Flames of Chaos: The Rise of a Goddess

Chapter 5: 5. Confrontation

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Walking through the ballroom doors Elyssia let her eyes sweep over the room.

The massive hall was located at the corner of the mansion with floor to ceiling windows spaced equally along both of the outside walls. The white walled room was decorated with red drapery hanging from the ceilings to the walls that was adorned with golden thread embroidery, giving of a wealthy and noble aura. From the second-floor balcony that encircled the room, flower arrangements of white and red roses were hung, cascading from the banisters to the supporting columns below. The dancefloor perfectly polished, the wooden patterns reflecting the warm light created by the 4 intricately designed chandeliers that were evenly spaced down the length of the ball room.

Under the balcony were long buffet tables filled to the brim with exotic foods and a mixture of drinks, with many clusters of people happily chatting away while enjoying the delicacies. Looking towards the back of the room Elyssia could see a 50 man orchestra who were currently finishing up their symphony of Johann Strauss’s Vienna Blood. There were a handful of couples dancing in the middle of the ballroom while many of the attendees were standing around the edges conversing.

Elyssia smiling at how much effort her family had put into organising the event started looking for people she knew as Christopher lead her along the balcony towards the large staircase that led to the ballroom floor.

Spotting her best friend Amber, a young lady just a bit shorter than Elyssia with long blond hair, blue eyes, and an athletic physique Elyssia looked to see who she was taking to. He was a tall young man with short black hair and a short neatly beard. Taking a close look, she recognised that he was Christophers best friend, someone who regularly stayed at the mansion and spent a lot of time with the siblings. To Elyssia, he was extended family, almost like another older brother.

Continuing to look around she could also make out a number of the extended family around the hall. While the main descendants of the Sadrestium family had always adhered to strict social etiquette and expected all of the family members to be upstanding, certain members of the branch families had unfortunately gone astray with either delusions that they were better than others or generally bad attitudes. Inwardly sighing Elyssia thought to herself ‘if those imbeciles are here, there is no doubt going to be some trouble to deal with. Sometimes I wish we didn’t have to invite them as it would make everyone’s lives easier.’

Reaching the landing halfway down the staircase the Orchestra finishes playing, and everyone’s attention shifts to the Sadrestium family who were now about to give their welcoming speech.

Stepping forwards, Arthur starts speaking.

“Thank you all for coming this evening. As you all know, this is event to celebrate my granddaughter’s 16th birthday.”

“As many of you who have already met Elyssia know, she is a brilliant young lady who will help lead my family to even greater heights alongside Christopher.”

After saying this Elyssia noticed that her grandfather’s hands that were held behind his back tensed up slightly, something that puzzled her slightly. Deciding to think about it later she refocused on Arthur’s speech.

“The evening will consist of music for an hour and a half with a 30 minute break halfway through, followed by a fireworks display to end the evening. I hope that you can all enjoy tonight’s celebration.”

Keeping his speech short and concise, he then moves to the side, giving Elyssia a glance to let her know it was her turn to say a few words. Gracefully walking to the front of the landing, Elyssia calmly pauses before her melodic voice fills the hall.

“I would first like to start by repeating my grandfather’s words and extend to you my thanks for coming this evening.”

“I would also like to thank everyone who has spent their time preparing all this for me and I would like for them all to know that everything they have done for me today, the past as well as everything to come will always be appreciated.”

“Seeing many faces, new and old, I look forward to having the chance to celebrate this big milestone in my life with you all.”

“I know many of you are excited to continue the evening’s festivities, so I will end my words here as I’m sure that throughout the course of the evening we will have time converse.”

Finishing her speech, Elyssia turns around to see her family looking at her, her mother and grandmother both with a proud smile safter hearing her eloquent words, while her brother only showed his joy through his eyes as like usual, when in public he remained as stoic as ever. Her grandfather however tried to remain stoic like Christopher, however his attempts were betrayed by the slight twitching at the corner of his mouth as he tried to hide his smile. Supressing a little giggle behind her hand that was caused by her grandfather who looked quite goofy, Elyssia moved down to the last flight of stairs to greet the guests.

