Falling In Love With My Love Rival

Chapter 34: Chapter 32: Hating (2)

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In a humongous and vast sports complex that was a bit distant from Dela Cruz's residence, with lots of people entering and exiting, two cars arrive at almost the same time.

Rozkarl and Nishery enter the complex first, followed by the angry Hero and happy couple.

"Oh, honey, this brings me back to the times when we go here as well." Jack said affectionately to his wife.

"Yeah. And you always tried to show off at me, but you always failed, hahaha." 

"Honey, don't say it like that. I have just a strong opponent." 

"Well, Dad, Mom, why.. why don't you separate from us first? We're just going to do something." 

"Oh, what is it? Why can't we go as well?" 

"Well, Mom, he actually challenges Rozkarl." 

"Nishery! Why.. why are you acting like this?" Hero wants to get angry but too bad, it's Nishery who did it.

"Oh, a match? That's why you go here? Looks like fun." Jack found it interested and become unable to separate even more.

Shane was just as interested as Jack and was happy to see the three youth enjoying their age.

"Yeah, and if Rozkarl beat him, he will accept him." 

"As if he can beat me!"

"So, that's why Rozkarl agreed too. Hahaha, it's really great to be youth." 

"Then, what sports will the two of you do?" Shane asked excitedly, hoping Hero to be defeated although Hero was her son.

"There's a lot of choices to pick at, uhm... Why.. why don't you just compete in basketball? Playing basketball looks cool, and you will get energetic especially when the person you like is watching you." 

"Dad, don't butt in in our business. Just go on a date with mom alone."

"No way. We're already old to do that. And watching your match was more exciting, isn't it honey?"

"Yeah, I agreed with your dad."

"Hmmph.. you just want to see me being defeated." 

"Hahaha, it's not like that. Anyways, what do the two of you say?"

"Well, if it's fine with him, then it's fine for me as well."

"Nishery should be the one to pick since she's our objective." 

"What? Me..?" Nishery was a bit surprised but seeing her parents looking at her teasingly, she became distracted.

"I.. I agree with what my dad said earlier."

"So, that's decided then! I'll be the referee.. and I just want to ask, how many sports will you compete in?" 

"Three sports." 

"Oh, then the time limit should be 24 minutes or in other words, only two quarters."

"Ok." the two agreed.

The five of them then go towards the facility for basketball and the two boys then change their clothes into different basketball uniforms, which showcase their good looks and their fit body.

Rozkarl wears a black jersey and white shorts, while Hero wears a red jersey and blue shorts.

Both of them have their own unique charms that even some girls nearby can't help but look at them.

The facilities were wide and big that can be played by many people at the same time.

Nishery, just looking at how hot Rozkarl is, can't help but blush, and secretly tried to take out her phone and capture some photos, but such secretive action can't escape the eyes of her father who was watching her reaction from the very beginning.

Jack can't help but make a big smile as he watches Nishery look sneaky and capture at least five photos.

Shane didn't notice it as he openly took Rozkarl and Hero a photo.

"Ahem... Why do I see a person blushing?" Jack said in a teasing tone that attract the attention of the four.

Two youth unconsciously look away from side to side with the other getting angry.

"Dad, what are you talking about?!"

"What? I didn't say a name, ah? Why are you getting angry? Just because you took a picture of Rozkarl secretly?" 

Shane can't help but also smile.

"Hmmp... What's so great about him?" 

"Dad! Who... who's taking pictures of him secretly?!" 

"Oh, why, you didn't?... But.. why did I just see you being reluctant to stop at five pictures?" 

"I hate you, dad!" 

Rozkarl was as shy and uncomfortable as Nishery but he can't deny how happy he was.

"Don't get too cocky, you bastard." Hero angrily said, bumping him intentionally.

"Let's start the game now!"

The two boys then have a one-on-one match.

Jack, tried to make the match as realistic as possible, so he first throw the ball into the air before letting the two boys catch it.

The two jumped at the same time and tried to get the ball, but Hero was able to jump higher, so he get the ball quickly.

Hero then dribbles it towards the basket, while Rozkarl tries to steal it, being careful to avoid foul, but Hero seems to be a bit good and manages to shoot the ball skilfully.

The ball then went to Rozkarl's turn, and Rozkarl dribble it while thinking about how to get past Hero, who was currently guarding against him.

