Flying Dust

Chapter 28: CH 26

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Flying Dust [Fei Chen]

Chapter 26

The Shengmi1[生米 Shengmi: the uncooked rice] Town couldn’t be considered as very large and the only brothel in the town could be found easily. 

At this moment, Jun Wushuang was bringing the boiled medicinal herb to Liu Feiying who was dressed as a man, “I am sorry that Shi Fu has to live in this kind of place.”

Liu Feiying laughed freely instead, “This teacher thinks it’s quite comfortable to stay here. You have a good idea. If I were Kemoluo, I wouldn’t have thought of coming to a brothel to look for someone too. Besides, as long as you are clean in your heart, you will be clean wherever you go.”

“Growing out of mud, pure and unsullied 2[出淤泥而不染: lit. to grow out of the mud unsullied (idiom) : fig. to be principled and incorruptible], it bathes in water and yet doesn’t appear bewitching3[ It’s originally from the poem that describes a kind of flower which is lotus, 蓮花出淤泥而不染: growing out of mud, the lotus blooms pure and untainted. 濯清漣而不妖: It bathes in water and yet does not appear bewitching. The lotus is born and raised in the bottom of pools where itt filthy because of silts, but it keeps itself spotless; it has been washed by the water, but it is not flirtatious. You can use this sentence to admire someone whose behavior was good although he or she was in a terrible or bad environment.].” Mo Fei Chen slowly opened the door to the room.

Jun Wushuang watched him enter and breathed a sigh of relief, “You’re finally here.”

Mo Fei Chen was pleased with himself for a little and for a while. Every time Jun Wushuang was called ‘wife’, he would get angry, but without realizing it, that expression of him looked like a young lady who waited and wanted her husband to come home early.

“I wonder, how is the condition of Palace Master Liu’s wound?”

“I’m much better now.” Liu Feiying said with a smile. The three of them sat together and talked for a while, and then it was noon.

Jun Wushuang ordered some food. After they finished eating, Mo Fei Chen and Jun Wushuang closed the door and sat outside while Liu Fei Ying had to use her martial kungfu to heal her wounds.

“We’ll leave this afternoon and rush to Guyan 4[孤雁 Guyan; it means a solitary wild goose]Mountain overnight. Beyond that is our Xiu Shui Palace. I don’t think that even Komoluo would dare to rush in.”

Mo Fei Chen was relieved after he heard Jun Wushuang’s words.

Outside the room, a woman wearing only an undergarment covering the chest and abdomen was hugged by a client and came out. The man put his hand on the woman’s ear and seemed to say something, the woman laughed and slapped him, but she did not blush. It seems that she used to listen to all those charming words and no longer had any feeling about it. The man’s hand reached into the red undergarment covering her chest & abdomen and stroked it, while the woman exaggeratedly lifted her leg and rubbed it against him before she then said, “Come again next time~”

Mo Fei Chen sat on the threshold, looking straight ahead at the drama unfolding before him, his mouth slightly open and his eyes wide open.

The girls in this brothel were really of a high standard.

The woman swayed her body and walked towards the room, leaving only her bare back. As she reached the door, she didn’t forget to turn around and raised her eyebrows at Mo Fei Chen who was dumbfounded by the scene. 

At once, his nosebleed was flowing down.

“Hey, hey, what’s wrong with you?” Jun Wushuang hurriedly stretched out his sleeve to cover his nose, lowering his voice for fear that Liu Feiying in the room would hear him, “You’ve never seen a woman ah… to be as far as that.”

Mo Fei Chen’s nose was almost pressed and crushed by the other party. He could only say with a bitter face. “Gently…. gently please…”

Jun Wushuang snorted coldly, removed his sleeve and saw Mo Fei Chen tilting his head in a silly appearance.

“Who says I’ve never seen a woman before…? I’ve been running for my life for the past few days and I’ve had nosebleeds from exhaustion!” Mo Fei Chen talked nonsense in a serious tone. 

“I think… the truth is you’ve been holding it in for too long…” Jun Wushuang came near to Mo Fei Chen’s ear. The softness of his breath was so tickle that it made a hundred twists and thousand turns. Mo Fei Chen just felt like he was about to get a nosebleed again, “Why don’t I help you then?”

After saying that, he pulled Mo Fei Chen up and walked towards the empty room.

“Hey, what are you doing! Your Shi Fu…”

“Waiting until we come out, it’s just the right time that my Shi Fu is also finished.” The corners of Jun Wushuang’s mouth hung with that wicked smile again, Mo Fei Chen’s other hand grabbed his wrist trying to struggle free and even when they reached the doorway he still clasped the door frame and did not let go.