After about half an hour Elyssia finally managed to find a break in the conversations to make her way over to Amber and Ben who were in a heated discussion with two young men who were in their mid-20’s. looking at these two men, she inwardly sighed since her earlier prediction had come true.

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With emotions of rage welling up from within, Elyssia thought to herself ‘These two walking epitome’s of bombastic pompousness truly managed to completely enrage me whenever they appear, let along when they opened their filthy mouths to speak.’

Brennan and Damien were brothers from one of the Sadrestium branch families whose parents had fallen out with Arthur over maintaining the families’ traditions. Believing that the teaching of swordsmanship and other arguably out of date practices was a waste of time, they had not properly taught their children allowing both themselves and the two brothers to succumb to their greed and indulgence granted by the wealth that they had.

The two at may occasions had not only poorly treated mansions staff, but also always looked for the chance to speak down to Elyssia. However, what really infuriated Elyssia was the multiple occasions they had directed their malicious comments towards her mother Helena, mocking her for the death of Elyssia’s father. This mocking had opened up her mother’s old emotional wounds and leaving her in tears multiple times with them still laughing and mocking as she was led away by Delia.  

For someone who is always treats everyone kindness and is always in a good mood, harbouring little to no negative emotions in her heart, these two managed to break many of Elyssia’s bottom lines. Turning their backs on the family and breaking the trust that they once shared, but most importantly hurting her mother, for these two who never showed any intent of regretting their actions and becoming better people, she would never have mercy.

Walking up to the group, Brennan notices her and with a hint of excitement opens his mouth.

“Oh look, the pink eyed freak has decided to join her peasant friends.”

Damien turns to look at Elyssia, making a short grunt in affirmation and nodding his head in agreement.

After hearing this Bens face contorts into anger. While he was not from a wealthy family and his Epping dialect was quite contrasting to the majority of the well-spoken attendees, he had learnt a lot of etiquette from spending time with the Saderstium family and attending the formal events the family held.

“What wrong with you mate, you disrespect other guests and insult the host? What’s your bloody problem!?”

From Bens raised voice came a lot of attention from the other attendees who started to pay attention to the worsening argument, especially since Elyssia was now involved.

With Ben about to square off with Brenan, Elyssia quickly puts a hand on his shoulder and gives him a glance. Seeing the quiet rage in Elyssia’s eyes, he takes a step back to let her handle the situation but close enough to get involved if the two brothers decide to get violent.

Elyssia knew that she could easily handle this by knocking the two out and dragging their unconscious bodies out, however it would only cause unnecessary problems for the family and the companies they own as poor conduct will reflect badly on them. Had this been behind closed doors with nobody to stop her, she was certain that she would humble these two.

Deciding on the slightly more passive approach of shame, she disdainfully looking at them and rebukes. “You truly are a waste of space. Brennan, even if my eyes are different, the fact you are trying to attack me through such petty and childish taunts is honestly pathetic. I am 10 years younger than you yet infinitely more mature.”

Turning to look at Damien who had started to put on a noticeable amount of weight, she continues “And as for you Damien, At least I don’t squander my parents’ wealth and make myself look like an uncultured swine with no dignity.”

Both looked slightly surprised at how harshly Elyssia had admonished them as this was a first for them. Usually, it was the other members of her family like Christopher who would argue with them, so they expected her to be meeker than she currently was.

Preparing to quickly end this farce Elyssia glanced about. Her hand dextrously shot out and grabbed a Chicken leg off a nearby bystander’s plate. In the same movement she flicked her hand, throwing the leg like a throwing knife straight into Brennan’s mouth as he was about to start speaking.

With the lower part of the leg wabbling about as he registered what had happened, he froze up as Elyssia walked up and whispered into his ear with a melodious voice laced with her pure wroth.

“Keep your damned mouth shut and prey you never appear before me in private, because if you do, I will beat the living hell out of you. Now get out.”

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