
Chapter 16: Chapter 16        Identifying Isaac’s body

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Chapter 16        Identifying Isaac's body



A long and shrilling ring wakes Eve and Gideon from their morning slumber. They open the door in furious faces. In front of them, stand a graceful cop and next to her another policeman, the driver of a squad car that's parked next to the house. Eve rages at them.

"What are you doing ringing my doorbell at 7 am?? What's so urgent?"

"We are very sorry Eve... But you have to come with us. We also need your partner to join us".

Eve and Gideon look at each other with doubt.

"I suggest you Eve and Gideon get into our car… We have about half an hour drive until we reach our destination".

Five minutes later the police car drives off with them inside it. Gideon feels uncomfortable in the car, like a prisoner.

"Say, where are you taking us? What's so important that you had kidnapped us from our home?"

"You are going to meet our commander, Mickey. He wants to show you an important thing. After that you are free to go and we will bring you back home".

The car keeps driving and all of its passengers are looking at the road in absolute silence. At the same time, another police car leaves the parking next to Abraham's apartment. In it sit the driver and next to him another police officer. Abraham and Michelle sit in the back seat looking embarrassed and curious.

"Can you tell us where we're going? What's the important thing we have to discuss with Mickey?"

Michelle asks in curiosity and Abraham seems gathered to himself. Does he really care? Or maybe he already understands where they're going? Maybe he understands it is the moment of truth now? The horrifying truth?!At the forensic institute, await Wally, Mickey, A doctor, 2 psychiatrists, 2 social workers and 2 ambulances with crews on them. The police car occupying Abraham and Michelle arrives first. Abraham understands where he is being taken to and start weeping. Michelle still doesn't understand anything. She hugs and strokes him with affection. Abraham mumbles

"Isaac is gone, Michelle! They brought us here to identify Isaac… Isaac's body is in that building".

He looks with scared eyes at the building of the institute that which is located on a far and distant hill. This induces in its visitors a sensation of welcome to hell! To the last way of life! Abraham and Michelle are looking at the building hypnotized and their bodies quiver. Abraham falls on Michelle, who is weeping and starts to cry,

"I'm sorry Abraham, I was sure Isaac would come back home healthy, but I guess God wanted him to himself."

They step out of the police car, barely pacing in small and hesitant steps and supporting each other. Ally appears and his face shows all his fears. He stretches out his hand to shake their hands in humiliated face.

"Hello Abraham and Michelle, I see you understand where you are. Abraham, after you identify Isaac's body you can start the arrangements for the funeral. Of course the police will help and assist to make it easier for you. Go inside Abraham, unfortunately you have to identify your son's body. Follow me".

Inside the institute, Mickey and the emergency teams are waiting. Mickey Shakes their hands and speaks in silent voice.

"Hello Abraham and Michelle, I hoped we wouldn't come to this point but there is no choice and you have to identify the body. By the way, Eve is also in her way here and she will also have to go through this procedure".

Everyone walk behind, following Mickey's footsteps and suddenly Abraham stops walking and asks Mickey anxiously:

"Maybe we'll wait till Eve arrives. I can't do this. I prefer Eve Identifies the body".

Everybody freeze. Shocked. Mickey and Wally are looking at each other speechless…Mickey thinks;                       

"what's wrong with this son of a bitch? Why is he disturbing me from nailing this monster Joshua?" 

And then answers Abraham politely

"I really wish I could help you but there is no choice. You have to do that. I'm afraid that it would be even harder for Eve. You know what they say about women …that they are always more sensitive than the guys!"

Wally, who disliked Abraham from the beginning, keeps feeling disgust and revulsion towards him without a reasonable cause. He thinks to himself:

"What an idiot, each day that goes by I dislike him more and more. Please make him identify the body and leave us alone".

Abraham looks helplessly at everybody and suddenly hugs Michelle in pain. He continues weeping silently and makes Mickey quiver for some reason. Maybe it is because Mickey feels Abraham is a hypocrite and that he's just acting as if he was in a movie. Maybe he thinks he's in some fucking movie in Hollywood. Wally who feels the helplessness and impatience and tolerance towards Abraham starts to worry that he's losing his mind for no reason and doesn't understand why all of that is happening to him. Everybody stop in front of the glass door that leads to the central hall where the autopsies are being conducted At the inner edge of the hall there are 2 different rooms where the bodies are being kept in refrigerators. In the first room there are bodies that wait to the autopsy and in the other one there are bodies following an autopsy. The bodies in the second room look worse than the other ones.  Professor David Sherman, the institute manager and 2 assistants are waiting in the first room. One of assistants, who look like a scary cadaver himself, opens the glass door with a switch. The professor and the assistants are shaking hands with Wally, Mickey and the psychiatrists and exchange greetings. Mickey walks towards Abraham in order to escort him inside the hall. Michelle hugs him and Mickey holds his hands softly and starts leading him forward but Abraham's legs are stuck to the floor. Mickey looks with impatience at Michelle and Abraham and again tries to move him forward and fails. One of the psychiatrists approaches Abraham and Michelle, he puts his hand gently on Abraham's shoulder and whispers in relaxing yet authoritative tone

"It is very hard for you Abraham to continue and we understand it. But, you have to do this for your peace and Eve's peace of mind".

