
Chapter 6: Chapter 6 Eve & Michelle’s secret

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Chapter 6

Eve & Michelle's secret



"And the devil shall go to the chosen people that have committed crimes and become corrupt and did not follow the ways of the lord. And the devil shall come and play with them"

The face of the devil is revealed in Joshua's body wearing the black minister's robe. Around him sit children with hoods on their heads and tape across their mouths. The children scream in fear and whimper in terror. They take off the hoods and tape and try to escape but he appears everywhere blocking their path. He collects them into the great black robe as he laughs cruelly and meanly throwing them into the shack of hell where there are more children who have been abused. Eve, Gideon and Michelle also appear in the devil's image as well as Abraham's mother, chasing Abraham everywhere.  Abraham is sleeping in his bed but his body is thrashing restlessly and fearfully as his body drips of sweat shaking at the sight of the horrors passing through his mind. He mumbles in his sleep

"No…No…No! Don’t do it! I am Abraham the emissary of the lord, command you to stop!!! The lord is at my side and he will light my way… I will destroy the devil wherever he is! The lord has given me the power and faith to fight the devil".

A sudden rattling of key in the front door startles Abraham from his sleep and he sits up on the bed confused and disoriented, Michelle walks into the apartment in a very good mood as she hums "What a wonderful world" to herself. Abraham is faking sleep completely forgetting the nightmare; fortunately for him she is saddened when the telephone begins ringing stopping her singing short. She picks up the phone in the guest room unknowing that Abraham also picked up the phone quietly and slowly in the bedroom aiming to eavesdrop on the conversation.

"Hello… Hi Eve! How are you? How is sweet Isaac? Everybody is OK"

Eve sighs in relief at Michelle's voice.                                                             

"Hi Michelle…we're all OK. Thank you. How's life with Abraham? By the way, he isn’t home?"

Michelle starts laughing surprising Eve.

"He's home… sleeping like a baby! Otherwise he'd answer the phone…did you want something?"

"I wanted to ask him an important favor. This Friday, in two days, I am going with my girlfriends from work on vacation until Sunday morning. This is the first time we're going away together without the men...alone on vacation…you know, to clear our heads…forget the problems! I could ask Gideon to watch over Isaac until we get back but I don’t want to…I prefer you to be with Isaac on the weekend! You can come over to pick him up on Friday and I'll pick him up on Sunday, OK? You can go anywhere you like…the amusement park, safari, a play…my treat!! I'll pay for his expenses! I hope you can convince Abraham to agree"

"OK Eve… you can go peacefully…and stop it… I'll pay for his expenses. You're insulting me! We're happy to have Isaac and we'll pay for whatever he feels like doing".

Abraham's face sour. He pounds the bed angrily and thinks

"Fuck you both…you won't decide for me, I don’t have to host that nag Isaac…who reminds me of his mother, Eve with every step"

Abraham keeps listening curiously as Eve continues to talk

"By the way, Isaac wanted to come along with me but I, with great efforts, convinced him that he has no choice and has to spend the time with you! Of course I promised him a nice present when I got back…maybe a motorized car…but it's a secret"

"Say, Eve! What do I do if Abraham refuses to take Isaac? Do you a solution?"

"Don’t worry, dear! If Abraham gives you a hard time…I'm willing to put off the alimony payment in one month and revoke the stay of exit order…do you think he'll prefer to ignore the offer?"

Abraham listening to Michelle's last proposal smiles joyfully

"Don’t worry, Eve. Abraham will agree. My threat and your offer will be worthwhile to him."

Michelle laughs loudly, Abraham continues to listen

"Wow Michelle! You're something else! You're sweet and fun! Say… what about children? Are you two into it?"  

Abraham turns white and speaks to himself.

"Watch it Michelle! Don't you tell her anything…what business is it of hers?"

