First Contact…my way

Chapter 15: Chapter 14: Incoming!

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I spent the afternoon discussing recent events with the Admiral. She canceled my current objectives and suggested that I take some rest. Even though she commended me on my approach, she said that sometimes things just won't work out and that I shouldn't take this personally.  The Admiral then ordered our ship, the ISF Arbella, to standby for 24 hours after which it would resume normal operations. 

I was able to convince Taegen to leave me alone for a while as I was feeling really depressed. How can I possibly go on a date when people are going to be slaughtered? I may no longer be a human physically, but on the inside...pretty much still human.

Then, after about 17 hours of the 24 hour grace period had passed, something happened.

The SO's voice is shouting through the ship's intercom. "RED ALERT. Battlestations. This is not a drill. Incoming Groknac scouts. Man your stations!"

Oh my god, it is finally happening, and there is nothing I can do about it! Worst part is that I can't even help my colleagues here, as I don't have an official function on the ship at the moment. The only thing I can do is to stay in my quarters and sit this one out. Right in front of my door I hear people running through the corridors, heading to their stations. They don't need me blocking their way, I just hope that we will survive this.

After almost waiting for an hour in my quarters, the SO tells us through the ship's intercom "All stations, red alert is canceled, resume normal operations." This means I can leave my quarters again.
Just imagine being cooped up inside your quarters with the alarms going off and not knowing what's happening. It truly is terrifying. 

Right before I decided to go to the mess hall for some comfort food, I was suddenly ordered to report to the bridge on the double.

I ran most of the way there, wanting to give a good impression. The second in command, Cyran Vencan, waited for me at the elevator on the bridge, and then escorted me to the captain's meeting room.  

When we entered, I saluted the captain.

"Ah, liaison-officer Vohali. Please...sit down."

"Yes sir." No time for small talk.
I sit down and make sure that my skirt is nice and straight.

The captain looks at the color of my lipstick, but only for a second, then continues.
"I am captain Strithik. We have news for you. I just finished talking to Admiral Jocaryn, who thinks highly of you. That is mainly why you are sitting here now."

The captain is a man in his sixties, some short silver gray hair is still visible on his head. His eyes are piercing right through me, I feel exposed but also inexperienced like a recruit around a senior officer. 
He noticed a smile on my face, then continued, "You are receiving new orders. But first an update on our current situation. Two Groknac scouts fired on us, but immediately ceased fire after we warned them that we would return fire. What we didn't expect was that they passed us at high velocity, and then entered the planet's atmosphere. 

Only moments later did we receive a broadcast from the planet, asking us to identify those craft. We immediately confirmed that they were Groknac scouts. 

Our sensors then detected that both craft were shot down within only minutes after the broadcast. 
Sometime after that, we received another communication, thanking us for our assistance in identifying them.

And now for your part. After an emergency session of their, UMM or something they call it, they agreed to ask for our assistance. So, by the order of the Admiral, you are to pack your bags and return to the planet at once and urgently help them transmit a proper request for help. Your other orders have been reinstated.
One more thing officer Vohali, our long range scans have picked up Groknac craft heading for this planet.
We don't know the exact composition, but signatures indeed reveal at least one battlecruiser. Looks like you were right. Now I suggest you make haste. You are dismissed."

I saluted and almost ran out of that room, all the way back to my quarters.

"Computer, show my updated orders."


-return to Earth immediately.
Mission objectives: 
-Primary objective: assist Earth in sending their request for help. Send the transmission without delay.
-Secondary objective: motivate Earth into joining the Empire
Other objectives:
-learn to read, write and speak the Shalna language.

My next action was to send a priority text message to Taegen, telling him I had to return to the planet at once. I also asked him to send a transmission to Earth so they knew I was on my way.

I then grabbed some fresh civilian clothing for a week as I don't have the time to request more uniforms. I won't be wearing Earth uniforms again for a week at least!

After about two hours I had arrived on Earth again, right in front of Cheyenne Mountain Complex. 
When the shuttle took off, a car approached me to pick me up. This time we entered the mountain, and I was guided into the very same meeting room as on my previous visit.

The ambassador apologized that the president couldn't attend, he was working out the last issues with the request for help. Instead, an Air Force general joined us. I nodded in understanding and then the general introduced himself.

"Good afternoon, I am Air Force General Adam Lawrence, I'm here to coordinate the steps in defending Earth." The general is a tall man, for human standards, and I estimate him to be in his early fifties. He seems to work out and his expression is that of an experienced man, focused on the mission, but I believe he is also open to reason.

