Flying Dust

Chapter 24: CH 23

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Flying Dust [Fei Chen]

Chapter 23

Mo Fei Chen was happy in his heart when he ran to the corner (junction of two walls) of the ancestral hall alone, carrying his sword. You, these guy are eating and drinking so happily, don’t you guys want to pee?

Taking advantage of the time when that person let the water out, Mo Fei Chen stopped him by tapping his acupuncture points, taking him to the small forest outside the ancestral hall.

Mo Fei Chen stretched out his hand to grab his chin and took out the poison capsule he had set on his teeth, “You want to die? It’s not that easy!”

“What do you want?!” The man looked depressed. He had never imagined that even taking a piss could cause such big trouble.

“Let me ask you, where is your sect protector, Yu Jin?”

That person still looked like an unyielding person (hard to persuade) as he turned his head away, ignoring Mo Fei Chen.

“Didn’t want to tell me? Never mind, I recently just learned a new move called ‘A Thousand Slashes1[千刀万剐 idiom: [often as a curse] be hacked to pieces; be made mincemeat of sb]‘, which involves cutting the person’s body slice by slice with a sword along with your skin. Each slash is as thin as the cicada’s wing…”

That person laughed sarcastically, “If you were that good at swordsmanship, you wouldn’t need to ‘imitate the dog and steal chicken’ 2[偷鸡摸狗 : ‘imitate the dog and steal chicken’ idiom for doing it secretly]and kidnap me!”

Mo Fei Chen looked at his stubborn appearance, the bad intentions in his stomach turned around in a circle, imitating Jun Wushuang’s evil smile as his fingertips took the other party’s chin as he lengthen the last syllable of his sentence, “Actually, I like this stubborn type of you, it’s more interesting and exciting when I do it.”

“What…do you mean …?”

“Oh yeah, recently I fell for your guy’s protector Yu jin, that good looking appearance and that great body, but in the end, without good reason he insists on dumping me.” Mo Fei Chen pretended to be ‘what a pity’ but inside his heart, he almost vomited out the chinese water chestnut cake that he had eaten in Mu Yun Mountain Manor before, “But ‘using’ you to have fun and enjoy it to my heart’s content is also not bad.”

That disciple saw that Mo Fei Chen was about to untie his trousers, so he was scared and about to scream, but Mo Fei Chen tapped his mute acupuncture point and took off his trousers, revealing his two bare legs, “I’ll give you one more chance to answer my question, if you continue to be so stubborn with me, do not blame ms for being a beast. If you scream, I’ll cut off your neck, boil you up, and then…”

That man’s teeth chattered in fear and he nodded repeatedly.

Mo Fei Chen unlocked his mute acupuncture point and said with a stern face, “Where is Yu Jin?”

“Protector Yu…is being punished at the branch altar in Qiu City. It seems that he has done something wrong…”

“What kind of punishment did he get?”

“I don’t know, I really don’t know… Surely, it won’t take his life…”

“Hn, then what are you guys, these Jing Shui Sect’s disciples doing here in this village instead of staying in your base?” Mo Fei Chen frowned.

That guy was stubborn again, Mo Fei Chen grinned, “Then I’ll start ‘do’ you, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen such good stuff.”

After that, Mo Fei Chen used the hilt of his sword to tease his opponent’s thigh. That guy really shivered.

“I will say it… I will tell you…The Sect Leader (The Altar Master) wants us to ambush here…”

“Ambush who?” Mo Fei Chen’s sword hilt blocked his obscene pants.

“Xiu Shui… Xiu Shui Palace…” That man turned his waist to get away from the hilt of Mo Fei Chen’s sword.

“Xiu Shui Palace? Why?” Is it possible to say that Leng Yufang’s target during the martial arts general assembly may have been Xiu Shui Palace?

“I don’t know. I’m just a member who was given a task to ambush here. I will do whatever my above wants me to do…”

Mo Fei Chen suddenly raised the hilt of his sword and struck him on the head, knocking him unconscious.

