Fate/Grand Order: Into DxD

Chapter 1: Prologue.

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3rd Person POV:




A Black Haired Teen yawns as He gets ready for bed.

His deep blue ocean like eyes seems tired from whatever day he just had.

"Man, making sure that Mordred doesn't fight King Gilgamesh again is exhausting" He chuckles as he strips his clothes off him leaving him as naked as a baby.

He quickly puts on his pajamas ready to be part of the land of dreams...

"I-I wonder if there was any other way to save them..." 


 "I'll never forgive you, for as long as I live. You know why?
Because thanks to you, I now know there's another, happier world out there."

"So stand up, dammit. Stand up and fight for it.
Go on and brag about how you can smile in your world, and tell us why it should be the one to survive."

"Be proud. Hold your head up high, and fight for your weak little world."

...Don't you dare go losing to a world like this, a world whose only virtue is strength!"


"I didn't understand what you were talking about, so I don't think this is an appropriate response, but...

"I think it's wonderful...to be able to grow old and do anything you want."

"The idea is so surprising to me, and I can't even imagine something like that at all...this is all so new to me."


He grips his hand into a fist at the thought of being unable to have saved them...

He slips onto his bed backside first starting at the ceiling of his room in thought wishing he could've done more... Then.


"Ah...I see. I get it now."

"So I really was forgetting something. I had a feeling that was the case."

"So tell me...
What is this important thing that I've forgotten?"


Sadness overcomes his entire being as with that last thought he falls into a deep slumber...

Within his closet a certain beast watches her beloved master fall asleep.

She exits out of his closet and prepares to give her love Good dreams as she knows he most certainly needs.

She sits onto the edge of his bed just beside him as she watches him delve into deep sleep.

She puts her hand onto his head stroking his black locks of hair with affection as she begins to turn red at the action she is doing to him right now.

"I am supposed to Love everything and corrupt all with my Love..."

She stares at his sleeping face and blushes.

"Why is it... That my Love for you is different compared to my Love for other beings?" She questions.

Yes folks she is Kama The God of Love also known as the Demon King of Lust.


A shuffling sound could be heard besides Ritsuka as Kama stops stroking his head as she stares at the other empty spot behind his bed.

A little nearly unnoticeable bump could be seen besides him under his blanket with a tiny blonde ahoge sticking out like a sore thumb.


Kama deadpans at this and mentally smacks herself for not noticing this.

She floats towards the other side glaring at the Ahoge.


She quickly uncovers the blanket covering it revealing a blushing Caster Artoria who definitely heard everything Kama said.


"Y-Y-YOU!?" Kama stammered in embarrassment at being caught confessing her love to Ritsuka.


"Hi?" Castoria waves awkwardly cute like a corgi! ❤️.

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Kama's heart raced as she stares at the diminutive Caster laying next to HER Ritsuka being so close to eachother and touching...

"H-Hey! Pipe down a little master is sleeping please..." Artoria whispers towards Kama who was about to unleash a tirade of insults via an angry tantrum.

Scene End.



While Castoria tries to get the Angry Kama in check as Ritsuka slumbers.

His initial dream of piloting a Gundam was suddenly interrupted.

"Huh?" He mutters Intelligently (Sarcasm) as he is suddenly floating around a Black Void.


"▂▂▂▃▃▃▄▄▄▅▅▅▅!" Something roars in the distance in anger?


"What the-" Ritsuka questions.


"▂▂▂▃▃▃▄▄▄▅▅▅▅!" It roars again louder as it interrupts Ritsuka.


A Massive Red Western looking Dragon with a horn on his snout can be seen in the distance.

It doesn't seem to have noticed Ritsuka.

"It's doing... Barrel Roll's?" He was awestruck at this cool Dragon!

But then he begins to get a little worried since it seems to be getting closer and closer.


"AND NOW FOR MY GREATEST TRICK! A BARREL ROLL!" The Dragon deems as he begins to spin around so fast that somehow winds became a thing in the void.


"Argh!" Fujimaru grunts out as the force of the winds send him's spiraling into a crack in space.

Scene End.



Blue flames dance around inside of Ritsuka's room as Kama starts to chase Castoria around unaware of what happened in Ristuka's dream due to letting go of her hand on his head.

A crack in space appears in Ritsuka's room causing Castoria and Kama to stop.

"MASTER!!" Both of them yell in worry as it has already sucked in the body of Ritsuka.

"Tsk" Kama clicks her tongue in anger as she grabs Castoria who does a little "Eh?!" Before dragging herself and her towards the portal that sucked Ritsuka in.

Scene end.


Ritsuka POV:

Ugh my head feels kinda woozy...

The Sun shines bright causing me to open my eyes and squint.

I open them fully and look at a pair of golden eyes looking down upon me which makes me realize that I'm on my back.

"Uh... Hi?" I say in the most confused tone ever as I start to get a good look at her. Miko clothing it seems so Japan most likely golden yellow-ish hair and seems to be a elementary school kid.

"Human! You are trespassing in Youkai Territory" She points at me with her finger with a glare that I could only describe as cute.

Prologue End.

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