Flames of Chaos: The Rise of a Goddess

Chapter 12: 12. Breaking the Seal

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Exiting the portal, Hecate walked up to Elyssia’s bed and sat down. Reaching out and stroking her head. Elyssia was startled by the sudden appearance of the hand and looked up.

Seeing Hecate there with a worried look, Elyssia stammered while trying to wipe her tears away.

“I-I I’m-“

“Shhhh, I know dear. Let it all out. You have done well to stay strong today.” Hecate interrupted, speaking in a kind tone.

Seeing that Hecate was trying to comfort her, Elyssia’s impression of the goddess had once again increased.

While letting her emotions out, Elyssia thought back to her family and realised that they had always been her emotional support. With how protective her grandfather and brother were, she never had much trouble with emotional adversity like what happened with Brennan and Damien in the past, and whenever something did happen, they were always there to comfort her.

While she did always appreciate the support and care her family gave her, Elyssia knew that it left her lacking with emotional strength so that when she no longer needed to show strength, she would collapse. Realising that her road ahead was going to be long and that shedding tears would be of no help to her, Elyssia decided that she would not cry again. She hated being so weak.

Elyssia resolved that she would push forward and achieve her goals no matter what, and anything that got in her way would either move of face her wrath.

Focusing on the hand caressing her head, Elyssia reined in her tears as her mind started to drift off to sleep.




Waking up, Elyssia woke up, looking around the unfamiliar room.

Feeling far more refreshed and alert than yesterday, she mustered up the will to get out of bed and face the coming day.

Getting dressed into the clothes she had been wearing yesterday, Elyssia walked out of the room to find an orb of light dancing around in front of her door. Somewhat startled, Elyssia narrowed her eyes.

Watching the orb start to float away, Elyssia followed it with her eyes. As it stopped a few metres away, as if to wait for her, she realised that this was likely something Hecate sent to guide her.

Walking behind the orb, Elyssia was led downstairs to the dining hall from last night where Hecate was waiting for her, with food already on the table while reading a book.

“Good morning, Elyssia, I hope that you managed to sleep well?” Hecate greeted, looking up from her book.

Realising that the Goddess knew her name even though she never told her, Elyssia shrugged it off realising that Hecate likely knew due to her godly powers or being told by someone else.


Responding, Elyssia sat down in front of the laid-out breakfast of fried eggs on toast with fruit.

“Good morning, I did, thank you. I apologise for my unsightly appearance last night”

“And thank you for your care.” Elyssia added in a slightly quieter voice, clearly embarrassed with the flush of red on her cheeks.

“It’s no matter dear, your situation is quite similar to what happened with Persephone when she was kidnapped by Hades all those years ago. I know she was quite shaken up even as a goddess.” Hecate said while smiling in understanding.

“oh… So, I guess that most of the tales from mythology are true then?” Elyssia asked with slight worry.

Pausing to think for a moment, Hecate spoke up.

“Mostly, yes. While not all of those recounted by mortals are accurate, with some being made up, most are true or have an element of truth to them.”

“I see. I’m not entirely sure how to feel about this. By the way, where are Hecuba and Gale? Are they not here?” Elyssia asked, curious as to where the strange duo had gone.

“They are currently performing my role of guiding lost souls to the underworld. They will be away for quite some time while I am training you.”

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“Ah, I will need to apologise for the inconvenience!” Elyssia exclaimed.

Finishing up their meals, Hecate stood up.

“Now then, shall we start with your training?”

Nodding, Elyssia also stood up. With a wave of her hand, Hecate summoned some clothing which landed in her hand, neatly folded up.

“Go and put these on first, it will be a shame for you to damage your current clothes with magic. I should probably get you some spares as well. Later you can tell me what clothes you like, and I will make them for you.”

Thanking her and accepting the clothes, Elyssia quickly went upstairs to get changed into the dress Hecate had given her. It turned out to be a slightly shorter version of Hecate’s Grecian style dress that ended above her knees made from a black silk.

Meeting Hecate outside of the house, they made their way back to the crossroads, taking a different path to the one where Elyssia had arrived from. After a short while of walking, they reached a Colosseum like structure, where instead of the building sitting above ground, the top seats of the Colosseum were at ground level leading downwards to the sandy fighting pit at the bottom.

The building was made from a stunning white marble with the occasional streaks of black, contrasting to the natural scenery of the underworld. Making their way to the centre of the fighting pit, Hecate asked Elyssia to sit down on the circular section of paved stone in the centre.

“So, to begin your training I will first unseal your mana. As you know, all of those who made their way to your world had their mana sealed so they couldn’t use magic. This was to prevent the world from becoming unbalanced. Just look at the impact your ancestor Merlin had and that was by using a little bit of magic that had been previously stored in mana crystals.”

“Were those blue crystals in my families vault mana crystals?” Elyssia asked.

Nodding with a smile, Hecate answered.

“Yes, you are correct. Now this might hurt a little. Mana originates in your soul. Naturally mana would flow into your body following what some might call pathways, while others may call connections. While this description is rather crude, it is easy to understand as a beginner.

With a sparkle appearing in Elyssia’s eye again, she sat a little straighter hanging on to everything Hecate was saying. Every child had dreamed of using magic, and Elyssia was no different, but now she had the chance to learn magic from the literal goddess of magic which had rekindled a part of her child like desires she had lost so many years ago.

With a subtle smile seeing Elyssia’s excitement that she was trying to hide, Hecate continued.

“While the pathway is not like a single path that, for example, flows from your spirit to your heart, it is the pathway of how your whole spirit interacts with your entire body. The connection between the spirit and the physical. This is a concept that holds a lot of mages back as they focus their mana through a single point which restricts their ability.”

“The mana in your soul is currently blocked, so the pain you will feel will be from mana flowing into your body through the pathways that have never been used. It will hurt for a while however I will cast some magic that will help reduce the pain.”

Walking around Elyssia while writing runes in the air with her mana, Hecate creates a magic circle above Elyssia’s head. Flicking her hand down, the magic circle imprints itself on the stone below Elyssia, the runes humming with magic power.

“Ok, I am about to begin, prepare yourself.”

Standing in front of Elyssia, Hecate places her hand on top of Elyssia’s forehead and starts chanting in Latin.

“O, anima quae compede vincta, divino te ordine dimittam”

[O, soul that is bound in shackles, I will release you by divine order]

As Hecate finishes her chant, golden energy started to envelop Elyssia making it seem like she was glowing. After a few moments, ethereal white chains could be seen that wrapped around Elyssia’s body.


Spiderweb like cracks could be seen spreading out over the chains until suddenly shattering with a loud bang.

As the fragments of the chain floated away from Elyssia like snow falling on a calm day, a massive burst of energy suddenly blew out from Elyssia, pushing them and the nearby sand away making the shockwave caused by the sudden burst of mana visible.

As the burst of energy left Elyssia, the pain hit.

Despite the magic circle that was currently healing Elyssia, the pain was still excessive causing her to grit her teeth. While she had experienced a lot of pain while learning to wield the sword, what she felt now could not be compared to being hit by training weapon as there was a burning sensation covering her whole body.

Feeling tears starting to well up in her eyes, Elyssia clenched her jaw even harder, forcing herself to keep them inside.  

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