Not knowing what kind of martial art Jun Wushuang was using, he flicked his fingertips on Mo Fei Chen’s wrist, as if he got an electric shock, he was pulled in by Jun Wushuang and his hand was released. 

“Jun … Jun Shi Xiong…”

“You, don’t shout, what if you disturb Shi Fu’s concentration?” Jun Wushuang actually hugged him and went to lie in that pink satin bed.

Mo Fei Chen was furious,‘That is your Shi Fu. You are bullying me here and why should I still care about your Shi Fu?’ Mo Fei Chen was about to scream when Jun Wushuang did his old trick and kissed him fiercely, pinning him to the pillow in one fell swoop.

Mo Fei Chen was so frustrated that he was always being pinned down by Jun Wushuang. ‘What’s with his previous talk about helping me get rid of the fire? Obviously, this guy himself is so aroused. He had been acting as a good and well-behaved disciple for a long time, so perhaps he didn’t dare to find a girl to enjoy yet he came to trouble me, Mo Fei Chen, this soft touch5[软柿子 the literal meaning is soft persimmon but it’s actually have the meaning that; since the immature persimmons are too hard to be squeezed, but the ripe ones become soft, and you can squeeze the soft ones. The analogy is to bully the good-tempered one, the easy to bully, the weak and cowardly one, or to do things that are not difficult and easier to achieve. It is a metaphor for people who are usually bullied and afraid of hardship in life.]!’

So he made up his mind to give Jun Wushuang some lesson and put his true qi into his fingers to tap the acupuncture point on his shoulder. To his surprise, Jun Wushuang suddenly got up and grabbed Mo Fei Chen’s hand. His Qi spilled out from his thumb and forefinger, blocking Mo Fei Chen’s Qi. Then he pulled his hand towards his and placed his lips on his wrist.

Unlike his previous evil and reckless teasing, Mo Fei Chen felt that there was something different this time, “Jun… Jun Shi Xiong…”

Jun Wushuang suddenly fell on top of him, his head resting on Mo Fei Chen’s ear,”Fei Chen…it seems that I really like you.”

Mo Fei Chen’s pupils instantly widened, looking at the top of the damask silk bed only to feel as if the sky and earth were spinning.

This is a curse …This must be Yu Jin’s curse.

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Mo Fei Chen suddenly remembered the time when he spoiled Yu jin’s good time in the brothel, that guy said he cursed him that no woman would like him in his entire life, he himself joked that there were still men in this world besides women… No, no, no, this was completely Mo Fei Chen himself cursing himself…

Both of Jun Wushuang’s hands encircled him, two hands went over his back, slowly and little by little slid down through his trousers and kneaded his ‘15th day of the 8th lunar month’. 6[八月十五: August 15th is the Mid-Autumn Festival. Traditionally, the moon in the Mid-Autumn Festival is the roundest, so it is described that other people’s buttocks are as round as the moon on August 15th]

“Jun…Jun Shi Xiong I’ll make a deal with you that I will pay a girl for you, let you press, let you kiss … I, I will guard outside, definitely will not let your Shi Fu know that you are usually ill-behaved (indecent/ improper)…”

“You just continue to comfort yourself.” Jun Wushuang’s hand movement stopped, his head still buried there. No joy could be heard in his voice.

“You…” Mo Fei Chen suddenly sat up, “You’re teasing me again!”

On the other side of the bed, Jun Wushuang sat on, with his head looking out the window, “Then treat it as if I’m teasing you.”

After saying this, he got out of bed and walked out of the door.

Mo Fei Chen let out a breath. In his heart, he felt that Jun Wushuang’s back looked kinda sad. Jun Wushuang walked to the door and suddenly turned back with a light smile on his face, “Hey, Mo Fei Chen… what kind of person is she that you thought of when you were weaving the grasshopper?”

“Ah?” Mo Fei Chen was taken aback, but Jun Wushuang’s smile reassured him.

“Forget it if you don’t want to say it. I’ll go up to Kun Yun Mountain one day to see. Is it true that she is such a national grace, divine fragrance 7[国色天香: ethereal colour and celestial fragrance, said of the peony, or a beautiful woman. This idiom is to describe an outstanding beauty]that you are so captivated by her?”

Mo Fei Chen grinned, if you found out that the person I was thinking about was He Yunfeng, would you be really angry by then?

Although Mo Fei Chen felt that what Jun Wushuang said was not a joke, he preferred both of them to treat it as a joke. 