The psychiatrist tries to lead Abraham and is surprised to fail. He signals the other psychiatrist to join him. Abraham looks scared and obsessed. Wally feels that there is something else besides the identification of the body that holds Abraham back and can quite put his finger on what that is. The psychiatrist holds Abraham's hands softly but he recoils. He says crying in broken voice:

"Let me go. I prefer not to do this. Michelle, please do this instead of me!!".

The psychiatrist says authoritatively:

"Abraham, please understand, you will have to deal with it sooner or later and the sooner the better!"

Abraham's legs are still stuck to the floor and everybody is looking at him angrily. All of a sudden something unexpected happens. Abraham starts walking heavily inside in a humiliated face. Everybody is relieved and Mickey is convinced that Abraham was scared of their angry faces and that's why he decided to continue. Abraham shakes the hand of the professor and his face is bent low. Wally puts a hand on Michelle's shoulder, preventing her from getting ahead and whispers:

"It's for your own good Michelle. Its better that Abraham continues alone from now on. Don't forget that you are pregnant and you shouldn't watch".

Michelle understands his logic, and smiles at him thanking silently. Abraham, Wally, Mickey and the professor stand inside the room facing the wall of the refrigerators. Wally signal with his head to the professor who opens the refrigerator door and pull out the iron carrier. Abraham turns his head to the other direction in order not to look at the body. Mickey reaches out and pulls the sheet and reveals the head.

"Abraham Menis, do you recognize your son Isaac? Please look over here, is this Isaac?"

Abraham's head turns slowly to the body. It's the endless moment of a deathly silence that remains engraved in the crying Gods mind? Or is it in the memory of the laughing devil? The hall is silent. Mickey and Wally are looking at each other. Abraham's face is sealed and don’t show a thing of the inferno that rages in his soul and only his eyes keep looking and surveying the body slowly from head to toe. Abraham holds back as he reaches the face:

"This is Isaac, Eve's and my child! This is our Isaac and there is no mistake here. This is Isaac!"

He shivers and starts crying. He almost falls but the two psychiatrists lead him out. Behind them Wally and Mickey walk with dull faces. To complete the embarrassing picture, that is taken from "Dante's Inferno Eve enters hysterically into the hall while Gideon, the police officers and the doctors chase her. She stops in front of Abraham and whispers

"Is it true? Isaac is gone? Is he dead?"

"I'm sorry Eve, its true. Isaac is gone, he is dead. Our son is dead".

"Noooooooooooo… nooooooooo"

A horrifying scream of the kiss of death bursts from her throat. The breath of life and futility of man appear in their full glory. The end of the world is happening at that moment, nothing to live for and no strength to die. Eve's body collapses to the floor like a tower of cards that felt the wind from a butterfly's wings. Abraham stands frozen and helpless. He starts to weep like a baby and hugs Michelle. One of the doctor's hurry to inject Eve and then Abraham with a sedative as Gideon stands next to them embarrassed and confused. After a couple of seconds Eve regains her composure, supported by Gideon who sits her on a chair and pour a glass of water for her. Eve is checked by the doctor for pulse, blood pressure and general condition.

"She looks fine, her pulse and blood pressure are intact".   He gives Gideon the pills

"Give her a pill every 8 hours".

He turns to Abraham: 

"How are you feeling?"                                                                   

Abraham answers in a low voice "OK". The doctor says:

"Anyway, you take the pills too".

He gives Michelle a few pills and says:                                                  

"If you see his condition worsen give him a pill every 5 hours".

Everybody start walking outside slowly. Wally and Mickey stand in front of Abraham and shake his and Michelle's hands politely.

"Please receive our condolences. We really hoped it wouldn't end this way."

Wally and Mickey are standing in front of Eve and Gideon and shake their hands politely.

"Please receive our condolences. We wish it wouldn't have ended like that."

Eve says in a threatening and cracked voice:                                   

"Isaac is gone. I wish I wouldn't have left him at Abraham's. All of this wouldn't have happened."

