Flying Dust

Chapter 10: CH 10

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Flying Dust [Fei Chen]

Chapter 10

Before going to sleep at night, Mo Fei Chen pestered He Yunfeng and said, “Shi Fu! Do you have any more interesting games?”

“I have it. Would you like to play then?”

“Of course, I would like to!”

“It’s good then,” He Yunfeng said as he clasped his fingers around Mo Fei Chen’s wrist, “I will let a small amount of my true qi enter your meridians. All you have to do is let your true qi wander around your meridians. However, once my true qi is wrapped around yours, you will lose.”

“Fine!” Mo Fei Chen crossed his legs and solidified his body’s true qi into a stream. The first time he played, his Qi was tied up before he could even make several moves.

“Shi Fu, can’t you just let me win? What’s the point of getting caught just only after a few moves…?”

“Then you should run faster ah!” He Yunfeng said this as he laughed. Mo Fei Chen was really angry when he laughed at him like this.

“Run faster then, just run faster!”

The second time, only after at least thirty times below, Mo Fei Chen was caught up by his opponent’s real Qi.

“Are you tired? Do you want to go to sleep?”

“Definitely not!” After the third and fourth time, Mo Fei Chen realized that the game was really exhausting and he fell down with his clothes, “This time… I really need to sleep… I’ll play again tomorrow…”

He Yunfeng moved the hair on his cheek to behind his ear, reached out and took him into his arms and covered him with the quilt.

Four months later, when Mo Fei Chen went to the kitchen to ask for food again, he passed by the terrace and saw some Shi Xiong practising their swords.For some reason, he could sense something wrong in the movements of each of them. He could even sense how their enemy would use their moves to subdue them.

“Hey, Mo Shi Di!” One of the Shi Xiong saw and called out to him. It was exactly Li Du.

“Hey, Li Shi Xiong, have you recovered?” Mo Fei Chen still had a favourable impression for Li Du. After all, this guy had saved him before from the poisonous snake.

“I have already recovered quite a long time ago!” Li Du patted him on the shoulder, “You’ve spent so many days with Shi Zu, have your skills improved?”

Mo Fei Chen smiled, “Shi Zu didn’t teach me anything in particular. It’s just some fun stuff. But I think that…”

“Just say it!” Li Du was a bighearted person.

Mo Fei Chen just said what he wanted to say directly. After all, he had promised his fellow senior martial brothers that he would not hide what he had learned from He Yunfeng.

Li Du and the others first frowned, before then they nodded slightly and even invited Mo Fei Chen to try a few moves with them.

Mo Fei Chen was unable to reject them, so he took the sword from one of his Shi Xiong. But when the sword was in his hand, it unexpectedly felt different from before, it had no weight! In just a few moves, Li Du lost.

This made Mo Fei Chen dumbfounded and amazed in his heart. The other Shi Xiong also seemed displeased. After all, in their eyes, he was teached and guided by He Yunfeng. He simply was the lucky bastard, “Li Shi Xiong… are you alright…?”

“It’s alright, it’s okay!” Li Du smiled instead of being angry as he stood firm, “Mo Shi Di, the time when you don’t have to serve Shi Zu, then come and exchange some moves with us, so we can also widen the knowledge and gain the experience.”

Mo Fei Chen nodded his head, “I didn’t mean to win against you…”

“I know.” Li Du turned to his head and said to his fellow senior and junior martial brothers, “In fact, it seems that our Shi Zu wants to live in seclusion, so if we want to get his guidance, I’m afraid we can’t. Since Mo Shi Di doesn’t mind revealing a bit of what he has learned to us, he is already very generous, so we must not make wild guesses or be jealous.”

As soon as Li Du said this, some of Shi Xiong who were not looking good, nodded their heads in agreement, with a bit of remorse in their eyes for their jealousy.

“Then Fei Chen had to leave now. I still have to go to the kitchen and bring some food to Shi Zu. Don’t worry, I am also a disciple of Kun Yun Mountain Manor so I won’t just hide what Shi Zu has taught me in my heart.”

After another two months, Mo Fei Chen’s real Qi was able to go around his body for two days without being stopped by He Yunfeng. He then suggested that he would release two streams of Qi, which made it very difficult for Mo Fei Chen to dodge, and sometimes he was so tired after just one round that he wanted to sleep.

When summer came, although the mountain valley was still foggy all around, the water in the pool was no longer cold like the ice. Mo Fei Chen would often jump into it to bathe and catch the fish. He was so happy.

Occasionally, he remembered how He Yunfeng looked when he was using his sword Qi and he would also try to hit the fish inside the pool by putting his true Qi into his fingertips, but unfortunately, every time, the Qi could not leave his body when it was put into his fingertips.

Mo Fei Chen smiled drily. If his real Qi could really go out, he would have already mastered the invisible sword Qi and formed the sword Qi by then.

Gradually, when playing with Mo Fei Chen, He Yunfeng no longer released only two strands of Qi, but sometimes three or four. Mo Fei Chen was actually also able to disperse his real Qi and hide it in all of his limbs and bones.

Soon, Mo Fei Chen turned 16 years old. His birthday was decided on the day when he was brought up to the mountain.

“Shi Fu, I seem to grow taller!”

“That’s natural.” He Yunfeng was making the tea at the moment. Mo Fei Chen loved the way he made tea, as if the teapot and the water were his sword, “When I first met you, you just reached my chest, but now you’ve grown taller and reached my nose.”

“He he, so now I’m going to wear short trousers again.”

He Yunfeng stood up and took two sets of clothes out of the cupboard, “These are my old clothes. You should be able to wear it.”

