Everlasting Suffering: Heroes Awakening

Chapter 6: Entrance Exam?

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Grr! That stupid Sakura?! I felt like a puppy waiting for its master as I approach the academy doorknob, It didn't open. I turn around to gaze at the majestic moon contemplating life.

I locate a nearby pole and pounded my head repeatedly. Sakura... Betrayed me. She betrayed me... BETRAYED?!

People passed by me, laughing, crying and most importantly... All drinking and having an amusing time until they stare at me.

"He's insane!"

"Moron..." They skipped past me with disappointed expressions on their faces.

I don't know how much time elapsed...

It's a silent night sometimes breaking now and then with the wind howling... Until a light emerges.

"Takashi, Diana and Felix... I'm sorry." I feel cold rain clouds arise and float down my cheeks, coursing down the pole hitting the road below.

"Come on, that isn't like you at all, is it?"

That voice, he's laughing at me. Takashi?! I sit down, leaning my back against the pole.

"What happened to you always smiling?" Takashi dashed in circles. I fix my gaze on Takashi. My hands wiggle, what I'm witnessing is hard to bear.

I see Takashi in a white T-shirt with a hot blonde female knight on it. His brown hair and light blue eyes shimmer under the moonlight. Finally finishing with black trousers. A yellow glow just like Fuka's consumes the outer layer of his entire body.

Wait a minute, staring at his T-shirt again, fully breaking my emotions. I thought I'd cry although I chuckled.

"Oi?! What's so funny?!" His face curving a smile as his hands land on his hips.

"I thought you'd emerge in your armour." I point at him. Both of us laughed until the atmosphere became tense.

"Listen Otonashi." Takashi floated around me, completely defying all logic.

"I know the journey ahead may be mentally exhausting... But, this is the perfect opportunity to start fresh and construct new bonds." He somehow patted my shoulders with his supernatural arms.

"Why?---" Takashi interrupted me as he stared in my direction.

"Because if not, you'll return to your old ways and this time... Diana, Felix and I won't be able to stop you."

I gaze at the moon."It's not that I'm afraid to form new bonds, it's the fear of forgetting you three." I cry as small droplets flow down my cheeks.

"Yeah..." Takashi forced a smile out of me using his hands.

"You think you'd forget me?! You wish!" He laughed, sprinting up and down the road. I curl my fingers into a fist.

"You don't know that?!" I screamed, bashing my fist against my heart.

"It's just a hunch." He sighed, waving his arms up and down just like back then.

"I mean, I'm 19 forever, so I'm following in Fuka's footsteps" Takashi smiled.

A portal tears open, distorting a little as Fuka emerges grasping Takashi by the ear.

"THIS IS THE FOURTH TIME YOU ENTERED THE MORTAL WORLD?!" Fuka yelled into Takashi's eardrum. Glad to know she hasn't aged a day.

"Well?!" Takashi clutched Fuka's collar."YOU ALSO BROKE THE CODE WHEN YOU PRAYED FOR US?! Takashi lunges his teeth into Fuka's ear. Chewing them like a shark's victim.

"YACK!" Fuka screamed, covering her ear while hitting Takashi in the head with her fist causing him to slap the ground, knocking him out and then tossing Takashi onto her shoulder.

"Stupid apprentice..." Fuka said, her eyes alter to a sparkle as she encountered me.

I can't believe it's been 2000 years and he's still an apprentice. I cover my mouth, containing my laughter.

"OH MY?! ANOTHER HERO OF TIME!" She slammed Takashi on the ground as she shakes my hand.

"Ouch ta-ta-ta!" Takashi regained consciousness and cried, rubbing his cheeks.

"Long time no see, Fuka and Takashi." I hatch a smile. I feel the sweat from Fuka's hands as if she's been working beyond challenging mode.

I chuckle, did I hit my head too hard? Our hands disconnect as her angelic smile never seems to fade even beneath the moonlight.

Takashi grasped Fuka's arm.

