Flying Dust

Chapter 11: CH 11

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Flying Dust [Fei Chen]

Chapter 11

(Slightly NSFW!!!) 

“I’m not talking about wine.” The tone of He Yunfeng’s voice was heavy. Listening to it, Mo Fei Chen’s heart felt chilly. 

“Then… I’ll go take a bath and change my clothes?”

“No need. Tonight, you can go back and sleep with your fellow senior and junior martial brothers!” He Yunfeng folded the paper on the table and put it on the oil lamp to burn.

Mo Fei Chen really couldn’t figure out what he was thinking about. However, if it was something that he couldn’t think through, he always simply did not think about it, “Really? Then I can go back there to sleep, moreover I can talk and chat with my Shi Xiong and Shi Di.”

He Yunfeng’s expression didn’t change, he just said “Hn” as he untied his outer clothing and then sat down on the edge of the bed. 

Mo Fei Chen went back to the room where the young disciples had slept together, but unfortunately his share of space had long since disappeared. But everyone was so enthusiastic when they saw him coming that they managed to squeeze him out of a spot.

“Mo Shi Xiong, do you simply come back to chat with us or have you been driven out by Shi Zu?” One of the younger Shi Di asked.

“Do you still need to say it? Of course this monkey annoyed Shi Zu and was kicked back here!” Another Shi Xiong laughed as he said this. 

“Yes, yes.” Mo Fei Chen deliberately put on a pathetic look, “Shi Zu dislikes me for not taking a bath and smells bad, so he kicked me out.”

“Do you really smell that bad?” That previous Shi Di moved closer, “No, Mo Shi Xiong smells…smells fragrant…”

“You’re lying right? This monkey, besides smelling like a foul monkey, still can smell fragrant?” That Senior martial brother also climbed over and smelled it, “You this kid 1[好小子  : lit. Good boy here meant in sarcastic way so he didn’t really praise him] Where did you go this afternoon? It smells like rouge!”

Mo Fei Chen was dumbfounded, only then he realized that what He Yunfeng was talking about was probably the smell he had picked up while sitting next to Chang Yu while she was pouring the wine for him… Then this woman’s fragrance does not count as an unpleasant smell right? Perhaps, our Shi Zu has long been accustomed to the smell of women such as Luo Lianyun who didn’t need to put on cosmetics, so these kinds of vulgar powders couldn’t be received by his …nose.

Mo Fei Chen kept thinking about it until he fell asleep.

Within the time when he was in a daze, someone tapped him. Mo Fei Chen thought that he was occupying too much space so his Shi Di next to him had an objection so he didn’t open his eyes and squeezed to the other side, who would have thought that he would be tapped again.

Really, If one day I become the Manor Leader of Kun Yun ShanZhuang, the first thing I will do is to reform the dormitory system! What’s the point of sleeping in a bunk bed? I need to achieve the moment where everyone has his own bed to sleep in!

He opened his eyes in a daze, only to see a figure in a long white garment standing at the foot of the bed.

“Whoa——ghost——!” He was frightened to the point he immediately sat down and the other Shi Xiong and Shi Di got up one after another at this. 

That was not a ghost figure, but He Yunfeng. 

“Come back with me to sleep!” He Yunfeng’s voice tone was indifferent that Mo Fei Chen was frozen in place, unable to distinguish his happiness, anger, grief and joy. 

After the other senior and junior martial brothers saw who was coming, they were all frozen in the place. Some of them, whose response was very fast, directly kneel on the bed and say something like,”Wish Shi Zu good health!”.2[Pay respect to Shi Zu/ Greeting to Shi Zu!]

Oh my, what’s the point of asking for peace3[请安: Lit. Wish for or ask for peace/safety/ good health. It’s used for greeting, to pay respects to sb.; wish sb. good health] in the middle of the night when it’s dark (moonless) and windy?

