Flip The Script

Chapter 2: Ch 002

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The beeping sound was getting annoying.


Toshi felt like he was trying to move through wet cement. He struggled to open his eyes, but it felt like they were glued shut. With supreme effort, he eventually felt the crust break as he forced one open. He was apparently in a hospital room. In the far corner was an oversized chair. In it rested a sleeping man in his late thirties. Next to him and leaning into him was a girl. She was maybe seventeen and had a strong family resemblance to the man she was sleeping on. He had his arm around her protectively. Toshi's eye scanned the rest of the room passing over a machine that went 'ping' and focusing on a woman sitting next to his bed. Her face was cradled in her arms. She was fast asleep, resting on Toshi's leg.


Toshi tried to speak, but couldn't because of the ventilator. He reflexively tried to take in a breath, but couldn't fight the machine. He started to panic. As the adrenalin kicked in, he sluggishly dragged his hand up to his mouth, grabbed the ventilator, and YANKED. The first to wake up was the woman. She jolted to consciousness and blinked rapidly as she rubbed her face. She initially looked over in the corner to the man and girl sleeping in the chair. Toshi could now see the woman. It was obvious that she was the mother of the girl. She looked sad as she realized where she was, glanced at Toshi, then snapped her head around in a double take. Her eyes grew wide as dinner plates. Toshi started coughing while ripping the feeding tube out of his nose.


There was only a slight stirring over in the chair until the woman yelled, "HIRO! HINA! WAKE UP!" Then she jumped up and ran to the exit and screamed into the hallway, "NURSE! HE'S AWAKE!" The man jumped at his name being called and shook his head to clear it. He looked like he hadn't seen a shower or a proper bed for a few days now. The girl jolted awake as well, but she had the presence of mind to leap out of the chair and rush to the bedside, "Toshi?" She asked while he coughed and sputtered. The mother returned, standing on the other side of the bed. She grabbed his hand, "Toshi! Listen to my voice! Stay with us!"


Toshi tried to talk but ripping out the life support did a number on his throat and all he could do was cough and take deep gasping breaths. The father seemed to go into a blind panic, "Oh God! Oh God! He can't breathe! He ripped out the breathing thingie! Oh God!" He seemed on the verge of tears. The mother looked over at the man, "Calm down." She looked back at Toshi, reaching out to pry open one of his eyes to get a better look at his pupil, "This is perfectly normal." The girl smacked at the mother's hand, "Stop That!" She turned back to Toshi, "Just keep breathing. Okay? You stopped before and I really don't want to see that again." She grinned in an attempt to make it seem like everything was fine.


Toshi's coughing slowed as his throat slowly stopped burning. He was finally about to speak just as when a man wearing nurse scrubs came in, "Please! Other people are trying to sleep! Use the nurse call-" The father leaped across the room and grabbed the nurse by the collar, "My son was listed as brain dead in a coma! I was told he'd never wake up again and you are telling me to worry about people sleeping???" The mother rolled her eyes, "Kimoto Hirofumi!" The father turned to look at his wife. She looked back, "Calm. DOWN." He let go of the nurse while mumbling an apology.


Toshi let out one last cough then took a deep breath, "Damn..." He looked up at the father, "Sorry to hear about your loss." Everyone in the room stopped and stared at Toshi.


"I hope your son gets better."

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