe each other, but only Takashi’s hand passed through.

“Are yo---“

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Felix chortled as if hiding something.

A loud thunder-like sound disturbed our ears as I look around to notice everything breaking apart slowly.

“Ah, I guess we’re waking up.” Felix disappointedly sighed whilst shaking his head.

“~Dammit~ We barely had any time. ~GRR~,” Takashi stomped the ground.

“Remember, don’t stick to negativity.” Felix stuck out a thumbs up and shortly Takashi did the same before fading into nothingness.

Those words... they reconstructed my fire little by little. As I spoke to Felix and Takashi, I somehow forgot the situation about Shira. But as soon as they vanished without a trace. I no longer have that water being poured on my flame.

I gaze at my right palm. Would Shira forgive Diana... and me? Before being swallowed by a bright white light.

~UH, ~ I gasp, reaching my hand out toward the sky full of holes. ~Eh? ~ That strawberry smell, I’m in Sakura’s room aren’t I?

“DON’T EVER DO SUCH A RECKLESS THING!” Sakura’s teary face loomed over me as her rapid hand charged toward me.

I seize her wrist. What? Why is she crying? I don’t remember doing anything.

“I FOUND YOU IN A BLANKET OF SNOW!” Sakura shattered through my defence and slapped my right cheek.

~Ouch~ I massage my glowing right cheek. “And here I thought you were soulless.”

“Whatever...” Sakura folded her arms before pointing at me, her eyes sharper than an eagle’s claw.

“That Yui girl? Did she do something?”

“...” I shake my head.

What? What’s that got to do with anything? All that matters is when I leave Sakura’s room, I’ll just head in a random direction and hope for a town or something. No, that’s stupid. Why not head down the road? Surely a road would lead to at least another town. After all, I do need to explore. 

A mysterious hand leans gently onto my left shoulder as Sakura grins.

“You can inform me.” Her gentle fingers were like a mother’s embrace, but her eyes seem the opposite.


“I’m not!” her eye dilated, clearly irritated by my baseless assumption.

I've gotten nasty haven't I?  Ah, I can’t even tell anymore. My emotions are all over the place. Sakura has been kind to me and I’m treating her like a piece of trash. I need to escape before I lose myself.

I jump from my bed.

“I’m going for a walk.”

“IN this snow?!” Sakura snatched my left arm, causing me to jerk back.

God, she’s persistent.

“Please release me,” I said in a soft tone which Sakura obliged.

“Wait” Sakura holds her hand out as a bright flash consumed my eyes. A second elapses as my vision adjusts itself.

“Here.” She delivered me clothing produced by her magic. A black T-shirt, black trousers and a black tailcoat. Man, Sakura really is awesome even if I’m being an ass. Sakura rapidly jumped next to me, causing our chests to collide. Getting extremely close to my ear.

“Please come back.” She then points at my Hero Academy badge. “Keep that on you.” Sakura’s eyes transformed into puppy eyes, causing me to shiver with fear.

“F-fine! I’ll be back!” I position a thumbs up as my heart throbbed with pain. Why is so painful to lie to Sakura?

I grasp the clothing Sakura gave to me and head into the bathroom with that stupid golden toilet.

I alter my clothing and look in the mirror.

Damn, I examine my new clothes before my reflection mirrors a sinister smile with Shira’s, Felix’s and Takashi’s corpses in the background. Shortly after, Diana appears being hung by a rope.

I feel liquid slowly rise from my throat before descending momentarily after. I stare back at the mirror, nothing but a normal reflection now. Man, what's happening to me? 

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