Flame Of The Underworld

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Baklava

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"What do you mean by it?!?" I asked with anger.

The blonde butler takes a stance and raises his hand towards me and mutters.

"Ash of the Damned, I demand his dea..."

"Perses, stop it already, our friend here doesn't know us, so allow me to introduce myself to you Aiden!".

The girl put her hands on her chest and says...

"My name is Aelia, daughter of the Slayer of Great King Bael, I'm what some people call Demons, but we're not True Demons,  but rather an independent race who lives for protecting the 7 seven worlds, anyway, moving on, my father King August-S-Bael was entrusted by the high council of Dragons to protect you, Aiden Elonnir, from the Devil worshippers cult, since your original parents "Dragons" died protecting you, so as it was my father duty to protect you, whom entrusted raising you to his most trusted servants "Count and Countess Barbas" who are R'evils"  who left the Underworld and come to Earth to raise you as their son, and as King Bael's daughter and the next heir of "Slayer of Bael" household, I was given the mission to guide you, so I will teach you everything that you need and necessary to a better understanding of this world, so I hope we get along Aiden!" she smiles after holding my hands and shaking them.


The girl smoke weed, apparently she smokes a lot of it.

"That's ridiculous, what are you talking about, kings, demons, dragons are we on a fantasy novel, and the thing that my birth parents died, and then I was adopted by my current parents who are servants of your father King Bael, and I am a dragon!" 

"I know it's hard to understand, but your wings are a prime example of what I just said, just look at my wings to compare them to yours."

 She got a point, those wings of mine are real.

Then the girl Aelia let go of my hand and took one step backward and told me,

"Watch Aiden, I'm gonna release my wings so pay attention, please!!!"


A black-red light cover her back, then two sets of bat-like wings appeared, they had the color of copper with some golden patch near the back, they were big, but not as big as mine, after finishing forming her wings, she asks me,

"So Aiden did you get what I showed you, these wings are a bit similar to a magical limb, which can be hidden by fusing it with the body using your energy, all you have to do is to use your imagination to summon them, so try it Aiden!" 

"O-Okay, I'll try?"

I'm nervous, both of them are watching me, Aelia glances at me with eager eyes, while the butler Perses pays attention to me.

Let's focus, Aelia said that imagination is the key to controlling the wings, so if I close my eyes and think about making my wings disappear it should be enough...

After roughly 4 seconds, Aelia screams with joy while the butler congratulates her for doing a good job.

it seems like I succeeded to cover my wings, but I have doubts since I can physically feel them, I opened my eyes to check, and I shake my head to find out that my wings have disappeared, I tried to flutter them, I felt it but I can't see it, I put my right hand on my back to check if my wings are invisible or just seize to exist, I can feel any physical response neither on my hand nor my left wing, so the wings aren't invisible but rather they are on a different dimension, Aelia says to me,

"Now Aiden, try to summon your wings and try to flow by using them, me and Perses we're rooting for you, so do your best Aiden!!!" she closes her hand and tries to cheer. me, so as the butler Perses after Aelia presses him into cheering me too,

"D-do your best, Sir Aiden, we are rooting for you..." he mumbles 

I'm embarrassed, but I have to do it so that I can fully control my wings, I close my eyes once more and think about releasing my wings, instantly my wings come out as if it was a normal thing, I opened my eyes to see them, I tried to move them, fold them, move one of them each time, I think I got the basics of controlling the wings, after a couple of minutes of doings stances, I took 3 steps backward to get enough space to flow, I shake my head to confirm what I'm about to do, Aelia and Perses understood what I meant, Aelia said to me with a worry expression,

"Aiden, about floating using the wings, don't try to flutter your wings, just think about floating mid-air!!!"

I asked why "Why Aelia?"

Perses answers me, "Well if you don't want to end up reaching the third floor, your wings are considered to be the strongest wings in the world, your kin's wings are relatively stronger than any other race's wings, so minimize using them in close spaces."

"I see, thanks Perses for advising me, I didn't know you were kind to this much!" I said with a warm smile.

For a moment, I could see Perses blush, both of me and Aelia were shocked by his expression, I just tried to tease him, but Aelia let a laugh,


She gasps and tries to cover her mouth with her hands, Perses blush even more, now even his master laughs at him, Aelia tries to apologize,

"Uh... I'm sorry Perses, it was unexpected, I'm so sorry..."

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"No more Baklava for you to 3 days my lady!" Said Perses while crossing his hands.

"Ahhhh...Wait, Perses how dare you, just for a laugh you're gonna punish me with Baklava!!!" Asked Aelia Perses with an angry expression.

Perses look at Aelia and says,

"Lately, Lady Aelia you gained some weight, aren't you ?" he asked her with cold tone.

Aelia couldn't say anything to him, so she fix her gaze on me, whose currently observing my wings, and says.

"So Aiden, are you ready to fly?"

"Lady Aelia why don't we finish our conversation?"

"What conversation?"

"The conversation in which we talked about your weight!!!"

"What did you say you bastard?" Aelia asked with an angry tone.

Perses respond to her with cold expressions,

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, you gained some weight, my LADY, I guess you couldn't tell the difference since you were busy eating Baklava since we come to Earth, you thought I wouldn't tell the difference?" 

Damn, these two are lunatics, anyway, I let them argue while I tried to flow.

This time I didn't close my eyes, I told myself that I want to levitate, my wings didn't move but rather I felt some warm energy surrounding my body, for an instance I can see some colorful strings all over my place, for Aelia several strings were covering her hips, chest, back of the head and her abdomen, they strings had golden color, with orange and black strings, and as for Perses, the strings covers more area than Aelia's does, the strings cover around 3 meters tall, 2 meters wide area, with white and yellow colors and warm aura emitting from him, and for me, my strings covered the biggest area, nearly the entire room, my area was denser than Perses's area, my strings colors varied from red to green to blue, as if I had all colors, I tried to touch one of the strings but Aelia and Perses screamed suddenly.

"Wow, Aiden you have done it, congratulations, you have mastered your wings!!!" said Aelia after bouncing from excitement.

"Absurd, how can he do it, with no experience or proper guidance he did it in less than an hour, even geniuses need at least 2 days to fully control their wings, it doesn't matter if you are a dragon or not to know how to control the wings, if he had such a talent, it would be terrifying to teach him magic and such..." Perses was in disbelief, I don't know why...

I was wondering why they reacted like that, I looked around...


I was floating mid-air, I didn't realize that, since I was fully concentrated on thr strings thing, I thought I'll fall, but I didn't, maybe because I subconsciously decided to float, I told myself that I wanted to touch the floor, instantly my feet touched the floor, I bend my wings and hides them behind my back, both of Aelia and Perses comes towards me with amazed expressions,

"How did you do it, even I, Aelia-S-Bael, took me 2 weeks to fully control my wings, so how did you master your wings in such a short period Aiden?"

"Amazing, you were able to do this task with ease, Sir Aiden, I'm shocked, I wonder what other marvelous things you'll do in the future, Sir Aiden!"

I didn't know what to say...

"I just thought that I want to fly, I just followed your instructions Aelia, hahaha?"


"Hahahahahahahahaha!!!" Perses laughed loudly, I was complexed, I glare at Aelia, she's holding her tears, she sniffs, and picked Perses's cheeks...

"Don't laugh you bastard, don't laugh at me, or else I'm gonna cut your check!!!"

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