Falling In Love With My Love Rival

Chapter 56: Chapter 52: Truth or Dare (2)

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As the six youths continue to play Truth or Dare...

The empty bottle stops at Rozkarl who's so eager to take his turn.

"Finally... Truth or Dare?" Nishery asked as she was the one who spins the bottle. She didn't expect that she would be lucky to make the bottle point at Rozkarl.

"Dare." Rozkarl said as he already knew what Nishery was wanting to do. Looking at her reddish face.. no one would not be able to tell what she was thinking.

"Are you sure?" Nishery asked to be sure despite wanting to make a dare already.

"Of course.. I also know that you just want me to kiss you." Rozkarl said truthfully as he leaned toward Nishery. Reaching for that delicate face... Rozkarl then put his craving lips on Nishery's lips before both lips suck each other.

The four who have seen such a scene look away from the two with gritted teeth. The two who are a lovey-dovey couple really want to brag in front of them!! It's so hateful!

"Hey!! Damn it.. just do it privately!! Why need to do it here?!" Tyron asked annoyedly before parting the two.

"Well.. it's because there's a certain someone who's always stopping us!" Nishery retorted... trying to blame Hero indirectly.

"Sorry!! Who would know you two would do such an immoral thing in the morning?!" Hero tried to defend himself as he snorted.

"You don't know.. yet it happens all the time?" Nishery asked with a raised tone, making Rozkarl try to calm her.

"Hmmp... It's because he's just jealous of you two. Just ignore such a person who's never been able to kiss someone." Mickaella can't help but interfere, though she didn't know why she always wants to annoy Hero.

"Hey!! What's your problem, really?! Have you truly liked me that's why you're keeping stealing my attraction?!" Hero said angrily as he just don't know why Mickaella always want to start a fight with him.

"Wha--what?! How.. how.. dare you say suc--h words!! As if I could ever like you!!" Mickaella was embarrassed and ashamed that she can't help but shut up.

"Ahem... It seems that there might be another couple in this group, right, Nishery?" Rozkarl asked teasingly with a grin on his face. Teasing Hero and Mickaella was so much fun because those two resemble the relationship that he and Nishery had before.

"Yeah... But they still keep denying it. But unknown to them.. it's becoming obvious now that they share the same feeling." Nishery helps Rozkarl as the couple teases the miserable two youths even more.

"Hey... Will we stop playing now?" Tyron.. who was starting to feel out of place.. annoyedly said.

"No... Sorry.. sorry." Rozkarl said as he start to spin the battle.

"Hahaha.. Tyron, no need to get annoyed. If you're feeling envy about the four of us.. then why not just answer Sophia yes?" Nishery asked as she understands what Tyron was feeling right now.

"What? What are you talking about?! I don't know what you're talking about." Tyron deny the truth as he was still afraid of his father. Once he answered Sophia and his father have known of this... His father would then plan for his future that he should obey without any objections. 

He was not like Rozkarl who was brave as Mickaella was right. It is true that he's a coward, coward to oppose his father... Because he get used to being beaten up by his father when he was young. 

It became quite a phobia for him that's why... Once he makes his own name or if he manages to find the courage to oppose his father.. that's will be the time he will answer her. That's why he's hoping that Sophia will be able to wait for him and also not trying to get his hopes up because it will hurt if his expectations was not met.

"Oh.. come on, Tyron! Although you're a good actor but it was so obvious that you also liked her. Why still playing hard to get and act pure?" Nishery was quite confused at Tyron's way of thinking and can't seem to understand it.

"Hey, Nishery... Don't try to get over the line. Tyron might have his own reason." Rozkarl stop Nishery as he got worried that the two might start a fight.

"Nishery.. if you're worried about me.. I'm fine. Thanks for your worry." Sophia said as she was quite touched by Nishery.

"Hey, don't make this game a drama. Let's just play, okay?" Mickaella said as she hates how the atmosphere gets to 'cheesy' again.

Due to what Mickaella said... the six youth's attention then went towards the bottle who was still spinning. After a moment.. the bottle has miraculously stopped at Hero. Or it seems that he just calculated the right amount of force to apply so it will stop at Hero.

"Hey!! Do you use a cheat?!" Hero was surprised and can't help but bluted out loudly.

"Hahaha... You saw me spinning it with your own two eyes.. so how come I cheat? Just admit that fates want you to choose truth or dare from me." Rozkarl rejoices at the results and said with a grin.

