
Chapter 5: Chapter 5   –  Abraham & the “Singing Pervert”

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Chapter 5 

  Abraham & the “Singing Pervert”



The next night, Michelle slept soundly, nestled in her dreams about the baby ,and baby strollers ,and her love for the baby that would soon arrive as Abraham's car cruised down the highway. Abraham's cheerful voice could be heard singing off-key. With its threatening shadow, a colossal landfill appeared opposite to the right side of the car, in all its glory ,and stench.

For a moment, it seemed like the giant mountain of garbage was about to swallow the car up. At the foot of the hill stood José by his shed. The radio held close to his ear ,and his curious gaze on the road where Abraham's car passed. After a while, the vehicle arrived at the edge of a large dark wood not far from Albertson prison. Abraham stepped out of the car ,and looked inquisitively into the woods, searching for something. His gaze moved slowly from the far-left side of the woods to the right,and his eyes attempted to track movement or light that would signal life in this solitary threatening place. Just as he planned to go back to his car ,and drive off, he noticed on his right side a flash of light.

He focused on it,and a smile of relief appeared on his face. He jumped up ,and waved his fisted hands in the air, yelling, "Yes!” The sense of curiosity ,and adventure flooded him with new electrical exciting waves that pumped more adrenaline to his brain. He went into his car, looked,and found the path leading in. His car disappeared into the frightening mysterious woods. The further he went, the brighter the lights became, accompanied by people's music ,and voices. Abraham stopped his car in front of a group of tents ,and sheds of various sizes lit by oil lamps ,and some by torches. A rhythmic hypnotizing beat was heard from the big tent located at the center of the compound. Abraham waved to a small group of men, women,and children that approached ,and welcomed him. This group ,and everyone else was wearing white robes ,and white sneakers.

"Welcome to our humble abode, we hope your stay here will be pleasant. It is our pleasure."

"I thank you, my brothers, of the bible disciples…blessed be ,and strengthened. I look forward to meeting my friend Joshua."

Abraham sighed in relief. Finally, he had arrived at the encampment of the bible disciples ,and their leader, Joshua. Each member of the group approached Abraham kissing him on the forehead.

"Our leader Joshua resides in the large tent. He will be happy to see you! Come, join us is our honor," spoke the eldest of the group. He was Joshua's right hand,and his name was Reuben. They all accompanied Abraham to the large tent. The tent was divided into a dining room ,and an assembly hall. Sounds of singing ,and drumming, which were revealed as ancient biblical songs originating in various famous sayings from the bible; drifted inside the tent, some members danced ,and sang in ecstasy. Joshua sat cross-legged on thick mats padded by cushions. He was the only one wearing black robes. He hugged the children ,and women around him, drank wine ,and gorged on meat, fruits,and cakes placed on different trays in the center of the tent.

Abraham tried to join the singers; clapped his hands excitedly as he neared the tent while the group that accompanied him to the tent greeted Joshua with a bow as he kissed them on the forehead ,and continued to gorge. Abraham stood at the entrance; his eyes lustfully following the erotic bodies of the women singing ,and dancing in a trance. But the image of the dancing women ,and prancing men faded ,and dwarfed in Joshua's presence. Abraham couldn’t take his eyes off the impressive, authoritative,and charismatic figure of the adored leader. Abraham's eyes sparkled with admiration. His mouth was open in amazement. His tense body was floored down,and a great sense of vitality flooded his consciousness, confused by the sensual woman's curves ,and movements of the women wishing ,and craving the moment when he could lay a hand, leg,and some other body parts on the women! Abraham realized that this was a unique place ,and this realization brought with it a euphoric feeling. He saw himself as a man of stature. He likened himself to influential military leaders like Alexander the Great, Pharaohs ,and emperors of Egypt, Greece, China ,and Japan, but mainly like Stalin, whom everyone worshipped ,and idolized even though he slaughtered five million of his people who were a danger to the country. Joshua noticed Abraham by the entrance ,and signaled him to enter.

