Fear Not Death

Chapter 19: Chapter 19: Like Taking Candy from Children

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Chapter 19: Like Taking Candy from Children


Over the next two weeks, Nara cycled though continuing her training at the Crafting Complex when she was there, doing an expedition every week or two, and making some trips around the world. At every new location, she did her best to explain the location to her recording crystal, but she was about as knowledgeable as a mechanical programmer attempting to explain electromagnetism.

She quickly saved up contribution points, as acting as a looter rewarded her lucratively in more ways than one. Perhaps compensation in some way, as she didn’t receive the Adventure Society reward for completing requests. She figured she would save up for a rare awakening stone.

Than could condense his form smaller, and he ended up looking like a pure black Shepard. He would trot along side her happily.

There was a particular town she enjoyed traveling to. A mid-size relaxed seaside town named Aviensa, in the Rona Kingdom. The sun was warm, and the sea breeze was salty and relaxing. Locals strolled in colorful breezy linens decorated with tassels and ribbons. They wore large brimmed hats, shielding their eyes from the summer sun. Buildings were made of a terra cotta -like material painted in delightful pastel colors and patterns. They were built no more than two the three stories in height. The city was built in tiers leading down towards the sea. Board game and card tables were set up under linen tents, and locals enjoyed refreshing drinks made of a local fruit called Cono. Lush, waxy trees grew in clusters across the city, casting natural shade.

Nara wandered the city, dressed in the style of the locals, recording crystal floating behind her. She was an awkward narrator, but she did her best to point out locations of interest. The locals rode magic hovering plates aptly named ‘Hover Plates’. Magic was channeled through the feet, and it felt like a cross of riding a segway and a skateboard. Nara found a local shop selling some and purchased one for herself and Chrome.

While comfortably riding through town, she felt something prick at her senses. Curious, she followed the source of the disturbance to a secluded alcove overlooking the ocean. There, several small groups of people were playing on of the popular local betting board games, Four Hands. Dismounting, she placed hers and Chrome’s Hover Plates into her Astral Domain.

Nara wondered why her senses had been triggered, but she didn’t know why. Her senses still tingled, but there was nothing unusual. She materialized chairs for the two of them, and sat a ways off in the shade. Than lay at her feet, and she set some local sashimi on a plate for him to enjoy, which she similarly ate. A fermented Cono-based sauce was used for dipping.

She sat back and recorded the games, but didn’t say anything, not wanting to break the shaded tranquility. One of the games reached a pause, and an older gentleman strode over.

“Morning’s greetings, young lady. How did you chance upon this alcove?” He was a handsome older man of dark wavy hair and a full and neat beard, salted with white. He had tanned olive skin, and inquisitive green eyes.

“Am I not supposed to be here? I can leave.” Nara prepared to get up, but he held out his hand.

“No need. Why not join us for a game instead.”

“I don’t know how to play.”

“I’m more than happy to teach a beginner.”

She dematerialized the chairs, and made her way over to table the man had been sitting that. He gestured to one of the sides that had been made available, and she sat down on the cushioned stool. Chrome sat behind her in an astral chair and resumed reading his book. Than once again settled at her feet, full and happy, releasing a contented yawn. She looked at the currency on display. The table was littered with gold and silver spirit coins.

“This table seems a little high priced for me.”

“Well you need something else to bet.” Cackled an older woman at the table, “Whatcha got? Any skills or crafts?”

 “I can play some songs.” Nara manifested here lute and strummed a few notes.

The woman smiled, “That’ll do here. We don’t expect you to win anyway. Expect to work those hands for us.”

“I’ll await my loss then.”

The table went around introducing themselves, only going by first names.

“Sezan.” Said the older man that had approached her.

“Enciodes. Encio for short.” The next was a young man that looked similar to Sezan. He had dark medium length wavy hair that he tied back and similar olive skin and dark green eyes. He had a beauty mark beneath his right eye, an exuded an air of effortless allurement. Nara wondered if he was Sezan’s grandson. He seemed to be in his early twenties, not dissimilar to her. But it was hard to tell with essence users, and he was one, similarly iron rank.

“Wisteria.” Said the older woman. The similar had her own air of beauty and poise, despite her age, but her face was in a comfortable smirk that relaxed her nobility.

“Nara. These are my familiars Chrome and Than.” She introduced her familiars as well. Chrome didn’t respond and Than was snoring away comfortably.

The game began, and she learnt as she played. Score was represented with polished wooden sticks with colored bands denoting value, and the game was played with thin and smooth rectangular plaques not unlike cards.

Inevitably, she suffered the worst, and had the lowest score.

“Did you enjoy the game?” Sezan looked at her chuckling as Nara leaned back in defeat.

“Nuanced and fun indeed.” Chrome unconsciously held out his hand to support her back as she leaned, holding his book in his other hand.

