First Contact…my way

Chapter 14: Chapter 13: Persuasion

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After my morning breakfast and drinking lots of delicious coffee, I checked my messages. 

There was only a reply from the Admiral to last night's text message. She was grateful for my urgent message about the Groknac, and confirmed that my dream was no dream at all. Apparently the Shalna have latent telepathic abilities, only activating in one in ten thousand Shalna. She told me I was one of the lucky ones...

The Admiral took the warning message seriously and updated the records to show a difference between the Aligned and Unaligned Groknac. This differentiation was only known to a select few within the Empire's Galactic Council, not even the Admiral knew, thus proving the authenticity of the message. 

The fact that the Aligned Groknac were having peaceful intentions was however new to even those few in the Council. The Admiral would contact me again if she learned anything else that might help to protect Earth. But for now she instructed the reinforcements to proceed at military speed to Earth and she would signal my ship's SO, Cyran Vencan, about the composition of the enemy fleet. I was under orders not to discuss this with anyone from Earth.



I put on my temporary air force uniform, which consists of a dark blue skirt and jacket, but with a lighter blue shirt. Nice, but I still feel more comfortable in Navy colors or my own uniform. Besides these are a size too large for me, but still, I guess they were pretty right when guessing my size. 

After getting properly dressed, I temporarily deactivated the EM field, and used the office computer. Of course they were checking my activity. An alien who accesses their computer and knows her way around the internet...I hope they like that I read the news and checked the weather forecast for this region.  

At around 1000 hours local time, I contacted Taegen and asked for an update on the Groknac situation.
His responses were to the point, he never asked anything that could have embarrassed me. He must have remembered that there might always be people here with me. The only news was that they had detected some signals halfway between Earth and the Groknac system, but nothing conclusive.

I caught myself thinking about our date, the one that we planned in a few days. I couldn't believe my own thoughts, do I really like him? He is always kind to me. Yes, he is a bit pushy, but still, he accepts me for who I am. Can I afford to lose him? Who else could I be honest with, tell them who I once was?

I almost fell from my chair when I was interrupted by a very loud telephone ringing right in front of me.
I immediately picked up the phone, "good.....morning.....Ayanna may I help you?"

"Hello Ayanna, I have some news about the request we discuss......wait...are you alright?"

"Ah, sorry, Mr. President, the phone startled me, that is all."

"Good. I can confirm that the US will agree to send the request for help, but only when the escape clause we discussed is included."

"That is a good first step," I said.

"Indeed, but there is more. As you are a diplomat, I don't have to tell you how many strings I had to pull to get this done so soon. As for you, tomorrow you are invited to address the Assembly of the UN where many world leaders or their delegates will hear your proposal. Many will be there in person, others will watch via a video uplink."

"I see. Well, it beats being cooped up in here. But I see one problem Mr President, what about my appearance in a more public setting?"

"Don't worry about that. Yes, you look different than what we are used to, but all of us will need to get used to our new reality eventually. I promise that our security is tight, just follow the instructions of the security staff."

"That is good to hear. But I can imagine that people will be surprised or even shocked when they see me for the first time," I said.

"Yes, but that is exactly the point. They will see that you are very real. Some may think that you are a puppet or a computer generated image. Maybe you could invite a delegate to shake hands? That should be proof enough that you are the real thing."

"Okay...I will trust your judgment," I said.

"Good, then it is settled. We need you to leave Area51 at 0700 hours."

"I understand, I will be ready then."

"Perfect. Just as a heads up, all the world leaders will be watching your speech. We expect that some of them will indeed accept you as a real alien and I also expect that some of them can't keep their mouths shut.
Therefore you should be prepared to appear on national TV soon, to calm down what we expect to be a global unrest."

"Me? On television? No, no no no. I don't think I can do such a thing?"

"Don't worry about that, Ayanna. Our people will help you prepare, so it will be fine."

"Honestly...I am not comfortable with that, but I understand your reasoning. I will do as you ask. I just hope your people will agree that the threat is real and finally ask for our help. This is already taking too long."

"On that we both agree. We will keep in touch." and he ended the call.

I sent an update about the little progress to the Admiral through Taegen and told her that I would be appearing before many world leaders tomorrow. She contacted me directly, again only minutes after my message. 
I apologized for my temporary uniform and explained that the humans had taken my equipment as a precaution. She commended me on my diplomatic approach, that I didn't worry about those small things and was able to adapt to things like a uniform. The call ended with her wishing me good luck, and that they all were anxiously waiting for Earth's collective decision.