About one and a half two-hour period later, when Liu Feiying had finished her meditation, they then left Shengmi Town and headed for Gu Yan Mountain. Mo Fei Chen no longer sat with Jun Wushuang like he had done the previous days, but sat inside the carriage and watched Liu Fei Ying whose eyes closed as she rested. 

They finally reached the boundary of Guyan Mountain. Here, the rocky mountain stand in great numbers and also the overhanging cliff, because of that they had to abandon the carriage and walk instead.

Jun Wushuang was about to tighten the reins when he felt a rush of air over his head and before he could look up he shouted, “Watch out!”

Mo Fei Chen was originally wanted to look out, but suddenly his collar was tugged by Liu Feiying as they leapt out of the carriage.

Sword Qi came down with great fury, not only was the carriage torn apart, but the horse was also split in half before it could even neigh. The sword energy left deep cracks in the ground and shook the entire Guyan Mountain.

After the flying dust cleared, Mo Fei Chen tilted his head and saw a rock jutting out from the cliff, standing on the top of it was Kemoluo. The corners of her mouth rose while her sword qi was coiling around her fingers, before Liu Feiying could even stand still, she made the surprise attack again on her using her sword qi. 

Liu Feiying immediately launched her spiritual sword. Unfortunately, the sword qi did not come out. She was at a disadvantage as soon as she met her opponent. Mo Fei Chen also threw his spiritual sword in a flash, together with Jun Wushuang. The Flying Dust Sword collides with Kemoluo’s Mo Feng Sword (Desert Wind Sword) . At first, she didn’t think highly of this junior, but his sword qi was not thick, but light as a dust that swayed in the wind and clung to her sword. She could not shake it off and did not know how to break it.The heart-binding sword followed suit, it swept sharply along Mo Fei Chen’s sword, cutting through the momentum of Kemoluo’s sword and giving Liu Fei Ying enough time to make her able to took out of her inner force. Thus, a sword qi strike came straight at Kemoluo’s face.

Kemoluo withdrew her sword in time and flew away. The rock she was standing on was instantly blown into pieces of stone, leaving a deep cavern in the rock wall.

Kemoluo did not give up, her body circled in the air for half a circle before her sword qi came again. Liu Feiying attacked her back. The two high-skilled martial artists were fighting right in front of Mo Fei Chen, this made his heart beat like a drum. He really wanted to help Liu Feiying, but he might have caused more trouble instead if he wasn’t careful enough. 

Jun Wushuang raised his eyebrows toward Mo Fei Chen, and he immediately understood without being told explicitly.

The two of them threw their spiritual swords at the same time, their swords converging and intertwining in a majestic and steady stream that struck into Kemoluo. She could not help but withdraw her sword, while Liu Feiying took advantage of the opportunity to launch her spiritual sword, leaving her in a dilemma, unable to manage either to attack or to defend.

Kemoluo was in cold sweat, Liu Feiying’s internal force had improved by 50%, and with the two youngsters together were unexpectedly difficult to deal with.

At that moment, another shrill cry of sword qi attacked and came from behind Liu Feiying. Mo Fei Chen cried out and threw his spiritual sword to block the attack, but the sword qi crashed through the Fei Chen Sword and pointed straight at Liu Feiying’s back.

Liu Feiying spun around and her sword qi curled around her, deflecting the attack. The person who attacked with her sword was unexpectedly Leng Yufang. 

Mo Fei Chen’s heart was suddenly cold. It’s over! it’s all over, Leng YuFang and Kemoluo…..both of them are after the key. It’s already enough that they have to deal with one Kemoluo yet now they have to deal with Leng Yufang too… 

“Wushuang, Fei Chen, the two of you will deal with Leng Yufang, leave Kemoluo to me!” After saying that, she then flew over to deal with Kemoluo. 

Jun Wushuang looked at Leng Yufang and ‘Humph.’ lightly. The ‘Heart Binding’ Sword came out so fast that it almost took Mo Fei Chen when it swept over his head.

“Fool! Why don’t you take out your sword yet?!”

Mo Fei Chen hurriedly threw out his sword Qi, while Jun Wushuang was attacking and Mo Fei Chen was defending, their combination could be described as impervious.  

They worked on the perfect harmony and Leng Yufang was unable to find any weaknesses at the moment. 

The sound of swords colliding with each other was heard from behind them; the aftermath even hit Mo Fei Chen’s back.

“Fei Chen! Don’t be distracted!”

In the moment when Mo Fei Chen’s sword qi was scattered, Leng Yu Fang took advantage of the favorable situation and came at him. Jun Wushuang had to give up his attack and blocked Leng Yufang with a twist of his sword qi.

“I’m sorry …”

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