Flames of Chaos: The Rise of a Goddess

Chapter 17: 17. The City of Havall

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As Elyssia’s consciousness returned, her mind was numb and shell shocked with the events that had once again thrown her into turmoil. Her whole body felt an aching pain while her thoughts were blank.

Laying still for a while, her mind started to recover as she blankly stared upwards, not registering anything that was going on around her.

“Miss, you are awake!” A young girl around the age of 10 called out to Elyssia who did not respond, still dazed from her experiences.

“Miss, can you hear me?” The young girl walked next to Elyssia, concern evident on her face.

As the young girl called out, the voice started to register in Elyssia’s mind. With the sudden realisation that someone was talking to her, Elyssia’s mind snapped back to reality as her eyelids fluttered, finally registering where she was.

“Sorry, please give me a second.” Elyssia responded, sitting up and looking around the room.

She was laying on a roughly crafted wooden bed in a room with a table and chair, a set of draws, a chest and a wardrobe that were all crafted in a similar fashion. The room was made from wood, in a similar fashion you would expect to see in a medieval fantasy.

‘Wait, a medieval fantasy… don’t tell me…’ Elyssia thought to herself.

Looking towards the little girl, Elyssia was relieved to see the girl didn’t have elvish ears or animal features but looking at her clothes made her heart sink. She was wearing a crude red coloured vest over a long sleeve cream coloured dress. She had bright amber eyes and brown hair that came down to her shoulders. Her cute young face had a red flush on her cheeks.

It was clear to Elyssia she was once again in another world as she felt her anger starting to rise again as she sunk into her thoughts.

“Miss, I don’t understand the language you are speaking. Can you speak in the common tongue?”

Elyssia’s gaze once again fell on the girl as she realised that she had unconsciously replied to the young girl in English instead of the common tongue of the Sasteragia empire which the girl was using.

“Sorry, I was a bit dazed so ended up replying in the language of my homeland.” Elyssia’s mind calmed as a small smile appeared on her face after she saw the concerned face of the little girl. While Elyssia now held a vast amount of anger and hatred, she still had a kind heart that would melt after seeing a cute girl worriedly looking at her so restrained her inner rage as best she could.

“Wow, so pretty!” the little girl exclaimed after seeing Elyssia smile.

Elyssia giggled a little seeing the girl’s response, enjoying the interaction with someone new after being in the underworld for over a year. Flinching from the aching pain, Elyssia started to circulate her mana around her body to heal herself. Looking down she noticed she had bandages around her arms and could feel others under the linen top she was wearing that were tightly binding around her chest.

“What happened to me and where am I?” Elyssia asked the little girl whose eyes were wide in amassment at the glow that was being emitted from Elyssia’s body as she healed herself.

“Miss, are you a mage!?” The young girl asked tilting her head slightly, completely ignoring Elyssia’s question as she was completely enthralled by her curiosity.

“Hmmm. I am something like that, yes.” Elyssia replied, pondering how exactly she could be classified based on her magic prowess.

“Oh! Mother told me to come and get her when you wore up!” The little girl exclaimed as her face lit up after remembering her task. She rushed out of the room before Elyssia could ask anything else.

Slightly exasperated by the whirlwind that was the little girl, Elyssia giggled to herself and looked out of the window. She hoped this girl’s mother could be more helpful at answering her questions and providing information on the situation Elyssia was in.

Looking out of the window she could see a number of snow-covered thatched rooftops expanding out into the distance, their stone chimneys guiding wisps of smoke into the sky. Some buildings seemed to be two stories high like the one she was in, blocking some of her view into the distance. However, she could still make out a cobblestone wall with movement on top which she assumed to be soldiers patrolling.

“She is really pretty when she smiles mother!”

“Is that so? Well make sure that you stay respectful. She is likely someone very important.”

Elyssia could hear the little girl and an older lady’s voices coming from the hallway outside. A smile passed by her lips as she heard the little girls mother ensuring that she kept to her best behaviour.

Walking into the room, Elyssia saw the little girl following behind a stocky woman wearing the same type of attire, however with a brown vest and blue long sleeve dress.

“Greetings My Lady, my name is Hilda, and I am the innkeeper here at Dragon hearth inn. I apologise that the room does not meet your standards, but this is the best we have.” Hilda bowed, the tension clear on her face.

“Greetings My Lady, my name is Kara”. The little girl followed her mothers’ actions and also bowed.

Elyssia frowned slightly, surprised that Hilda had assumed she was a noble and they had only just met. As she thought about it, she realised that training dress she had been waring was of a significantly higher quality than what most in a medieval setting would likely be able to afford.

Seeing that Hilda had tensed up, Elyssia realised that her frown had given the wrong impression, suggesting that she had disapproved of something, so quickly smiled and replied.