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"Then why is it me?! It's just so unreal!!" Hero was starting to feel anxious now because it is Rozkarl. Rozkarl the monster!

"Hehehe.. so is it truth or dare?" Rozkarl asked impatiently.

"Damn you!! Just wait for someday and I'll definitely get back to you!" Hero said angrily since he knew that Rozkarl will probably torture him.

"So is it a truth or dare?" Nishery asked as she was as impatient as Rozkarl. The two were indeed a good match.

"Then.. tr--truth!" Hero, after giving it much thought answered since saying the truth wouldn't do much harm to him. But if it's a dare.. Rozkarl might ask him to kiss Mickaella!

"Oh... Are you sure about your decision?" Rozkarl once again asked.. forming doubts in Hero's heart.

"Ye--yes! Don't try to make me choose Dare and dare me to kiss Mickaella!! I already know your thinking!" Hero proudly said.

"Eh? But I never think about that. It seems that you like to kiss her, ah?" Rozkarl teased the latter before giving his questions... Not letting the latter retort, "What did happen between the two of you in the room last night? Not a single detail must be slipped!" 

"Wha--what!! Rozkarl.. don't abuse it!! How.. how dare you asked about it! It is invading privacy!" Hero was so surprised to hear the question and regrets choosing the truth! 

"Hey.. Rozkarl... That's also invading my privacy!" Mickaella said as she was getting anxious now.

"What?! Invading your privacy.. then it means.. hahahaha... It is getting obvious now! Something just happened between you two." Tyron speculated as the other three youths agreed.

"I passed this truth!" Hero was so determined not to answer the truth.

"Hey... You're cheating! I already said that anyone is not allowed to pass!" Rozkarl said... not wanting to let such a good opportunity to be updated slip away.

"Then give me a compensation! I do not want to answer that question!" Hero was indeed firm and doesn't really want to give in.

"Really? You're that opposed to answering my question? But you choose truth." Tyron said as he get quite displeased with it.

"Then you can change your choice to Dare.. is that fine, Rozkarl?" Sophia asked Rozkarl as she tried to help Hero a bit.

"Well... Sophia's suggestion was not bad. Since you don't want the truth.. then how about changing truth into dare?" Rozkarl asked Hero who was having a hard time now.

"Then fine! Dare!" Hero said without hesitation.

"Hahaha... Then I dare you to kiss Mickaella for 1 minute." Rozkarl was grinning when he said the dare. It seems that either choice will be an interesting one!

"Hey!! That's indecent!" Mickaella immediately yelled as she can't accept the dare! Although it is not meant for her.. but she was involved in it!

"Oh.. Rozkarl.. you're such a perv.. hahaha!" Sophia teased Rozkarl but didn't hate nor feel disgust towards the dare... Since she's also hoping that Rozkarl would dare the same thing to Tyron. 

"Ahem... Brother, it's just a kiss. Just do it already." Nishery said as she took her phone to set the timer and to secretly capture the moment.

"Kiss?! No way! I won't do it as well!" Hero was so angry at Rozkarl since he don't have a way to escape from the clutch of the demon.

"Haha... I had already given you a chance. You can only pick at Truth or Dare." Rozkarl said as he just give Hero a smile which seems a provocation towards the latter.

"Damn you... Fine! I'll.. I'll pick.. t--rut--.... Ooff!" Hero said with so much hesitation but as he wasn't still finished.. a hot lip has touched his own lips.

Forced to suck his lips... such action can be considered naive and cute.. but a hand holds Hero's face just to kiss... him.. Hero, of course, didn't avoid it and proceed to do the dare.

Gently sucking each other lips... the two continue to stay in that way for a minute... but never been able to do french kissing. Though the other one wants to pry inside to better get immersed in such lust.. the other one was firm about not entering that state.

As the dare was done... The four youths were left dumbfounded since they never expected that Mickaella.. Mickaella herself.. would be the one to kiss the latter! It seems that something that happened in the room held more importance than just kissing each other! It just makes the four get more curious about it!

"There! He already did the dare.. so better get move on about that!" Mickaella said angrily as she and Hero simultaneously wiped their lips with a disgusted expression! But in that moment of touching lips... Hero can't deny that Mickaella's lips were soft and succulent. It's a pity that the latter doesn't want to go on another level.. wait.. why would he need to feel it's a pity! No... I must have lost my mind!! Damn it! It's all Rozkarl's Fault!!!

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