Flip The Script

Chapter 82: Book 2 – Chapter 11

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Toshi had spent the majority of the school day being interrogated by his male friends.


They all wanted to know about Madoka and what she was like and was she the princess charming everyone said she was and where did you go and what did you do and are going to go on another date and isn't her eyes just oh-so-dreamy. This was the sort of reaction that Toshi had to deal with for the majority of Monday. Toshi wasn't the type to talk about this sort of thing, so he was super evasive, which only made everyone more curious.


To Toshi, it felt like an interrogation.


Toshi was always of the opinion that a relationship was special and not something you should discuss with others. Who would trust you if you blabbed someone's personal life, no matter how trivial, to everyone you knew? But the way every boy acted, it was like Toshi had a DUTY to talk about everything. This made him think about the few dates he'd gone on in his old life. At one point he had tried to ask out the woman that was his counterpart's ex-wife. Well, his version of her. He actually had managed to secure a date from her, but she canceled it at the last minute. He never understood why she suddenly went all cold, when originally she seemed to be looking forward to the date. In retrospect, Toshi most likely dodged a bullet, but now he was wondering if there was a "whisper network" among women in his old world and that was the reason why it fell through. Here, if the girls gossip like guys, they wouldn't have much to say about this universe's version of him. That'd explain why those two wound up together where as he never got a foot in the door.


In the absence of information, the whisper network will expand to fill all available bandwidth. Because Toshi wasn't complaining about Madoka, everyone assumed they hit it off wonderfully. You don't keep your mouth shut about your date with a girl, unless it went very well and you like them. You talk about the dates that sucked, and keep your mouth shut about the girls you like. Since Toshi was tight lipped, it MUST be serious. Not that Toshi understood this. If he did, he would have put forth more effort to control the rumor mill.


This was not a skill in his tool box.


As Toshi was hanging out with his friends at the end of the day, waiting for his sister to show up. A large crowd of kids usually milled about in the courtyard in front of the school at the end of the day. The 'cool' kids got to stand on the stairs in order of social standing, Toshi and his crew, of course, occupied the top of the stairs on the freshman side. Toshi was trying to figure out some way to get free and talk to Naora. He was typing and re-typing a text to her while Kenko was rambling about how concerned he was that Kingo had gone home sick. Kenko remarked that obviously Kingo was being some sort of drama king over Toshi's date when Kenko abruptly hit Toshi in the shoulder. Toshi looked up while Kenko pointed into the crowd near the street.


A boy about the same age as Toshi was talking to someone. That kid was nodding and pointing at Toshi and obviously explaining something. The new boy had hair that was strategically unkempt. He was about Toshi's height, on the lean side, but also had the shoulders of someone who worked out. Not to the point of being obnoxious, but he was definitely concerned with keeping his body fat percentage as low as possible. He was wearing the uniform of a different school. It took a moment to remember which school.


It was the same uniform the boys wore at Ichikawa's school.


The new boy looked up and pointed while talking to the other kid. The other kid shook his head and gestured over one. The new boy bowed in thanks then came running over, taking two steps at a time. Kenko stepped forward, eyeing the new arrival with suspicion, "Toshi... do you know this slut?" Toshi did a double take, "What?" Kenko looked over his shoulder at Toshi and he kept his voice low, "Well, he certainly LOOKS like a slut." Toshi's jaw hung open, but he never got a chance to respond before the new boy came bounding up the stairs.


Looking at the new boy up close, Toshi was starting to catch on. The new boy didn't wear any make up. He was physically fit and made no effort to soften his appearance. If anything, he tried hard to emphasize his masculinity. It wasn't until Toshi had an example right in front of him that the contrast became apparent. All the boys Toshi knew tended to have a bit of reluctance about them. They tended to act in groups and were very agreeable. They lacked aggression and avoided confrontation. This kid was the exact opposite; confident, straight forward, sharp lines and hard edges.


Exactly the sort of thing you got slut shamed for.


