
Chapter 7: Chapter 7   The weekend offer            

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Chapter 7

  The weekend offer                



Michelle looks at her watch helplessly

"Get up Abraham, its 9 am…today is Friday and Gideon is bringing Isaac here today, Come on, get up"

Abraham's eyes barely open and he tries to lift the cobwebs on his eyelids.

"Say, I think I heard you talk about Isaac? Did you talk about Eve too? What's going on?"

Abraham plays the role of curious efficiently and with maximum credibility. While Michelle acts serious surprised and embarrassed.

"Oh boy, I forgot to tell you! Eve called and asked that we take Isaac today for the weekend and she'll pick him up on Sunday morning. I hope that’s OK and that you don’t have a problem with it"

Abraham continues to act the grumpy husband and decides to check how far he can annoy her… and until when!

"Out of the question Michelle! Maybe I feel like going away for the weekend? I won't be her babysitter. Let's say I agreed, would she give something in return? I don’t do things for free…and I am not Eve's sucker!"  

"I'm sorry. The only thing Eve offered is that we take Isaac and she will think of a way to make it up to you later".

Her lies set the fire of rage in him

"If this is the case, I am going back to sleep! If you want the role of babysitter, go to Eve's stay at her house with Isaac until Sunday…or maybe until he is 18. "

Michelle is tired of this annoying ping pong

"Oh Abraham, I just remembered! Eve offered to postpone alimony by a month and revoke the stay of exit order! What do you say? Are you game? Can we get ready to take Isaac now?"

Abraham gets out of bed stands threateningly in front of her

"Why didn’t you say so before? Are you playing games with me? Did you plan this with Eve? Do I look stupid to you? Be careful michelle1!! You're starting to become more and more like that scum – Eve!"

Michelle retreats anxiously and wants to believe she did not just hear what she did. Suddenly everything around her is intimidating and threatening. She is horrified that she is beginning to know a dark side of his personality she has met yet.

"Are you insane? Do you hear yourself? Eve and I….Evil?"

Abraham realizes he's gone too far and is going to be screwed!

"I fooled you Michelle! I was just kidding…and you…you thought I was serious? Did you forget I'm an actor?"

Michelle is again floored by his reaction and can't understand when he is being serious and when he is kidding, playing a role. He hugs her with questioned warmth and affection. Strokes her hair and face softly and whispers

"I'm sorry Michelle, my love. I didn’t mean to upset you or frighten you…don’t forget I love you and your baby more than anything else…more than myself. I promise not to do that again!! But…in case it happens again…know that I'm kidding! I'm just acting "laughing meanly "I am an actor through and through".

Tears of relief and understanding trickle from her eyes and wet his cheeks. He holds her closer and continues to stroke her. Michelle is worried…confused and depressive thoughts float in her head and she thinks

"Is something is wrong with me? Am I paranoid? Abraham loves me so much and I have dark thoughts?"

"Come on Michelle. We have to get ready to pick up Isaac, remember? Go make us breakfast."

"OK Abraham, my sweet. I'm going. I hope you forgive me for everything…I just want us to get along".

Abraham smiles at her a fake smile as Michelle enters the kitchen. Suddenly the phone rings and Abraham picks up the phone, surprised to hear Eve's voice.

"Hello Abraham…how is you? I understand that you know Isaac is coming to stay with you on the weekend?"

"Hello Eve! Michelle let me know Isaac is coming…that’s great…we'd love to have him".

"That's why I'm calling…is it OK by you? Can you come and pick Isaac up in a little while?"

"Sure Eve…no problem…we'll be there in an hour"

"That’s great Abraham…thank you and Michelle …you're great" laughs "I'm sure Isaac would have fun…give him whatever he likes… it's on me… Isaac wouldn’t want to come back after this weekend"

They both laugh cordially and Abraham asks nonchalantly

"Say, I'm curious. Didn't Isaac prefer staying with Gideon until you get back?"

"Unfortunately, Isaac and Gideon don’t get along very well. Isaac is already complaining that Gideon is bothering him"

"I understand…I hope Gideon isn't hurting Isaac…is you sure everything is OK?"

"Don’t worry! I always check that Gideon is staying away from Isaac and I'm sure if there was a problem I would know about it"

Eve hangs up and Abraham follows suit. They both stand still deep in thought. A short while later, Abraham's car leaves the driveway and turns into the street and disappears on its way. Abraham is driving and Michelle sits on the passenger side. They continue their drive quietly. As the car passes by the landfill they both grunt in distaste, suffocating from the smell in the air. Michelle turns on the radio searching for a station that begins broadcasting news but to her surprise Abraham changes the station and they listen to songs.