The remainder of the day was pretty boring. I had nothing else to do, so I took a long, relaxing shower and cleared my mind by watching some TV in the relaxation room. My thoughts were wandering while I was watching the news; those poor people have no idea what is coming for them. 

I thought about sending an email to my parents, because we weren't on good terms, but that was no longer possible. I could never meet them again. If I would ever use my old account, they could link my former self to the current me. Maybe I can do something else in the future, I don't know.

I had no other choice than to start practicing my Shalna, Shalnaen, whatever, my language studies..again. 


At 0700 the next morning, I was picked up by the same lieutenant as earlier, Lieutenant Connely. 
Of course I had to wear my own official uniform, as I can't have people thinking that I am in some way linked to the US when I need to look neutral. Our mode of transportation was this time a Blackhawk with armed guards all around me, departing directly from Area51 to the airstrip where a C-130 Hercules picked us up, heading for New York City, our meeting at UN HQ.
During our flight I reminded the lieutenant that I still expect her to return my backpack. She said that it is under guard and again promised it will be returned without any issues.

The last leg of our journey was in a limo, driving us from the airport to the UN HQ. In order for people not to photograph me, I was wearing a hoodie on top of my uniform, and a blanket around me, just in case my eyes would be visible from an angle. People must have thought that I was a top criminal, being taken away by special forces to a detention center. 

I was rushed inside the building, being guarded by suited bodyguards who are in reality ANF forces. 
There was no opportunity for me to look around so I don't know if there was any press there.
Once inside, the guards push me into a room and close the door behind us.

"It is safe now Ayanna, you can take off the blanket and hoodie," Lieutenant Connely said.

"Ah, thank you, lieutenant. Ah...yes, much better."

"There is a mirror over there", the lieutenant said. 

Credit to a woman who knows that this one wants to check her appearance. First impressions are important after all. And this first impression could mean life or death for humans, so no pressure.

"Ayanna, are you alright?" Lieutenant Connely said.

"Ah sorry, I am a bit nervous. I am not really much of a speaker, let alone one who has to address the whole Earth," I said.

"Not the whole earth, only some representatives," she smiled.

This made me smile too. "Yes, you are right. And somehow..that actually makes me feel better."

"Glad to see that you are not much different from us," she said.

"And I am glad that finally someone has realized that. I just hope that the people in there are open minded."

She looked apologetic.

"Yeah..I imagined that already. Can't you be there with me?"

"ahah, no, the honor is all yours. But thank you for asking, Ayanna."

It is now 1300 hours. I had some lunch, but couldn't eat much due to my nervousness.
Then came the news. A guard came to me, and said "Excuse me miss, but you are requested to attend the meeting."

I nodded and gave him a warm smile, as he said the magical word miss, and not something like alien.

"Don't worry, miss, we are well prepared to protect you, and everyone inside went through additional security checks today."

"Thank you, that is good to know." I said, not reassured at all. I am still an alien, addressing much of humankind in a few minutes.

They opened the door to the meeting for me, while one guard walked in front of me, continuously checking if things were secure and if I was still following him.

All around me were delegates representing many countries. Many, many, people were watching my every move. It was quiet. Dead quiet. Not even a cough could be heard. Oh goddess, I sooo do not want to be here now. I calmly turned around, and gave a nod and a warm smile to the delegates closest to me, knowing that there must be cameras hidden here, for delegates who are following this from their own countries. 

Only then did it dawn on me that the president should also be here as I am sure they have questions for him. Questions that he wants to answer himself, not via a representative.

When I finally reach the dais, I am motioned to step on it. Now that I am standing on the dais, all eyes focus on me, I try to calm down and keep showing my smile. Then finally I heard someone coughing, thank god, they really are still alive.

Behind me I noticed an image of myself projected on a huge screen, that is also the moment when most people could finally see my appearance in full HD quality. The next minute was only "ooohh..  ahhhh....." and similar sounds, until I decided to intervene and give it my best shot, the text I had committed to memory and practiced again and again...

I tapped the microphone and said, while smiling, "testing, testing, 1, 2, 3."  

I heard people laughing, then I said:
"just a joke to break the tension. If I may please have your attention for a few minutes. I know you are busy, so I will keep this short. Ladies and gentlemen, honored leaders and delegates who are present here or are viewing from another location. My name is Ayanna Vohali, I am a liaison-officer, representing the Galactic Empire's Council by orders of Admiral Jocaryn."

