Fear Not Death

Chapter 18: Chapter 18: A Simple Fault

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Chapter 18: A Simple Fault


“You would hear out the being that abducted then tortured your soul?” Could you even bear to do so?”

“I don’t know. I really don’t. But…”

“But what could be a motive compelling enough to challenge The Reaper?”



The two sat in silence. Looking out at the beautiful false landscape. Bird sang softly and danced around the lake. The sun was gentle and comfortable, and the wind caressed their cheeks. Nara manifested some peach sake on the table, and she poured Chrome and herself a cup.


Finally, Nara spoke again. “Great Astral Beings ‘govern’ the rules of the universe, so to speak. Like how the Keeper of Moments prohibits time travel into the past. Abilities, magic, everything reflects these rules.”

“That’s more or less correct.”

“Then what does The Reaper get to decide?”

“The efficacy of healing magic, the ability to resurrect, the realm of the dead. These rules and more.”

“So, someone wants to challenge The Reaper. To take his place and change the rules?”

“This is beyond what I know, Nara. I don’t know if it’s possible to usurp a Great Astral Being. I do know of an instance of one being sanctioned.”


“I don’t know what it entails either. The last Builder was sanctioned, and a new Builder was chosen. The previous builder had begun to experiment with the creation of universes. Creating parallel worlds, worlds with slight modifications from one another. It is the Builder’s job to create unique universes, not reflections. He perverted his role, and a new one was elevated.”

“Is he trying to manufacture a failure then? Souls are being abducted and tortured—souls that haven’t died. The ones that escape end up in limbo. Like me.”

“Perhaps. It is not as if immortality is a failure, Nara. Upon ascending to diamond rank, all beings become ageless, and can reconstruct their body when it is destroyed, like you.”

“Why take souls then?”

“Souls have many uses. Should you have capitulated, you would have consented to soul modification. You would be a follower or slave.”

“I think I need to talk to the universe about the meaning of consent.”

“The universe only cares about the sanctity of the soul, and not how it is violated.”

The sanctity of the soul. The soul could not be changed or taken control of without consent. Soul torture was surface level—Some being looking within, scratching at the surface to get you to give in and let access to the goodies inside. Even Great Astral Beings could not violate this. It is why essences and awakening stones require rituals or assent. They changed the soul.

Nara made a mental note to be more wary of skill books in the future. While convenient, these books added knowledge into the soul. A skill book from an untrustworthy source could have disastrous effects.

The two sat in peaceful silence for a while longer, sipping alcohol and munching on snacks. A respite from the chaos. Her domain and her lifeline. Nara didn’t know if here Astral Domain could be destroyed, but this was the place her soul returned. It was imperative she kept this place protected and understood its powers and limitations.


As she stood up, Nara said to Chrome, “Shall we return? We have that wolf stone to use.”

“You’ve decided to use it?”

“Maybe I can get a fluffy buddy.”

“How simple.”



Nara rematerialized in the living room of the main house of the Crafting Complex.

Chelsea looked up from book she was reading while munching on some of Laius’ snacks. “How was your first expedition? Adventuring all you thought it would be and more?”

“Had a fun time. Rode some gliders. Got attacked a bunch. Earned an awakening stone.” Nara tossed the awakening stone to Chelsea to observe.

“Want me to set up a ritual?” Chelsea was also well versed in ritual magic, and an awakening stone ritual was one of the basics.

“Nah. I can just absorb it directly this time.”

“Amara will want to see that.”

“I can wait until she gets back. I’ll be outside practicing my Lute.”

Chelsea nodded and turned her attention back to her book.


When Nara had the time, she would take out her Lute to practice. Chrome would join her quietly, reading his own reading material or working on some other project. While ranking up to iron improved memory, intelligence, and learning, it didn’t necessarily amount to skill. What made music musical was something that took practice, even if Nara easily memorized the finger placements for notes and chords across the five strings. But she found music came naturally to her, and it was something she enjoyed. It had been something she did in her past, even if the specifics were unclear. She found it rather regretful she couldn’t look up sheet music from her previous world with Guide.

Regardless, she enjoyed the music book that Redell had provided. She would even browse the shops of Sanshi or other foreign countries searching for more sheet music to add to her inventory.

“I’m glad to see you’ve been enjoying the Lute. You’ve gotten better.”

She hadn’t sensed his approach, but Redell stood a respectful distance from her. Once Nara realized he was there, he moved closer and sat down in the grass beside her.

“Want to play a song together?”

“I’d love that.”