Hero may look like he was about to commit a foul, but he's actually good at it, and never did, but still, Rozkarl also manages to get points.

The two continue their game, being intense and suspenseful, with their score having just a point gap.

As they played, they also catch some attention, especially girls, and watch their matches.

Some girls pick sides from both of them, and when others cheer for Rozkarl, saying, 'go handsome!' 'shoot that ball for me!', Nishery can't help but give them a glare and annoyance.

The game ended with Hero as a winner although with just a point due to some luck.

The hero becomes glad and arrogant, while Nishery felt a bit sad for Rozkarl.

The married couple watches the game excitedly and can't help but say that those two were not that bad.

Rozkarl and Hero were exhausted from the game, and their jersey was filled with sweat.

Shane, who has a mother's nature, nature will become worried and care about them.

Shane took two towels before giving them to the two boys, making the nearby young girls envy her.

Nishery also becomes jealous of her mother and was about to go to Rozkarl when her dad accidentally laughs a bit loud.

"What are you laughing at, dad?!"

"No.. nothing. I just get happy when I saw my daughter get envy just because her mother touch her boyfriend." Jack said trying to stop himself from laughing as possible as he could.

Nishery become red from that and too shy to go to Rozkarl anymore, so she irritatedly went back to her seat.

'Damn my dad! How.. how dare he say that?! And now, it looks so embarrassing if I go there! Damn it!'

'But.. if, if.. I don't go there, some sluts will try to.. steal my man!'

'What should I do?! Ah, I hate you, dad! I hate you, mom!'

'And all of you sluts, how dare you to look at my man?! I should be the only one to look at him!' Nishery thought to herself angrily as she sends a deadly glare to all the girls nearby, but was just ignored.

And on the other hand, Hero was getting happy to win Rozkarl.

"Hahaha, how's that?! You loser!" 

"Well, you're good, I say." 

"Hmmp.. just give up on her, will you?"

"Why would I do that? I like her."

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"You! Hehe, then beat me in the next game if you can."

"I'll try my best."

"But it was still pointless. You just can't beat me! And a reminder, if you lose, you'll break up with her, understood?!"

"What? But.. that's.."

"What you saying?!"

"Fine." Rozkarl although feeling angry still agreed.

"Then, that's good!" Hero felt happy just thinking about Rozkarl breaking up with her sister and was excited to beat him even more.

'Hmmph... Acting mighty! If I didn't let you win because you're my future brother-in-law, you think you can win against me?! Ha, you must be dreaming!'

'How dare you make me break up with her? After all, we've been through, hehe, you're asking for the impossible!'

Then, I'll just win against you, to make you accept me.' Rozkarl confidently thought before looking at Nishery who was blushing beside her father.

'She.. looks cute. Hm.. is she.. angry?' Rozkarl blush a little and took his phone to take a picture as well since she did it earlier, and stare at her when she also look at him.

'Eh.. wh..what did I do? I.. think I didn't do.. is it because I lost? Well, she would get disappointed in me since I lost. But I'll never make you feel that way again.'

'Hahaha, she looks so cute when she makes that face. Hmm... Where's she's looking at? Girl's... Ah.. jealous? Hahah, crap!' Rozkarl was getting delighted to observe Nishery and was happy to see her getting jealous and scared when she caught him looking at Girls, who was blushing.

'Damn him! How.. how dare he look at those girls?! Does.. he thinks he's so cool?! Hmmp.. don't you dare talk to me again.'

Jack, who has sharp eyes, definitely wouldn't let how Rozkarl took Nishery a photo pass by, and also those glaring moments.

Jack was really having a hard time breathing and if he don't let out his laugh he might get in trouble.

"Dad! Why.. why are laughing?!" Nishery whose mood becomes bad gets more irritated.

"What?! No.. nothing. I.. hahha.. I just saw how cute.. hahaha.. Rozkarl took a photo of you secretly." Jack tried to stop laughing as much possible as he can.

Nishery hearing that, become shy and looked at Rozkarl who was looking at him, and when their eyes met up, she tried to glare at him while concealing her happiness.

'He.. he took a photo.. of me? Hahaha, that's natural, since I'm too beautiful. And, I'm the one he loves.'

Rozkarl was still confused about how Nishery got angry at him, but Shane asked him to get closer to her, where Hero was seating and resting.

