Fletcher (a LitRPG Apocalypse)

Chapter 11: Chapter 11: The Ambush

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Fletcher was riding the elevator alongside Luke and a few guards, Luke was on his two-way radio, talking with Jayson,

“Is everything alright down there, over”

“good, over” Luke answered naturally, but deep inside he knew that phrase was a secret signal from his boss.

“why don't you take our guest to the main hall for some refreshments” Luke discreetly glanced toward Fletcher, luckily their guest didn’t seem to be aware of anything.

“as you wish sir, over”

The elevator stopped at the third floor, Luke composedly stepped out of the elevator, he ordered the guards to stay back, he wanted to put the guest at ease, and also he was wary of his men alerting the guest because although Ray was on this floor Luke was planning on taking Fletcher somewhere else.

Fletcher was told to wait, he was now standing in a huge hall alone, this place must’ve been used by the hotel to hold big social events.

Jayson, Luke, and Sara were standing behind the door, they gave each other reaffirming looks before the three of them, barged in catching the unsuspecting Fletcher off guard, Sara was holding a high-quality crossbow with carbon bolts, and she fired a shot aimed at Fletcher, while Luke charged toward him, Fletcher super reflexes capabilities kicked in, he managed to lean to the side, barely dodging the bolt, but straight away he received Luke attack head-on, Luke's fist landed on Fletcher’s chest, the attack sent Fletcher flying backward, Luke's arm was coated in metal, his ability allowed him to metalize a part of his body to either attack or defend.

Fletcher crashed on the wall behind him, the impact left cobwebs on the wall, another crossbow bolt was heading toward Fletcher's face, he bent down avoiding the arrow, and again Luke followed with another attack, this time a metallic leg to the face, Fletcher had to admit these two had impeccable teamwork, the woman archer would accurately aim every shot at his head to create an opportunity for her ally, and Luke would take advantage of that with a timed strike, if this continues I will be in serious trouble, Fletcher was also aware that Jayson was probably hiding somewhere ready to ambush him.

Fletcher decided to get serious, he already figured out the fighting style of these two, he just had to disrupt their teamwork, and takeout the weak link, he sped up his movement to the maximum taking both his opponents by surprise, with a single powerful burst of energy, his body leaped across the room and lunged at the woman archer, she was caught off guard, Fletcher kicked her in the stomach with a powerful kick, sending her flying, Luke intercepted her body catching her mid-air, circumventing further damage, he looked down and saw that Sara was coughing blood, look like she suffered serious internal bleeding.

All of them could not help but suspect his abnormal speed to be his ability, after all, physical enhancement abilities were the most common.

Footsteps resounded in the silent room, Fletcher turned toward the direction they came from, and said, ”you finally decided to join us”

“well I can’t help myself, you were having so much fun, Luke I'll take it from here you and Sara can retreat”, Luke carried Sara and left the room.

“you know I’m glad right now, do you know why?” Fletcher interjected smiling from ear to ear.

“Are you now?” Jayson raised his eyebrow.

“you snapped me back to reality, I seem to have lost sight of what is the most important thing to me..(pause)... I can’t believe I put someone else interest over my own, and for a woman of all things, so thank you”

Jayson was confused about what this guy is babbling in the middle of their fight, is he mentally ill or something?

You are reading story Fletcher (a LitRPG Apocalypse) at novel35.com

“how about you save your gratitude after I put you down” Jayson flashed from where he was standing to the other side of the room holding duel daggers, one of his daggers had blood on it, dripping on the floor.

At the same time, Fletcher's eyes opened wide, and blood started gushing from the side of his neck, he didn’t see anything, he reflexively put his hand on his neck trying to stop the bleeding.

“Interesting you’re the first person to remain on your feet, that attack was supposed to take your head off your shoulder” Jayson was surprised.

Fletcher was unable to see clearly how he was attacked, luckily his max health came in handy right now, his wound already stopped bleeding and was healing fast, Fletcher regretted every decision he made today, coming into the enemy lair unarmed and unprepared, was the most foolish thing he ever did in his life.

Fletcher took a fighting stance, he raised his hands to protect his head, ‘he is too quick even for me to catch, but I don’t think he can maintain that ability for long, otherwise, why would he deliver just one hit, when he can hit me as much as he wants, I have a chance if I can prolong the fight, then it will depend on whether he runs out of mana or I run out of health’

Jayson was amused when he saw Fletcher getting into a fighting position, “you are a worthy opponent, unfortunately, you met me” Jayson flashed again.

a cut was left on his chest, luckily he was wearing the armor vest, which stopped Jayson’s dagger from penetrating his flesh.

Jayson was getting impatient this was the second time he failed to kill someone after activating his power, both failures happened on the same day by the same person, and this created a seed of doubt in his heart, ‘could it be I’m unable to kill this man? No, he got lucky he is wearing a vest armor under his shirt, I’ll just switch to attacking a different part of his body.

Jayson readied himself, and launched Four consecutive attacks, leaving Fletcher with wounds all over his body parts.

A few exchanges later.

Both of them were exhausted, Jayson felt that his body was at its limit, if he attempt one more attack he would most likely collapse, As for Fletcher he lost a lot of blood and his body was experiencing serious symptoms of blood loss, but He could see that his opponent is on his last leg as well, which meant he now could use his hidden card to finish the fight, just then when things were about to be decided with a final showdown, Luke came back in the room, alongside dozens of men equipped with bows and crossbows, which tipped the scale of the battle in Jayson favor.

Fletcher knew that he couldn't fight all of them right now unless he had a suicide wish, so without hesitation he used every last drop of strength he had left in his body, to run and jump through the window,

"NO!!! DON'T LET HIM ESCAPE, SHOOT HIM DOWN" Jayson preemptively shouted at his men, as Fletcher was making a Hasty run towards the windows.

Fletcher easily went through the glass, but he felt a few stings in his body before he started falling.

Jayson and Luke heard the loud sound of something hitting the ground, so they ran toward the window, they looked down but they couldn't see anything apart from a blood trail, disappearing into the dark streets.

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