Flames of Chaos: The Rise of a Goddess

Chapter 4: 4. Preparations

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Returning home Elyssia decided to open the present on her actual birthday, smiling to herself once again at how thoughtful Herwin had been. Despite the fact that she was likely quite insignificant to him being someone only met while occasionally running, she found him to be quite endearing.

Running up the drive Elyssia noticed the bustle of activity that had now taken over the mansion. She could see that the final preparations for her birthday celebration were bring put into place with the catering company in charge of all the food for the banquet. Thinking that she should hurry to grab some something to eat from the kitchens before it descends into chaos, she made her way inside meeting Harold who was waiting for her with a towel.

“Here young miss. How was your run?”

“Refreshing as always. Thank you for the towel” she Elyssia replies wiping down her face and handing the towel back.

“How are the preparations going, is there anything you need me to do?” Elyssia asked expectantly.

“Everything is all in hand, you needn’t worry yourself over it. After all, it is your big day so you should just enjoy yourself!” Harold smiled.

“Would you like me to bring you some breakfast up to the dining room?”

“It’s quite alright Harold, I was planning on indulging in a slice of cake to as to not get in the way of the cooks nor burden you with extra work”

Knowing that Elyssia would be quite stubborn about this Harold decided to thank her and return to organising the later events.

Making her way towards the kitchens she mused to herself amount how nice the mansion was whenever there was so much activity. Outside of the direct family who reside in the mansion, there were the 25 maids who took care of the 200,000 square ft building and the 21-man team of grounds keepers who had to take care of nearly 1300 acres of land the mansion sits on. Alongside 2 cooks, a librarian and a 5-person security team who were rarely seen in the main building it was usually very quiet, a complete contrast to how busy the whole estate would have been over a hundred years ago before the invention of modern equipment such as the vacuum cleaner and hedge cutters.

Weaving her way through all of the chaos Elyssia enters the pantry and finds the shelf with a selection of cakes the chef had prepared earlier in the week. Taking a slice of carrot cake, she mused to herself ‘well its got carrots so its healthy right?’. Of all the things she enjoys doing in life, trying out different cakes had always been in her top 3 and would likely never change. Enjoying the sweet flavours always gave her a sense of serenity as she could take time off from her busy schedule and think things over.

Turning around she noticed that some of the younger staff were giving her glances that lingered a bit longer than she thought appropriate. She didn’t mind those gazes so much as she was used to people staring given her looks, however after seeing the middle-aged chef with a creepy looking smile and the phone he was holding, a frown appeared on her beautiful face completely. Giving the man a death stare which caused him to shudder, her aura changed causing those that were glancing at her to shy away seeing Elyssia’s change in mood.

Deciding not to say anything so as not to cause trouble for Harold or her mother who were in charge of planning this event, she swiftly made her way out of the room.




With the celebrations starting in the early evening Elyssia started to get ready with the help of 2 maids. Rose was the younger of the two with her dark brown hair neatly tied up, while Laura was a middle-aged woman with her auburn-coloured hair styled in the same fashion. Both of them showed their expertise as with practiced hands they efficiently applied her makeup and styled her hair. Her golden locks were styled into a half up bohemian braid with the woven strands looking like a crown from behind, while still allowing her hair to flow down to the middle of her back.

With all her cosmetics done she then puts on the gorgeous red dress her mother had prepared. The bodice of the dress was strapless mad from silk fabric with intricately embroidered vines along the edges. Her shoulders to her forearms were covered by see through lace while the front hem of the dress came down to the just below her knees and back slightly draping onto the floor.

With the addition of a pair of golden teardrop earrings and a golden necklace holding a shining ruby Elyssia looked every bit the charming young lady of the Sadrestium family, the whole look bringing out her mature aura.

“There My Lady, you are all ready for your big evening!” exclaimed Rose

Laura sighs in exasperation and reprimands. “Rose, how many times do I have to tell you to be more quiet lest the young Lady will become deaf!”

Giggling quietly at the duo’s antics, Elyssia interrupts them. “It’s quite alright, Rose always manages to make the atmosphere more exciting.”

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Elyssia elegantly standing up from her dressing table stool and turns to the maids.

“I must be off now, mother must be waiting for me by now”

Replying, rose once again in a loud voice exclaims “enjoy your evening My Lady!”

Seeming even more exasperated than before, Laura follows up. “Yes, be careful to keep those pesky young masters at bey, none of them are good enough for you!”

Smiling, Elyssia makes her way towards the hallway directly outside of the upper entry into the ballroom, finding her mother and grandparents waiting for her.

Ending the conversation, Helena rushes over to Elyssia with a beaming smile reminiscent of the youthful innocence she once had bringing her daughter into a tight hug.

“Oh Elyssia, you look absolutely beautiful tonight! I’m so proud to see that you have grown into such a lovely little lady!”

“Mother, you are speaking like I’m still 5!” Elyssia, slightly embarrassed exclaims.

“Well to me you will always be my darling little girl” Helena replies with a beaming smile.

Walking over to join Elyssia, Arthur and Delia also give her compliments

“My little Elyssia is all gown up now, how I wish you would still be the young girl who would sit on my knee wanting me to feed her sweats”

“What your stupid old grandfather said is true, you look just like your mother did at that age. I’m proud to see that you have grown into your role as a daughter of this family.”

Arthur looks away grumbling after hearing Delia’s scolding.

“Sister, you look radiant tonight!”. Christopher joining in the shower of compliments as he enters the hall, walking up to Elyssia to give her a hug.

“I’m glad my family is showering me with compliments, but grandfather, can you not say such embarrassing things?”

With everyone laughing, Delia chides Arthur. “See, even Elyssia finds your antics a too much!”

Coughing and quickly changing the subject, Arthur turns serious. “We should enter, we can’t keep our guests waiting.”

Arthur offers Delia his arm, while Christopher extends his for Elyssia.

“Thank you, brother”

“Anytime” he smiles gently responding.

Looking over to her mother she thinks to herself ‘I wish my father was here so mother was not alone.’ A flash of sadness crossing her eyes.

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