
Chapter 49: Kirei’s Move

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(A/N: Sorry bout the late update lads, had this long ass work event. Bloody cunts took it way into the night, got home at like.... 4 am or somethin.)

Fuyuki, Japan,

Edelfelt Mansion,

"I wonder..... is revenge one of his objectives...desires?"

Thunder flashed outside but failed to disrupt the brilliant lighting of the mansion's dinner hall. Moments later, the place had once again descended into a peaceful silence.

Luviagelita Edelfelt stood near a window with a thoughtful expression on her face, one arm folded under her already growing chest and one hand under her chin. The strong winds blowing outside did naught to even perturb the Edelfelt's serene figure.

".....Still, I..no, we've made a rather significant mistake."

Her gaze landed on the completely ruined, recently dotted with high end constructions, Shinto District. The fact of the matter according to multiple sources was that all THIS wasn't the doing of servants.. No, Roman had done it, without even so much as breaking a sweat.

Luviagelita admitted that their engagement would bring profit to the Edelfelt lineage, especially because Roman, as it was, didn't stand as the Trambelio heir... But, she also admitted that it was most probably impossible now, the chance was gone...

Or more bluntly put, their relationship was absolute and total shit.

The young magus' thoughts were, by no means, those a girl of her age should have been having but they were. Reality was harsh and even among the elitist magus nobility, the raising of children wasn't quite ideal and as such, they matured far earlier than any layman.... Even pain was something they were well accustomed to thanks to the harmful and hazardous nature of certain 'teachings'.

The 'fog' covering the Shinto District had cleared away not a few minutes ago and now, it was an even more decrepit and ruinous state than before. Luviagelita pitied those that may draw the ire of her fiance, this wasn't something humans could hope to combat.

Though, the Edelfelt could only remain lost in her thoughts a few minutes before she was abruptly, and quite rudely, dragged out of them by a VERY audible explosion in the mansion's front yard.

Covering her ears, Luviagelita ducked, avoiding the debris headed her way by a hair's length, "What is the meaning of this? Which savage attacks deems it fit to attack uninvolved parties!?" The young girl yelled in slight anger, annoyed at being disturbed. At the same time, she rolled up her sleeves too.... She'd been wanting to suplex at least someone today.

"Hoh? The mongrel barks..."

It looked like Luviagelita wouldn't be suplexing anyone.

"....What... might you want?" The Edelfelt slowly stood back up, a strained smile on her face.... This was pretty bad, wasn't it?


Miyama Town,

Explosions rocked the Earth, chunks of land flew about, scarlet flames burnt even in the cold harsh rain coming down from the heavens. Even when the eventual thunder flashed about across the sky, it did naught to hinder the brilliance of these flames.. Clearly, they were supernatural in nature..

Despite this however, any passer-by would end up not noticing this strange phenomenon, no, their attention would instead be on the mighty clangs of metal striking metal ringing throughout the land,..... those and innumerable gunshots.

The source of these sounds however, would always be hidden from sight.. Or rather, would always be incomprehensible until or unless it came to a halt.


Well, the clashing servants were moving far too fast for the naked eye to notice them.

Amakusa Shirou Tokisada, clenched his bleeding shoulder, looking at his opponent with gritted teeth, "The Lord is my strength, Archer, you will not pass...." He declared his intent in a rather loud voice, his lengthy blade lodged in the ground right beside his figure.

"Your 'Lord' is just an excuse. A false excuse.... Otherwise..." The Demon King of Sixth Heaven grinned maniacally, the flames around her body growing more and more intense, "Where is this Lord now? Ask him to be your saviour, heretic."

Nobunaga raised both her arms to either side, summoning an array of matchlock rifles, lines upon lines of rifles were, in an instant, cocked at the head of the Ruler for this Grail War.

"You think I've never heard such banal remarks before?" Amakusa smiled in a mocking manner, grabbing the hilt of his katana leaving the other injured arm to hang limp, "I am disappointed, Archer."

"Express said disappointment to someone who cares for it." The Archer put one hand behind her back and the other on the hilt of her own blade... The Demon King of Sixth stared down at her current opponent in complete silence, her posture dignified even if she seemed to be standing on a rifle of her own making.