I waited a few seconds, looking at people around me, making sure to show them that I am addressing all of them, not only the ones in front of me. Then I heard someone shouting "fake!  fake! that is a puppet....fake!"
The security guards rushed in and forcefully pulled me behind a metallic stand. 

"Stay here! It's safe here!" one guard shouted at me. To which I nodded vigorously.

You are reading story First Contact…my way at

Then I heard the chairman on the intercom "silence, silence, everyone please calm down. Everything is safe and secure. We have a misunderstanding here. Please calm down!"

The security guard told me that many delegates had attempted to reach the emergency exit, but were now returning. They were only shocked, possibly afraid of a terrorist attack. 

Five minutes later, I was allowed to return to the dais. I said "you are coming with me," while I pointed at the guard that had protected me. He nodded and now stood right next to me on the dais.

I tapped the microphone again, "I hope everyone is alright? Oh goddess, you gave me a scare!"

That made many people laugh, good, I need to break the tension here.

"Alright, let me skip the pleasantries and get to the point. I know I look different, but I am very much like you.
Apparently someone thought I was a fake, and with ears like these you tend to pick up those things," I said, while pointing to my ears. Again laughter, nice.

"Before we continue...I would like to invite someone from the delegates, anyone, to come here and shake my hand. I want you to know that I have only the best intentions. So who is brave enough to shake this lady's hand?"

Again some laughter, but one of the delegates raised his arm. Good, we have a volunteer.
The man calmly walks this way and is then guided by one of the guards. 

He stops, about 10 meters in front of me. I step down from the dais and smile at him, "warm greetings to you, it is an honor to...."
He then steps back a bit, shocked that I really had addressed him, that I was really an alien.

"Really? Don't tell me that I smell, I even used my best perfume, you know!" I said it loud enough for many to hear.

That did the trick, people were laughing again. This guy too. He approached me, his hand as far away from his body as his arm allowed. Then we shook hands.

"Now that you can see that I am real, I would like to invite you to come to the dais, and just be there for my moral support. Can you do that?" 

"Eh, yes.." 

"Just call me Ayanna," I said, showing a sincere warm smile.  

"Yes Ayanna, please, after you."

"Oh, a gentleman. Excellent," I said, teasing him a bit.

I was now standing on the dais again. Guard next to me and a delegate to my other side. 
Good, at least they now see that I don't eat humans for breakfast.

I tapped the microphone again "thank you for your patience. To the gentleman next to me, forgive me I do not know your name, could you please tell your colleagues whether I am real or not?"

"Eh...yes, she, eh, Ayanna here is very real to me."

"Aww, thank you," I said, smiling. 

Then I whispered to him "if you want, you can stay here, or return to your seat if that is more comfortable."

He turned around, gave me a quick bow and left.

"Good, now let me continue. In a nutshell, a short while ago, the Shalna, that is my race...received what we believed to be an emergency transmission from your planet. We sent a rescue craft, but our rescue was hindered by other...aliens as you call them. Those are called the Groknac. Those aliens destroyed a US naval vessel. In response, we contacted the United States and asked if we were allowed to protect your planet against an imminent attack of those aliens."

I had to stop there, people were obviously in shock, chatting with each other.

"People...people...please listen to me."  

It took another announcement from the chairman to quiet the delegates down again. 

Then I continued "I am here to offer your world and its people our protection. The president of the United States will inform you about the details of our requirements. However, if you should decide not to accept our help, I personally guarantee that we will unconditionally and immediately depart from your world. Let me continue by apologizing. This meeting between our races should not have occurred for many more years, but there was no choice, your world is in danger. 

Now hear me. You have a few more days to decide whether to accept or reject our offer. We do not ask anything in return for protection of your world. Well, actually we do, but we only ask for your friendship. The choice is yours to make, and ours to respect. Are there any questions?" 

One male delegate raises his hands, then pushes the button on his microphone, "why did you come to the United States? Are you in some way in a contract with them?" 

Then a female voice immediately repeated "why did you come to the United States? Are you in some way in a contract with them?" 

What is going on here? Why did she repeat the question? I must have had a surprised expression on my face. 
I then replied "to the lady who asked the exact same question as this gentleman, would you please remain quiet?"

Nobody replied. Good. Then I asked the gentleman to ask his question again. Yes, the same question in perfect English.

"I see your point. As I already explained, we sent our rescue craft directly to the United States, because the emergency signal came from that location. Our race is in no way giving the United States a preferential treatment. We contacted the president, hoping that he might bring all of you together to ask for our help.
Again, as the president shall explain, we need your majority agreement as consent."

