Foreboding Storm

Chapter 162: Treatment At The City Gate 3

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Khan Tyron looked up at the barely above marriageable age girl and felt doubtful.

His sister's life wasn't a game. So why were they throwing it between themselves as if it was?

"Young lady, no need to bother. I'll go into the city and seek out a poison expert." There was a greater chance of her surviving with an expert anyways.

Princess Qamari ignored the young man and looked at the ugly expression on the physician's face and sighed despondently.

"Physician Xuan, I'm sure there was a time in the past when you took pride in your work. There must've been a time when you viewed the art of healing as a means to save lives. But do you know what I see when I look at you now?"

The physician blinked, not comprehending the girl's words. What did his pride in work and view on healing have to do with the treatment of the girl? Was she trying to bluff her way out of the situation?

When he reached this conclusion, his gaze hardened.

No matter what method she used, he'd see to it that she wasn't able to extract herself from the situation.

"When I look at you, I don't see a physician with a driving force to save lives. I see a prideful and arrogant man who considers the art of healing as a means to gain fame and glory. Physician Xuan, I know you want to use this chance to get back at me for pointing out your mistake. But even then, I'll willingly walk into your trap, because I'm a physician that considers healing as a means to save lives, and not gain fame."

She then turned to the man and her gaze became gentle.

"Young Master, even though I have medical skills, the reason why didn't step out is because of my age. No one believes a young person with less experience than senior doctors would be capable enough to surpass their skill. Not to mention, I'm also a female."

With the crowd heard her words, their faces flushed. 

Because that's exactly what they'd thought and what they had been thinking when Physician Xuan told her to do the treatment. None of them believed a little youth, a girl on top of that, had the ability to surpass Physician Xuan.

"But the other reason why I hadn't stepped out earlier was because of time. When you were heading towards the city gates, you had enough time to rush your sister to a poison expert. But now, too much time has passed. Even if you rush to the city and find a poison expert, it'll be too late to save her now."

"What!?" His sister couldn't be saved anymore?

How can that be? If his sister couldn't be saved, then why the realms were these three alive? Didn't her treatment get delayed because of them?

Eyes flaming with rage, the Young Master clenched his fists so tight, his knuckles turned white.

He was so angry and distressed that he wanted to commit murder!

"Did I hear right? No one can save this young lady anymore?"

"The girl said too much time has passed. If this Young Master had rushed straight to the city, then none of these would've happened."

"You can't say it like that! After all, how was he supposed to know the famous Physician Xuan would turn out to be so useless. He didn't extract the poison from the girl's body, but instead, almost sent her to hell's gate."

As the whispers of the crowd entered Physician Xuan's ears, his face became as dark as the bottom of a pot.

How long? How long has it been since anyone had dared to question his skills? Because of one little girl, in more than 20 years, his skill was brought into question.

Old Reehem felt like laughing when he saw Physician Xuan's ugly face, however, considering the situation, he managed to restrain himself.

"Qamari girl, can you save her?" Old Reehem turned to the veiled girl. Since she said she stepped out due to her values and the girl running out of time, then didn't that mean she had a way to save the young lady?

Khan Tyron's towering rage froze when he heard the man's question. Then recalling her words, his eyes lit up, and hastily lifted his head to look expectantly at her.

Princess Qamari was about to reply when the mean laughter of Physician Xuan filled the region.

"Haha...Old Reehem, you're still the same fool from the past. Just because she caught the little mistake I made, do you seriously think a little girl can cure the poison which even I'm stumped on? Do you think it's that easy?"

Old Reehem ignored the fraud and kept his sight fixed on Princess Qamari. Khan Tyron did the same. The girl's one answer depended on the life and death of his sister.

At this moment, he didn't even care about her age or gender.

Princess Qamari looked at the unconscious girl. The blue patches on her forehead and fingernails were spreading at a rapid speed. If she didn't receive treatment soon, her life would reach its end.

"Princess, no one will care about your age at this point. If anyone tries to stop you, I'll take care of them. You focus on her. The girl's life is more important." Bai Lan stood protectively beside Princess Qamari.

Unconsciously, the girl assumed a battle stance, seemingly ready to fight anyone that dared to stop them.

Princess Qamari looked at the girl and nodded. Then she moved forward and bent beside the unconscious girl.

"Hmph! A girl no older than me wants to cure the poison even my master can't treat. How hilarious!" Ruen sneered, her words causing the spectators' expressions to change.

They couldn't help but look at the silent Young Master. From his emotionless face, they couldn't gauge his feelings. But from his dark, soulless eyes, they could tell he wasn't in a good mental state.

Sigh. He's probably clinging on to a faint trace of hope that the girl will manage to cure his sister. 

They felt sympathy and pity for the two siblings. But since they weren't physicians, there was nothing they could do to help.

In the tense atmosphere, Princess Qamari took off her needles pouch from her waist and spread out the folded bundle. Immediately, a stack of needles in all shapes and sizes entered the crowd's sight.