"Fine then, you leave me no choice." Amakusa resolved himself, sighing deeply and running a gaze over the lifeless piece of land they were battling on.... He needed to deal with whoever had done this too, "By my command seals, I, Ruler, order you, Berserker. Come to my aid at once."

No sooner than the words left his mouth, a massive magical presence appeared out of thin air.... The source of this? A tall, voluptuous, incredibly beautiful woman wearing a strange battlesuit. Her long hair flowed freely in the strong winds as she stopped mid-swing, instead looking around in mild confusion before tilting her head in complete confusion,

"Ara? Where am I? .... What about the golden king?"

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Minamoto no Raikou... only recognised one person out of the two now in her sight, "Hello Archer." She slightly waved her hand, then turned around with hate filled eyes, "And you, Ruler, how dare you? I was in the middle of protecting someone dear to my s-Master!" The Berserker complained, pouting for a moment before brandishing her katana, "I do hope you have an explanation."

Amakusa nodded solemnly, ignoring nature for a moment, he spoke calmly, "I commanded you here to aid me against... her." The Ruler pointed at his adversary, "Her activities put too many innocent lives at risk.... She sought to kill a fraction of the city's populace and syphon their magical energy."

"A noble sacrifice. An honour for them. The least they can do after what they let happen."

"And....." Amakusa had already comprehended the nature of the individual standing before him, "If you can aid me, I offer you one of my command seals in exchange. Your Master would be immensely pleased.. of that, I am certain...." There were certain traits all magi shared, traits he knew all too well. A Magus wouldn't care if a city died so long as they got what they desired.

"And I am certain he would do no such thing..... An intriguing man that one. To have the gall to cut me off... It would make drinking from his skull all the more exhilarating."

"You want to harm Roman?"

Raikou closed her eyes and smiled widely.... The ground under her cracked as she drew her sword and bow at the same time...

"You want to harm Roman?"


"Well, shit..."

Roman removed his finger from his ear, tilting his head to avoid a jab thrown right at his face.... Kirei had some guts... Roman had considered them going for Thea or Sakura but it actually happening gave him entirely different feelings on the matter.

"Stop attacking me like a madman you rabid prick. Fuck's it gonna accomplish other than tell me how useless you are..." The Magician sighed, shoving the handle of his cane right into Kiritsugu's chest.. The force behind his 'attack' was enough to make Kiritsugu fall down with shocked eyes, gasping for air.


"Yes, Master?" Kagetora yawned, and rubbing her eyes, she looked at her Master with a bored expression, "Do I get to fight someone? The Saber's gone senile, she's not attacking me..... Would you happen to have some sake on you?"

"Fuyuki Church, some distance off Miyama Town, burn it to the ground.... Don't leave anyone alive."

Roman knew that if Gilgamesh had attacked his abode, then it was definitely related in one way or another to the sadist priest... Attacks on him didn't matter, on others? They kinda did.... Even if he wasn't involved, Kirei still needed to go.

The War God of Echigo grinned widely at his orders, "Now you're speaking my language." The Lancer obeyed her master and in an instant, left the scene.... As for security? She didn't know why anyone would worry for a person like Roman.

Roman rubbed his chin, looking down at Kiritsugu, "You reckon she's been watching movies lately?"

The Magus Killer looked up to meet his gaze, just a nudge off from despairing, "....Why?" He muttered out in a low voice.

"Why what?"

"Why can't I beat you?"

"Well of course you can't. I'm me, Magician and richer than most. You're you.... sad and pathetic with a strong dose of stupidity and a small dose of intellect.."

Roman snickered, backing away ever so slightly and looking in the general direction of his current base of operations... It was strange but... He couldn't really help being a teeny bit worried for Thea and Sakura.

"Well being more objective, I suppose it's the ingrained way of thinking and fighting... You're engaging me like a magus.. Understandable considering that is all you know but still, that just makes you even more retarded."

Roman stared at the silent Kiritsugu for a few moments before clearing his throat, "I believe I've found myself on the receiving end of your weapons a fair amount of times now, ja? ..... I'm so nice aren't I? Most people would kill you." The Magician spoke on and on, his smile only growing with each word that left his mouth.

"Why do you think I'm not doing that?"


Kiritsugu had no answer.


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