Nara leaned back up straight, and brought out her lute again. “Shall I begin my punishment? I’ve also got some snacks from a friend.” She placed one of Laius’ many snacks that he made for her. Each time she saw him, he gave her more and more, and they began to pile up in a variety of cuisine types. Salty, savory, sweet, she had it all.

“Pass me one of those.” Chrome requested, glancing briefly at the treats. “Those are good. I haven’t mastered those yet.”

As it turned out, Chrome in his spare time was learning to cook from Laius. Despite his seeming rivalry with the Leonid, nothing would be spared in Chrome’s gourmand pursuit. Nara began to play her punishment song as the rest of them ate.

The rest of the group tried some, faces lighting up in delight.

“Well now I have to try to make you lose, every time.” Said Wisteria, reaching for another. “Shouldn’t have brought them out.”

“You have my formal invitation to join every time.” agreed Sezan, quickly swiping another.

“I don’t disagree.” Encio affirmed, “What’s this made of?”

“Uh, ground up Laxo nuts. Some other sort of extract for flavor. Dried fruits as well”

“Laxo nuts? Who’s this friend of yours?” Sezan inquired with a bit of surprise.


“Laius Sotir?”

“You know him?” Nara asked in confirmation.

“We’ve met a few times, on occasion. It has been quite some time.” Sezan seemed to reminisce with a bit of nostalgia. “Quiet guy isn’t he. I’m lucky to eat his cuisine again.”

“Small world, huh.” Nara said in wonder, as she continued to play her lute. The group enjoyed the ambience of amateur music, summer breeze, dappled shade, and delicious snacks.

“That wasn’t too shabby either,” Wisteria complimented, and the group gave Nara a small round of applause.

“She doesn’t have as many gifts as I, but she serves as suitable accompaniment.” Chrome commented.

“When you hear him sing, it’s as if the world stands still.” Nara explained.

“Oh-ho? Will we hear it?” Sezan leaned in, curious.

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Chrome smirked, “I’d have to lose first.”

“You haven’t even played before.” Encio pointed out disbelievingly, “You expect to avoid losing?”

“Challenge me and see. This game is simple for someone of my caliber.”

Nara switched places with Chrome, and he took her seat.

The next game was tense with focus. Chrome was relaxed and haughty, as usual. But Nara could feel the intensity of the match from her spectator’s view. Than similarly sensed the change in aura, and sat with ears perked, at attention. Nara ruffled his fur as she waited for the game to end.

True to his word, Chrome pulled through in first place, although the result was close.

“I can’t believe this.” Sezan stared disbelievingly at the final result. “The pot is yours to keep.”

“Hmph.” Chrome snorted, “It’s like taking candy from children. I didn’t bet so there’s no need.”

“Shame,” mused Wisteria, “I was looking forward to your singing.”

“Maybe I’ll deign to let you all win sometime. For now, surpass me and I’ll reward you. I’m not as easy as my summoner.” Nara and Chrome once again switched seats, and she sat at the table.

“He’s an interesting one, isn’t he. So are you.” Sezan eyes twinkled with interest and joviality.

Encio had a similar expression on his face. ‘Like grandfather, like grandson’, Nara mused at their similar reactions. “Shall we go again? I still have more snacks.”

“With pleasure.”


Needless to say, Nara was dead last, every time.

As the sun began to set, Nara bid goodbye to her new game companions, and headed out of town to Astral Jump back to the compound.



“Grandfather.” Encio looked at Sezan, a question nagging at his mind. “This Laius, she must be staying with him right?”

“That would be a natural conclusion.”

“Laxo nuts grow in the Badlands. That diamond ranked continent.”


“And Laius stays there?”

“Last I heard, he and some friends had a place there.” Sezan confirmed, rubbing his chin, beginning to understand what his grandson was getting at.

“She’s iron rank. How did she get her? Did Laius portal her?”

“I would’ve sensed him, or maybe not. He is very stealthy. How indeed.”

Sezan focused his aura senses, and observed Nara making her way to the edge of town, to a secluded area. She closed her eyes, stood still, and seemed to fade away.

“Well, well, well. Very curious.”

“What did you see?”

“She just disappeared, no portal, nothing.”

“Any idea on how?”

“An outworlder ability, perhaps. They usually have rather unusual racial gifts.”

“She was an outworlder?”

“She was. Piqued your curiosity, my dear grandson?”

Encio tilted his head, gazing into the distance in thought, “Yes.”

“You have some motivation now, after all this time?”

Encio looked at his grandfather with mild indignity, but he agreed, “Yes.”

“What do you want to do?”

“Join her party.”

“She has what you’re looking for, finally?”

“I think so.”

“She’ll be a tough nut. Got a couple fierce of guardians, and some hefty backing. What’s your approach?”

“I haven’t figured it out yet. We’ll see her again, won’t we.”

Sezan laughed, “I’ll set up a few more games for her to try next time, keep her interest. We won’t let her win easy either.”

“You two better not.” Wisteria commented from the side. The other two didn’t seem to mind if she listened in. “I still want some more of those snacks.”


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