"Peace be with you ,and your family, Abraham…come closer, my ally. Come, my esteemed learned friend! Please – join our humble, simple abode…we are pleased to welcome you in our midst. The mighty Lord ,and we welcome you. " Abraham bowed ,and received a kiss on the forehead that caused him to be a little confused ,and embarrassed. Joshua firmly turned to his people.

"Let's go, brothers ,and sisters…welcome dear Abraham…he ,and his son Isaac ,and spouse Michelle are beloved ,and dear people." Everyone present in the tent gathered around him, hugged ,and kissed him with real unconditional affection. The men kissed his forehead,and the women kissed his head as he attempted to hold the women closer to his body ,and take pleasure with the women. Joshua stood up ,and approached Abraham. The crowd fell silent

,and stood still. Abraham was frightened ,and retreated in fear. He thought that he had said or done something wrong ,and would now be punished humiliatingly.

Joshua hugged him warmly ,and called out, amused, "What's wrong, Abraham? Did you think we would abuse you? Burn you at stake? Relax, brother, you are one of us."

Joshua started laughing,and everyone joined in ,and clapped their hands. Abraham was relieved when Joshua hugged him. Abraham hugged him back hesitatingly ,and heard Joshua asking with curiosity ,and a hint of sadness, "Abraham, my son! Where is your

beloved son Isaac? Why didn’t you bring him with you? He is loved

,and welcome. Where do you live? Is it far away? Nearby? We hope

,and wish for Isaac's coming."

Abraham was blinded by admiration,and his gaze was focused on Sara, a beautiful ,and sexy girl dancing by him ,and smiling at him shyly, which gave her the look of an angel! Despite his relentless efforts, he couldn't take his eyes off her ,and answered Joshua with apparent disinterest, making Joshua give a conniving smile as he noticed Abraham's gaze at the girl.

"You asked about my son, right? Unfortunately, he was not in my care today, so I couldn’t bring him with me. I promise to bring him next time I come. You wish the same,and God wishes too." Joshua approached Abraham in a surprising, firm ,and unsocial way again.

"You didn’t tell us what city ,and street you live on! I hope your house is closer to ours. Am I right?"

"I live on the ground floor with a yard by the barbershop at the corner."

Abraham thought that he saw Joshua smile at his answer, but he didn’t delve into it. He was content ,and smiled satisfactorily at Joshua's words,

"Come join us, my brother Abraham. The good Lord takes care of his followers! You will join us in our meal, welcome!"

Joshua sat on the cushions ,and signaled Abraham to join him as the feast continued in full force. Abraham was sitting cross-legged

,and grabbed hold of the food that was spread around him. From the corner of his eye, he noticed Joshua writing something on a piece of paper ,and put it in his pocket. Abraham's hands were constantly working to make their way to the food. Between biting ,and chewing accompanied by a symphony of burps. Joshua noticed Abraham's gaze on Sara. He pointed in her direction ,and signaled her to come closer. She stood before Abraham ,and continued to dance, driving his senses wild.

Joshua hurriedly hugged Abraham's shoulder fondly, winked,and whispered in his ear sweetly, "Abraham, my brother! Do you like this girl? Would you deflower her?"

"Yes, I like her! I would do anything for her, " Abraham stuttered helplessly ,and in embarrassment. Joshua signaled for Sara to return to the dancers ,and whispered hypnotically.

"This beauty's name is Sara! You should know that the girls here do not date outsiders. They can marry ,and devote themselves after the wedding to our men, who belong to the cult. If you belonged to our cult, she would be yours, but this can change according to my decision. If I decide so, Sara will be yours even though you are not yet a member of our cult, the chosen cult, the bible disciple's cult."

Abraham sighed in despair,and his face showed his torment.

"I understand, Joshua! I don’t belong to the cult; therefore, I can't have Sara…I am disappointed." Joshua watched Abraham, who lowered his head helplessly in embarrassment ,and grabbed hold of his arm forcefully.

"The question is, what would you give in return? Food? Money? Assets? Or even the most precious things you have? Yourself? Your family? Your soul?"

