Foreboding Storm

Chapter 26: Fragment Of A Past Life

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Princess Qamari found herself in the middle of the same sea she dreamed of the first time she saw Crown Prince Lail, sitting with her legs folded beneath her purple-red robe on a silver rafter before the golden sword, surrounded by green-blue crystalline body of water filled with floating flowers of red, orange, and yellow on one side and a flowering tree and palm grove on the other; the sun's rays warded off by umbrellas of lotus leaf clusters behind her.

Standing up, she looked around her before confusion filled her purple orbs. The first time she got here, she was not able to move on her own and had to follow the will in the body. Now, she could move on her own. Moreover, this time she came in her own clothes, the clothes she was wearing on the wedding dais with her crown, jewels, and daggers. It was almost as if she did not enter someone's body this time, but came herself.

The thought had her reeling with disbelief. She could not accept the possibility of being thrown into an unknown place with no idea how to get back. She turned and picked up the golden sword, holding it across her chest as she scanned her surroundings. The sword in her hand began glowing upon her touch and right before her eyes, the world shattered.

Blood. Blood was everywhere. The blood of her friends and loved ones. It was everywhere. She could not think straight, her head was pounding as if a thousand nails were being hammered into her skull. Her chest felt like it was going to burst any moment, but tears would not fall. Breathing became an arduous task as she scrambled through the pool of blood in search of a familiar face. At this exact moment, a shadow appeared in front of her, obstructing her vision and blocking her way to her loved ones.

She screamed, shouted, cried, and shrieked, but there was no reply. There was nothing but darkness. A darkness that had no beginning and no end. At times, the mangled bodies and corpses of familiar faces flashed before her eyes, while at others, she was surrounded by bones. Bones that extended to the end of the horizons with no end.

After what felt like an eternity in the darkness, with corpses and bones for company, a voice rang out in her head in a singsong voice.

Your most ancient kin

Is nothing but an ancient dust.

Swept day after day by the furious wind

To the four directions of the world.

Reaching new heights,

Traveling unrivaled distances,

Changing, mixing, becoming,

A fraction of what it once was.

Within the collection of many other ancient souls,

Combine to form a river of souls.

Passing through the rift of the sky,

Breaking the boundaries between two creations,

Heaven and earth,

Suns and moons,

To become finally,

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Nothing but…

A dark river of stars.

As the voice ended, she was thrown out of the dark hole into a bright blinding light. She closed her eyes, raised her hand in front of her to shield her sight from the sudden brightness.

The next she came to, she found herself surrounded by horrendous monsters. There were some with three heads and six arms, some with Myif bodies and human heads, some with human faces but red eyes and four horns growing out of their heads, and there were more with disgusting faces that stretched as long as blue flying dolphins and body as tiny as dwarfs with pores and sores oozing black smelly blood covering all over their being.

"Witch, we are giving you two choices, you either become our slave and enslave your descendants to our race to redeem your freedom or all those associated with you and their kin will face complete annihilation."

"Demon, twenty years ago you tortured, killed my entire family, and executed my subjects. From that moment onwards, I have hated you with a burning passion! Today, I would rather die than become your slave!"

Princess Qamari saw herself standing on the edge of a cliff, dressed in deep blue robes that had been torn to shreds, her hair disheveled, and her entire body covered in blood. She saw herself look around as her bloody robes waved lightly in the mountain breeze like a war flag. Fresh blood flowed from the numerous wounds on her body. Just by standing there for a short while, she had already accumulated a large pool of blood beneath her feet. The monsters surrounded her from all sides, leaving her with no way out.

She could see that she would not be able to escape from such an encirclement.

She saw that her identical self understood her situation as well but even in the face of death, her expression did not change. It was calm, her gaze quiet, her purple eyes like deep pools of water in a lotus pond.

The demonic faction heavily surrounded her, some roaring, some sneering, and some whose eyes were gleaming with strange light held onto their wounds as they looked on fearfully.

Princess Qamari saw herself laugh sorrowfully, unwillingness evident in her hate-filled gaze as she looked at the last dying brilliance of the setting sun. There was an unbearable regret in her calm eyes, perhaps remorse for not being able to get her revenge. The monsters were still alive and well, while all her desperate struggles for survival were like the dying sun, attractive and commendable, but still useless and weak, lacking the necessary strength to prevent herself from sinking beneath the heavens at the appointed time.

The group of demonic warlords surged forward, but just at this very moment, with a loud bang, Princess Qamari saw herself being engulfed in a blinding surge of nine-colored lighting.

With a start, she found herself back in the middle of the same sea she was in earlier, sitting with her legs folded beneath her purple-red robe on a silver rafter with the golden sword in her hand.

"The girl in the pool of blood was me. But the blood, the darkness, and the bones, what do they mean? And the last scene. The person surrounded by the monstrous creatures was also me. I called them demons and accused them of slaughtering my family. Could they have been the ones responsible for the bloodshed? But it did not feel like it. There was a shadow that appeared before me as I was searching through the blood pool. There seems to be more to all this than meets the eye. However, what am I supposed to do now? Even if that was a fragment of my past life, how do I get revenge and how do I find my real enemy?" Princess Qamari wondered with furrowed brows.

"All this is happening because of that Crown Prince! I knew nothing good would ever come out of associating with him since the day I fainted on seeing him. Was it not enough that I was suddenly forced to carry the burden of responsibilities and duties that come with being a Crown Princess Consort? And now, it has not even been a day since our substitute marriage and a new problem popped up with a mystery to solve." Princess Qamari raged with frustration.

She felt powerless. There was a nagging feeling in her heart that she needed to become strong and powerful. Strong and powerful, that too, in the shortest amount of time to face the future.

"But how?" She helplessly wondered aloud this time, her desperation and powerlessness palpitating off her body in waves of despair.

It was at this time that the golden sword glowed again. This time it was even brighter than before as it spread its resplendence throughout the whole area, covering everything in golden radiance, before disappearing.

Now in this vast sea, there was nothing but the green-blue crystalline body of water that was filled with floating flowers of red, orange, and yellow.

Princess Qamari, the golden sword, silver rafter, flowering tree, palm grove, and umbrellas of lotus leaf clusters, were gone.

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