For Our Happier Path

Chapter 6: 6. She Didn’t Feel At Home Here

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In Hisaki's previous life, Mari arranged a job at the nursing home for her as a way for her to get back to her feet. The director of the home was Mari's distant relative yet the relationship between the two families had always been good.

"Hisaki! That place is like so far away from here! Are you serious?"

Mari was so shocked to hear Hisaki's decision. She thought that her friend would choose to go to the capital city. If Hisaki decided that, they could live together since her university was there.

If they ride a car heading to Kaagawa City from here, they might need a full 24 hours before reaching there!

Hisaki laughed looking at Mari's surprised face. Of course, this life's Mari would question her decision.

"The far, the better," replied Hisaki teasingly, "Well, I just think it's a good place to start anew. There's no one there who knows me. I heard it's a pretty place."

Mari pursed her lips. As she sensed her friend was already determined, the right choice was to support Hisaki's decision instead of arguing with it.

As Hisaki's childhood friend, Mari had always felt sorry for her.

Both of them used to compete for good grades in school. Mari was happy when she knew Hisaki's final grade could easily give her a spot in a prestigious university. They had even planned to go to the same one.

But, her family rejected the idea. All the teachers thought it was a pity when Hisaki was unable to continue her study. Although they tried talking to Hisaki's family, especially her grandfather, the end result was unfavorable.

Since Hisaki had made up her mind, let her happily go through with it.

"I have relatives who live in Konomiya Town," said Mari. She got up from the floor and headed to the study desk, "I'd be at ease with them looking after you. They are reliable, generally good people."

Mari brought out a photo album from the bottommost drawer.

In an era where social media had yet to exist, people photographed their memorable memories and kept them safe inside albums. Social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook won't be released and widely used until more than a decade later.

Mari returned to Hisaki. She sat cross-legged on the floor.

"Look, this is a photo of them," Mari flipped to a page and showed a photo to Hisaki, "Their surname is Ikeda. I have a cousin who's the same age as us."

Hisaki was quiet as she stared at the photo. Her eyes softened as she saw the familiar yet younger faces that she knew.

The Ikeda family warmly welcomed Hisaki to their home in her previous life. Although she initially didn't communicate much with them or anyone, they were understanding. They went so far as to support Hisaki who was a victim of domestic violence.

Mrs. Ikeda and her daughter, Ikeda Mayuka helped to boost Hisaki's low self-esteem. When Hisaki grew more confident, she moved out of their home and found her own place. Yet, she still continued her job at the nursing home.

Mari didn't notice the look in her friend's eyes. She kept on talking.

"I'll contact them as soon as possible. It's better if we don't have any delay. How do you want to get there? Do you want me to book a flight ticket?"

"Ah! That's too expensive!" Hisaki quickly shook her head, "I have some savings but, I don't want to use half of them for a flight ticket."

Mari stared at Hisaki. Her eyebrows were furrowing, "Are you sure? If you wanna take trains, you might have to exchange up to four or five trains. It'd take many hours before you reach Kaagawa City. I can lend you money if that's what you're worried about."

Hisaki curled up a smile. She patted a hand on Mari's back, "It's alright. I could handle the long journey. I won't have much luggage to bring with me anyway. My savings are enough for me to start living there."

"Since you say so." Mari was still worried yet, she went along with Hisaki's plan.

After confirming their plan, Hisaki excused herself from the Miyajima family home. An exhilarating feeling suppressed the uneasiness that stemmed from making such plans.

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Hisaki knew how heavy the consequences were if she got caught but, there was no other way. Even though Mr. Miyajima could successfully catch Igarashi Keigo, she won't be safe as long as she stayed in this town.

She also couldn't meet her old man earlier.

After leaving Mari's house, Hisaki was on her way to Igarashi Keigo's. She had to act her part if she didn't want to alert the trash man of her plan.

Igarashi Keigo would certainly feel weird if Hisaki suddenly be docile to him but, it was also his weakness. The arrogant man had always thought every woman would bow to him.

Hisaki took a bus trip to the middle of the town. Igarashi Keigo lived in a private villa there alone while his family stayed in the ancestral home. Throughout her journey there, Hisaki actually hoped that man wasn't at home.

To her delight, her wish came true.

"Young Master Igarashi is not here?" asked Hisaki to the guard standing outside the villa. She purposely put on a disappointed face, "I actually want to apologize to him. I shouldn't suddenly leave him this morning."

The guard was one of Igarashi Keigo's close lackeys. Hisaki often saw him whenever the scum man appeared in front of her.

As far as she remembered, this guy surnamed Seto was quite gullible.

Seto smiled sheepishly. His lips crooked into a smile, "Aiya, Miss Chisaka, our young master is busy with a new job. If he wins big profits this time around, you can expect a luxury wedding with him soon!"

"Oh, what is he busy about?" asked Hisaki, sounding a bit interested. Then, she returned to acting worried, "Hurm... well, he's always capable. That's why I don't think I'd suit him."

Seto quickly dismissed Hisaki's words.

"Ah! No! No! Miss Chisaka, don't think like that, hehe. You're so beautiful ah! No one could suit our handsome young master if not you!"

Hisaki resisted the urge to snort.

So, this man just basically said his boss was a man full of vanity, en? Only liking the looks of someone?

"En... then, since he's busy, I'll meet him sometime later," Hisaki said softly, "I'll come again. I hope whatever he's working on now would bring good results."

Seto broke into a burst of loud laughter.

"Yes, yes! I'd certainly tell Young Master Igarashi that you're looking for him! Ah, Miss Chisaka, why don't I send you back? The young master bought a new car. You should try sitting in it."

"Ah, it's alright. There's no need," Hisaki quickly refused yet, she still maintained her smile, "I don't think it's right to ride the car since he's not here."

"You're so humble, Miss Chisaka," Seto laughed again, "No wonder Young Master Igarashi only wants to marry you. A man is so blessed if he could marry such a woman home!"

Hisaki's lips stiffened. She just laughed meekly before leaving the villa. To avoid suddenly being caught in the act, she kept her smile until she reached the nearest bus stop.

Although it was just an assumption, Hisaki was certain that right now, the Igarashi scum was busy trying to sell the stolen relics. They were going to be sold on the black market, away from the eyes of the authoritative figures.

'Please... I hope there's no problem.'

Hisaki was in a daze as she sat on a seat. She threw her gaze outside the bus, blankly staring at the changing views.

This place was where she was born but, she didn't feel at home here.

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