They started on a traditional Sanshi piece, Three River Valley. Despite being many times the expert, Redell matched his style to hers, and the piece ended up sounding pleasant and homely rather than elegant and provocative. Provincial perhaps, if being critical, but she enjoyed the harmony between her instrument and his.

“I was hoping we could talk about what I mentioned before.”

“The whole imaginary friend thing?” Nara said while inclining her head at Chrome.


Nara manifested a lute stand she had purchased beside her and set her lute against it.

“I’m a bit better now. More grounded.”

“Yes.” Redell said. “I can tell.”

She wondered how he could possibly know, but she figured his high rank senses could read her soul and emotions.

“My world didn’t have magic at all you know. All of this. It’s all sort of crazy. The stuff you see in movies and video games.”

Redell gave her a questioning glance at the unfamiliar terms.

“In fiction, basically. Magic was a concept of fiction. Something we created for entertainment but didn’t exist in reality.”

“Like a story, perhaps. We have fables, myths, and tall tales here as well. As well as concepts for magic that could not possibly exist or simply remain undiscovered.” Redell provided what he thought was a near comparison as best he could.

“Something like that yeah. So even know this all feels sort of dream like. But it was worse in the astral when I didn’t have a physical body either.”

“Much worse.” Chrome muttered.

“All things considered; you seem to be handling the trauma rather well.”

“I was told that I was the same when my parents split. I’ve always been quick at adapting.”

“You’re resilient and you have a strong sense of self.”

“Ironic, considering my missing memories. But I don’t know if you’d call that resilient or just detached.”

“You don’t look upon that aspect of yourself favorably?”

“Not exactly. I don’t mind it. But I find that I have a hard time forming deep connections to others.”

“And you would like it to be otherwise.”


“You’re very forthcoming with your thoughts and emotions.”

“I’ve always been introspective.” Nara didn’t know for sure, but her comments on her own identity were natural and without a thought. That was reassuring.

“Adventurers often form lifelong friendships. If that is what you want, you should look into joining a team.”

Nara nodded at his advice.

“You hold some reservations?”

“I’m afraid of being left behind.”

Redell realized that this was the crux of the issue. She had been pulled unexpectedly from one world to the next. Even now, she sought her past while looking towards the future. Should she create lifelong bonds in this world, what of her previous bonds? Life in that world was already advancing without her.

Nara could not live in two worlds simultaneously. And she would have to make her decision eventually on where her future lay.


“Another song?” Redell said, picking up his instrument once again.

“For sure.”

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Redell taught her one of the folk songs he had learned in his own travels, ‘A Saunter in the Rain’. It was a cheery, jaunty, and simple tune. Redell and Nara played and sang it together until she had memorized it, and it quickly became one of her favorite songs to play. Chrome even deigned to grace the two of them with his singing voice, which turnout out to be masterful.

“As it should be.” Chrome gloated, “I wouldn’t have such a simple fault.”



Nara had been given one of the bracelets that the rest of the group wore around the crafting compound. She was notified that Amara had returned from her business, and she made her way back inside together with Chrome in Redell.


Amara was waiting inside, together with Chelsea and Laius. “Welcome back. I’ve heard you have an awakening stone.”

“Yeah. I’m going to use it with just my ability this time.”

“It’s not often something we get to see. Each essence user can only use fifteen awakening stones, and the rest of us use the ritual. Thank you for waiting for me.”

“It’s nothing much. I’ll go ahead and begin then?” There was no need to move to the ritual room as there was nothing to set up. From an awakening stone of the wolf, the ability could be any number of things—an attack skill, movement skill, team skill, body enhancement, or a wolf familiar. Anything that embodied aspects of wolves.


Item: [Awakening Stone of the Wolf] (unranked, common)

Classification: Awakening Stone, Consumable

An awakening stone that unlocks the power of the wolf.

Requirements: unawakened essence ability

Effect: awakens an essence ability


You have 5 unawakened Essence Abilities.

You meet the requirements to use this item.


[Use? Y/N?]

[Record of [Awakening Stone of the Wolf] was added to the Archive]


The dark stone glimmered and sank into her hand. She felt the magic coalesce and course through her body then change her soul.

“No pain?”

“No, just felt the magic go through my body and soul.”

“Your soul too? You’re that sensitive?”

“What can I say? I’m a sensitive soul.” Off to the side, Chrome rolled his eyes at her comment, having just discussed that she felt detached with Redell.


[You have awakened the Mystic Essence Ability [Umbral Wolf]. You have awakened 5 of 5 Mystic Essence Abilities.]

Ability: [Umbral Wolf]

Familiar (ritual)

Cost: Extreme Mana

Cooldown: None

Effect (iron): Summon an [Umbral Wolf] to serve as your familiar.


