Foreboding Storm

Chapter 163: Entering The Imperial City

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"Young Miss, is my sister really out of danger?" Just like that? Wasn't the process too easy?

Khan Tyron couldn't help but feel doubtful as he looked at the handful of herbs in his hands and shifted his gaze to his unconscious sister.

"Out of danger!? How could it be so easy? Are you telling me that you healed the girl's poison so easily when my master was struggling for so long? Hmph! I never knew a new divine doctor had arrived in the Amayan Empire!" Ruen disdainfully crossed her arms.

Seeing the speed with which the veiled girl claimed to cure the Young Lady, she grew even more scornful of her. Such a troublesome poison, how could it be so easy to cure?

"Now that I think about it, even though the speed and technique this girl displayed amazed me, I think it's still too early to claim she healed the girl. After all, this isn't any ordinary poison."

"Didn't she say the Young Lady will wake up in a few minutes? Let's wait for a few more minutes and see."

Bai Lan and Old Reehem grew angry when they heard the words of the crowd. 

Their partner has given her best to cure the poison of this unknown Young Lady, but instead of being praised for her miraculous skills, she was being doubted.

"Princess, since we already saved the girl, there's no reason for us to be here anymore. Let's go."

"Yes, Qamari girl. Let's leave from here."

Physician Xuan heard their desire to leave and immediately blocked their path. The girl had publicly shamed him. So how could he let her go without teaching her a lesson?

"Hold on! How can it be so easy to leave? Since you claim to have treated her, then stick around until she wakes up and personally thanks' you." He decisively declared.

"You disgusting old fraud! Are you forcing us to stay behind?" Old Reehem bellowed.

"You can't call it force. I only want the right person to receive their due recognition."


Old Reehem had never seen someone so shameless. The Old fraud wasn't able to cure the girl and almost killed her. But instead of thanking Qamari girl for saving him, he became angry out of shame and wanted to pull her into the mud he'd dug himself.

"You shameless fraud, you have the cheek to doubt my apprentice's medical skills? You almost killed someone! If it weren't for Qamari girl, you'd be held responsible for the death of a prominent family's young lady."

"Even if she didn't interfere, I'd have still found out about my folly and changed tactic. Don't think I'd be grateful to her for smearing my hard-earned reputation."

"Old Reehem, forget it. We'll stay and wait. Besides, as a physician, I need to wait until my patient gains consciousness to make sure there wouldn't be any future complications."

Princess Qamari's head throbbed. The two elders argued like five-year-old children. This made her wonder what happened between the two to produce such intense hatred for each other. But as this wasn't the right time, she refrained from asking.

While the two men grumbled dissatisfiedly and snorted, the unconscious girl stirred.

Khan Bolan's head span and her ears rang. Her eyes were as heavy as a mountain, but she felt an intense urge to sprout them open at this moment. The hardness behind her back was too painful to ignore.


The moment her faint voice sounded out, the crowd froze as if they'd seen a ghost.

"Bo...Bolan...?" Tyron thought he was hearing things. Otherwise, why would he hear his sister's voice? 

But when he lowered his gaze and saw the girl's eyes flutter, his body sagged to the ground in an overwhelming surge of relief and disbelief.

His sister...His sister was really cured?

"Brother." Firmer and more coherent, everyone present on the scene heard her call this time.

"Da**! The Young Lady is really gaining consciousness! She'd really cured!"

"How did she do? With such ease and speed, she managed to heal the girl left for dead!"

"Physician Xuan asked her to stay to personally receive the patient's gratitude. Though his words sounded good, we all know how sincere they truly were...Heh...seeing this scene, his face must be wonderful."

At this, all the spectators' visions turned to Physician Xuan. As expected, the famous physician's face was as pale as a corpse.

" is this possible? How can she cure the poison? Even I had a hard time coming up with a treatment method!"

Physician Xuan's body was trembling uncontrollably from astonishment, disbelief, and slight doubt. He was astonished to see the girl that should've been on her way to the Underworld was gaining consciousness. He couldn't believe the girl of his apprentice's age was more capable than him and doubted the scene to just be a farce. must be a farce she planned out to support her claim. Maybe, the Young Lady will only be conscious for a few minutes before she'd fall unconscious and never wake again...

He pushed Old Reehem aside, shocking the man speechless, and rushed to the siblings' side.

"Young Master, you must not believe in this girl's farce. She must've used a secret method to make your sister conscious for a brief period of time. After she leaves, who knows, your sister might fall unconscious and never wake again.



The Crowd drew in a deep breath of air. The refined and well-mannered Young Master slapped Physician Xuan?

But when they recalled the old man's words, they couldn't find anything wrong with the Young Master's behavior. His sister was barely gaining consciousness after he ran around for the entire day looking for a physician.

But this brainless Physician Xuan actually dared to curse her!

If they were in his position, they might've reacted the same way.

"You..." Physician Xuan had never been slapped by a young man before. Especially not after gaining fame and recognition as the physician that could bring the dead back to life. So this sudden, unexpected slap shut his mind and rendered him speechless.

Ruen was about to dash forward when the fierce glare of the Young Master froze her in place. She trembled in fear and slowly withdrew her step. 

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At this moment, more than her own master, she feared for herself. 

She had no doubt that if she moved forward, the Young Master wouldn't refrain from slapping her as well.