Unfortunately for him Michelle hurriedly answers with excitement and pride

"Dear Eve, I'll tell you a secret…but keep it between us! Abraham can't know that I told you! Not only are we into kids but I'm already 7 weeks pregnant! We're going to have a baby in a few months"

"Wow…great! I'm so happy for you Michelle…and for Abraham too! Congratulations"

Despite the excited response her face shows disinterest and loathing. Her face contorts like the face of a stubborn selfish person that has to prove he is better, smarter and more successful than anyone else. She whispers cockily

"By the way Michelle…you know? I have a little secret to tell you as well. I'm also pregnant and I'm 7 weeks too" laughing "Maybe the two idiots planned to knock us up at the same time?"

Michelle laughs in amusement! Abraham is sure he is drunk or drugged/ as the phone slips from his shaking hand. This was the most surprising thing he has ever heard and hurriedly holds the phone to his ear and at the last second stops himself from saying

"No Eve… wouldn't it better if you abort? You're going to have another cursed baby? You want to bring another little Hitler to the world?"

"That's so great Eve…I'm so happy for you and wish you happiness. Say, you must want a sister for Isaac, right? Or doesn’t it matter to you?"  Eve chuckles cynically

"I really don’t care…if it’s a boy, great. A girl? Great. I hope Gideon treats our baby better than he treats Isaac. Sometimes it seems like he hates Isaac. What is it about men? Why do they always imagine the children who are not theirs to be in the way?" 

Michelle laughs.

"I wish you and Abraham have one child after another and maybe that way, Abraham won't be bored with life. Maybe he's bored of marriage? Go figure. I certainly couldn’t...And luckily I don’t have to anymore…thank God. Well, bye Michelle...I'll see you on Friday"

A laugh of scorn sounds from Eve's direction as she hangs up the phone. Michelle and Abraham, still eavesdropping hold the phone like two idiots, watching the future but living in the past. Abraham is startled to hear an evil cackle from Michelle who doesn’t quite know how to digest and treat Eve's comments as she hangs up the phone. Abraham regains his senses and puts the phone down carefully. Micelles footsteps are heard approaching the bedroom and Abraham quickly covers himself with the blanket, pretending to be asleep snoring. Michelle smiles

"Oh, Abraham, you are so sweet and calm when you sleep"

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She giggles in satisfaction and goes back to the living room. Abraham's eyes are open with hatred and dislike.

"You are a whore of fate! My first mistake was Isaac and now the second mistake is your baby, Michelle! "Cries "it's my fault!! Only my fault!! I shouldn’t have let you bring a child to the world... you're like my mother…you're all the same… I hate my mother; she should have died instead of having children!"

Suddenly his consciousness clouds. He is now a sweet 7 year old boy, playing in his room with a toy car. His father is at work and his mother is in her bedroom with her poodle "Looley", whom she cares about more than she does about her family. She is watching a movie where the hero and his girls are performing an artistic erotic scene. She sighs sadly and rages when the scene ends.

"Sons of bitches…I just started getting hot and you're ending it? You should be ashamed. I'll just put a porn movie in the VCR and you can all kiss my ass"

She screams at the TV and startles Abraham playing outside the room mumbling anxiously while his body shakes.                                                                      

 "She scares me; I wish my idiot father was home when she gets angry. But what can he do? Dad is like a baby doing her bidding! My pathetic frightened father scared of her"

His mother puts the tape into the VCR and turns on the TV excitedly. Her hands start to fondle her naked body under the translucent robe she is wearing without knowing Abraham is peeking through the gap between the door and the frame. The movie becomes racier and she has one hand between her legs and the other starts stroking her erect nipple. From her mouth start pouring hoarse grunts of unbridled lust! Abraham doesn’t understand what's happening and without noticing he opens the door wider. He doesn’t know his mother notices his image reflected in the mirror placed in front of the door. She stops for a moment for lack of choice, her face is angry and she screams at him.

"I saw you Abraham! What are you doing by the door? Peeking at mommy" Suddenly she starts laughing and turns towards Abraham who's pale, and embarrassed

"I'm sorry mommy…I'll go back to my games… I won't bother you again…I promise that…"

"Shut up stupid! You're as dumb and pathetic like your father! Come here at once, I won't punish you, don't worry"

Abraham walks in with his head lowered to the floor and his steps hesitant.