"Forwards you will go, into the dark unknown!" Takashi let out a joyful laugh as he offered a fist bump, forcing Fuka's fist into the mix.

"H-hey?!" Fuka hissed at Takashi, clearly irritated.

Without any hesitation. I jump to fist-bump both of them.

"Goodbye, old friends." I smile.

"Says you?!" Takashi grasped my shoulders.

"Stupid 2000 years old dude..." Takashi joked, resulting in Fuka smirking as well before heading toward the portal.

"Remember to help others." Takashi was completely eradicated from my presence.

"Goodbye Otonashi." Fuka waved before evaporating as well.

Our conversation may have been short but I feel a surge of motivation. I return to my pole. Waiting until it was 2 AM until Sakura realised and caught me outside.

"You know, next time fly toward my window and knock on it." Sakura's hands were in front of her mouth, giggling.


"THIS IS YOUR FAULT FOR TELEPORTING ME?!" My finger pointed at her, vibrating hastily.

Sakura continued to laugh... As we steered back into Sakura's room.

The sounds of chirping from those pesky birds cause me to throw a pillow.


I open my eyes to notice Sakura with a pillow over her face. Hey, she's changed her hairstyle back to the low bun. Which is cute... Completely ignoring the pillow. A dark aura materialises around her as a sharp icicle forms and is directed toward me. I fling Sakura's blanket to block the incoming attack.

"Hah? If only you were quicker than that." I wipe my nose, standing on her bed.

Sakura points below my waist, smirking. Eh? A chunk of ice consumes my knee, causing me to fall flat on her bed.

"GAH? IT'S NUMB?! IT'S NUMB! AND COLD!" I roll over Sakura's bed, back and forth whilst Sakura laughed, arms raised in the air like a mad scientist.

She clicked her fingers as the ice kissing my knee vanished, freeing me from my eternal suffering.

"Now, entrance exam." Sakura flicked her hand toward me. Her entire silver dress transformed into a rainbow colour. A few seconds pass by and Sakura's outfit alters into short white over-the-knee socks and a white thigh-split dress.

Woah, did I catch a glimpse of heaven?!

A blue light engulfs me again. NO?! WAIT?! I WANT TO STARE AT YOUR THIGHS?!

Ah! I hit the road outside the academy again. I mean, at least this time it's lively.

A gust of wind disperses my hair all over the place, I gaze at the gigantic academy. Heh, I didn't notice this before but it's as if the academy is looking down on me.

White paint fills the walls, I stumble a little, I can't believe I was in that. It's like a royal palace. A red carpet links the front gate and ends at the road beside me. HOW DID I MISS THE FOUNTAIN WITH A STATUE OF A GIANT TIGER?! Water seeped from its terrifying jaw. Walking closer feeling excitement build within me. I gaze at a semi-transparent blue dome, I'm assuming it's shielding the academy. A small hill with benches scattered alongside the roa---My excitement was paused as a man with short black hair flicked to one side, I think they're called comb-over hairstyles. well, anyway, he was walking as if he's has a job interview, let's not forget about those glasses.

He barges past me with 5 women walking alongside him dressed in either black, red or white dresses all cackling at me.

"Oh..." He stated in a quite posh accent, halting to look at me and walk on.

"I didn't notice a pebble, sorry." He laughed, straightening his glasses as the ladies continued to laugh.

I grit my teeth as they slowly faded from sight. Wow, what an awesome welcome to the Hero Academy. I have to admit, his black suit with a white rose on his left upper chest and black pants were cool.

My ears receive giggles. Oh no, when one person starts, the sheep will follow, I sigh.

"Who is that loser?" A man chuckled.

"In a butler uniform? Where's his master?" A female giggled.

"Pff, a lost puppy." Another added, chuckling.

I ignored them as I walked inside.