'What a hypocrite! What sort of a young master would raise his hand on females?'

She vehemently cursed in her heart.

Khan Tyron retracted his gaze from the girl he'd considered beautiful earlier and glared back at the physician. "If you're incapable, then you should just keep your mouth shut and stand to the side. What are you yapping and cursing my sister for?"

After hopelessly running around all day, he finally saw hope. How could he allow an insidious and prideful man to cloud his judgment?

"I haven't even sought you out for almost killing my sister yet. But you dare to stand in front of me and curse her? Do you really believe I won't file a case of mistreatment on you?"

Physician Xuan's already pale face turned even paler when he heard the man's threat.

File a case of mistreatment on him? Wouldn't that be akin to declaring him as a crook who couldn't even diagnose a patient?

"Youn...Young Master, please calm down. I was wrong to rush to conclusions. I was wrong. I was only worried about the Young Lady's treatment. That's why I made such a blunder." As an old crook, Physician Xuan immediately recognized his precarious situation.

As such, he rushed to admit his mistake and seek forgiveness. If a case of mistreatment was filed against him, then he'd lose everything.

"Get lost! I'll take into consideration the fact you stepped out to help earlier, and let this matter drop. But I don't want to see your face. Get lost and never show me your face again." Dismissively shooing him away, Tyron turned his back and agitatedly kneeled beside his sister again.

Physician Xuan's face turned dark, but he didn't dare to retort. The Young Master before him wasn't someone he could provoke. Not to mention, he'd made a blunder that almost claimed his sister's life. If they pursued the matter, things won't end well for them.

His resentful eyes flashed to the one responsible for his shame and humiliation in a single day. He moved forward and stopped beside her.

"You humiliated and insulted my profession, little girl. From now on, you'd better watch your back." After dropping these threatening words, he coldly walked past, pulled his apprentice, and headed towards the city gates.

The left and right guard had already retreated to the City Gates. As guardians of the Amayan Capital City, they couldn't leave the gates unguarded for long. But even from a distance, they were able to hear the crowd's excited chatter.

"Brother Hain, that girl isn't simple. She treated the poison Physician Xuan wasn't able to treat. With the appearance of the mutated magical beasts, a good physician can determine one's life or death."

"That's true. In order to survive in the upcoming days, a good physician is what everyone needs to have on their side. In the future, we must never provoke this girl."

The two exchanged glances and resolutely nodded.

The nearing physician heard their words and grimaced. The girl used his fame to ride the wave and rise above the masses. After today, the entire Imperial City would be abuzz with her deeds.

He restrained his boiling rage, approached the guards, and presented his entry plaque. 

The guards saw his ugly expression and didn't comment. They'd also suffered from the same girl's hand. But compared to him, they'd fared much better, only losing a little bit of face. They verified his badge and stoically allowed him entry.

Though their faces carried pity, the emotion was brief and disappeared with his entrance into the Capital city.

With the departure of Physician Xuan, the tense atmosphere relaxed and the crowd looked expectantly at the Young Lady.

"Young Miss, my sister..." Tyron heard his sister call him brother. But after that, she hadn't said another word. This worried him.

"Don't worry. She should be awake soon." Princess Qamari placed her hands in her slaves and casually stood to the side.

Though casual and carefree, her mannerism carried natural grace and elegance that couldn't be ignored. Seeing her composer, the crowd felt even more assured of her identity as the Young Lady of a noble family.

"Truly the daughter of a noble. Even when she stood before Physician Xuan, her aura remained strong and indomitable."

"Of course. Can Physician Xuan, a commoner, compare to the daughter of a nobleman? But I wonder which family raised such an excellent daughter. She even knows medicine."

They couldn't help but feel envious of the family that raised such a capable daughter.

"Brother." At this moment, the girl laying on the ground lifted her hand and held her head.

"My head is pounding, Brother. Did I hit it somewhere?" An aggrieved expression on her face, Khan Bolan sat up and puzzledly questioned her brother.

"You...Bolan, you're finally awake! Do you know how worried Brother was?" Khan Tyron's eyes teared and he emotionally hugged his sister. In the span of one day, he'd almost aged 10 years from worry and fear!

"Huuu! She's really awake!"

"From her good complexion and puzzled expression, she seems to have recovered fully."

Gasps of astonishment resounded and every gaze fell on Princess Qamari's figure.

The mysterious veiled girl cured the Young Lady Khan, a feat even the famous Physician Xuan couldn't accomplish.

"Bai Lan, she's awake. We can go now." Princess Qamari's eyes lit up. She was happy to save another life. Happy to see the girl safe and well.

"Yes, Princess!" Bai Lan was even happier than Princess Qamari to see the girl recover.

Now her princess would no longer be disdained and doubted. Throwing the astonished crowd a scornful glance, she and followed Princess Qamari.

"You two girls, how can you abandon your master!?" Having finally found his genius after searching for an entire year, Old Reehem hurriedly chased after them.

The crowd split apart and let them pass. Their astonished expressions were replaced with respect as they watched their figures head towards the City Gates. 

"With a genius physician residing within the Imperial City, we can rest assured. The mutated beasts can only harm us if we leave the city walls."

Instantly, Amayan citizens' eyes lit up with excitement.

With a Sovereign of Death and a Genius Healer residing within the city walls, what did they need to be afraid of?

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