"OK mommy. I'm coming…just don’t hit me like you do…I don’t want to cry…I'm tired of it"

She welcomes him in a smile and he smiles in embarrassment.

"Come by my side. I'm making room for you. You're a big boy now, and I'll teach you what to do…I'll teach you how to please mommy… maybe you'll end up being better than you father"

He sits by her side shyly, peeking, curiously and uncomfortably at her curves. She notices his looks and feels a strange satisfaction. She throws the dog uncaringly from the bed. Abraham watches the fuck scene appearing on the TV and suddenly feels his mother's hand taking his hand and placing it in between her legs, as her other hand pulls down his underwear. He holds her hand forcefully and tries to resist screaming

"Stop it mommy, what are you doing to me? I don’t want to…let me go or I'll tell daddy and everyone what you're doing to me!! Let me go…Stop…I beg you not to…"

She slaps him across the face cruelly and he is quiet.

 "Stupid…You'll do whatever I tell you to do and won't interrupt what I'm doing to you or I'll give a beating so hard you won't have the strength to cry! Don't annoy me now or I'll kill you! OK my precious?"

She smiles at him like a loving mother. Abraham wants to escape her clutches… the evil radiating from her monstrous face but he is chained to her by fate…he accepts evil! Evil is a part of him…his body…his soul…his existence! His face is gloomy, his mind closed and his body apathetic and ready for all. His mother lusts for him. She is in a perverted sex delusion. She takes off her robe, places Abraham's stiff body on top of her while she grunts and moans in satisfaction she pants in a hoarse sexy voice, her body seizes in ecstasy and slowly she returns to her senses lighting up a cigarette. She watches the silenced Abraham.

"I don’t need you anymore...get out of my room and go back to your stupid toys"

She picks up her dog and kisses him in a good mood! Abraham picks up his shirt and underwear looking at her and the dog in hatred. He turns back and starts walking silently towards the door while his mother screams

"Don’t you dare tell anyone what you did to me today? You did something really bad and if I tell a cop he'll take you to jail and you'll never return home...You'll be in prison for the rest of your life! But I promise I won't tell anyone... and you know why Abraham? Because you're my son and I forgive you"

"Mommy, I promise not tell anyone what happened. I want to stay home...don't want to go to jail"

Abraham continues on his way and closes the bedroom door silently as his mother continues to pet the dog. Abraham sits in his room crying

"It's my fault! Mommy shouldn’t have had children! It's my fault…I hate mommy! I hate my mommy!"

Abraham consciousness returns to the present and he finds himself lying in bed crying He sees himself again as a child! Two days passed from the traumatic event he experienced. His father is sitting in the living room reading a newspaper smiling satisfactorily as his mother is in the bedroom smoking and looking at a naked men magazine. She sighs to herself. Abraham is playing with the dog by the road. After a while he returns home alone, and watches a kid's show that sometimes raises a smile on his face. His father ask his mother

"Where's sweet Looley? I made him a bowl of food...he needs to eat and the go out. Isn’t he in the room?"

"He isn’t here, idiot! Go look for him, feed him and take him out…get out of my sight"

He leaves the house with his head lowered and yells loudly

"Looley! Come to mommy…Looley!!!"

After a few minutes a hysterical scream is heard by the road. His father bursts into the house crying.

"Looley is by the road...come see what happened to him…come quick…it's horrible"

His mother leaves the house running. Abraham wants to go too but his father stops him.

"Stay in the house Abraham... It's better that you don’t see Looley now… he's dead and we have to bury him"

His father runs towards the road again as his mother screams in horror. Abraham stands in the doorway smiling.

"Looley… he's dead…he got run over…what am I going to do now? How can I live without my Looley??"

Abraham sits on the bed in his room cleaning the blood and skin off the hammer he stole from his father's tool box. He puts the hammer back into the box and places the bloody rag in a plastic bag and throws it in the trash.



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