Abraham was uncomfortable! Joshua's words hit him like a deadly sword,and he would much prefer forgetting the subject, but Sara's image grabbed hold of his heart,and a sense of suffocation climbed his throat ,and blurred his thoughts.

"I won't give anything… I usually take what I see without giving anything in return…"

Joshua's hold tightened around Abraham's arm that felt frightened

,and tried to release himself unsuccessfully.

"Don’t jerk me around! I saw your eyes go blind, your mind in fog! What are you willing to give back?"

"Everything! You're right, she's hypnotized me,and I'll give anything to have her, Okay? Happy?" Abraham retorted ,and knew the awful truth. Joshua let go of his arm ,and patted fondly on his shoulder, hugging him.

"Good, Abraham! We understand each other. If you do good by me, I'll take care of you."

Abraham nodded his head in agreement ,and continued to hear Joshua's words echo in his head,and he continued to gleefully watch the curves, breasts, lips,and anything connected to the girls smiling ,and dancing for him. Joshua walked among the dancers. Hugging ,and kissing the adults, Holding the children close. To Abrahams' surprise, kissing them on the mouth indecently ,and unacceptably as the rest of the members did not respond ,and continued in their frenzied dancing. Abraham was sure that Joshua's behavior was a part of the religious experience or the cult's laws. Or maybe it was the affection the chosen leader held for his followers, or perhaps it was the children's wish to be sheltered by their adored leader, who had a magical power over them! Suddenly Joshua's hand was raised high,and the din was silenced. Abraham froze, anxious; sure, that something horrible was going to happen! He had probably angered them or Joshua,and they were about to stone him,and if not that – maybe crucify him with the nearby construction site boards.

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"My dear brothers ,and sisters, the bible disciples! I would like to tell you ,and especially our guest ,and brother Abraham the words of the Lord! Hear me! Your name is a symbol of courage, determination,and sacrifice! You Abraham, yes, you! you, yes, you are the only person God believed in. Trusted ,and valued his strength above anyone else in the world!"

Abraham was amazed, didn’t understand but listened joyfully! A squeal of joy erupted from his mouth,and luckily, he managed to close his mouth. He started to realize that they were talking about him. A great ,and deep sense of uplifting, belief in his uniqueness

,and irrational power consumed his mind,and a pure angel's halo engulfed him! Joshua continued to hypnotize the herd watching him like a superstar charismatically.

"Don’t forget our brother Abraham…you are God's emissary! You are the chosen one, not Jesus, not Muhammad,and not Baba baby. Don’t forget Eve! Damn Eve that seduced Adam ,and betrayed him, abused him ,and rejoiced in his downfall! Adam was banished from heaven ,and stripped of eternal life because of her! Eve is the devil! That is why we must be wary of devil women today; they are the suffering, despair, depression,and all that is evil in our world! But they possess one good thing...made to seduce us. Remember – they are the devil incarnate,and you are the divine."

Abraham's essence was now floating in upper ,and unknown universes, surrounded by a heavenly glow ,and universal cosmic control. He had forgotten about the existence of real pleasure ,and lust that guided him during his life ,and was experiencing a mysterious spiritual glow like nothing he had ever felt in his life. Through the clouds of light ,and cosmic divinity, he thought he heard a strange voice booming, calling his name, "Abraham! Abraham! "

A divine thought fleeted through his head. He must be one of a kind in human history.

"I guess God himself wants to know me? Maybe meet me? Maybe I am the messiah?"

The voice calling his name got louder,and a mysterious hand held his arm ,and shook it forcefully.

"What's wrong with you, Abraham? You're not here! Come back to us now! Abraham, enough, snap out of it!" Regretfully Abraham returned to the cold world.

"What happened? Where am I? What did you do to me?" He turned to Joshua.

"Why are you yelling in my ear? Don’t rip my arm off…I still need it."

Abraham retreated, his body still stiff ,and shaking,and he could barely open his eyes. Joshua calmed him in a friendly hug ,and laughed in relief as the curious cult members surrounded an embarrassed Abraham.