The boy grinned like he had just won the lottery, "Hey! I'm looking for someone called Toshi? I know him through a mutual friend, Ichikawa?" He looked around the small group of boys, but his eyes lingered on Toshi. The boys were like a bunch of cats with their backs arched. They weren't actually hissing, but Toshi could tell by the cold stares that they might as well been. Toshi wasn't quite sure how to handle this, ~If this is who I think it is... Ah well.~ He smiled brightly and tried to look as clueless as possible. It would make it easier to make excuses later to Kenko, "That'd be me. Who are-"


The boy abruptly hugged him.


Kenko and friends just gasped in shock. Toshi was taken off guard as well. However, Toshi noticed the hug was only with one arm. It lasted exactly three seconds before the boy gave Toshi a pat on the back and pulled away, "Sorry. It's just..." He had an expression like he was rather worn down. It was like he'd been keeping up appearances for a long time and now, finally, he could relax and let his guard down. Toshi new the expression well. He'd seen that look in the mirror a few times.


But only while he was alone.


The new boy ran his hand through his hair in a nervous gesture, "I know we just met but... you have no idea-" He cut himself off with a snort, "Actually, I take that back. You might be the ONLY guy on the planet who knows." Toshi tilted his head to the side, "I... uh... get it. But... Can I ask who you are?" Kenko stepped closer with his metaphorical hackles raised, "That's what I'd like to know." The boy looked at Kenko and stepped back to a proper social distance, "Ah. Sorry." He bowed to the crowd, "Urisugi Haruo. Please take care of me." Kenko crossed his arms as he narrowed his eyes suspiciously at Haruo, "And what brings you by?" Haruo straightened up, "Oh. Uh..." He looked like he hadn't been prepared to answer this sort of question. He seemed to get inspired, "Well... I suppose it's up to, Toshi." He looked at Toshi, "You mind?" Toshi shrugged, "Go ahead."


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Haruo smiled at Kenko, "We're in the same support group." Kenko blinked, "Huh?" Kenko pointed at Toshi, "We're both recovered from the same disease. Well, condition. It seems to be some sort of poisoning or allergic reaction, not something that is contagious, mind you." He tapped the side of his head, "Yer neurons get a little screwed up when you recover." He hooked a thumb over his shoulder, "Ichikawa is in the support group as well." He looked at Toshi, "When she told me about you, I just had to come over and meet you because..." He let out a long sigh, "You have no idea how long I've wanted to talk to someone normal."


Kenko looked from Toshi to Haruo, "Normal?" Haruo quickly back peddled, "Well, by uh... normal I mean... someone who thinks..." He scratched the back of his head, "Normal in the way that-" Toshi cut him off, "I get it." He looked at Kenko, "You know how I keep getting things backwards?" Kenko blinked at Toshi, "Wait. There's other people like you?" He looked at Haruo, "You lost your memory as well?" Haruo looked puzzled, "Uhhh... no. He turned to Toshi looking concerned, "You lost your memory?" He paused before adding, "When it happened?"


Toshi forced a smile and inwardly wished Haruo would keep his mouth shut, "I don't know if Ichikawa explained it, but I had a much worse reaction to the drug then either of you. If it was the drug. Maybe it was contaminated with... whatever. Either way, Spent three days in a coma and woke up with huge gaps in my memory." Haruo looked rather surprised, "Uh... no. She failed to mention that. Wow." His attitude became much more subdued, "I am so sorry. I just felt like crud for a week and had a fever. That's it." Kenko nodded, "Yeah. He keeps getting things screwed up. Street names, historical events. It's all jumbled up in there." He hooked a thumb at Toshi's head.


Toshi turned to  Kenko, "Look. I want to talk with Haruo here in private for a bit. If my sister come out, just ask her to wait." Kenko looked like he wanted to say no, but checked himself and just nodded, "Alright." Toshi started off to a clear spot in the courtyard to lead Haruo to so they could speak in relative privacy. Before Toshi could say anything, Haruo started speaking in a conspiratorial whisper, "Did you really lose your memory?"


Toshi leaned in closer, "Less than I let on, but yes, huge chunks of it. Not everything, mind you." Haruo looked concerned, "Damn. Sorry man. Look, let's exchange phone information and set up a time to talk. We need to compare notes." He paused, "Not the mention the fact I want to talk to a normal guy for a change. Wait." He narrowed a look at Toshi, "Yer not... light in the loafers?" Toshi furrowed his eyebrows for a moment, then figured it out, "No." He looked annoyed at the very question. Haruo let out a sigh of relief, "Oh thank god. That would have sucked. To finally have a guy from my universe but for him to turn out to be gay. That's would have been more than I could take." He took out his phone.


