For Our Happier Path

Chapter 7: 7. It’s Better If You Leave Now Before Things Get Messy

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Hisaki had just alighted the bus when a cheery male voice called out her name.

"Sister! Wait for me!"

Hisaki abruptly stopped. Her eyes widened the moment she saw the owner of the voice.

It was her younger brother! Her only sibling!

"Takuya? Where did you go since this morning?"

A boy wearing a flannel shirt stopped running in front of Hisaki. The beads of sweat on his forehead trickled down his temples, down to his chin.

Takuya had just entered his early 20s. His appearance generally resembled the delicate beauty of his elder sister, making his features effeminate.

The young man's black hair was straight, its length almost reaching the nape of his neck. His round black eyes sat in between his slightly crooked nose bridge.

"Hehe, I took up a tutor job," answered Takuya with a grin, "I got a good payment. Should we go and get some ice cream? Today is so hot ah."

"Alright, let's do that," Hisaki quickly agreed.

If possible, she wanted to delay returning to her family home. She wanted to avoid facing her grandfather. Thank goodness she crossed paths with Takuya.

The siblings walked down the street opposite the one heading to their house. There was a small ice cream parlor there that they often frequented since they were children. A soft-spoken grandfather operated the parlor.

Hisaki quietly gazed at Takuya when the latter ordering some ice cream. Once again she was engulfed with countless emotions. She resisted the urge to hug her brother despite feeling grateful to meet him again.

Fortunately, Takuya's path in her previous life was a good one. He was favored by their grandfather because of him being born male as well as his high intelligence.

Although their grandfather didn't like them to spend time together, Takuya never treated Hisaki badly. He respected and loved her as his elder sister.

The young and high-spirit man often went against Old Mr. Chisaka whenever the old man berated Hisaki. Takuya also strongly opposed him during Hisaki's marriage to Igarashi Keigo.

Unfortunately, the marriage happened as planned.

After buying ice cream, Takuya dragged Hisaki to the nearby playground.

Not many children were playing there because the weather was still so hot. They sat on a bench. A shady tree behind the bench prevented them from being hit directly by the scorching sun's rays.

"Sister, I heard of what happened this morning," said Takuya without beating around the bush. He stared at Hisaki with clear concern in his eyes, "Where did you come from? Did Grandfather tell you to go find that man?"

Hisaki could only smile faintly. Takuya was too accustomed to their grandfather's antics. He could easily deduce matters that happened in their family home.

"Don't worry. Thank goodness that man wasn't there," replied Hisaki. She took a bite of the cool chocolate ice cream.

Right now, Takuya was a student at a national university but, he didn't go to the one where Mari was studying. Like Mari, Takuya was a law student.

After becoming a full-fledged lawyer, Takuya moved out of the Chisaka family home. He faced a few challenging obstacles before he could stand alongside the other competent legal practitioners.

Unlike Hisaki who was trapped in a hellish marriage, Takuya met the love of his life. He was a happy husband to a loving wife and protective father to two adorable sons during the time he helped her to get away from Igarashi Keigo.

Hisaki's words didn't manage to deter Takuya's concern. He frowned, "Grandfather is going too far. Not only did he reject you from studying and always belittle you. Now, he wants to marry you off for money?"

Takuya hated how outdated their grandfather's way of thinking was. Their country was developing on the right path.

Since they came from a rural and poor town, shouldn't the old man be proud and delighted because his granddaughter got a place in a good university? At this time, it was still rare for girls from rural areas to be admitted to high educational institutes.

"Thanks for worrying but, your sister will be fine," answered Hisaki softly.

Takuya angrily bit on his ice cream. He scoffed, "Huh! That man is only rich because of his family! What a creep! He should marry someone his age instead of going to a young lady like you."

Hisaki burst into laughter. The uneasiness in her heart calmed down a lot after talking to her brother.

It was the right choice if she requested him for help.

"Takuya, I have a favor to ask."

Takuya blinked, "What is it? Tell me! I'll do everything for my sister!"

Hisaki's laughter grew louder. She placed a palm on Takuya's head before messing with his hair.