"Calm down, dear brother Abraham…for a few minutes, it seemed as if you were thrown into the other worlds…lucky for you, God made sure you returned! For your information, many went through the experience ,and lost their lives or sanity. Do you see? God did not forget you; he wants you to join us. We want to welcome you among us as an equal. As God's chosen son! Like the Israelites were told that day…that day I will bring you, Abraham…the messiah."

Abraham smiled vivaciously to Sara that responded with a smile half shy half smirking! Abraham turned to Joshua.

"Okay. I am interested in joining the cult if I can have Sara. Okay?"

"Abraham, my brother! God wishes you to bring Isaac along,and we will hold a ceremony to welcome both of you. You will never forget. As for Sara, don't worry! After the ceremony, you'll get a bonus, Sara." He laughed creepily. "I will watch Isaac as you can do whatever you like with Sara…do we have a deal?" Abraham smiled satisfactorily, although he didn’t understand why Isaac must be initiated too.

"Okay, Joshua, we have a deal," he mumbled to himself. "I've died

,and gone to heaven."

Joshua hugged Abraham, who felt pride. Joshua raised his hands again,and everyone listened in awe.

"My dear brothers ,and sisters! Soon our brother Abraham ,and his son Isaac will be initiated into the bible disciples…return to the dancing ,and singing ,and glorify Abraham, God's emissary chosen for the test of strength ,and faith…long live, Abraham."

Loud clapping ,and cheers were heard from all around. Everyone gathered around Abraham, who felt like a bride about to lose her virginity on her wedding day. They all continued dancing ,and chanting in a trance. Abraham grabbed hold of Sara, holding her close to his body. He looked for Joshua, who disappeared. He asked Sara curiously, "I'm looking for Joshua…have you seen him? Where can I find him?"

"He probably went to his shack at the edge of the woods…he secludes himself there…communes with God… he doesn’t allow anyone to disturb him! If you need anything, talk to me, or talk to Joshua the next time you come here (looking at her watch) it is late. I'm sorry, but I must go Abraham, goodbye." Sara kissed him lightly on the cheek ,and hurried off. Abraham stood still quietly.

"Maybe it's time I leave too…next time Sara will be mine…like

Joshua promised."

Abraham waved to the people, hugged them quickly,and walked tiredly to his car. He put the keys in the door but lingered as he remembered Joshua's charismatic figure.

"I wonder what Joshua is doing now. That bastard is probably screwing someone from the cult now. I must catch him at it."

Abraham waited in concealment until the last of the members walked off. The woods were silent ,and gloomy ,and seemed to hold secrets better left alone. Abraham creeped between the woods according to Sara's directions towards Joshua's shack. The closer he got to his goal, the stronger his fears ,and doubts became.

"Maybe it's a mistake sneaking up to Joshua's shack? If I'm found, I'll probably get thrown off the cult, to hell."

Abraham already turned back towards his car but froze as he noticed the shadow of the shack in the fog. Next to it stands Joshua's black GMC van. Abraham tiptoed cautiously closer to the cabin that was lit with lanterns. From inside the shack, he could hear faint sounds of grunting, sighing,and murmuring. Abraham leaned closer to the cabin, bending down. Crawling towards the window

,and lifts his head slowly.Slowly, he peeked through the filthy window covered in grime. Cleaned a small piece of the window, the size of an eyeball. Sure, he was going to see the gates of heaven of one of the girls. Sure, he was going to find one of the women with Joshua. The sight before him horrified ,and paralyzed his body like poison ,and undermined his sanity, Abraham stood at the gates of hell! Adjacent to the filthy black wall opposite the window a boy ,and a girl were chained in rusty iron chains. They were about 7-8 years old, nude,and crying. Their heads were covered in a black hood so they could not recognize where they were or who was abusing them. Before them stood Joshua, the adored leader! He was wearing his black minister's robe on his head, the hood of the dress. He wore a mustache ,and a thick beard on his face. He hit them with a whip he held in his gloved hand ,and beat them sadistically! Abraham was suddenly reminded of a profile he saw on TV where all the details were given on the singing pervert ,and the car's description matched those of Joshua's. Everything matched ,and was entirely identical for Joshua in the shack. Abraham knew he must get away quickly

,and call the police, but he couldn't move.