"Good afternoon general, I am Ayanna Vohali, liaison-officer representing the Galactic Empire's Council. Please call me Ayanna."

We both shake hands, after which the general continues. "Alright Ayanna, let me first bring you up to speed. Two hostile craft, identified as Grakgrak scouts by your captain, destroyed 2 facilities in our country." 

"They are called Groknac, general,"  I said, with a serious expression.

" destroyed an airstrip close to Area51, the other took out the base in Area51 all together. We are talking about total loss here," the general said, anger on his face.

"Oh goddess....they are all...dead?" I said, my hand on my mouth while shaking my head.
The Groknac might have detected my comm.signal from there, and planned their attack accordingly.

"Yes, I am afraid so. We were lucky that we had F35s on hot standby to intercept them. We never assumed that an intruder from outside our atmosphere would directly attack Area51. A mistake we won't make again." 

"I understand. General, thank you for sharing this information. Allow me to share vital information as well." I said, in an equally serious tone.

The general nodded and motioned me to continue.

"General, ambassador. My captain has informed me that our long range sensors have detected multiple vessels heading directly for Earth. They have a Groknac signature. The captain said that at least one of them is a battlecruiser."

"What is that? Is that the same as these...these..." The general was looking for words.

"Scouts? No. If a scout is like an ant. Then a battlecruiser is like Godzilla. We are talking about big, bad, mean, well-equipped ships here." I said, while expressing the relative size with my hands.

"Then...what can we do? Can we use the same tactics on them as with the scouts?"

"Unfortunately not, general. Scouts and fighters don't have shields. All other Groknac vessels have proper shielding. You will not penetrate their shields at all. Their MO so far has always been to bomb key locations from space, then sending smaller craft in order to immobilize your defenses. After that you will be given the choice to forcefully become their subjects..." I said, not ending my sentence.

"Or what...?" the general asked, frowning.

"Or die." I said in a low voice, looking down at the table.

"Then we are powerless? Surely..."

"Now wait a moment, general you are not alone here. And this is where your help is needed, ambassador. I am under orders to help you set up a request for help that conforms to our initially agreed conditions. We are only talking about formality here, but it needs to be done properly. Ambassador, I need you to show me proof that there is a majority agreement from the delegates."

"But how?" the ambassador asks.

"I suggest the general takes me to NORAD and puts all delegates on those massive view screens and let me see them nodding in approval. When I am properly convinced, I will give the go. In the meantime, please prepare the message for sending to our vessel in orbit as discussed. You have the coordinates."

"Of course, I will see to that right away," the ambassador said.

"Ambassador, please tell the president that we are out of time. We need to send the message within the hour. It really is that urgent." The ambassador nodded and left the meeting room.

The general and I are now heading for NORAD. During our walk I said "General, one more thing."

"Yes, Ayanna?"

"I advise you to prepare all of Earth's global assets. Put all of them on high alert. Our reinforcements might be a bit late to the party. So you might be on your own for a while."

"I....see...I will coordinate with the president and arrange accordingly."

"Do as you must. Just know that they can be here soon."


Half an hour has passed and we are now in NORAD, inside a huge room in which moving airborne objects can be tracked across the country. Including the space above it. I chose this location for the abundance of view screens and that this room is perfect to set up a temporary command post.

"General, can you get the president and the ambassador on those screens please?"

"Yes, one moment."

You are reading story First Contact…my way at

A minute later and both were on the view screens, like huge computer monitors. I just ignored all the staff around me. I don't mind if they hear what I say. 

"Mr president. Mr Ambassador. Thank you for joining what will soon be a truly global meeting. First, congratulations on convincing most of the delegates. Secondly, Mr Ambassador, I need a delegate from each country to nod on that screen. I don't care how many you fit on that screen. Just do it as fast as possible. And when I say YES to you, immediately press the transmit button. I want to send your request ASAP. Are we in agreement?"

 "Ayanna, may I remind you that I am the president? You do not give us any orders," the president said, obviously annoyed.

"Mr president, may I remind you that the enemy is approaching Earth and that I am the one who can arrange protection for you?"

"We will do as you suggest," the president said coldly. He obviously had no choice in the matter.

And so, a few minutes later, many tiny images appeared on all the view screens around me. They were all vigorously nodding. Good.

"Mr president, do we have a majority approval?"

"Yes we do, Ayanna." 

"Mr Ambassador. YES, send the message now!"

I then immediately pressed the red button on my comm.device "Ayanna Vohali to Captain Strithik."

"Yes officer Vohali, report." the captain said.