“Greetings Hilda and Kara, there is no need to be so stiff, so please don’t bow and speak to me casually. Do not worry about the room as it is quite hospitable, I am just glad to be alive.”

Somewhat startled by Elyssia’s response, Hilda straightened up and looked at Elyssia sceptically.

“My name is Elyssia Sadrestium. Might you be able to tell me where I am and how I got here?”

Hearing Elyssia’s name, Hilda tensed up again and quickly answered Elyssia’s question.

“My Lady, you are currently in the town of Havall, capital of the Jarldom of Halrmarch.” Helga started to explain, nervously watching to see how Elyssia will react.

“An adventurer by the name of Frida and her party found you injured and unconscious in a crater deep inside Behr Forrest. They say it was likely the centre of a strange magical event.”

You are reading story Flames of Chaos: The Rise of a Goddess at novel35.com

Exasperated that they Hilda was still speaking so formally, Elyssia looked down at her hands that were resting on her lap, deep in thought.

‘It was likely that my mana went berserk when I lost myself to my anger. I should keep a better control over myself so that does not happen again.’

Clearing her thoughts, Elyssia thought back to everything she knows so far.

‘Firstly, the names of the people and places seem to directly resemble those of the Vikings from earth. Especially the term Jarldom, which was a rank directly under the king used by the Viking aristocracy.’

‘Secondly, the language used here is the same as the one used in the Sasteragia Empire where grandmother came from. It is likely this is the same world and from what Hecate taught me it is likely that I am in the north of the central continent.’

To clear up her suspicions, Elyssia directly asked what she needed to know.

“Would I be correct in saying that we are in the Sasteragia empire, in the northern province of Ellrijord?”

Hecate had shown Elyssia everything she knew about the different worlds she had knowledge of, and that included the world where her grandmother had originally come from. However, the knowledge Hecate had access to was limited to books on magical knowledge, one of which had a brief map of the Sasteragia Empire which only detailed the provinces and some of the regional traits.

“The Sasteragia Empire? Do you mean the old empire that used to rule the continent?” Hilda asked, curious as how Elyssia seemed so clueless.

“It would seem so. How many years ago did it fall?” Elyssia replied, feeling slightly concerned.

Kara who was stood just behind Hilda seemed enthralled with the conversation as her eyes sparkled, everything was all new information to her.

“Sorry, but I don’t know. It was at least 100 years ago. May I know why you are asking?” Hilda was now quite curious who Elyssia was. After all, everything she was asking was common knowledge.

Hearing the question, Elyssia let out a laugh as the thought of how to explain her situation crossed her mind.

‘Everything that has happened is quite absurd, and anyone who hears my story might just think I’m insane! Should I just fake amnesia? Ben had shown me some Japanese cartoons where that happened. Wait, he will smack me upside the head like he did to Christopher if I call them cartoons! Japanese anime, please don’t smack me!’

Realising her thoughts had gone rather astray, she refocused.

‘Faking amnesia wouldn’t work since I have already spoken about things I should have forgotten about. Maybe I should just explain it simply as coming from another world? There is no point in hiding it and it is likely that I will be able to acquire information easier if im clear about what my situation is. After all, I need to find a way back to my family.’

Resolving herself, Elyssia started to explain.








And that’s chapter 3 for the week! And I must say that while writing this I was able to look out of my own window and see a snow-covered thatched roof which really set the ambiance for writing haha

We have finally had our first snowfall for the winter season in England this evening, and I must say it has been quite impressive compared to previous years where the snowfall only looked like a half-baked effort, barely 1cm deep compared to tonight’s 6-8cm.

Now, to some important matters.

I am considering a more suitable name for the novel. I feel it is a bit lacklustre, and while we have not got to the section where the book name makes more sense I still want to draw new readers in. after all, every author wants to see his/her work read and enjoyed. If you have some suggestions, feel free to post them in the comments.

And in addition to this, the novel cover. While I feel it is somewhat fitting, it is still an image from the internet (despite how good Wlop is at illustrating) and it does not depict Elyssia correctly. I also feel the dark colour scheme makes it fade into the background when looking through the listings.

Where I’m going with this is I need something that’s brighter in colour and more accurate, but literally every image that’s even remotely close to what I’m after has a copyright slapped onto it. So, to get something accurate I need something commissioned, so if you guys know of any decent illustrators, want to come up with some of your own fan art (I can give you some detailed descriptions of Elyssia’s future armour) or in the future once I have set up a patreon want to support me so I can commission someone decent then please let me know.

I don’t want to come across as some shameless author begging for money as this is primarily a passion project for me, but any support I do receive I will put back into the novel. This is something for a bit further down the line mind you, at the moment I’m trying to figure out where you all stand and how much future interest the novel has.  

I will end this rant here for now and am interested to see what your thoughts are on the above rambling.

Thanks again for reading!

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