“Go…go back? I haven’t taken a bath yet…”

“You’re crowding in here, how are the other disciples going to sleep?” After saying that, He Yunfeng pulled him off from the bed by his calf, “Let’s go!”

Mo Fei Chen hurriedly put on his outer garment and went back to the hut amidst the look of his fellow senior and junior martial brothers. 

He Yunfeng put out the light and got into the bed, patted the vacant seat and said, “Why are you still standing there?”

Mo Fei Chen suddenly didn’t know whether he should lie down or not. He just stammered in his words as he said, “Shi Fu… today I went to a brothel.”


“But I only drank some wine, I didn’t go whor…” Mo Fei Chen swallowed his saliva.

There was no light in the room, therefore he could not see He Yunfeng’s expression clearly.

“If you didn’t go whoring, then what did you do by going there?”

Mo Fei Chen was dumbfounded, he never thought he would hear the word “whoring” from He Yunfeng’s mouth.

“I… at first, I wanted to go whoring. My fellow senior martial brothers said that since I am already 16 years old, I couldn’t stay as a chicken without sexual life. But that girl was too old and one in a million, she can’t even be compared to you Shi Fu, that’s why I came back early.”

From the darkness came He Yunfeng’s muffled laugh, “So you mean that you want to come back and whore me?”

“No, no, no! This disciple wouldn’t dare!”

Mo Fei Chen stammered for the first time in front of He Yunfeng. But then, once again, He Yunfeng patted the unoccupied space beside him and called him over. Mo Fei Chen stiffened up and lay down on the bed.

“Oh that’s right, I, He Yunfeng is already old too, I am afraid that young master Mo will lose his appetite when he sees me.”

“No, it won’t! Shi Fu, how can you be old?”

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“So when you see me, you have an appetite (suit your taste) lo!” He Yunfeng’s last syllable tone was dragged very long. Mo Fei Chen really wanted to bite off his own tongue, he was wrong no matter what he said!

“Shi Fu…”

Suddenly, He Yunfeng turned over, on top of Mo Fei Chen’s body as he covered him. His face was so close that, upon closer inspection, his eyelashes could be distinguished one by one. 

“That’s also right, you’re already sixteen years old and Shi Fu didn’t send you anything.”

“He he….” Mo Fei Chen froze in place, even more afraid to move, “How is it possible that this disciple dares to ask Shi Fu to give me something…?” 

“I really don’t have anything to give you either but I can still serve you a little.”

Mo Fei Chen waved his hand, gesture in disapproval but he could not move when he was pressed, “Shi Fu, please don’t tease me! If you come to serve me then I must go to the 18th level of hell…”

The next moment, He Yunfeng took his lips and the tip of his tongue explored inside, tactfully moved around, Mo Fei Chen’s brain was suddenly in complete blank.

This…what kind of drama is this? 

The hand of He Yunfeng slowly slipped along his waist and even entered his trousers.

“Uh…” Mo Fei Chen tried to grab his hand, but his opponent directly held him in place with a kiss. 

The mountain breeze from outside the house was blowing against the straw curtains hanging on the windows, slapping the edges of the windowsill one after the other, mingling with Mo Fei Chen’s struggling breath which was extraordinarily ambiguous.

The starlight appeared indistinctly, Mo Fei Chen saw He Yunfeng’s closed eyes,…

“Shi Fu…I… I don’t need you to serve me. I can handle it myself…”

With great difficulty, He Yunfeng finally left his lips, however he took his chin instead. Compared to his gentle conduct earlier, at this moment suddenly he used a lot of strength on it, as if he wanted to swallow and possess the entire Mo Fei Chen. 

The heat in his entire body instantly rushed over, Mo Fei Chen could not help but raise his chin, “Shi Fu… Shi Fu no need…”

Mo Fei Chen widened his eyes and even his breathing stopped where it was, but he didn’t want his private part to be held so firmly as if something wanted to come out but it couldn’t.

He Yunfeng’s kiss went all the way down. Mo Fei Chen gasped in fright and felt like he was about to cry.