I can't comprehend this! A blood-like carpet connects to a massive staircase directing to more upstairs! Lights shaped like multiple candles coated in some bronze with light bulbs as the flame. Four classroom doors, two on left and two on right."This is the lowest hero floor and the exam will begin soon." someone pointed out.I overheard someone say lowest and something about the exam?! Wait, so using Earth's logic, an exam is a written test. I better locate a pen and hastily. After wandering aimlessly, I found a pen near some leaflets. I ignored them and selected the pen. My surroundings... What's with the bronze-coloured walls? I expected a metallic smell but I don't smell anything.

Shortly the entire room becomes like a stadium, with crowds of people scattered throughout.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" A man with long black hair leapt into the air, hovering just under the lights. His menacing dark green eyes challenge the holy light emitting from the candles. His attire is similar to that guy who barged past me earlier. Black suit and trousers... Do they both know each other or something? His flower is coloured red like a dazzling rose. I shake my head... Just overreacting for no reason.

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"Please no minors" The man inhaled.

"For the last time! This is for older students working in the hero field. A field where we could die! For christ's sake, the last thing I want is some parent yelling in my ear hole!" He yelled, playing with the candle's light as if a toy.

"Not being sued again..." He mumbled, shaking his head.

No one left the room

"Alright, now that's over with." The mysterious man pats down his uniform as if dust seeds were planted on him.

"We'll teleport you to the entrance exam... Good luck." He smiled and with a snap of his finger.

My surroundings change to blue as my body is slowly disappearing?! I hastily shielded my eyes as the brightness was set to max.

The sound of lighting alerted me, forcing me to reveal my eyes. Huh? What is this? Benches painted in silver surround a small white area. With 3 chairs in front. The names elite one, elite two and elite three. I'm using my Earth logic here... Grrr, Ain't this an exam? Like a test? I steady my grasp on my pen.

I guess these three are the big guns... I detect Sakura as I chuckle. She looks bored already. Behind her is a woman with bunny ears, and long black hair waving at the crowd. Her appearance is attracting the audience with her tight black thin strap short dress, exposing her shoulders and arms. The dress halts just above the knee, uncovering more skin. Her eyes, it's dark with white pupils, and again inside is a dark star shape. HOLD ON?! I zoom back at--BUNNY EARS?!

Witnessing males and females with tails, horns and bunny ears...


WHAT?! I stumble a little. How have I not caught this before?! I swear they were extinct?! La informed me they were extinct... Just what is transpiring?!

I recognise having a meeting with La alone, as I said that, a memory fragment consumed me.

Relaxing on a grassy hill, Staring at the sunset, AH! It's seducing me with an attractive ray of light, although my beautiful time was interrupted by La stating depressing stuff.

"You know demi-humans existed long ago right?" La approached me and sat down beside me.

"What's a demi-human?" I questioned, the sun slowly but surely being taken over by the moon. Wait does she mean like cat girls or something, like in those manga's?

"Imagine a bunny having human characteristics, with four ears, two on top and two like a human," La spoke in a soft voice, before standing up hastily for no reason.

"I mean, it doesn't matter, they're extinct now and so are the goblins and dragons. Humans eradicate anything huh?!" La cried, plucking the grass.

I guess humans are the same in this world too. I stand up, gazing at the clouds that are gently being swayed by the breeze. Damn, I didn't save them... I'm so pathetic, grasping my fists. Am I pushing too hard to become a hero because of my past actions? I rapidly rotate catching a glimpse of La's sinister smile.

Huh? La's smile evaporated. Did I witness something? No, It must've surely been my imagination as La covered her face sniffling.

Fragments of my memory crack and disperse as I'm forced back into the present.

I'm a moron, my fists shake uncontrollably... I don't trust your girlfriend Takashi. Well, not like it matters since La is surely dead. 

My attention was distracted as a man in complete silver armour walked and sits down on the number three elite chair. Eh? A knight?

Like two satellites passing each other, my vision alters to Sakura.

I plant my ass on the number one elite chair, It's pretty comfortable with its fluffiness. BUT MAAAAN IS IT BORING!


My concentration was interrupted once again by elite two Bunny Sar, she jumped out of her seat and leaned her head on my arm as if a cute animal was about to jump on top of me.