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“Really? I’ll try and put it on” Mo Fei Chen held the clothes and smelled it, “It smells really good, Shi Fu’s smell.”

“Oh? What do I smell like?”

“It’s the smell that makes me feel at ease.”

Mo Fei Chen said this as he took off his upper outer garment and put on the beige clothes and tied the belt. He really did have a look of an elegant young master.

He Yunfeng put down the teapot and looked at him for a moment before saying, “It fits you well.”

“Hn, en!” Mo Fei Chen folded up that old garment.

“That clothes is already very old, why do you still keep it?”

“As a memento ah, maybe there will be a new disciple on the mountain manor, so I can give it to the new Shi Di to wear.” Mo Fei Chen turned the old clothes over but he didn’t see He Yunfeng’s fingers shaking as he held the teapot.

He saw the character “Yu” (于) embroidered on it.

“Shi Fu, Li Shi Xiong and the others Shi Xiong want to invite me outside the mountain manor for a meal, it could be counted as to celebrate my birthday. I’ll be back in the evening. Is that okay?”

“Hn.” He Yunfeng took a sip of his tea and said nothing more.

Mo Fei Chen called out to him, “Shi Fu, see you later at night.” He then ran out with that blue garment in his hand.

He Yunfeng hung his head and slowly wrote the two words ‘Fei Chen’ on the table using his finger dipped in tea and said softly, “You told me to stop being sad for Luo Lianyun, but you yourself refuse to let go of your Yu Shi Xiong…”

Li Du and his other senior martial brothers were very loyal. Not only did they order some of Mo Fei Chen’s favourite dishes at a tavern in the town but when they finished eating, they also acted mysteriously and said that they had a very important program prepared for him.

As Li Du walked, he also said in a serious and earnest way, “Shi Di, you are already 16 years old. You should already understand and know a lot of things.”

What’s there to understand? I know I’m fond of eating and lazy… But I’ve been working a lot harder lately, haven’t I?

He still thought Li Du and the other Shi Xiong were talking about something else. However, actually these group of senior martial brothers of his took Mo Fei Chen to the only brothel in the town.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly as Li Du and the others added,”Shi Di, it’s time for you to experience something new (sexual)!”

I’ve lived two lifetimes and I am confident that I definitely ‘know better’ than you guys in this matter…

The procuress welcomed them in with a flamboyant flourish. Li Du put his hand on Mo Fei Chen’s ear and said, “Shi Di, actually we don’t have much money, so we can’t afford to pay for the famous courtesan. But this girl used to be famous in town for some time. Although she is older than you, she is very experienced. Definitely, it won’t let you down!”

Mo Fei Chen’s heart trembled. His body heated up a little. He was a man too, and it wasn’t as if he had never found a place to shoot a handgun (to masturbate) in secret. This time, he finally had the chance to shoot a real gun. He was still very grateful to Li Du.

Unfortunately, when he entered the room and saw the girl, he lost all interest.

That woman was none other than Chang Yu. Mo Fei Chen was watching from the roof when she and Yu Jin experienced the sexual pleasure. Now five or six years have passed.The girl was not as beautiful and attractive as before. Mo Fei Chen watched her swaying figure as she walked past, and he only felt like sighing.

She reminded him of how many years Yu Jin had gone.

Mo Fei Chen was born good looking, just as He Yunfeng had said before. If his facial features had grown, he would have charmed many girls. However, at this moment, he didn’t want to do anything at all.

After a few glasses of wine, they left the room. Li Du and the other Shi Xiong had gone back early, probably because they wanted to give Mo Fei Chen time to enjoy himself more.

The sky was getting dark when Mo Fei Chen left the brothel’s courtyard, the streets were sparsely populated. It was just like that day six years ago.

Unknowingly, he already passed by the entrance of the residence where those two stone lions were still there.

Mo Fei Chen smiled lightly. He leapt up and sat on it, watching the street vendors and stalls packing up and preparing to go home.

It was exactly here, Yu Jin sat down and watched his back. What did he think of at that time?

The osmanthus cake vendor passing by so

Mo Fei Chen bought several of them. He bought a couple of osmanthus cakes as a birthday cake for himself, wishing himself ‘many happy returns of the day’.1[Both “年年有今日” and “歲歲有今朝” have the meaning of “May you have today’s glory forever.” Usually it’s wished upon people on their birthdays. The contextual meaning is “Although you are getting older as years pass by, I wish that you’ll always have today’s glory. And let today’s good memory always be with you.”]

When he returned back to the Mountain Manor, he saw the light of the hut on the cliff path was still on. He knew that He Yunfeng was waiting for him. Mo Fei-Chen’s heart suddenly trembled and he flew to the hut relying on his Qing Gong.

He Yunfeng was sitting near the table, playing Gobang by himself.

“Shi Fu, I’m back.” Mo Fei Chen put down the osmanthus cake, “I’ve brought you a little treat. You haven’t eaten it for a long time, right?”

He Yunfeng still did not look up.

Mo Fei Chen pursed his lips, “Today, Li Shi Xiong treated me to eat the meal together. The food outside is better than the food in Mountain Manor, such as stuffed tofu ah and white jade shred emerald ah…Shi Fu, talking about it, the cabbage stir fry with asparagus lettuce, it’s just a mixed stew of vegetables at best. Why call it ‘white jade jade shreds’ ah?”

He Yunfeng finally raised his head, his brows knitted together, “What’s that smell on you?”

Mo Fei Chen pulled his cuff up and smelled it, ” It’s probably the smell of the millet wine! Today, I had a couple of drinks with my fellow senior martial brothers.”

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