"Michelle, I don’t feel like listening to the news! What's there to hear? Thefts, muggings, defacing, raping, destroyed, committed suicide, bombed, shot, and killed…Sodom and Gomorra on the air. No wonder God is tired of all of us."

Abraham snorts, waves his hand up and shuts the radio

"Forget it Michelle…this time I'm serious! We are not listening to the news…we are not going to listen to trouble! Love is all that's left…Sodom and Gomorra"

In the landfill where the noise is at its highest José sits closely to the radio listening to the news..

"And now for other news! Dan Thorndale and Anima Sheldon that were kidnapped by the singing pervert were found a short while ago in an abandoned orchard! Although healthy, the descriptions of horror suffering and abuse these kids suffered emphasize the rage people are feeling towards the short hand of the law. They deepen and strengthen their fears and anxiety of the mysterious pervert".

José curses and angrily shuts off the radio. At the same time, Mickey David and Wally drive towards the police station. David, holding the wheel, turns off the radio and turns to Mickey.

 "Did you hear that Mickey? They're angry at us because the pervert is still free…When will it end? How does he keep fooling us, the son of a bitch?"

Wally watches Mickey gloatingly. Mickey's face is calm

"Soon, Wally! Soon! I intend to add more cops to the investigation and get help from Interpol and the Scotland Yard and the FBI! The identity of the pervert will be revealed and the singing pervert will have to sing in his own trial at the courthouse". 

Abraham's car stops in front of Eve's house. Abraham and Michelle walk side by side towards the house and stand before the door. They fix their clothes up. Abraham reaches for the door bell when a bad feeling engulfs him and creeps up slowly along his throat. He is flooded by the memories of Eve and Gideon making out almost completely naked! He manages to calm down with the help of Michelle's shaking touch.

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"What's the matter Abraham? Calm down? Isaac must be waiting for us"

"OK Michelle. I'm calm! I guess I just got the chills…I really feel weak and tired. Come on let's go in"

He rings the bell. The door opens and Gideon appears dressed smartly, shaven, smiling and shaking their hands.

"Hello Abraham…you must be Michelle, very nice to meet you, you're right on time! Eve is ready and so is Isaac."

Eve shows up, she shakes their hands coldly.                                                                                                                                    

"Michelle and Abraham"laying"you look great together… a regular Romeo and Juliet! Isaac is ready in his room, but come in and has a drink?"

"OK… I'll have water" Michelle mumbles

"Sorry, I only drink beer"

Says Abraham smilingly. Eve continues on her way without batting an eyelash. Abraham smiles at Eve and Gideon and his eyes show his disgust of them, luckily for him, he manages to overcome. He drinks slowly with Michelle the drinks Gideon brings them. A gloomy stressful atmosphere engulfs the three of them and they stare into the air silently, breathing a sigh of relief when eve show up holding with one hand Isaac looking gloomy and in the other his big duffle bag. Michelle jumps up like a goat and hugs Isaac affectionately.

"Hi Isaac, we missed you! Eve is going on a trip and we're going to take you to a lot of place and have fun"

Abraham and eve watch Michelle and Isaac pathetically. Isaac watches everyone with rage and mumbles.

"I wanted to go with mummy"

Abraham approaches Isaac with disinterest, pats him on the back, reaches both hands and states condescendingly

"Hey Isaac, give me five "Isaac slaps him five pathetically "Are you ready? We're going to have fun together, right?"

Eve brings plastic cups and a cold water jug to the table and pours everyone a glass in a condescending smile and an authoritative face. Everyone drinks silently as they think to themselves. Eve raises her glass

"Here's to you Michelle and Abraham! And thanks for everything" thinking "I want to be in the hotel with my friends already". Abraham bursts in

"Here's to you eve and Gideon! We're happy to help you "Michelle hurriedly adds in a nasally tone

"You have a nice house, eve. May you have peace and joy?" Gideon joins the feast of love and affection

"You're a great couple…may you find only joy! Isaac says

"I love you all…you're the best in the world"

Eve starts leading Isaac towards the door although he begins to resist…Gideon tries to hug Isaac and he retreats in revulsion and screams

"Don’t touch me! You're not my father and I don’t need you…you're disgusting…I wish you'd never met my mother"

Everyone stand frozen in their place ashamed and confused their faces to the floor. Abraham sneaks a peek at Gideon's direction and sees his hate filled look and know that if he could have he would have sent Isaac straight to hell. Eve is afraid this is the end of her trip even before it began and knows she has to salvage the situation…she quickly responds…

"You're going to have so much fun, Isaac…instead of coming along with mummy and her friends you're going to have the time of your life with Michelle and Abraham"

Eve kisses Isaac and Abraham looks at them both disgusted.