“Shi Fu… Shi Fu, don’t grab it anymore…!”

He Yunfeng ignored him…

Unable to release, Mo Fei Chen was so uncomfortable that he began to move around and struggle, trying to press He Yunfeng down with both of his legs, off of his body…This was simply a double torture, making him want to find a piece of tofu and crash himself to death.

“Please I beg you… Shi Fu….” Mo Fei Chen grunted intermittently, “You let go of your hand… let go of your hand…!”

He Yunfeng suddenly propped himself up and resolutely kissed Mo Fei Chen again on the lips, releasing his grip on Mo Fei Chen’s. 

A hot stream of liquid gushed out and Mo Fei Chen’s brain suddenly became blank and muddled.

Before he could react, Mo Fei Chen’s wrist was grabbed by He Yunfeng and reached for the lower part of his body.

The moment Mo Fei Chen’s fingers came in contact with something (burning) hot, Mo Fei Chen was so shocked that when he tried to retract his hand, He Yunfeng pressed his hand firmly on it…. He Yunfeng was buried in Mo Fei Chen’s neck, panting, and Mo Fei Chen stared blankly at the top of the hut. Besides the burning sensation of his palm being forced to move, other than that he felt nothing at all.

It was only until the force from He Yunfeng’s body fell on Mo Fei Chen’s body that…only then he said in a daze, “Shi Fu… are we considered to be… go astray from the right way?4[离经叛道 depart from the classics and rebel against orthodoxy; wander (or go astray) from the right way (or established practices)] Against the morals?”

He Yunfeng laughed, his chest moving up and down, Mo Fei Chen could feel it very clearly.

His voice was a little hoarse, it was somehow sexy, “What is the scripture, what is The way (Tao)? What is morality? It’s just a matter of following the majority view. If you feel in your heart that you have a clear conscience then you can. Moreover….Mo Fei Chen, you are telling me that departing from the scripture and rebelling against orthodoxy is going against normal human relationships, do you want to make everyone at Kun Yun Mountain Manor laugh to the point that their front teeth fall off?”

Mo Fei Chen swallowed his saliva and said in a very admiring tone, “As expected of Shi Fu, your words sound reasonable.”

“Then do you feel comfortable with this Shi Fu serving you?” He Yunfeng propped up his upper body and his hair fell on Mo Fei Chen’s ears, leaving behind the unique and charming feeling to it. Mo Fei Chen looked at this and his heart couldn’t help but flutter again.

“Comfortable, but you should not keep grabbing me and not let me release…. Holding it for too long, it’s not good for one’s health!”

He Yunfeng made a ‘Humph!’ sound but there was no anger in his voice. He pulled the quilt and covered both of them with it. He turned to the other side and said gently, “Then go to sleep ba! Next time, don’t go to a brothel, that kind of place anymore!”

Mo Fei Chen blinked, so after messing up and making a scene for half of the day, the reason He Yunfeng was so angry with himself was because he had gone to ‘that kind of place’.

He cautiously turned to another side, He Yunfeng also followed suit and turned to his side. One of his hands was wrapped around him and his breath sprayed on the back of his neck. Mo Fei Chen looked at the row of butterflies and grasshoppers made of green leaves on the window, and suddenly his eyes turned sour.5[turned sour: feel a tingling in one’s eyes or nose when about to break down and weep. ]

Everyone thought that he, Mo Fei Chen, was just a lazy person who was fond of eating and seemed to think about nothing, but in fact he thought about a lot of things, however the things he thought about were the things that a lot of people don’t think about.

For example…

Shi Fu, the reason you keep me by your side is because Luo Lianyun is no longer here. Therefore, you just want to have another person accompany you and live with you in this hut right?

Mo Fei Chen’s way of thinking came in fast and also went very quickly. 

The hanging straw curtain rippled a few times, causing Mo Fei Chen’s eyes to have a blurred vision and he quickly fell into a dreamland. 

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