"Rozkarl, you should drink some water first." Shane was worried and give Rozkarl a bottle of water.

Rozkarl then took the bottle before drinking it, and Shane took the towel and tried to wipe his sweat on the back.

"Rozkarl, try to take off your jersey, so I can dry your back." 

"What?.. Uhm.. I'm fine, auntie." Rozkarl was embarrassed and also afraid that Nishery might get angry at him.

"You don't need to be so shy. You're just taking it off, not totally naked." 

"Hmmp.. embarrassed at how bad your body is?! Hahaha, you really don't deserve my sister." 

Rozkarl was provoked by that, and he can't just seem to reject Shane, so he got no choice but to take off his jersey.

A hot and sexy body was instantly exposed, making those girls almost drool. Hero was surprised as well, and felt embarrassed but didn't bother by it that much.

Rozkarl was getting red and tried to hide his body.

"Oh, you seem to have such a perfect body, ah." Shane praised him as she tried to wipe his back.

"Thanks, Auntie." Rozkarl shyly said as he took the new clothes Shane gave him.

"There's a lot of girls who are looking at you aggressively, ah. You seem so popular." Shane teased Rozkarl and didn't notice how angry and gloomy her daughter is now.

'What?! How.. how can.. you possibly do that?! You.. dare to show your body in front of.. those sluts?! I hate you!! I hate you!' Nishery was having a hard time controlling her emotions, but she can't deny how hot his body is.

"Possessiveness?" Jack asked, with an awkward smile.

"Hmmp.. who cares about him?!" 

'So, she must probably hate Rozkarl. But who wouldn't get angry at exposing his hot body to other girls? He also knows how my daughter acts and thinks, ah.'

Rozkarl looks at Nishery nervously, but what he got was just glare and a pout face.

'Crap, she.. she definitely hates me.'

"Auntie, I'll just go to Uncle and Nishery." Rozkarl said.

"Ah.. sorry, sorry. So that's why you're reluctant, I see. Rozkarl, sorry, I didn't think about it. Well, good luck." Shane finally realized what she'd done and felt apologetic.

"Hehehe, seems like your relationship were to become doom today, ah? Hahah." Hero gets happy at others' misfortune before going with Rozkarl as well.

Rozkarl didn't bother Hero anymore and just go towards Nishery.

"Oh.. first quarrel, I guess?" Jack teases Nishery but before Nishery reacts, he already left her side and makes Hero come with him toward his wife.

Hero felt reluctant but he can't do anything toward his father.

Rozkarl, when about to go to Nishery, was halted by some girls.

Tall girls, with also attractive faces and fashionable clothes, talk with Rozkarl while blushing.

Rozkarl rejected their offer whatsoever and just return a polite smile as what he should do was to go to Nishery.

"Ni..nishery, you angry?" Rozkarl asked cautiously.

"What?! Who're you?!" Nishery didn't heed Rozkarl and just act coldly.

"So, you're really angry? But.. why?" Rozkarl asked as he sat beside her before bravely holding her hand.

Nishery, who's still angry, slaps his hand away and acts firmly.

"You're mother asked me to take it off, so it wasn't my fault." Rozkarl tried to take her hand again but was slapped again.

"What you're talking about?! Who's angry at you?!"

"Please, don't be like this."

"Hmmp.. Why? Do I act unusual?!"

"No.., but then if you're not angry, why are you acting like this toward me?"

"Let go of my hand!"

"Nishery, I'm sorry. It's my fault, okay?"

"Why are you apologizing?! I say I don't hate you, ah?!"

"Then, why act like this?!"

"That's none of your business! And please don't talk to me, you make me annoyed!"


"What?! I said leave me alone, okay?!"

"Nishery.. please.."

"I said I don't hate you?! You're noisy!"

"Fine!" Rozkarl who tried to talk with Nishery, get annoyed because Nishery was acting too childish, and in the first place, it's not even his fault, since Shane asked him to do that.

Rozkarl then walks away from Nishery and goes towards Jack and Shane.


"Ye..yes." Rozkarl said with a hoarse voice.

"Hahha, seems it's like about to break apart, ah."

"Hero! Don't say such a word. Well, I'm sorry, I think it's my fault."

"It's fine, auntie, she will be fine afterward."

"Oh, so confident?" Jack asked while teasing him.

"Wh..hat? It's.. not like.. what.." 

"So, should we go to the next match?"

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