Flying Dust

Chapter 25: CH 24.1

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Flying Dust [Fei Chen]

Chapter 24

Part 1

Yet the little girl suddenly drew her dagger and stabbed Liu Feiying in the shoulder. With the shake of Liu Feiying’s inner strength, that little girl fell out and hit the pillar of the farmhouse, fainting.

What a sinister move! Mo Fei Chen clicked his tongue in his heart, Yu Mutou1[Yu Mutou : Yu for Yu Jin and Mutou for Blockhead or Blockhead Yu] ah, Yu Mutou, it seems that you didn’t join a good place either!

“Let’s get out of here now!” Jun Wushuang helped and held Liu Feiying. Just when the other disciples agreed to leave the village quickly, they heard a woman’s laughter in the air, charming with a bit of banter.

Not knowing since when, a woman dressed in foreign clothing sat in a hut a dozen metres away, barefoot and covered in metal ornaments, silver rings and gold chains all over her body. Her hair is light brown, her eyes are covered in thick eye shadow and her lips are smooth and round. By modern standards of beauty, she is an unconventional beauty.

“Ke…Kemoluo…” Liu Feiying frowned, Mo Fei Chen immediately knew that this woman must not be easy to deal with.

“I’d like to thank Jing Shui Sect for paving the way for me, otherwise, to meet force with force, I wouldn’t necessarily be your opponent in a normal fight.” Kemoluo stood up, her skirt was an incomparably beautiful blend of cyan, purple and blue.

“I didn’t know that the Bai Xue2[拜 Bai : generally means worship 血 Xue : means blood] Cult from Xiyu 3[西域 Xīyù : the Western Regions (a Han Dynasty term for the region west of Yumenguan (玉门关), including what is now Xinjiang (新疆) and parts of Central Asia)] was also interested in our Xiu Shui Palace.” Liu Feiying shielded Jun Wushuang who was supporting her and put him behind her.

Jun Wushang wanted to step forward, but Liu Feiying, still as before, firmly held him down, “Listen, Wushuang… you take your fellow seniors and juniors to leave immediately. Junior Mo, this has nothing to do with you. This time, thanks to your help, otherwise Jing Shui Sect… You also follow Wushuang to leave here quickly.”

“Shi Fu! You don’t go, so how can I, your disciple, leave?”

“Then… if he doesn’t leave, I won’t leave either!” Mo Fei Chen knew that the situation was probably very dangerous, but Jun Wushuang refused to leave, and although he believed in the principle of running away if he couldn’t fight, he couldn’t run fast enough if he had something that he cared or concerned about in his heart. 

“Ai… you guys!” Liu Feiying was furious.

“Liu Palace Master, there is no need to make it so difficult.” Kemoluo shook her head, “I really don’t want the lives of any of your disciples since it doesn’t have any use at all, as long as you hand over that key.”

“The key again! Wen Xin is under the care of Wu Liang Chanshi, so how could it be coveted by those of you who have evil intentions?”

“Hmph! only God knows if Wu Liang Chanshi and you have secretly learned the martial arts he has carved into his body!”

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“After all, you want those demonic martial arts! Wen Xin has been tormented by it and has lost his mind! Wu Liang Chanshi and I will never let this demonic martial art reappear in Jiang Hu!”

“What a great intention!” The index and middle fingers of Komoluo’s right hand press together, her the sword qi made a small circle around her body before suddenly flowing out violently, “I’ll use your disciple and try to see if I can pry your mouth open!”

Mo Fei Chen was shocked in his heart when Liu Feiying’s sword Qi also rushed out, entwining with his opponent’s sword Qi, but it was so close and hard to separate them. He then realized that the sword qi of Kemoluo did not look thick but delicate, like the softness of a winding finger. In fact, his sword qi could be condensed into a finger-thin line showing that his internal strength was as high as that of the Ten Great Swords.

Liu Feiying was struck by the smoke so her internal force was not good enough. The other disciples tried to get close to Kemoluo and stabbed her with their swords, but she twisted her sword Qi, blocked them one by one, and they were even swept away with their swords. 

Liu Feiying shouted, “Qing Yu, take all your Shi Jie and Shi Mei with you and leave! You guy’s presence here will only distract me!”

Qing Yu precisely Jun Wu Shuang’s that Shi Xiong. He was reluctant but knew that Liu Feiying’s words were true, so he had to look at the bigger picture and said, “Let’s go —— Shi Fu, where will we meet again?”

“No matter where, you guys go back to Xiu Shui Palace first!”

Therefore Qing Yu led the women disciples to retreat quickly.

Mo Fei Chen knew that if Liu Feiying lost, he and Jun Wushuang’s lives would be lost too. 

Thereupon, he reached out and put his palm on Liu Feiying’s shoulder, found the meridian where she was moving her qi, slowly injected his own internal energy into her fingertips. Although his inner Qinwas much more shallow than Liu Feiying, it was a great help to her. Jun Wushuang also attacked Kemoluo with his Heart Binding (Shu Xin) Sword, trying to distract her attention and to lighten Liu Feiying’s burden.

Gradually, Kemoluo was struggling a bit. On the one hand, she didn’t expect to find a highly skilled martial artist like Jun Wushang among the young disciples of Xiu Shui Palace. On the other hand, while Liu Feiying was unable to use her inner strength to the fullest, Mo Fei Chen was able to use his own Qi to compensate for the Qing Luan Sword.

In the mountain valley, He yunfeng and Mo Fei Chen often chased each other with their qi within the body. In fact, this was a very dangerous game, as Mo Fei Chen might go off the rails (became mad/ go into Qi deviation mode) if he was not careful, but He yunfeng’s control of his qi was so subtle that he seemed to be chasing Mo Fei Chen’s qi, but in fact he used his own qi to guide Mo Fei Chen’s qi to the right place. It was because of this that Mo Fei Chen had developed the skill of merging with other people’s inner Qi. In fact, even if Jun Wushuang wanted to use his own internal energy to help Liu Feiying, the slightest mistake could cause both of them to go ‘mad4[Qi Deviation (走火入魔 zǒuhuǒ rùmó) – also known as Qigong Deviation. Literally translates as “to catch fire and be entered [possessed] by devils”. A state wherein the cultivation base becomes dangerously unstable, causing internal damage to the body and symptoms of psychosis. People who succumb to their Internal Demons, who practice cultivation/martial arts incorrectly, or who rashly use forbidden arts are all at risk of falling into this state.]‘ at the same time.

Kemoluo’s patience was getting less and less as her sword Qi was becoming awfully ruthless.

Just now, Jun Wushuang barely managed to dodge her sword Qi, but to her surprise, the dozens of houses in the village seemed to have collapsed. The sword Qi entered the mouth of a well in the distance and the well water was blown up. In the air, it rose to at least a few dozen feet!

Liu Feiying’s gasp for breath became heavier and heavier and her eyes became hazy as the effects of the drug she had been resisting inevitably showed its effect. 

Damn it, Mo Fei Chen could also sense that her internal energy was getting thinner and thinner.

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