“Come, come, come! I’ll put your trousers on for you!” Mo Fei Chen carried the man onto his shoulders. He did not have the heartlessness to kill him just in order to prevent secrets from being disclosed. He just led him to the river, threw him onto the raft, untied the raft and let it go down with the river.


Mo Fei Chen’s expression had become cold. It looked like he had to stay in this village for a few more days. What if Jun Wushuang and the others were caught by the trap and an ambush by Jing Shui Sect? He returned to the old man’s house and lay down on his bed and estimated the time, around tomorrow afternoon, the people from Xiu Shui Palace should pass by this village.

As expected, he hadn’t been lying down for a long time but there was already a knock on the door outside which also happened to the surrounding neighbors.

Mo Fei Chen hid under the bed and unlocked the old man’s acupuncture points with his invisible sword qi.

The old man opened the door with a shudder and two disciples of Jing Shui Sect came in and render the old man unconscious, took him out and then went into the room to look around. One of them started to put on make-up, as if he was pretending to be a peasant woman, and the other one was also changing his clothes.

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Mo Fei Chen realized that all the people in the village perhaps had been replaced by disciples of Jing Shui Sect. But he was afraid that he would have to stay under this bed until dawn. The old man should be fine. If the Jing Shui Sect wanted to kill the villagers they would have used a knife to kill them instead of knocking them out.

But to his surprise, before the afternoon of the next day arrived, the disciples of Xiu Shui Palace had already arrived. Liu Feiying led the disciples and politely knocked on a few farmers’ houses

hoping to buy some lunch.It seemed that they had to rush to the next town before sunset.

Mo Fei Chen guessed that there must be some kind of knockout drops in the food they were served, so when the fake couple went to the kitchen to bring the food, Mo Fei Chen used his invisible sword Qi to seal their acupuncture points and then came out with the food.

In the room, sitting there, was Jun Wushuang’s Shi Di, therefore when he saw Mo Fei Chen, he almost greeted him. Mo Fei Chen made a gesture and quietly told him to keep silent and that the people in this village were all from Jing Shui Sect. He was dumbfounded, took a breath and rushed out to the village house across the street.

Mo Fei Chen hid by the door and watched as he said something to Liu Fei Ying, only to see Liu Fei Ying come outside the house and shout in a loud voice, “All Xiu Shui Palace disciples listen, no one is allowed to eat anything!”

But a few of the female disciples who had drunk the water already seemed to be dizzy.

Seeing that their plan had failed and been exposed, Jing Shui Sect disciples then stopped pretending. They fought with the Xiu Shui Palace disciples, immediately taking their swords out. Jun Wushuang who was standing beside Liu Feiying, directly launched his spiritual sword. In an instant, the ‘Binding Heart’ sword galloped out like a wild horse out of the reins. The rooftop trembled as the sword flowed through them. In one swirling motion, seven or eight enemies were pierced. When the sword Qi sank into the ground and bounced up again, it struck another person, so well calculated that even Mo Fei Chen was amazed.

Immediately afterwards, he came towards Mo Fei Chen. He dragged him out from behind the door, looking like a proper disciple from the righteous sect as he said gratefully, “Thank you a lot Mo Shi Di for your help, otherwise we would have fallen into their trap.”

Not far away, Liu Feiying also nodded her head at him with the look ‘full of praise’ in her eyes.

Mo Fei Chen smiled foolishly, he didn’t know what was wrong with him this time. In the past, he was always scolded for being a rude monkey. Now, he had become a ‘young warrior’ or a talented young man.

At this moment, several members of the Jing Shui Sect jumped onto the hut and sprinkled white powder on Liu Feiying and the others.

Liu Feiying’s reaction was very quick and her sword Qi flew across the room and isolated the white powder from the nearby disciples.