“I do get a fluffy companion after all. Chrome isn’t very soft.”

“That’s incorrect.”


“My hair is exquisitely soft.”

“There’s no point if I can’t touch it. And you can’t prove its softness with words only,” Nara huffed, placing her hands on her hips.

Chrome made an aggrieved face. He held out the end of his braid gingerly. “I need to uphold the honor of my hair.”

Nara stood silent for a moment. “I’m not going to touch your hair when it looks like you’d rather be stabbed twenty-seven times.”

“This is your only chance.”

“Fine.” Nara unreservedly felt his smooth, radiant hair.


“You certainly put my hair to shame. But can you compete with Laius?”

Chromes eyes went wide, and he whipped his head around towards Laius. “The leonid!” He hissed. “You challenge me in this way?”

Laius, suddenly put on the spot, froze at the nonsensical challenge. He was used to teasing others, but the current topic left him at a loss. He sank into his shadow and disappeared.

“He runs, the coward!”



They group met up in the ritual room, with Laius already inside. He seemed to eye Chrome warily, from a distance.

Once again, Nara started drawing the ritual circle while Amara oversaw, and materials were gathered. Nara had enough quintessence she looted to convert, so quintessence was not needed. But she hadn’t yet looted enough monsters to gather enough iron rank spirit coins.


Material Requirements:

  • 200 [Dark Quintessence Gems (iron)]
  • 100 [Death Quintessence Gems (iron)]
  • 2400 [Iron Rank Spirit Coins]
  • 500 grams [Midnight Onyx Powder]
  • 1 [Radiant Jade]


“This summon is more expensive than you are.” Nara teased, “I wonder what that says about you?”

“Huh! You’re not paying for this on either! You should be happy I am less of a burden.”

“Ouch. Got me there.” Nara grasped her heart, feigning pain.

“Really.” Chelsea rolled her eyes, “This is just iron ranked material. It’s a pittance.”

Nara nodded, having understood a bit of the lucratively of essence users. They were this world’s rich and powerful after all, standing at the summit, starting countries and myths. It was why so many wanted essences as well. A chance to pave their own path of legend.

Having gained a bit more experience in creating arrays, this ritual did not require as long for Nara to complete. She looked towards Amara, and she received a nod of approval in turn.

She stood up from her kneeling position and chanted.

“A companion of those that walk the boundary of life and death, light and darkness. Venture forward with fang and shadow. Send those in your way to the other side.”

The ritual circle glowed, and the room faded into gentle shadows. A starry nebula shone overhead, flickering with color. At the far end, a trail of light appeared. A path, cutting the endless darkness beneath into two. On the path walked forward a wolf of night and shadow. It stopped in front of Nara, at the center of the circle, inclining its head down.

“Your name is Thanatos.”

The tension broke when a large tongue lolled out of the wolf’s mouth, and Thanatos gave her a sloppy kiss.

“I’ll call you Than for short.” There was no slobber, but Nara giggled and ruffled his cool fur. It was as if she was fluffing shadows. If shadows were solid.


Thanatos (Umbral Wolf)

Familiar (iron):

  • Umbral Wolf can utilize [Umbral Flame] to perform long-ranged attacks and enhance melee attacks. [Umbral Flame] deals disruptive force damage. Enemies damaged by Astral flame are affected by [Vulnerable] and [Elysian Fire].
  • [Vulnerable] (affliction, unholy, stacking): All resistances are reduced. Additional instances have a cumulative effect. Consumed to cleanse [Resistant] on a 1:1 basis.
  • [Elysian Fire] (affliction, holy, curse, stacking): Suffer a small amount of transcendent damage proportional to consumed mana. The mana cost of abilities is slightly increased. Additional instances have a cumulative effect.
  • Umbral Wolf can dematerialize and travel in shadow but cannot attack while immaterial.
  • Can be subsumed within the summoner’s shadow. When subsumed, the summoner can cloak herself in shadow and mute her presence. Additionally, Umbral Wolf will prevent shadow-based abilities from taking effect on the summoner’s shadow while subsumed.


“Are you satisfied?” Chrome rolled his eyes with crossed arms, “Is he the ‘fluffy buddy’ you hoped for?”


Than was much larger than a typical wolf, and wolves were already large. Height and size surpassed that of a work horse. His fur looked to be made of shadows and the tips of it wreathed like black flames. His eyes were a piercing silver blue.

Nara had her arms wrapped around him, burying her face in his soft, cool fur.

“I don’t want to leave. It’s sooooo healing.”

Than yipped in agreement.


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