He was frozen ,and petrified, murmuring, "This is insane…unbelievable! Now it's clear why he wears the minister's robe ,and fake beards. I understand what's happening ,and why he is abusing them" Thoughts hit Abraham's mind that he could not digest the inferno he was looking at ,and hearing.

"Enough, please…stop! We want to go home to our mum ,and dad! Release us,and we won't say anything."

The frightened children begged, but Joshua only laughed in an evil way, which gave Abraham goosebumps.

"Release you? Okay, I'll do that right away."

Abraham knew he had better disappear, but his legs felt like led ,and refused to respond while Joshua screamed, "I am your angel, The Lord that takes care of you…I am your father that can do whatever I want to you. you love me, respect me,and need me…"

Suddenly they stopped, surprised ,and amazed at the sound of Joshua's sudden cry of ejaculation,and the devil's come shoots out into the shack of hell. A load of these gruesome events burdened Abraham's consciousness,and he flew from his spot by the window; unfortunately as he ran off, Abraham stumbled into an old barrel that fell to the ground loudly. Abraham hurriedly hid behind a full tree trunk. The shack door opened,and Joshua peeked out suspiciously ,and cautiously, his hands still gloved. When Joshua was sure, no one was around. He put on black sunglasses, took the children out with their heads still covered ,and their mouths taped to prevent them from making a sound. Dragged them brutally into the van, laid them on the floor, placed cardboard boxes ,and blankets on top of them,and drove off down the main empty road. Abraham reached his car, shaking like a leaf, made sure no one saw him,and disappeared from the cursed place as fast as he could. He was pale, breathing heavily ,and sweating profusely, shaking all over. He drove quickly out of the woods as his car passed the landfill. José sat without interest on the couch ,and turned the radio on. As Joshua ,and Abraham continued each in their drive, they began to switch on broadcasting their cars,and the news could be heard.

"Good night, listeners, the time is midnight. This is Tom Walker with the news. Proposition 499 is passed today in the senate. Its supporters said today they hope this will promote education. In other information, the search continues for a 7-year-old Dan Thorndale, missing since yesterday ,and 8-year-old Naima Sheldon, missing since today. Police sources attribute their disappearance to the singing pervert ,and asked for the public's help again in finding the children. "José closed the radio angrily, cursing the singing pervert. Joshua closed the radio apathetically ,and continued driving. Abraham stopped the car, shut the radio off,and turned off the engine, lighting a cigarette ,and murmuring.

"Who would have believed it? Joshua, the leader of the bible disciples, is the singing pervert? The crazy son of a bitch, this mental, Psychopath! I can now put you so deep in the ground you'll live the rest of your life inside. Let's see you play with me now. You bastard! I'll call the police ,and nail you. But before that. I must call Michelle ,and Michael ,and tell them…oh my God… They're going to be so jealous. " Abraham fell silent.

"Wait! But if I turn him in now, I'll lose out on Sara…I'll lose out on the rest of the women there…maybe it's not such a good idea. What do you say, Abraham? Maybe I'll tell Joshua I know everything? Maybe I'll tape him secretly,and he'll be forced to do my bidding…he'll do what I want…or I'll turn him into the police." He laughed evilly. "Joshua sent Sara to me today…after an hour, send the blond with the big boobs to me. After an hour send the one with the big lips,” he answered himself, mimicking Joshua. "Okay Abraham…whatever you want …just don’t tell anyone what you saw…or show that video to anyone…I am your servant…whatever you comm,and I'll do for you! You're divine…whatever you command!"

Abraham burst out laughing evilly, started the car,and drove off.

Joshua reached a dark grove at the other end of town, looked around, made sure no one was about,and drove into the woods with his headlights off. He took the hoods off the children's heads ,and completely forgot they could identify him in his concealed identity. He tossed them out with disinterest as they were still weeping in terror sure something terrible was going to happen again, but he started chanting the hymns again ,and quickly disappeared with his headlights turned off.

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