"Pst, Sakura, Did you get my letter? ~teehee~" Bunny Sar exposed a smile before shortly laughing.

I sigh, this is my childhood friend, Bunny Sar. She's a problematic one... and frankly, pisses me off most of the time... I still love her dearly.

"Y-yes I did." Clenching my fists sharper than a tiger's claw. If she keeps talking, I'm cooking her as my next feast! Since she made that ridiculous letter, sticking her middle finger at me, she's beyond a moron.

Bunny Sar leapt onto me, landing her breasts against my arm.

I throw my finger, striving toward her forehead.


"Come on, knock it off already," I said, frequently poking her forehead.

Bunny Sar's eyes radiate love hearts.

"ARGH?!" She rolls around beside my chair almost like a vicious tornado fighting the ocean.

"SHE POKED ME! AHH!" Bunny Sar continued to embrace her forehead, abruptly standing up with glowing hearts in her eye sockets.

"I LOVE IT!" Screaming her head off.

"*Ahem" Bunny Sar and I gaze at a man, hovering in the sky.

"Do you two mind?" He slapped his face, sighing.

"This man is instructor Jo, He's a boring serious type of person," I mumble as Bunny Sar agreed, folding her arms and nodding.


"HEY?! I HEARD THAT!" Jo screamed, teleporting closer to me and then returning to his position. Moments later I felt my lips being moved up and down as if carving a smile in a pumpkin.

"Hmph! Just smile already!" Bunny Sar declared, forcing a smile out of me... Ugh, I raise my fist, targeting her forehead.



 She collapsed with her head landing on my lap, I sigh once again with elite three Morg chuckling beside me.

"She's a feisty one" He continued to laugh. he's the embodiment of a knight in shining armour.

"I know" I spoke, flicking the hair out of my eyes.

"Hard work she is."----

My conversation was interrupted as I hear a familiar name.

"Now that the crappy rules are out of the way, our first contestant is named Otonashi."

"HUHH?!" Otonashi yelled, pointing at himself.

Oh dear, what an oddball, although I must admit, curious about his power.

"WHY AM I FIRST?!" He complained, his fingers shaking as if he was going off to fight human-sized spiders.

Oh dear, I forgot to lend him his blade back, not like we use blades like that anymore anyway. I mean, we have blades developed by magic now. Is he old-schooled o--


"Yeah, so..." Otonashi scratches his head, his confusion is plainly obvious to me.

"Where is the exam room? Aha"

Pff, what is happening? I heard old exams used to have a written exam as well but only to determine someone's intelligence and then a mock battle. I don't get it. It's as if he's living backwards in time. When we first met as he was falling, did I catch him and cause some sort of brain damage? Honestly, this situation is kinda funny.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN?! THIS IS THE EXAM? A MOCK BATTLE?!" Instructor Jo screamed, causing his arms to swoop down like an eagle.

"Oh..." Otonashi shakes his hands back and forth saying no.

"I'm not here for a fight." He turns around and proceeds to walk toward the exit portal.

"HUH?!" The audience yelled.

My cheeks puff a little to resist my laughter, resulting in a little sound emitting from my mouth. I detect Bunny Sar's ears twitch a little before hopping into the air and landing on the ground.

"OH MY GOD?! SAKURA LAUGHED?!" Bunny Sar directed her finger in my direction.

I turn to the side, folding my arms.

"That's not true at all, it was a cough." I pout while Bunny Sar smacked her whole body against mine.

"GRR---" I strike Bunny Sar, knocking her out as her head fell just below my neck and onto my soft cushions

"According to article 9007: Anyone who makes one of the elites laugh is automatically added in floor one." Instructor Jo draws a book simply out of nowhere, Otonashi faced the sky.

"WHAT?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" He yelled.

"Sakura laughed..." Bunny Sar giggled, softly kicking her legs back and forth.

"Suck it up already..." I sigh, stroking her attractive soft bunny ears. She rapidly covered her face, Aww! She's blushing, I release a little smile. 

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