Fixing the Blade

Chapter 2: Fixing the Blade (part 2)

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“Remember, her name now is Amai Rossa. She has been reincarnated as a 13-years-old girl.”




“She’s the daughter of a florist family, who has been setting up shop in the capital around 2 years ago, called Rossa’s Moving Plant Shop. The father’s name is Leben Rossa, while the mother’s name is Tera Rossa.”




“She doesn’t like revealing her past life for some reason, so make sure to act as if we don’t know her. Otherwise, it would be difficult to continue our discussion.”


“Uhm!...Wait, why doesn’t our mother reveal her past life to us? We know the truth already, right?”


“...I know of several reasons, but it’s best if I refrain from talking about it for now. If I said the reason now, you would get unreasonably emotional.” 


“...Is it something stupid?”


“It is something that could be considered to be...dense. And foolish.”


“...Sounds like our mother alright.”


As they walk with presents in hand, the twins are now going to a certain flower shop on the north of the capital, attracting attention from the people around them. Ignoring the gaze of bewilderment and the whisper wondering why the royal twins are traveling on foot, the twin continued their conversation.


“Did you remember to prepare a proper gift?”


“Do you need to ask, Big Sister? I have prepared the very best set of gardening tools, made by the finest craftsman of our kingdoms. I have to beg and grovel Fourth Brother for this, in exchange for a favor...What about you, Big Sister?”


“Of course, it’s a set of homemade confectionery, made with the best ingredients and techniques that I have learned so far, with enough for a family to eat for 7 days and 7 nights.”


“Oh yeah, Mother is always a bit of a sweet tooth.”


“Um...and I learn that after a while, it’s better to bring in consumable good as presents.”


“...Just how many times did you go to Mother’s house?”


“I haven’t gifted her any gardening tools yet, if that’s what you’re asking.”


  As they continued walking (and dispatching the packs of the usual challengers single-handed), the brothers signed inward a little.


“It’s not that...I’m just a bit jealous that you get to meet her all the time, without telling me…”


“Because has you know, you would have just found any excuse to come to Mother’s place everyday of the week with snots on your face, terribly disrupting both your and Mother’s daily life. You have always been a crybaby when Mother is still around, after all.”


“Hey! I’m not that much of a crybaby anymore, Big Sister!”


“...That much?”


“...Okay, maybe I will cry a little.”


A little?”


“...Okay, a lot, but it will just be this one time! And don’t you love Mom a lot as well!?”


“I do, and still am, eternally so...Hence why I restrain myself to only come once every two weeks, before we have to go on our personal coming-of-age journey last year.”


With a serious face, Violet replied straight back toward him, with a voice more soft and emotional than usual. Hearing such, the brother held a slight smile toward her.


“...With your stacked schedule? Aren’t you a bit indulgent as well?”


“...Mother looks like she’s going to cry, despite acting like she doesn’t know me, when I said I would only come once every 6 months in consideration of her daily life.”


“And isn’t that too reasonable!?”




A giant tree stands tall, rising above the roof of all the buildings beside it.


On its trunk, there are windows all surrounding its body, like pockmarks. Each window leads to a room, full of flowers and plants sprouting out of the balcony, spreading an orchestra of aroma, enrapturing all passerby into the gentle wrap of nature.


Above the tree, where the leaves cover the sky with a soothing shade, flora of all kinds grow and dance freely, as petals float giddily among the air, vines sway gently in spontaneous beat, and flowers freely sing their tunes.


Finally, at the bottom, a giant wooden door is nested between the roots of the tree, forming a slight stepladder. Above the door, a wooden sign with intricate flower and plant decoration hangs above, with “Rossa’s Moving Plant Shop” written on it.


As Mauve stands in front of the flower shop in awe, he end up retorting to himself.


“...Why didn’t I notice this place before? That’s the complete opposite of ‘laying low’. “


“To be fair, you don't return to the capital often, so it makes sense you could miss it. Also, Mother has intentionally surrounded this place with an anti-perception barrier, used to specifically make people of royalty and nobles ignoring this place.”


“Yeah, but I could have heard it from the-Wait, Mom did that? I haven’t noticed any barriers on my way here at all.”


“That means it’s working.”


“Ahhh, as expected of Mom...Wait, so how can you get in then?”


“Mother gave me the key to the barrier.”  

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“Ah, how jealous...Can you ask Mom to give me the key as well?”


“Only if you behave.”


After a casual banter, they then go in front of the door, and Violet gently rings the bell-shaped flower hanging above the door, as it makes a gentle ringing sound. Looking in awe once again, Mauve speaks in praise.


