For Our Happier Path

Chapter 8: 8. Why Did He Appear On The Day She Tried To Leave?

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At half-past five in the morning, Hisaki woke up. In actuality, she could barely sleep last night but, the suspense kept her sleepiness at bay.

After changing her sleepwear to an old summer dress, Hisaki put her purse and the envelope given by her father inside a bag. The letter penned by Heisuke in her previous life was kept inside a clear plastic sheet.

Hisaki usually brought the canvas bag with her every time she went to the market in the morning. She planned to pretend to go there before changing the routes.

As per their arrangement, Mari would be waiting for her in the market before accompanying her to the train platform. The train station was just five minutes walk from the morning market.

Hisaki took a look at her reflection in the mirror. Despite feeling nervous, she really looked forward to going to the coastal city.

"Mom, I'll go to the market now," Hisaki went looking for her mother in the kitchen, "What else do you want to buy?"

Mrs. Chisaka was steaming rice for breakfast. Once she saw Hisaki walking toward her, she almost dropped the bowl in her hand.

"Ah... you're going now? Then... buy everything I've listed down."

The tremors in her voice prompted Mrs. Chisaka to stop talking. She couldn't avoid feeling saddened by the revelation that her daughter would have to go so far away today.

Would she come back? If so, when? After all, this place only held bad memories for her daughter.

At first, Mrs. Chisaka wanted to hold Hisaki back. She thought her daughter was thinking too far by wanting to run away just to escape a marriage.

But, with how things had developed due to her father-in-law, Mrs. Chisaka had to admit that this might be the only way to help her daughter.

All these years, both her and her husband had wronged Hisaki countless times. If they didn't help their daughter this time around, she had a feeling their relationship would be irreparable.

Hisaki saw the sorrowful look in her mother's eyes. She took another step forward. Without hesitating, she put her arms around her mother's frail body.

"I'll live happily," whispered Hisaki, "Thank you for helping me, Mom. I'd get in touch as soon as I could, en?"

Mrs. Chisaka nodded. She tried to hold back her tears.

"Go, quickly. Your grandfather's not at home now," whispered Mrs. Chisaka back, "Take good care of yourself."

Hisaki nodded. Her grandfather should be having his morning walk at this time. He won't return home until seven.

After hugging her mother for the last time, Hisaki walked out of the house. She didn't linger longer just to have one last look. This place didn't mean anything to her anyway.

Hisaki wore her sandals at the entryway. The moment she opened the front door, she froze in shock. Chills ghosted down her spine in an instant.

Just outside the gate, a young man in a suit was leaning against a luxurious black car. The man's eyes lit up the moment he saw her.

Hisaki could hear how hard her heart was pounding.

Why did he appear on the day she tried to leave? Was this a joke?!

Hisaki took a couple of deep breaths. Instead of running inside the house to hide, she forced herself to move toward the man.

If this man got a decent personality, Hisaki wouldn't mind so much about marrying him. It was also possible for her to love him as her husband. He got the looks, wealth and good family background. Most of the budding young maidens had feelings for him.

Unfortunately, he was a sadist whose love was so twisted. He claimed that he loved her yet, she suffered physically and mentally. Hisaki didn't want to gamble her life away because of this man again.

Igarashi Keigo smiled seeing Hisaki heading in his direction.

"My future wife is so diligent. Are you going to the market? I don't have to worry about not having food to eat once we get married."

Hisaki was irritated. So, all this while you didn't have any meal served by anyone?

"Good morning, Young Master Igarashi," Hisaki softened her voice as possible as she could. She put on a shy smile to him, "Well... I went looking for you a few times but, your subordinate said you're busy. I'm sorry for how I acted that day."

'Please, just fall for my act and go now.'

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Her honey words deepened Igarashi Keigo's smile. He walked closer to Hisaki and bent over her. The warmth of his breath fanned her face as only a few inches separated their lips.

Hisaki forced herself to not flinch or take a step back. She just hoped this trash wouldn't notice how her body was trying not to shiver in fear.

"I've heard of that so that's why I'm here so early in the morning," Igarashi Keigo drew a smirk. He hummed before continuing speaking, "But, I can't easily forgive you like that. Because you're my intended, you have to accompany me tonight to a party. I'll forgive you then."

Hisaki was stunned. She stared blankly at the young man.

Was he referring to the black market auction?

It turned out... she had forgotten something important!

In her previous life, Igarashi Keigo did come looking for her one morning but, Hisaki didn't really remember when did it happen. At that time, he extended an invitation to a party but, she refused to go no matter what.

So... if she did go before, she would be involved with the auction?

Realizing that, Hisaki quickly gathered her senses.

"An event? Oh my, I don't think I'm suitable. Haha, I don't want to make a fool out of myself. Young Master, you know that I'm just a rural girl. I might embarrass you."

Hisaki didn't know her smile and laughter at this time stirred a warped desire within the man. Igarashi Keigo suppressed the obsession in his eyes as he laughed along with her.

"Someone as beautiful and charming as you won't embarrass me," Igarashi Keigo lifted up a hand. He gently picked up a strand of Hisaki's hair and kiss it, "My driver will come to pick you up at five. We have to dress you up like a princess for the event."

Hisaki almost wanted to slap this man. She kept a smile and nodded, "Well... since you insist about it, I'll go with you."

'Just go now!'

A satisfied smile hung on Igarashi Keigo's lips. He hummed in contentment.

"Good, that's the answer I want to hear. Hurm, since I have time before a meeting, should I drive you to the market?"

"Ah?" Hisaki blinked, "No, no. There's no need. Didn't you..."

"Sister! Are you going to the market? Let me tag along!"

Takuya suddenly sprinted out of the house, saving Hisaki from having to continuously deal with Igarashi Keigo.

At the sight of the perverted man who eyed his sister, Takuya snarled, "What the hell are you doing here?"

Igarashi Keigo smiled amusedly at Takuya. He didn't mind how the young man treat him. Takuya had always been hostile to him.

"I just came to see my future wife, can't I?"

Takuya scoffed. He pulled Hisaki with him.

"Aren't you busy running your business? You don't have to worry about my sister! I can take care of her!"

Hisaki didn't stop Takuya from dragging her away from Igarashi Keigo. She was actually grateful because of his appearance. But, to keep up with her act, she glanced behind her back and threw a small smile at the man.

Igarashi Keigo returned the smile. He cheerfully waved his hand at her.

Yet, once Hisaki was far from the house, his smile faded. A sinister light glinted in his eyes.

"Heh, just you wait, my dear. I'll make you beg for me once you're under me."

Igarashi Keigo turned around to leave. He didn't know bad news was waiting for him.

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