"Captain, Earth has sent the official request to ask for protection. As of now Earth is under our protection. I have witnessed the majority approval. With your permission, I will now contact the Admiral."

"Well done Ayanna, proceed. End of transmission."

I hear loud cheering both here and on the view screens, but I signal them to stop.
Then I press the red button again on my comm.device "Ayanna Vohali to Admiral Jocaryn."

The Admiral immediately accepts my call, "proceed Ayanna."

"Admiral, I confirm that Earth has sent the official request to ask for protection. I am a witness to the majority requirement. Please approve the orders to protect Earth."

"I already have Ayanna, the request was forwarded to my office without delay. However, Earth may be out of time. We now have close range scans available, showing that the Groknac will be approaching Earth's system in a few hours. When in-system they will need several more hours to reach Earth. I am afraid you are stranded on Earth, Ayanna. I have ordered the ISF Arbella to initiate red alert. They will probably be the first target for the Groknac."

"Yes, Admiral, I understand. But I thought we were not at war with the Groknac?"

"Ayanna, in the heat of battle, details like these can easily be overlooked. You have your orders. Jocaryn out." 

I assume that the delegates on the view screens heard my communications....they were silent.
Somehow I need to fix the morale, so I walked up to the screen and said "Honored leaders, delegates, can you hear me?"

Some of them were nodding, good.

I then continued "listen to me and spread the word. The Empire's Council has accepted Earth's request for help. We have one cruiser in orbit, they will defend Earth as ordered, but they are no match for a battlecruiser and who knows what more. 
I have good news and bad news. The good news is that our reinforcements are close, they already departed when you were still discussing all of this. The bad news is that they might be a bit late. So I highly recommend preparing your country's air defenses to the maximum. You should immediately ground all non-essential aircraft until this is resolved. Do not use nuclear weapons, I repeat, only use conventional high-yield weapons and focus on any craft entering the atmosphere. We will try to get the attention of the big guys. Any questions?"

There was only silence. 

"Good, then I would like to only speak to the President of the United States. All others, thank you for working together. Earth is worth saving. Goodbye for now."

And then, one by one the small screens go blank. The general is still standing next to me.

"General, can you please confirm that I only have the president..."
But I couldn't finish my sentence, my comm.device was beeping to get my attention. 

"Yes, Vohali here?"

"Vohali, Vencan, we have four Groknac vessels approaching this system. One battlecruiser and three escorts. Expect many smaller craft entering your atmosphere soon. Confirm."

"One battlecruiser and three escorts. Expecting many smaller attack craft. Copy."

"They are faster than expected, their ETA is five to six hours." 

"Copy that. Any friendly reinforcements?"

"Expecting to arrive one to two hours later than required. They will be too late, Vohali!" The SO was currently under much stress and it affected his voice.

"That is....unfortunate, but I fully understand the situation. May our goddess smile on you and your crew."

"And on you. Vencan out."


So I was right, Taegen wasn't lying when he said that goddess thing to me. But I don't have time for that.
I shake my head, trying to focus. Then I look at the screen showing the image of the president who was waiting for me.

"Mr president, can you hear me?"

"Yes, Ayanna. Looks like our endless discussions are going to cost us dearly." the president said.

"It would seem so, Mr President."

"Do you have any recommendations at present?" he asked with his hand placed on his forehead. He must have a migraine from all this tension.

"Yes I do. First, I suggest to re-route all command lines to NORAD. In order to effectively coordinate our defenses, orders must be given from where the information is centralized. That is here. I suggest the following: temporarily assign one person, preferably the general here, delegated authority to command all your assets, of course within your agreed limits." 

"Okay, consider it done. What else?" The president asked.

"Next, order all your assets to stay in communication range and be ready for immediate deployment." 

The president motioned me to continue.

"Next, try to set up direct lines to other countries. We might need to coordinate cross-border."

The president nodded, and motioned me to continue.

"Next, order NORAD to start patching in ground based visual telescopes, radio telescopes, anything else you can think of and try to track the enemy fleet on those expensive view screens." I said, pissed that we lost so much valuable time to bureaucrats disagreeing for days and days.

"What else can we do?" the president asked, forcing me out of my depressed thoughts.

"You might want to address the nation while there is still time. Let people know they are going to see some impressive fireworks."

"Anything else?" 

"Honestly, I think we have done all that we can. Try to sleep a bit, because the only thing left for us wait. Besides, it will be a while before you can rest again." I said.

All the preparations took some time, so it was already evening. I trusted the general and the president to take care of things and headed for my temporary room. Someone was kind enough to bring me dinner and then I went to bed early.


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