"I'll be by on Sunday to pick you up! And I'm going to bring you a great surprise! Only if you behave and do what they tell you to" laughing "have fun…because at the end we all die"

Everyone is silent. Isaac looks at their faces pleadingly. Isaac thinks gloomily

"When will they stop kicking me? l"

Eve hands the big duffle bag to Abraham along with the hotel's card.                                     

"Take the bag Abraham. There are clothes and games in there. I will call every once in a while to check in …but if there's a problem call me at the hotel! That's it…I have to get going"

Abraham gives Michelle the big bag and hugs Isaac's shoulder trying to lead him forward but Isaac refuses to budge, weeping and with uncharacteristic swiftness he runs to eve and clings on to her hugging her body tightly crying like a wounded animal, as though he feels his life is about to change…as though he's seen the future and is trying to escape his doom.

"Don’t leave me here! I want to come to the hotel with you! Please. Take me to the hotel…"

Eve looks at him frozenly. She whispers to Isaac in a mean voice which sends chills down everyone's spine

"You're getting on my nerves! If you're thinking of ruining my trip.. It will be your end!"

Eve grabs Isaac who's frightened in an iron grip and pushes him outside cruelly screaming as everyone is confused and shocked

"You will do what I tell you to, do you hear me? You'll stay with them even if you don’t like it!"

"Eve, why don’t you take him with you??You can see he's angry… scared… confused… desperate…sad"

Abraham, who feels uncomfortable with the situation at hand, can't believe his ears as he hears himself…Michelle and Gideon are uncomfortable Eve turns to Abraham with decisive rage, but quickly collects her and tries to calm down the atmosphere before everything blows up.

"We agreed Isaac will be with you until Sunday morning… and that's what's going to happen! Even if Isaac doesn’t like it, even if you don’t like it, what I say – goes! My decision is final…similarly to death!!"

Everyone bows down their heads in silence praying the tension will end. Suddenly Isaac bursts out screaming as he's never done before…like a doomsday prophet foreseeing the future.

"Don’t leave me here mummy! I know I'll never see you again…take me with you…I'm afraid".

Everyone is shocked. Their mouths hanging open and minds clouded. Isaac crying breaks their hearts. Eve leans over Isaac kissing and stroking him. A few tears run down her cheeks and she strokes his hair

"Don’t be silly Isaac! You'll see me on Sunday morning with a special surprise for you!"

It seems as though the rainbow has broken through, the sunrise came early and all the tension and anger dissipated into a past fog. Michelle is excited.

"I have a great idea Isaac! This afternoon we can all go to the amusement park. On Saturday morning we can go to the zoo and later on we'll go see a new kid's film and eat loads of ice cream! Even if you wanted to stay on Sunday we will force you to come back to eve!"

Everyone claps their hands and cheer. Abraham hugs Isaac and strokes his hair softly. They both wave their hands goodbye to eve. Gideon goes into his car bitter and angry and disappears without a second glance at anyone. Abraham looks in his direction and feels his disgust growing. He walks Isaac towards his car and Michelle hurries behind them. Eve screams

"Watch him well! Don’t forget there are all kinds of perverts around! Don’t mess up my vacation…Isaac…I feel this is going to be the greatest experience of your life…and probably for me and Abraham and Michelle too"    

Michelle puts the bag in the trunk and sits with Isaac in the back seat as Abraham starts the car and drives off without another glance at eve who's waving at them goodbye! Rain showers begin falling again. The car passes quietly by the landfill. José is lying curled up in his blanket jumps up in fright as one of the roof covers of his shed made of iron dislodges and flies off into the sky in a blood curdling whistle landing broken on the ground. Abraham tries to lighten the mood by singing "what a wonderful world" .Michelle joins in and they both sound like screeching disk. Isaac smiles politely, humming the song and clapping with disinterest as his eyes show fear! A great fear! Slowly but surely a heavy feeling of dread settles on his chest…unknown, unexplained but hovering above them like a black cloud hiding something satanic!!!



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