Mo Fei Chen was stunned, only then did he realize that Liu Feiying’s Qing Luan Sword was worthy of being one of the top ten swords, even with the guidance of He Yunfeng, he did not know when he would reach this level.

“Everyone, be careful!” Liu Feiying said in a loud voice.

Jun Wushuang held Mo Fei Chen’s wrist with one hand and watched out on guard for their surrounding area.

Those men who tried to use the poisoned powder on them fell from the roof one after another.

But those people were still not giving up. With a faint smile on his lips, Jun Wushuang instantly threw out his sword Qi, pierced through the window of the house on the left. He heard the man who was hiding inside, grunting in pain.

At this moment, a masked man with his sword around the neck of a little girl around seven or eight year old slowly walked out.

“Despicable.” Jun Wushuang humph coldly.

Liu Feiying was perfectly calm and collected as she said, “Your Jing Shui Sect was originally only a secretive sect that had little contact with other sects. That’s why you are called a cult, but you are far from being a demonic sect. However, since that day in Mu Yun Shan Zhuang, and today in this village, I am afraid that what you have done is no longer ‘unusual’.”

“There is no need for Palace Master Liu to talk to us, a sect set up in secret about such grand principles. We just listen to the arrangements of the Vice Leader.” The man raised the hilt of his sword, immediately a bloodstain appeared on the young girl’s neck, her eyebrows trembling as if she was terrified.

“What should we do?” Mo Fei Chen pulled the corner of Jun Wushuang’s clothes.

“Since you are here to ambush my Xiu Shui Palace, you have to tell us what you want from us.”

“The key.” The altar master replied briefly, but Liu Feiying’s eyebrows furrowed even more.

“Don’t even think about it. It must be ‘that Leng Yufang’ who wants to bring Wen Xin out of the Ding Chan Temple. Tell your Vice Leader that Wen Xin was imprisoned because he asked me and Wu Liang Chanshi to do so before he lost his senses. The possessed (Qi Deviation) Wen Xin is no longer the old Wen Xin, tell Leng Yufang to stop his insane and wishful thinking!”

“What the Vice Leader was thinking about, neither wishful thinking or vain attempt is not something that this subordinate has the right to interfere with, so either you leave the key, hang it on the fence and leave or I will kill the girl. I’ll die anyway if I don’t complete my mission, so I’ll take this girl to accompany me in hell!”

Mo Fei Chen’s heart was cold, isn’t this ‘rather be a broken piece of jade than a whole tile3(fig. better to die in glory than live in dishonour).‘…? Pah, pah, pah4(spit in contempt sound, expressing disdain ), it’s not that heroic!

Liu Feiying did not say anything, she just raised her sleeve slightly. That sect leader thought she was going to use her spiritual sword therefore unnaturally, he took a step backwards. Who knew that Jun Wushuang would suddenly point his sword Qi at the ground in front of his feet and bend in an arc as it bounced up. It was a good thing that it hit that guy’s ‘little brother’. No matter how difficult it was to deal with that sect leader before, at this point, he could only throw his sword and bend down, covering the lower part of his body with both hands, sweating coldly in pain.

Mo Fei Chen whispered to Jun Wushuang, “Jun Shi Xiong, you are too mean…He may be the last line in his family hereafter.”

That little girl stood in the same place, with her eyes wide open, as if she had not yet understood what had happened.

Liu Feiying waved at her (beckon her to come over). She looked at the man shrunken on the ground, then ran quickly to Liu Feiying, and as soon as she ran into her arms, she cried out loud.

“It’s fine now, It’s alright, it’s alright!” Liu Feiying hugged the girl and patted her back to comfort her, before she suddenly noticed that a bamboo pipe was stuck in the girl’s lower back, as a thin white smoke was coming out from it.

“Damn it!” Jun Wushuang took out his spiritual sword and knocked down the bamboo pipe, but Liu Feiying seemed to have inhaled some of the smoke. She narrowed her eyes as if she was trying to get up.

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