Foreboding Storm

Chapter 25: Disturbance

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With the Crown Prince, court officials, and envoys in the lead, the two sedans surrounded by maids and guards entered the palace in a uniform fashion.

Inside the second sedan, Princess Nari tightly held onto her dress with a clenched fist as she gritted her teeth. Unshed tears swam in her large eyes, her nose slightly red. Blinking rapidly, she pushed back her tears, worried that her makeup would get ruined.

On her wedding day, she was insulted in front of the whole Amayan Empire, and yet, Prince Noore did not so much as speak up to the Crown Prince for her. It was not her fault that both sedans were the exact same. How was she supposed to know that the front one was for the Crown Princess Consort? She was being wronged only because of what happened yesterday. But did she want something like that to happen? No! Although she liked Prince Noore, she would never have compromised her reputation just to marry him!

The more she thought about how much she was being wronged, the more she felt like crying. In her entire 17 years of life, she had never cried as much as she cried in the past few days. The worst of all was her cousin, who watched everything happening in front of her eyes and did not so much as speak up for her.

Princess Qamari, who was in the first sedan was unaware of her cousin's feelings. In fact, she planned to disassociate herself from Princess Nari the moment the two married their separate husbands. She had a nagging feeling that Prince Noore or the Regent Prince were people that she needed to keep at a distance. Moreover, in the main hall of the mansion last night, she had made it clear to her Uncle that Princess Nari's future happiness and life were in her own hands and she would in no way be held responsible if something went wrong later on. Hence she had no obligation to babysit Princess Nari and interfere in her life and neither did she want to.

"I need to keep a distance from those father and son pair. They are not what they seem to be." She thought with furrowed brows.

As such, the two princesses, each with their own thoughts, entered the palace.

The procession walked through the imperial garden, the red ribbons fluttering in the soft breeze and fragrance of the sea of flowers further intensifying the joyous mood and brightening the atmosphere as they took the main road directly leading to the imperial court.

The sedans were sat down in front of the huge courtroom, where servants immediately stepped forward in uniform line with trays in their hands. The trays contained the petals of various flowers all in red, blue, and pink.

As the princes got off their Myifs, they extended their hands out to the princesses in the sedans. The two princesses took their hands and got off their sedans with their help.

The instant they stepped out, every gaze in the surrounding fell on Princess Qamari, who was in purple-red robes that shimmered with bright starlight as she shifted, as if she was the moon the stars loved and adored. Around her neck and waist, dripping in loops of silver links gleamed lavender gems, two daggers hung in jeweled sheaths at her hips, and a star crystal in the embrace of a white moon glittered in the center of her forehead, its silver pearls fading into her black tresses that framed her face as they descended to her knees. A purple-red veil covered her face from her nose to her chin.

Standing next to Crown Prince Lail in his purple-blue robes and purple-gold crown, the couple looked so perfect and beautiful together, like a perfect match made in the seven heavens, that the crowd started thinking maybe the Crown Prince and Princess Nari's marriage broke because there was a mistake in their pairing. The Crown Prince's true match both in aura and appearance was Princess Qamari.

Princess Nari, who was behind Princess Qamari froze in astonishment at her cousin's glowing brilliance. At the time the Crown Prince's men brought Princess Qamari the wedding dress, Princess Nari was changing into her own, and by the time she was done, Princess Qamari was changing into her own wedding dress. The moment the appointed time to leave the mansion arrived, she left and sat in the first sedan without waiting for Princess Qamari. Hence, until now, she had not seen her cousin in her wedding dress. And upon seeing, she was astounded to the point where her eyes were shooting daggers.

"Such a perfect dress should have belonged to me. Cousin acted like she was not interested in even selecting her own wedding gown, but from the looks of it, she had long ago secretly gotten the perfect dress set aside for herself." Princess Nari enviously thought as she looked at her cousin with angry eyes.

Crown Prince Lail gently gazed at the silent woman beside him. The dress suited her more than he expected.

"Shall we?" He gently smiled, his dark eyes flashing with light.

Turning, Princess Qamari nodded and the two couples entered the courtroom in a shower of flower petals.

The courtroom was decorated in red, garlands of flowers hanging from the walls and pillars, with a large dais in the center of the room. There was a carpet of red flowers scattered on the dais, a blue divider with an exquisite red gauze placed in the center of the dais. The crowd surrounded the dais, the Regent Prince, Kreme Amhei, sitting in a golden chair in the center of the crowd.

The two couples walked onto the dais together and sat on opposite sides. As the gauze occasionally fluttered, they caught glimpses of each other's faces.

The marriage conductor stepped in the middle of the couple as he read first Prince Noore and Princess Nari's vow, before proceeding to Princess Qamari and Crown Prince Lail.

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"Princess Qamari Ramulas, do you take Crown Prince Lail Amhei, to be your wedded husband?"

"I do!"

"Princess Qamari Ramulas, do you take Crown Prince Lail Amhei, to be your wedded husband?"

"I do!"

"Princess Qamari Ramulas, do you take Crown Prince Lail Amhei, to be your wedded husband?"

"I do!"

At this, everyone in the hall called out congratulations before the court quieted down again.

"Crown Prince Lail Amhei, do you take Princess Qamari Ramulas, to be your wedded wife?"

"I do!"

"Crown Prince Lail Amhei, do you take Princess Qamari Ramulas, to be your wedded wife?"

"I do!"

"Crown Prince Lail Amhei, do you take Princess Qamari Ramulas, to be your wedded wife?"

"I do!"

"Crown Prince Lail Amhei takes Princess Qamari Ramulas to be his wedded wife. Hereby witnessed by the great emissaries, ambassadors, envoys, relatives, and citizens of the Amayan Empire. Solemnized by Sheikiih Hadei Arulm." The Sheikiih declared in a booming voice that reverberated throughout the hall.


As more congratulations resounded throughout the hall, the divider between the two couples was removed.

The instant Princess Qamari looked into Crown Prince Lail's dark eyes, the surroundings froze. The sky turned dark, the sun swallowed by thunderous clouds that boomed throughout the empire as a purple moon appeared taking the original place of the sun.

Stars danced and twirled joyously about before gathering together in the shape of a crescent moon embracing the star, their silver resplendence radiating the vast sky as the whole empire was enveloped in a silver-purple hue. The star embraced by the moon shot through the sky, leaving waves of light and sparkles in their path, before dazzlingly shooting right into Princess Qamari's forehead.

And Princess Qamari, who was suddenly enveloped in a blinding shower of pure white light, right before the crowd's very eyes, vanished.

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