Flame Of The Underworld

Chapter 1: Wings?

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"1000 years ago, a great war took place on Earth, it was not a normal war, it was a secret war between the Devils and the Believers, a war in which all races set aside their rivalries and differences to put an end to the ultimate evil, The Devils, it was a fierce fight, the majors sects of the Inhumans were on the verge of annihilation if it wasn't for the Dragon faction who sacrificed everything they have for the sake of winning this war, the noble act that changed the tide of this war was known as "Sympathy Of Strong", K-angels, K-fallen angels and K-Devils, these three factions took an Oath to protect the descendants of the Dragon Sect, along with the majority of the factions in the Hidden Worlds to protect the few numbers of dragons, after 1,000 years from that war that was called "War Of Wars", a certain man called Aiden, his life will dramatically soon..."





It's 8 A.M, I have classes at 9 A.M, today I have to finish the project or else I'm going to fail Mrs. Kioma's course, damn, I feel exhausted, likely the chicken I ate yesterday was undercooked.

I tied to stand up, but something was holding me down, I took off the sheet...


I was surprised and shocked by the sudden wings I got, well after 10 min of freaking out, I calmed down when I started touching them, I can feel them, it was like I have two arms, I got goosebumps from attempting to flutter my two wings, they were sturdy, strong, with approximately 3 meters wide, I start checking them out of curiosity, I noticed that my mysterious wings are not feathery like birds or smooth like bats' wings, rather, they resemble the wings of some flying dinosaurs, since these wings have reptile-like wings plus the blue scales that cover the actual bones, well my wings are black with some blue scales, also I just realized that my senses are sharper than ever, I can feel everything near me, a lot of things changed this morning, while I was trying to control my new wings, my phone vibrates, someone is calling me, I stood up after sitting down to the floor, I tried to answer my phone, but my wings were making this harder to me.

"Hello, mom!!!"

"Good morning son, how are you?"

"Good mom, I just finished checking something, what can I do for you?"

"Nothing son, I just wanted to hear your voice that's all, did you eat your breakfast?"

"Not yet ma, I was about to take a shower, how's dad ?"

"I see... Your dad just left the house, he was asking if you can come to us this weekend?"

"I don't know mom, it's Friday, I guess I can come over tomorrow morning..."

"Son? Are you okay? I heard something hitting the floor or the walls?"

"N-nnoo, mom, it's nothing, I just stumbled, it's nothing serious, hehehe..."

These damned wings started fluttering out of nowhere, I hit my closet with them, I think I broke the closet, dad is going to kill me, I need to control myself, or else, this chamber will become a mess.

"Son, I don't want to say it, but..."

"What is it, mom ?"

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

What? Why does she ask it?

"Ahem, you see son, if you want to experience youth, you need to use the things...Ahem...Condoms..."


Big brain time Aiden 

"MOM, what the hell, I don't have a girlfriend, it's not what you think about mom, Geez, come on mom this is embarrassing..."

I can't believe mom thinks about this, well, I'll be lucky if I had a girlfriend, anyway.

"By the way mom, I'm gonna hang on, I need to do a lot of things today..."

"Okay, Aiden, I'll hang on, I love you, son, I hope you know it..."

"I know mom, I love you too, you and dad, I love both of you, bye."

"Bye, Aiden"


That's weird, mom felt way weirder than usual.

Now returning to my main problem, how am I going to walk out with these humongous wings, I can't cut them, since I can feel them, they're like a limb to me, and I can't cover them with clothes, so what can I do...

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*Bing Bong* 

*Bing Bong* 

Someone is in front of the door, who can it be at this time...

*Bing Bong* 

They're not patient are they?

I put on my winter jacket, it's big enough to cover my wings.

"Alright, I'm coming..."

*Bing Bong* 


I opened the door, a beautiful brown-haired girl appears in front of me, standing next to her, was a blond man wearing a butler outfit, both of them seemed majestic, I think the girl is a foreign noble, and that man is her servant.

"Aiden Elonnir?" She asked.

"Yes, how can I help you?" I replied.

"I have some news for you, I hope you can let us enter if possible since it's a sensitive topic that we will discuss."


"Come again?" I asked with a dumb expression.

"The wings that grow out of the blue, the immense exhaustion, the sudden power-up you got, may I continue?" she asked with a smile.

She's sharp, and how the hell did she know about all of this, I mean I don't even know her.

"Alright, you got me, come in..."

"Thank you, descendant of The Chaos."

What did she say?

I closed the door after letting both of them enter, the girl set down on my bed, the butler started checking my chamber, and he starts writing some kind of geometric figures on the walls and on the floor, wtf man, are you a magician.

"So how do you know about what happened to me?" I asked the smiling girl.

She looks at me with dead eyes and says.

"Do you want the short story or the long one?"

"Uhhh, I th..."

"Since we don't have much time, I believe that the short one is more efficient, don't you agree with me?"

The girl just answered her question, why did she ask in the first place?

"I see, so can you explain to me everything?"

"Alright!!!" she replied with joy.

"So Aiden Elonnir, that's your name, your "Father" Zack Elonnir, and your "Mother" Alvar Elonnir, right?"

"Yes, why do you ask?"

"Well, I know it may be a bit blunt, but your "Parents" aren't your parents."


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