Fletcher (a LitRPG Apocalypse)

Chapter 12: Chapter 12: Recuperation

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"FUCK, he is still alive, how can he survive that Fall?" Jayson exclaimed loudly.

"He's seriously hurt, we can still catch him" Luke logically affirmed to his boss, who seemed overly agitated.

Fletcher had a hard landing, he was a mess right now, he broke his right leg in two places, dislocated both of his hands, and shattered a few ribs, but he was still alive, and on top of that he had a few arrows, lodged in his body, he was barely holding on by sheer will.

'I won't die like this, Just wait, you will all pay for this' Fletcher Continued running staggering around, he looked like a rag doll on strings, with his arms bent the wrong way, and his messed up leg.

Jayson was furious, they have been looking for hours, but the guy disappeared, this could be bad for him, after today's fight, he realized that this man was stronger than the average awakened, which made him fearful that the man he attacked today, was related to the army, that could potentially put him in a lot of trouble.

Fletcher managed to avoid being caught, by hiding underground in the sewers. Found a place to lay low for the time being, he decided to  check his stats


First, he removed all the arrows, luckily none hit a vital place, or penetrated that deeply, after that, he looked at both of his arms bent from the elbows, in the wrong direction, he bit on something and forced his arm using his body weight to relocate them in place.

"HMHHHG!!!" Fletcher howled in pain as he relocated both of his arms, he was sweating bullets and feeling nauseous.

After catching his breath, he looked down at his leg, and flinched, not only was his leg bent in a funny way, the bone was sticking out of one end.

He readied himself, and again forcefully readjusted the bone, this time it wasn't just painful, Fletcher was on the verge of losing consciousness, he felt the world spinning around him, and ended up throwing up all over the floor.

After fashioning a make-shift slate for his leg, he decided to spend the night underground until he recovered, he found a secure place and slept there.

The next morning Fletcher woke up feeling energetic, it seemed like his body was in better condition, although his leg was still recovering, it was clear that if Fletcher can rest for a couple of days it would heal completely, Fletcher got out of the sewers and headed to the place he stashed his belongings at, he got his bag, which contained food, and water, which he urgently needed to replenish his strength, and recover faster.

Three days later.


Fletcher checked his stats and saw that his health was full again, so he removed the slate off of his leg, his leg had healed completely, he jumped around on it, and everything seemed fine, Fletcher was waiting patiently for the past three days, it was finally time to take revenge, Fletcher started stalking the group activity, he set his mind on slowly hunting them down reducing their numbers, he saw a group of 6 people with backpacks, and crossbows leaving the hotel, and he followed them, when the group entered a building to search, they separated to cover more ground, Fletcher was like a trained assassin, relying on his speed and tactics, he made quick work of the group, hunting them one by one, he didn't even break a sweat, and throughout the day, this scene replayed in multiple locations, multiple groups that day faced certain doom, by the end of the day, Fletcher had taken the lives of more than thirty people.

Back at the motel, Luke was anxiously using his radio to contact his guys, but to no avail, all channels remained silent, this couldn't be a coincidence, he knew they were under attack, and his men are probably dead.

Jayson was having the worst day of his life, his men were being killed, and he didn't even know who was responsible or how many? he was it had something to do with the man, he tried to kill a few days ago.

'Is it Jack taking revenge? is that why he's targeting my men instead of facing me, the coward', he didn't even consider the possibility of it being Fletcher, as he believed he was either dead or seriously injured, and it would take him months to recover if he survived the fall.

Fletcher started stalking the group activity, he set his mind on slowly thinning them down, he saw a group of 6 people with backpacks, and crossbows leaving the hotel, and he followed them.

When the group entered a building to search for supplies, they separated to cover more ground, Fletcher started hunting them one by one, he didn't even break a sweat, this was the case for multiple groups that day, and by the end of the day, Fletcher had taken the lives of over thirty people.

Back at the hotel in Jayson's room.

Luke was anxiously using his radio to contact his men, but to no avail, all channels remained silent, this couldn't be a coincidence, he knew they were under attack, and his men are probably dead.

Luke looked at Jayson and shook his head, indicating no response.

Jayson was having the worst day of his life, his men were being killed, and he didn't even know who he was facing or how many? he had a strong suspicion it had something to do with the man he tried to kill a few days ago.

'Is it Jack taking revenge, is that why he's targeting my men instead of facing me, the coward', he didn't even consider the possibility of it being Fletcher, as he believed he was either dead or seriously injured, it would take him months or even a year to recover.

You are reading story Fletcher (a LitRPG Apocalypse) at novel35.com

Earlier that day.

Luke was watching Sara laying in bed peacefully, even though she was an awakened her attributes were just that of a regular female, after receiving a full power kick from Fletcher in a sensitive area, she broke many ribs and suffered serious eternal bleeding, the doctor of the group declared her dead this morning.

"I'm sorry I couldn't protect you" Luke caressed Sara's hair apologetically, he was bowling his eyes out, he blamed himself for her death, and he also regretted not being able to confess his love, Luke and Sara met six months ago in the 12th base, and developed a close friendship, they later joined Jayson's group after Luke convinced her that they should stick together.

Jayson was furious to hear the news of Sara's death, her marksmen's ability with crossbows was a valuable asset, especially in hunting zombies, she could hit a moving target with her eyes closed.

"I can't let this continue any further" Jayson went to his office, and took a painting down from the wall, behind it there was a safe, he opened the safe, inside there were multiple bags of cores, and a satellite phone, Jayson took the phone, after pausing for a while he dialed a number.

'come on pick up pick up' Jayson was anxiously waiting for a reply.

"Hello," a woman's voice sounded from the other side.

"Miss Carter, this is Jayson"

"You're calling me ahead of schedule, you better have a good reason"

"I'm sorry I didn't want to bother you, but it's urgent," Jayson said anxiously.

"Speak, what is it?" the woman said impatiently.

"I'm under attack, a lot of my men have been killed, and I lost one of my awakened, I need help"

"(Complete silence) do you know who is attacking you?"

"We've had a small running with another group, they are most likely the one attacking us"

"Jayson what are you not telling me? I know you are more than capable of handling a small group on your own" the woman said in a serious tone.

"I'm not sure but one of their awakened, when I fought him, he had a bracelet like the one the army awakened wear, he managed to flee before we could kill him"

"Are you fucking kidding me, he might be part of the army and you attacked him, how stupid are you?" the woman lashed out reprimanding Jayson.

"I'm sorry I know I fucked up, but it was an impulse discussion, and I'm not a hundred percent sure he was one of the military dogs, he was weak to be one" added urgently trying to ease her anger.

"Alright, I get it I'll see what I can find out on my end, just don't do anything stupid again" the woman reluctantly gave in and decided to handle this problem herself.

"Yes miss carter, hmm about the help..." Jayson nervously said.

"I'll send a squad to help you settle this, but you will have to pay for their services, and you will have to pay me a visit next time you come to the base," the woman said with a threatening tone in the last sentence.

"(Gulp)" Jayson nervously responded "yes, of course, miss Carter"

Jayson put the phone back into the safe, he could now relax a little bit, all he needed to do is stay inside the hotel, and wait for the backup to arrive.

In the 12th base, at a secret facility, a woman in a lab coat put the phone down, she walked through multiple high-security doors, and finally, she reached what looks like a cafeteria, there were numerous people in strange black suits, having a meal when the woman walked in everyone stopped and looked at her direction.

"Team 3, get ready you have a mission," the woman said in a commanding voice, Five people stood up simultaneously.

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