Fate/Grand Order: Into DxD

Chapter 2: Chapter 1: A Different World.

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3rd Person POV:

Scene Start!

"State your business here Human!" She continues to point towards Ritsuka who just seems dumbfounded at the situation he's in.

"Um... I have no idea how I got here you gotta believe me" He gives off a wry grin as the glare of the golden haired girl intensifies.

"You think I'd fall for such a dumb lie human?" She crosses her arms as she analyzes the human before her making sure that if he makes any sudden movements she'll strike.

"I really don't know what you're talking about though you gotta believe me! I just woke up like this" Ritsuka pleads to the girl.

"I still don't believe you" She states.

"But!-" She dodges an incoming spell that was aimed towards her barely.

"Who dares?!" She shouts aloud as 4 figures appears before the laid down Ritsuka and upright Unknown Golden Haired Girl.

"Hehe... You got good instincts girlie" A man steps out forward as he grins maliciously towards the girl.

"Boss I've set up the field no one will even manage to hear a peep no matter how much she yells" a 2nd man says as he informs the leader of their group.

"Good work" The Leader says as he locks eyes with the Golden Haired Girl not even aware of Ritsuka who has gotten up behind the girl now curious on what's going on here.

"Yo boss there's a Human here do we kill him?" The 3rd man states as he unsheathes his sword with a menacing glint in his eye appears.

"Sure sure we don't need any witnesses anyways" He lazily says as he starts walking closer to the girl.

"Yo Kshipa bind the girl" As soon as he orders that a shadows binds the Girl who struggles in it's hold as a female human appears before the girl's blind spot.

The 3rd man runs over to Ritsuka ready to kill him.

"Grrr! Noo!!! MOTHER HELP!!" She cries out in as the realization hits her makes her realize she really is getting kidnapped.

The third man grins bloodthirsty as he locks onto Ritsuka's form who had been only silent throughout the entire interaction not even caring that a man is aiming to kill him.

He gets closer ready to separate Ritsuka's head from his spine.

"You were simply here at the wrong place and time little human" The leader mocks for amusement.

"Hmm.." Ritsuka puts his hand under his chin as he seems to be contemplating something deeply.

"Well I guess it's time to bring her here I guess." He grins innocently which confuses the 4.

"This Human is delusional how pathetic kill him now" The Leader mocks over with his crossed arms.

Ritsuka holds his hand up as his command seals shine brightly which blinds the 3rd man who had been ready to kill him.

"By my command seals I order you to come to me right this instant Kama!"

Space distorts as a heavy presence floods the area stunning the 4 attackers who start kneeling onto the ground feeling the enormous power of an incoming being.

A beautiful long white haired red eyed girl in a provocative outfit shows up floating in the air as blue flames covers her private parts.

What scares these four even more is a feeling they are familiar with...

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The feeling of Divinity 

"Took you long enough you idiot master of mine" Kama pouts as she crosses her arms with a little blush on her face in a tsundere like manner.

"Well... I just wanted to explore for a bit I didn't think trouble would fine me as soon as I woke up to..." He looks around "Wherever this place is" Kunou and the 4 look in awe and fear at Kama and are completely dumbfounded that such a Strong Being would talk on equal grounds with a seemingly normal human.

"K-Kama?!" The Leader of the 4 attackers stutters out in fear and in disbelief.

"T-T-That's impossible! Kama the God of Love of the Hindu pantheon has perished long ago and isn't some woman!" Another one of the 4 calls out at the absurdity of the situation.

The 3rd man backs up from Ritsuka immediately trying to sheathe his sword but Kama unfortunately notices this.

"Haah" Kama looks in disgust at the Insect that tried to harm her Lov- I mean Master.

"WAIT!! PLEASE!! MERCY!!" The 3rd Man begs shocking his comrades at his cowardice.

Kama waves her hand as Blue Flames consume the man leaving not even a single ashe nor speck of him as if he was erased from existence itself.

Golden Eyed Girl and the remaining three 'Eeps' in fear at Kama's display of power.

"The Other Three besides the Golden Haired Girl as well Kama" Ritsuka orders as Kama turns towards the other three as her flames aim to burn them with her flames.

"S-STOP!!" The Leader holds a knife onto The Yellow Haired Girl's throat.

Kama's flame's don't cease as the speed which she has sent them out cannot be comprehended by these weak fodder. They perish as screams of agony are barely heard before silence rules the area once more.

The Girl pants and shakes in fear at the things she has witnessed in a short time.

"P-Please um Kama-sama My name is Kunou a 9 tailed Fox Youkai! Daughter of the Youkai Faction please spare me" She gets onto her knees before Kama's floating form.

Kunou form is suddenly engulfed by smoke as her tails are ears are exposed to both Kama and Ritsuka.

Cute. Ritsuka thinks when he see's her true form but then suddenly realizes that there are other 9 Tailed Foxes other than Tamamo before him.

"Err" Comes from Ritsuka as Kunou looks towards him "You wouldn't happen to be related to Tamamo-no-Mae would you?" He questions Kunou.

"Eh?! No way! Just because I'm a 9 Tailed Fox doesn't mean I'm evil like Tamamo-no-Mae" She explains feeling kind of offended.

"I see" Ritsuka looks on solemnly as he takes in this information.

"You don't have to kneel you know... Kama is a nice person!" Ritsuka says towards Kunou as Kama who is behind Ritsuka blushes up a storm.

Kama faces Ritsuka with a blush and points at him "W-W-WHAT ARE YOU SAYING YOU IDIOT!!! IDIOT MASTER!!!!" She embarrassingly states towards him as Kunou looks on at this weird interaction 

Suddenly space distorts once more as a familiar blonde haired mage comes through it with a pout and annoyed look. Ritsuka and the other two look over and see...

"Oh hey Castoria!!!" He waves over to her as a imaginary red tick forms over Castoria's head.

"You! Why didn't you use your command seals for me too Master!" She complains with a cute blush on her face as the clingy Artoria of Avalon 

"Well... I'd knew you'd make it here I have complete trust in you" He giggles as Castoria smacks his head with her staff K.O'ing him.

Leaving him unconscious and sprawled out onto the ground. 

"EHH!? OH NO MASTER WAIT I DIDN'T MEAN TO HIT THAT HARD!!!" Castoria cries out as she starts to cast healing spells onto his body.

Both Kama and Kunou deadpan with sweat behind their head as Kama sighs 

"MASTER! MASTER! PLEASE WAKE UP!!" Castoria continues to cry out.

"I... See the light" Ritsuka mutters quietly. "DON'T GO TOWARDS THE LIGHT!!!" All Three shout out.

Scene End.

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