"Hehe, it's good that I have a reliable younger brother."

After making sure there was no one nearby, Hisaki explained to Takuya of her plan. She spoke as quietly as she could. Takuya was surprised but, he agreed with his sister's decision.

If his sister didn't do this, her life won't ever changed!

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"So, I just have to bring your clothes and other things to Sister Mari's house?" Takuya asked for a confirmation.

Hisaki nodded, "Do it slowly. If you suddenly bring lots of things there, I'm afraid other people or even Grandfather sense something is wrong."

"Alright," Takuya agreed with the arrangement, "Sister, you can start packing tonight. Put some clothes inside my backpack. I'll go to Sister Mari's house before going for my tutor job tomorrow."

"Thanks, Takuya," Hisaki breathed out in relief.

In just one day, Hisaki laid out her plan of getting away from this town. She couldn't afford any delay. Although her unwanted marriage won't happen until two months later, there was no saying that things would exactly follow her previous life.

That night, Hisaki still acted demure in front of her grandfather. When Old Mr. Chisaka told her to go again until she could meet the busy Igarashi Keigo, she just agreed.

Fortunately, Old Mr. Chisaka was an old man who couldn't stay up until late. After he and Hisaki's parents went to sleep, the two siblings began their secret operation.

"Don't worry, Sister. You can trust me," whispered Takuya after getting his backpack back.

Hisaki answered by pinching his cheek.

A few days passed ever since the first day Hisaki returned to the past. As the days continued changing, she was finally certain that this was not a dream.

This was really her chance to rewrite her and her old man's past!

Hisaki also hadn't met Igarasahi Keigo even though she didn't stop visiting the villa. The man's absence delighted her. It seemed like the man was so busy with whatever crime he was committing.

On the fourth day, Hisaki received a suspenseful text from Mari.

[Mari: My dad has confirmed his involvement! There would be a black market auction tomorrow]

[Mari: It's better if you leave before things get messy]

Hisaki had to agree. Whether Igarashi Keigo would really be arrested or not, she had to get away while he was distracted by the police and prosecutors.

Hisaki texted Mari back.

[Hisaki: I'll leave tomorrow morning]

If she bought the earliest ticket in the morning, she might arrive at the capital city station at noon. This town was still quite far from the capital.

After exchanging two more trains, she would depart from the capital city and head straight to Kaagawa City. The arrival time was estimated to take four hours.

By now, almost all of Hisaki's belongings were transferred to Mari's house. Old Mr. Chisaka was as hateful as usual but, Hisaki reminded herself that this would end soon. Her mother also kept her words to help her.

Something surprising happened to Hisaki that night.

It was already late when someone knocked on the door. Hisaki was startled to see who it was.


Mr. Chisaka only opened the door slightly. He quietly asked, "...may I come in, Hisaki?"

Hisaki was stunned. She nodded, "Please come in, Dad."

Mr. Chisaka walked inside the room with a huge envelope in his hands. He didn't forget to close the door to prevent his father from hearing what they were going to talk about.

"Well, your mom has told me," Mr. Chisaka smiled faintly, "You'd leave tomorrow, en?"

"Yes..." Hisaki didn't conceal the fact.

For the past four days, her parents were still trying to convince her grandfather to cancel the marriage. During dinner yesterday, Old Mr. Chisaka not only shouted but, also threw a teacup at them. The glass shards hurt her father's arm.

As far as Hisaki remembered, her father was a timid man. He loved his wife and children but, he didn't have the willpower to prevent them from suffering under his own father's mental and physical abuse.

Hisaki both loved and hated her father because of his personality.

"I'm sorry that I couldn't do much for you," Mr. Chisaka coughed awkwardly. He gave the envelope to Hisaki, "Take these checks with you. I also put your copy of household registration inside. When... everything has settled down, I hope you'd contact us."

Hisaki didn't say much. She quietly took the envelope before hugging her father.

"Thank you, Dad."

Mr. Chisaka was shocked beyond words. He stiffly let his daughter embrace him.

He had to admit that he was the worst father. If not for his incompetency, his daughter didn't have to secretly plan to run away from her hometown.

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