Everyone looks at Abraham in embarrassment as he looks down and weeps quietly. Mickey tries to soften the mood.

"I understand this is hard for you. But, we can take comfort in the fact that the monster who did this in our hands and he will be punished severely".

Without any warning, a frightening scream comes out of Abraham who holds Mickey's shoulder and shakes it as if he was possessed.

"I wish Joshua, burn in hell. He has to die. If he is not punished like he should be. I, with my own hands, will kill this monster and I don't care if I go to prison because of that".

Everyone is terrified and retreat. Excited and shocked by Abraham's words. Michelle hurries to calm him down and looking scared and terrified. For a moment you could have seen a sparkle of appreciation and admiration in Eve's eyes that looked at him with a smile of gratefulness. That smile, which appeared in the angle of her crying eyes upset Gideon that even in such tragic moments feels forlorn and humiliated compares Abraham's lousy stock are suddenly traded in high value in Eve's demanding and risky stock market. Wally and Mickey lash out at Abraham. Mickey says

"Although I understand your pain, I won't hear that kind of talk. Be careful!"

And Wally reiterates 

"I will emphasize Mickey's words. Don't even dare to think about that, because you would go to prison for the rest of your life!" 

Mickey says

"We are a country governed by civil laws and like every other criminal, Joshua will be judged and when convicted only the court will sentence him. Let's leave this place so you can take care of the arrangements for the funeral. If you need any help we are at your service."

They all move on, get into their cars and drive off - each one to his destination. Wally and Mickey enter their car, light a cigarette and sigh in relief simultaneously. Mickey remembers something important and quickly pulls out the flask out of his bag.

"It's about time…Drink Wally"

He gives Wally the flask.

"Drink! Just don't forget you're driving….You don't want to be arrested driving under the influence". 

Wally joyfully pours down his throat part of the flask's contents and gives it back to Mickey who hurriedly drinks as well. Wally shouts satisfied

"Man… I needed that drink so much… what a bad day"

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"Yes. You're right Wally. The silence of the lambs is Mickey Mouse movie compare to this episode."

The car continues on its way as both of them sit quietly, pondering and feeling their tiredness. Wally mumbles

"What do you say about José? After he gets the reward he'll forget he ever was homeless".

"For him it's like winning the lottery. Maybe he'll open a homeless motel".

Joshua is sleeping soundly in his cell after finishing his breakfast. He is not allowed to mingle with other prisoners or walk around the yard during breaks while other prisoners are around him as they want to hurt him after they found out that he is the singing pervert. Loud knocks on the door awake him and he jumps up in a panic. The door opens and a cop by the name of Larry looks inside in disgust. Behind him stands David Stein, Joshua's lawyer who is looking at his notes. Larry shouts

"Joshua, you have a visitor. Are you still alive?"

Joshua looks at the cop disrespectfully; stretches and yawns like an excited and tired.

"Fine officer, I'm awake".

David politely thanks the officer and walks in. Joshua looks at him with disinterest while David smiles at him.

"Mr. Lawyer! When you want to leave the cell ring the bell next to the door".

Larry locks Joshua's cell and leaves. David sits in front of Joshua, looks at him apathetic and Joshua lights a cigarette.

"I've brought you some of the things you asked for". David throws 2 cigarettes packs, gums, snacks and bagels on the table. Joshua responds maliciously

"What about the rest of the things I wanted? The Italian food? The Discman? The playboy?"

He mumbles cynically.

"What an idiot lawyer".

David looks into Joshua's conspiring eyes. He would rather Joshua get a heart attack as a gift from God but unfortunately something like that is not foreseen. He smiles at Joshua and suddenly hits the table and shouts

"Who do you think you are? Al Capone? You think you're in a hotel? In a fancy restaurant where you get 3 courses? You have to thank me every second for the things I have brought you! The cops prefer I bring you - the singing pervert - cyanide for a main dish and poison for desert….You won't believe how much they love you".

"OK, OK forget I said say anything. I will keep eating the trash they give me here. What about my release on bail?"

"I'm working on it Joshua. Do you remember how to plead about the child abuse charge? Like I told you - not guilty! You didn't know that you suffered from mental illness of pedophilia and perverseness. And you even asked for the help of several psychiatrists but they all turned you down. They claimed you were making that up or you wanted to become famous and be recognized. Now tell me about that boy Isaac. The one that's missing since Saturday morning, the one you kidnapped, where is he?"

Joshua jumped up from his bed and hits the table with anger

"I didn't do anything! I didn't see that kid! I didn't do anything to him and I didn't kidnap him!"