"Thank you, but how are you able to speak in Alboazoni so perfectly?"

"The answer is simple. I have a translator here. It should translate any language here without any issues. You were speaking in my own language. You heard me in yours. Communication is key to overcoming difficulties between people, between cities, between countries, between continents, between worlds."

"Are there any other questions?" I asked, looking around for a raised hand.

Then a woman raised her hand and asked "why can't you help us now? Why the bureaucracy of a majority consent?"

I nodded at her and said "Simple. Those are our ways. Would you rather see that we accept the agreement of a single nation, without asking for your opinion?" 

The woman shook her head and instead asked another question. "Why do you only come to Earth now, and not years ago?"

It was my turn to shake my head "you won't like this answer, but it is the truth. You were not interesting to your galactic neighbors. Only now did you discover a new form of communication, allowing for what we call a first contact." 

She wanted to ask another question, but her microphone was overruled by the chairman, who said "there is only time for one more question. Anybody?"

A man quickly raised his hand, and was allowed to speak "can't we talk to the other aliens? No offense, but we would like to hear their perspective too."

I shook my head again. "That is a very good question. I see your point, but you can't talk to those aliens, as you call them. Not because we won't allow you, but because they simply don't care about your opinion. I know you have only my perspective, know what? How about we actually contact them?"

"Really? You would do that now?"

"I would. But the question is, would you truly believe anything they said? Assuming they will speak at all of course."

"Ah......yes, I see your point. So...we basically have to trust you?"

" is earned, not given. Let me remind you that you are only asking us for help. You are not asking to become a member of our Empire. You are not asking to start a war. There is even an escape clause, just added for you people, for the unlikely event that the Shalna would be dishonorable. Let me be crystal clear, we can talk about this forever, but in the end you have to make up your mind. You either put away your pride for a day and ask for help, or the Groknac will attack your world. Personally, I think it's really a no brainer.
Thank you for your attention. I will now take my leave. We eagerly await your collective reply."

I was then escorted back to the room I was in before this meeting started. After visiting the bathroom, which included guards accompanying me to the door, I was finally able to have something to eat. 
Lieutenant Connely told me that they were still heavily debating the topic and that I would be returned to Area51 within the hour. 



Two days have passed since that meeting. My days in Area51 are mostly spent by providing news updates to the Admiral and learning the language. That last part didn't progress much, my mind was continually distracted by the current events. It is so frustrating to be powerless, the only thing I could do was wait.

Then, the next morning at 0900 hours local time, the moment of truth came. A phone call from the President.

"Ayanna, there is no easy way for me to say this, so let me be blunt. The delegates were unable to reach a majority decision, let alone have a proper discussion due to them interrupting each other all the time."

"So...Earth won't be asking for our help then?" I said, clearly disappointed, all my efforts wasted on bureaucrats. 

"It would seem so. I explained all that had happened, even showed them the footage of aliens boarding the Portland. Hell, many still think that this is an elaborate hoax, somehow instigated by the United States."

"But for what reason? Surely they would trust you, you are the president? Why don't they believe the footage?"

"For the same reason we had trouble believing you. There is too much fake news these days, so people are cautious. Too cautious. But there is more, somehow images of your face got out to the general public."

"Oh goddess...what happened?" I said, expecting a huge impact on society.  

"Surprisingly...there were no riots. Like the delegates, most people thought this was a hoax, fake news and that you were simply a computer generated image."

"Okay...that really is surprising. Now what can we do?" I asked, already feeling defeated. 

"I will not stop trying to get them back together again, but they probably want more evidence, like I did. 
How about we show you on national television, in one of our news broadcasts?"

"Well Mr President, I'm afraid that I have to decline this offer. I said that we would only help Earth if they were able to agree on a majority decision. But they were too divided to even simply ask for help. Something that shouldn't be so hard. We are not talking about an agreement, or membership. Just the simple fact of asking for help was too much. My orders are to leave Earth at once."

The president in the end could only agree, after which I told him that we would immediately depart from Earth. While saying my goodbyes, I offered him one last chance and said that we would be within comm.range for 24 more hours. If something would significantly change, we could talk again. Otherwise we will leave and not assist Earth in any way during the Groknac attack.

That day I left Area51, picked up by one of our shuttlecraft with my backpack in the chair next to me. I am going home, feeling unfulfilled, defeated. Mission failed.


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