Toshi looked puzzled for a bit, then got out his phone as he commented, "Not gay, but I don't have a problem with gay men. Friend of mine might be, so I hope-" Haruo cut him off, "Oh. No no no. I don't have a problem, I just... can't talk to Ichikawa." He refocused on his phone as he fiddled with it, "Don't have anyone to talk to, really. Nobody I can trust, at least, and she hates me because her counterpart jumped my bones."


After they exchanged contact info, Haruo glanced around, "Hey. Speaking of..." He leaned in close, "So what's your body count?" Toshi blinked, "Huh?" Haruo glanced around, "Uh. DUH. We're in paradise? The land of horny women? I was just wondering how many you've had." Toshi glared at Haruo, but then glanced away, "Uh... one. It's a serious thing." Haruo blinked, "Oh? Huh. Wow. Good for you." He lightly hit Toshi in the shoulder, "I'm up to four. Two regulars and two that..." He paused, "Way too impulsive. I just saw them there and thought to myself, 'I bet I could bang them'." He shook his head, "Not a smart move." He nodded, "It's easy to get out of control."


Toshi looked at Haruo with more than a bit of contempt, but the feeling almost immediately disappeared, ~This kid is ACTUALLY sixteen. I'm over thirty and PRETENDING to be sixteen. Of course he's going to make mistakes like that. Damn. I need to help him get himself under control before he winds up completely screwing up his life.~ He looked away, then back at Haruo, "This isn't the place to talk about it, but, yeah. It's easy to get out of control."


"What is easy to get out of control?"


Toshi and Haruo looked up to see Toshi's Sister. Hinako had snuck up on the both of them and was looking from one to the other in that over-protective, suspicious manner that Hinako always had when it came to her brother and strangers. Haruo smiled mischievously, "Our hearts. It is so easy to fall in love with a beautiful girl like you." Hinako blinked and backed up a step, "What?" Toshi was taken off guard and as such said nothing. Haruo ignored Toshi and focused on Hinako, "So tell me, did it hurt?"


Hinako looked askance at Haruo, "Did what hurt?" He slid up closer to her, "When you fell from heaven, you angel." He waggled his eyebrows and gave her a devilish grin. Hinako blushed and turned a bright shade of red, immediately. She tried to cover for her reaction with a light, yet forced laugh, as she tried to collect her thoughts. Toshi, didn't need to collect his thoughts. Toshi pointedly got in between the two and glared at Haruo, "This is my SISTER."


Haruo backed up a step and held up his hands in a defensive manner, "Whoa. Sorry. Thought she was just a friend of yours. Your sister was supposed to wait for you." He glanced at Hinako then back to Toshi, "I feel so sorry for you." He lowered his head to let his hair fall over one eye before looking up at her, "To never be able to take someone as lovely as this out on a date? Life is just too cruel." Toshi's face turned stone cold, "Look-"


Haruo cut him off with a laugh, "Oh, C'mon! I get it. Sister is a no go. Wouldn't dream of it." He looked at Hinako and blatantly looked her up and down while letting out a long, disappointed sigh. Hinako stammered as she found herself unable to respond, not quite sure how to respond. Toshi narrowed his eyes and glared. Haruo noticed this and replied, "Hey. Seriously. I get it." He held up his hands in a gesture of surrender, "She sister. No touchy." Toshi held up a finger, "No Lookie, either." Haruo nodded, "No lookie, no touchy, no problem."


Haruo started to walk backwards away from the two, "Look. I got to go." He pointed at Toshi, "Looking forward to later." He pointed two finger guns at Hinako, "Alas... What could have been." He sniffed, pretended to wipe a tear from the corner of his eye, then turned and started walking swiftly away.


Toshi just stared at Haruo as he left, a bit too boggled to speak. Hinako finally composed herself, "Who the fuck was that?" Toshi cleared his throat, "Well... he's in my support group." She turned to Toshi with a surprised expression, "How long have you been in a support group?" Toshi took a deep breath and let it out slowly before replying with a question of his own.





"What time is it?"

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