"Damn it with that fucking police! They want to shove that case up my butt because once or maybe twice I met him with his father Abraham and his girlfriend Michelle! And those clown cops, Mickey and Wally, decided to frame me because they can't catch the person who really did it! I didn't kidnap anybody!"

He adds maliciously

"Maybe they'll blame me for murdering him? And Kennedy and Jesus? And probably God too? Wow.."

David is tired of listening to Joshua and he snaps at him

"Enough! Enough already! My head hurts! If you say you had nothing to do with the kidnapping I will try move things as fast as possible and try to release you on bail. And don't forget - always plead not guilty!"

Without warning the door of the cell opens with a noisy bang that terrifies Joshua and David. Pale and frightened they turn to look at Mickey and Wally entering like a couple of prophets of the apocalypse and with a dull, threatening and terrifying gaze. Mickey whispers cynically

"How are you David? Taking care of your client? Getting him out of jail on parole?  Set free?"

David, who feels the same disgust and contempt towards them as they feel towards him, stands up and shakes their hands:

"How are you my dear and esteemed friends, the representatives of law and above the law?" 

He giggles

"I love you just as much as you love me. And as you can I am here to take care of my client. For your information, he will soon be released on bail. I'm working on that".

Mickey and Wally watch him with disgust, waiting for the great moment they would be able to kick him out and Joshua to hell.

"I think you took the demon coaster at the amusement park and now left with the demons! I'm very sorry to inform you, my dear friend David, but I don't think Joshua will be paroled any time soon. Your tower of cards has collapsed".

Joshua looks scared. Is it because they found anything? Or is from police violence? David laughs.

"Don't worry Joshua, today in the afternoon there is a preliminary hearing for your case and the judge will grant you your bail!" 

Joshua, full of hatred towards them starts running full steam towards Mickey and Wally who don't seem to care and are praying that he'll try to hurt them with this heavy body and fat hands. Lucky for him, David stops him with his own body and grabs him violently so that he can't move.

"I'm sick of these bastards! You see what they're doing to me? They stop at nothing to keep me in jail and deny me bail even if I have the right for it".

He cries over David's shoulder.                  

"The police are looking for a scapegoat. They've marked me"

Mickey giggles

"Poor you Wally, tell them what happened. Tell them that Joshua will receive bail only in hell and that he will get there sooner than he thinks".

"Last night we found Isaac's body and this morning his parents came to the forensics institute and identified his body".

David looks at them and doesn't believe it, as Joshua holds his head with despair. David stands and lashes out at them

"My client doesn't have anything to do with this matter, do you understand? He never met Isaac alone, didn't kidnap him and didn't murder him or anybody else. Leave him alone".

Wally and Mickey are silent. They are walking towards the cell door. Wally opens it

He stands before the prosecution table, looks at them and whispers 

"Arrested as hashed he singing pervert who abused children and made them thing

 Bad deeds. But this time it comes in the murder of Isaac the son of Abram and Eve has

Enough material to conviction! This time he would be charged with murder in cold

Blood. Your client is not a church boy would risk but a dangerous Monster! We will

 Meet in court"

Joshua looks helpless, shocked and horrified. Wally and Mickey look at Joshua like

Cryptic puzzle. That there is no knowing where to start. David standing next to him and

Embrace him while Joshua cries out   

"I did not kill Isaac! You plot me on this case ... But it won't help you! It's not my gilt"

 Mickey turns towards them and slammed in their faces

"Joshua, you murdered Yitzhak and the prosecution will prove it beyond any doubt. We

Offer you to confess plead guilty and restore how you murdered Yitzhak. If you do it I

Will try to get you a deal with the Prosecutor! If not … you will get the Chair with

 2,000 volts! "

Wally and Mickey leave the cell without blowing them another look. But Wally gazed

Back at Joshua, and does not understand why his heart was heavy as a stone. Does not

Understand why he was sorry for this monster. Joshua is resting on the bed and staring

At the ceiling at this point that means: to be or not to be. David approaches him and asks

"Joshua, if they do have some evidence, I suggest you plead guilty and cut a deal with

The prosecution,"

Joshua looks death; eyes keep staring at the ciling, and his words coming out with pain

"You believe the police, not me. Right? I'd rather you to leave me alone David and you

Better stop performance and move on because I'm not guilty of Yitzhak's murder"

David watched him like crazy, trying to get inside his head, to understand the

Mysterious personality and leave the place in silence.

Joshua looks at the picture from the daily newspaper which reports about finding the  

Child's body. But with no where it was found at the request of the police. On the same

Page in a newspaper there were photos of Isaac as a baby and his parents with a look of  

Dead people. Of corpses


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