“So many strange and beautiful flowers and plants I haven’t seen before...Does Mom do all this?”


“No, it’s also the work of Mr. and Mrs.Rossa as well. Mr. Rossa provided the plant, Mrs. Rossa provided the soil, and Mother is in charge of decorating. Together, they’re the number 1 flower shop in the kingdom, and chief florists of the Royal Garden, providing plants for decorating and security purposes.”


“Ah, as expected of-Wait, security purpose?”


“Incidentally, this bellflower right here can make a concentrated shockwave, that can instantly knock any person to the stratosphere. It also work as an alarm bell to deter any intruder, with it high-pitched voice capable of paralyzing even creatures without ears.”


“...Ah, so that’s what you mean.”


Feeling cold sweat as he almost carelessly touched the bell flower, Mauve instantly retracted his hand back, in fear of tripping up something. After a while, the door slowly opened up, revealing an intensely tall, muscular mustache man, capable of sending shivers down the spine of even the toughest warrior.


“Coming~~...Ah, if it isn’t Violet~~. Honey, Violet came to meet us after a while~~!”


Unlike his stature which makes Mauve have a cold sweat down his back, his uncharacteristically relaxed voice gently greets them, catching Mauve off guard. He called toward his wife at the back, revealing a mighty back resembling mountains, catching Mauve off guard once again.


While Mauve stands frozen in shock, Violet greets them back politely, unfazed.


“Good morning, Mr. Rossa. I came here bringing gifts once again, while also bringing my twin brother here.


“Aww, you shouldn’t have to, Violet~~.We’re basically family already.”


“Still, it’s courtesy that I should bring a gift each time I come. I bring confectionery for the family to enjoy this time.”


“Ahh, thank you Violet. Amai is going to love this, as always~~...Now, why don’t you introduce your brother to us as well?”


“Of course...Mauve, it’s your turn.”


As Violet slightly nudged her elbow to his side (with enough force to kill a Titan), Mauve instantly woken up, before instantly introducing himself (while ignoring the strange creaking inside his body)


“Y-Yes, I am Mauve Victoris, 3rd Prince of the Victoris Kingdom, and soon-to-be king of the Victoris Kingdom! It’s nice to finally meet you, Mr. Rossa!”


“Aa, nice to meet you too, your Majesty~~...You really are her twin brother huh.”


“Yes, Mr. Rossa!”


“Same purple eyes, same blond even have the same last name as well, fufu~~.”


“...Actually, I don’t go by the name Victoris anymore, as I have been exile from the royal family, so I go with Violet now.”


“Oh, is that so~~?Are you okay then? Do you need a house to stay for the time being, you know we will always welcome you, Violet...Oh yeah, your brother as well, should time need to be.”


(What is she, a stray cat?...Come to think about it, her usual personality is pretty cat-like…)


As Mauve is trapped in some dumb thought, Violet slightly sway her head from side to said, reassuring him.


“No need to worry, Mr. Rossa. I am allowed to keep the property that doesn’t belong to the kingdom itself, so the mansion where I stay is still there.”


“Oh, that’s nice~~….Oh yeah, we have been talking here for long enough. Come inside, sorry to keep you outside for so long.”


“That’s okay, Mr. Rossa. I personally enjoy our conversation.”


“Aww, you’re such a nice kid, Violet...Honey, our guests are coming inside, you don’t need to go to the door now!!”


“Eh~~? But I personally want to meet with Violet as well~~.”


As a sweet soft voice is coming inside the house, the twins both excuse themselves, before setting aside their shoes and coming in, when a giant shadow starts looming over them.


“Oh, Amai~~. Violet just arrived, said hi to her.”


As Mauve turned back in surprise, he saw a giant golem made of wood looming over them, with a fierce face as that of a demon, carrying boxes with giant arms made of tree trunks as thick as a torso. Suddenly seeing such a mighty figure emitting such an overpowering aura, he once again get taken aback.


(!!! Since when does this giant figure sneak up behind me without notice? And it’s looks like it could beat over the entire kingdom itself!)


“Oh?...Ah, Big Little Sis Violet! It’s so nice to see you after so long!”


While he stands frozen in shock, a small figure sitting atop of the giant’s shoulder notices the two of them below, before jumping down gracefully.


Short brown hair, as fluffy as cotton.


Small body, as delicate as peony.


A wide smile, as bright as a sunflower, with her brown eyes round and shine like the sun.


“And would you look at that...Is that your twin brother you always talked about? Nice to meet you, I’m Amai Rossa, proud daughter of the Rossa family, and proud Little Big Sister of Violet!”


With a spin and a curtly bow, Amai Rossa introduced herself, with a smile as bright as the sun.

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