"So many? I've never seen any physician carry this many needles before."

"There are different shapes and sizes. Does that make a difference in treatment?"

"Who knows. In the entire empire, the only person considered an acupuncture expert almost caused someone's death."

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Physician Xuan's lips twitched but he didn't say a word. Folding his arms across his chest, he casually gazed down at the girl kneeling beside the patient.

Hmph! What's the point in carrying so many needles? One must have the ability and knowledge to use them well to be considered capable.

Khan Tyron kept his gaze fixed on the girl. Her calm countenance and unperturbed aura calmed his restless heart. Unconsciously, he unclenched his fists and sat beside her.

Whether it was because of her calm aura or the confidence with which she held the needle, Tyron didn't know, but he had a faint inkling that the girl might just save his sister.

Princess Qamari infused a smudge amount of her elemental light magic in the needle, and without hesitation, inserted needle after needle in the girl's body. The speed with which she performed the task was so quick that the crowd was only able to see after images of her busy hands.

"Da**! Is she really doing acupuncture? Why do I feel like she's performing a hand trick?"

"This speed is too quick! Compared to Physician Xuan, her technique is more exquisite and pleasant to the eyes."

"Could it be...she really knows medicine?"

Physician Xuan's heart thumped in his chest. As if sighting a ghost, his eyes widened in shock and disbelief as he looked at the girl's blurry hands.

"This...How can she perform acupuncture with both hands!? Does she really know what she's doing?" Even after seeing her speed and ability, Physician Xuan wasn't convinced.

He felt the girl was either bluffing or performing some sort of a trick.

Otherwise, how was it possible for a person to perform acupuncture with both hands and with such speed? The matter of precision wasn't even brought into question. 

On the other hand, Old Reehem was flushed red with excitement. 

She really knows! The genius I picked really knows how to perform acupuncture!

Haha...compared to her skill, even the fraud Xuan is left in the dust.

With a complacent smile on his face, he rested his elbow on one hand as he used the other to stroke his beard.

Princess Qamari was focused on treating the poisoned girl. Her hands didn't tremble or miss the mark as she inserted needles in several acupoints. After a while of silent concentration, cold sweat gathered on her forehead and she inserted the last needle.

Immediately, all the blue patches littering the girl's face and other body parts gathered at her pinky finger. She slit the top end of the pinky and blackish-blue blood leaked out from the girl's body.

She pointed the finger towards the ground. The blood dripped onto the ground, a rancid stench drifting in the air in its wake.

"Did...did she succeed?"

"That's black blood! She must've attracted the poison to one spot. That would explain the nasty smell as well."

"Look, the girl's complexion is recovering!"

Excited whispers and gasps of astonishment rang out as the crowd covered their noses and watched with bright eyes.

"Hahaha! Physician Xuan, would you look at that? It appears my apprentice has solved the poison that stumped both you and me...Hahaha!"

Old Reehem felt a rush of turbulent emotions as he looked at the gem he found. Seeing the ugly expression on physician Xuan's expression made him feel even more excited.

For so many years, I'd worked so hard to bring this old fraud down, but was sadly unsuccessful. But my little genius managed to accomplish such a feat in one go.

She didn't only manage to smear his reputation, but also slapped him in the face by solving the poison he failed to solve.

"Don't be so happy, Old waste. She's only pouring out blood. I haven't seen the patient gain consciousness." Physician Xuan was still unconvinced.

No matter what unfolded before his eyes, he wouldn't accept defeat at the hands of an inexperienced girl!

Khan Tyron's soulless eyes lit up. His sister's complexion wasn't as pallid as before, meaning she was recovering. At this discovery, the gaze he fixed on Princess Qamari filled with awe, gratitude, and relief.

Thankfully, he didn't judge her by her age or gender and decided to give the girl a chance. Otherwise, his sister...

Sensing the burning gazes boring into her, Princess Qamari frowned in displeasure.

She didn't like being stared at. But she hated, even more, to be stared at while doing a treatment. It was easy to get distracted. And a distracted physician didn't make a good physician.

Their one mistake could result in the death of their patient.

Forget it. I'll just ignore them.

Focusing back on the task at hand, Princess Qamari controlled the light elemental energy she infused in her needles to make sure every drop of poison blood was drained out from the girl's body. 

This was a process only she could accomplish. Because one needed to possess an elemental ability that wouldn't harm the patient's body as it extracted the impurities in their system. 

Only the light and water elemental ability were capable of accomplishing such a task.

And since Physician Xuan wasn't even an elemental ability wielder, let alone water or light, the task was completely out of his league.

A while later, the blackish-blue blood pouring out of the girl's finger turned dark red before changing into light red. 

Princess Qamari breathed in relief at the sight. She opened her waist pouch and withdrew some herbs.

"You can relax now. Your sister is out of danger. She'll feel a bit weak but will recover in time. Take these herbs and feed them to her for the next three days. One time in the morning, one time in the afternoon, and once in the evening.. It will replenish the lost blood and clear out any remaining signs of poison."

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